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ABEN 3513 Properties of AB Materials

Course Description Physical characteristics, electrical, mechanical, thermal and optical

properties of AB materials

Number of Units for Lecture and 3 units (2 lec, 1 lab)

Number of Contact Hours per Week 5 hours (2 lec, 3 lab)
Prerequisites Materials and Processes of AB, Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Program/Degree Offering BS Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Name of Instructor/Professor Ruel G. Peneyra, Assoc. Prof. IV
Office Room 403 College of Engineering
Email Address
Consultation Hours Online 10:00-11:00 AM Mon-Fri
Program Outcomes of the Course (a) Apply knowledge of mathematics & science to solve
engineering problems
(e) Identify, formulate and solve agricultural engineering
(k) Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering practice

Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Define the different engineering properties of agricultural and
biological materials;
2. Explain the importance of engineering properties of agricultural and
biological materials to agricultural processing; and
3. Identify different methods in determining or measuring these
4. Apply the knowledge in material properties in solving physical
Textbook Food & Process Engineering Technology
L.R. Wilhelm, D.A. Suter, G.H. Brusewitz
ISBN: 1-892769-43-3 ASAE

Course Outline
1. Introduction to Properties of AB Materials
a. Importance and Significance
b. Properties of AB Materials

2. Physical Characteristics
a. Shape
b. Size
c. Weight
d. Volume
e. Surface area
f. Density
g. Porosity
h. Color
i. Appearance
j. Drag coefficient
k. Center of gravity

3. Mechanical Properties
a. Hardness
b. Compressive strength
c. Tensile strength
d. Impact resistance
e. Shear resistance
f. Compressibility
g. Sliding coefficient of friction
h. Static coefficient of friction
i. Coefficient of expansion [a. moisture, b. thermal]
j. Elasticity
k. Plasticity
l. Bending strength
m. Aerodynamic properties
n. Hydrodynamic properties

4. Thermal Properties
a. Specific heat
b. Thermal capacity
c. Thermal diffusivity
d. Thermal conductivity
e. Surface conductance
f. Absorptivity
g. Emissivity
h. Transmissivity

5. Electrical Properties
a. Conductance
b. Resistance
c. Capacitance
d. Dielectric properties
e. Reaction to electromagnetic radiation
f. Conductivity—ability of seeds to hold a surface charge
6. Optical Properties
a. Light transmittance
b. Light reflectance
c. Light absorbance
d. Color
e. Contrast
f. Intensity

Course Delivery Online via LMS platform [Google Classroom], Google Meet, Zoom,

All students will be given homework assignments. Examinations over

homework, labs and lectures will be given as scheduled. Assignments
are due at the beginning of the period, one week after the assignment
was made unless more precise instructions are given. No more than
half credit will be given for assignments that are late. No credit will
be given for assignments that are over one class period late. Students
with appropriate excuses and prior arrangements with the instructor
may reschedule examinations.

Course Evaluation Final Examination [online] 40%

Quizzes [online] 30%
Assignment [online submission] 30%
Total 100%

Final Grade: 2/3Lec Raw Score + 1/3Lab Raw Score

Passing Mark 60%

The final grade will be based on the total percentage of the above
determined from the following table.

UL LL Grade
100.00 94.48 1
94.47 88.92 1.25
88.91 83.36 1.5
83.35 77.8 1.75
77.79 72.24 2
72.23 66.68 2.25
66.67 61.12 2.5
61.11 55.56 2.75
55.55 50.00 3
<50.00 5
Awarding of “INC” and “4” will be subject to university regulation.

Course Policies DROP POLICY: See "University Academic Regulations"

Study and hard work are essential to success in this course and
help to eliminate the temptation of academic dishonesty. Academic
dishonesty will not be tolerated and disciplinary action may include
failure of this course.
CLSU is committed to the maintenance of the highest
standards of integrity and ethical conduct of its members. This level of
ethical behavior and integrity will be maintained in this course.
Participating in a behavior that violates academic integrity (e.g.,
unauthorized collaboration on homework or assignments, plagiarism,
multiple submissions of the same assignment, cheating on
examinations, fabricating information, helping another person cheat,
having unauthorized advance access to examinations, altering or
destroying the work of others, and fraudulently altering academic
records) will result in your being sanctioned. Violations may subject
you to disciplinary action including the following: receiving a failing
grade on an assignment, examination or course, receiving a notation of
a violation of academic integrity on your transcript, and being
suspended from the University. You have the right to appeal the
charge. [Student Code of Conduct and Discipline]

Prepared by:

Digitally signed by RUEL G PENEYRA
DN: cn=RUEL G PENEYRA, o=Central
Luzon State University, ou=DABE,
College of Engineering,

Date: 2020.09.23 00:30:41 +08'00'

Ruel G. Peneyra

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