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Ceramics International 48 (2022) 35100–35107

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Evaluation of La0.8 Sr0⋅2MnO3 perovskite prepared by fast

solution combustion
Ramón Cobo Rendón a, *, R. Udayabhaskar b, Christopher Salvo c, Erwin Sepúlveda a,
José Jiménez Rodríguez d, Carlos P. Camurri a, Mangalaraja Ramalinga Viswanathan a, e, **
Advanced Ceramics and Nanotechnology Laboratory, Department of Materials Engineering. Faculty of Engineering, University of Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile
Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (IDICTEC), Universidad de Atacama, Copayapu 485, Copiapó, Chile
Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Del Bío-Bío, Concepción, 4030000, Chile
National Center for Metallurgical Research, Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CENIM-CSIC), X-ray Laboratory, Madrid, Spain
Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Diagonal Las Torres 2640, Peñalolén, Santiago, Chile


Keywords: La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 (LSM) perovskite as oxygen electrode material for the reversible solid oxide fuel cells (ReSOFC)
LSM was synthesized by the fast solution combustion method and assessed for subsequent calcination influence. The
Fast solution combustion synthesis microstructural, morphological, compositional and optical properties of the obtained material were analyzed
with X-ray diffraction (XRD), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) coupled with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy detector (EDS) and UV–visible spec­
troscopy techniques. The XRD results showed the coexistence of rhombohedral R-3c and Pm-3m polymorphs for
the perovskite phase, with a decreased fraction of the cubic phase as the temperature and/or time used for the
calcination were increased. The HR-TEM images confirmed the existence of the R-3c and Pm-3m polymorphs for
the sample subjected to calcination at 1300 ◦ C, showing that the rapid combustion method did not allow the pure
formation of the La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 phase for the calcination temperatures below 1400 ◦ C, due to the swiftness of
the combustion synthesis 500 ◦ C for 5 min. The average grain size was found to be increased with the calcination
time. The EDS analysis depicted a better agreement in stoichiometry with the theoretical composition. The
apparent porosity was decreased with the increase in the temperature and calcination time due to the coales­
cence of the sintering pores. The sample obtained after the calcination at 1400 ◦ C for 8 h exhibited 1.6% of
porosity. The hardness was improved with the higher calcination time and temperature and reached a maximum
value of 5.7 GPa that merely matched the bulk density. A similar trend was observed in the temperature
dependence resistivity studies and all the samples presented a low resistivity of ~1.2 Ω cm in the temperature
range of 600–700 ◦ C. The optical characterization exhibited a broad absorption in 560–660 nm.

1. Introduction their high thermo-chemical compatibility. The remarkable electronic

conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient of La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3, pave
Strontium-doped lanthanum manganite La1-xSrxMnO3 (LSM) is a its way as a suitable commercial component for the ReSOFC applica­
widely used material for magnetic sensors, gas monitoring, information tions. As a result, significant efforts have been devoted to the processing
storage, carbon monoxide (CO) pollutant removal and fuel cell tech­ and characterization of this material. Various methods such as
nology. Especially as cathode material in the reversible solid oxide fuel solid-state reaction, polymer precursor method [5,6], hydrothermal [7,
cells (ReSOFC) due to its high chemical and thermal stability and elec­ 8], spray pyrolysis [9,10], sol-gel [11–14], co-precipitation [15–18],
trocatalytic activity for oxygen (O2) reduction [1–4]. LSM is used and combustion process [19–25], have been explored to fine tune the
together with yttrium-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) electrolytes by virtue of size (dispersion) of particles, conductivity (electronic and

* Corresponding author..
** Corresponding author. Advanced Ceramics and Nanotechnology Laboratory, Department of Materials Engineering. Faculty of Engineering, University of Con­
cepcion, Concepcion, Chile.
E-mail addresses: (R. Cobo Rendón), (M.R. Viswanathan).
Received 18 June 2022; Received in revised form 1 August 2022; Accepted 9 August 2022
Available online 13 August 2022
0272-8842/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
R. Cobo Rendón et al. Ceramics International 48 (2022) 35100–35107

electrocatalytic), chemical and thermal stability. Table 2

The development of new synthesis approaches for the commercial La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 preparation parameters.
scale, fast and cost-effective, to produce the powders with desired Temperature, ◦ C Time, hrs Code name
characteristics, and the use of tools to evaluate the efficiency of the
500 C

5min LSM500
processing steps are of vital interest to improve the electrode perfor­ 1300 ◦ C 4 LSM1300-4h
mance. In this concern, the solution combustion synthesis, which has 1300 ◦ C 8 LSM1300-8h
been used to prepare a variety of compounds for technological appli­ 1400 ◦ C 4 LSM1400-4h
cations and especially for the development of ReSOFC components with 1400 ◦ C 8 LSM1400-8h

the desired composition and structure, is a good option due to its

simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and quality of the product obtained
[26–29]. Thus, in this work, the La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 materials were syn­ Table 3
thesized by the fast solution synthesis method [29], which is a modified Positional parameters for perovskite phases in the Rietveld refinements [30].
version of the combustion solution method to make it faster. The Atoms Sites Site Occupancy Atomic coordinates
morphology, structure, composition, and optical properties of the pre­ La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 Space group R-3c (167)
pared LSM were systematically investigated. La,Sr 6a 0.8La+0.2Sr 0, 0, 1/4
Mn 6b 1 0, 0, 0
2. Materials and methods O 18e 1 x, 0, 1/4
Space group Pm-3m (221)
La,Sr 1b 0.8La+0.2Sr 1/2, 1/2, 1/2
2.1. Processing and characterization of powders Mn 1a 1 0, 0, 0
O 3d 1 1/2, 0, 0
For the synthesis of La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3: La(NO3)3⋅6H2O (99.9%), Sr LaSrMnO4
(NO3)2 (99.8%), Mn(NO3)2.4H2O (97%) were used as precursors for La, Space group I4/mmm (139)
La,Sr 4e 0.5La+0.5Sr 0, 0, 0.356
Sr, and Mn metals, respectively. As a fuel, citric acid (C6H8O7, 99.99%) Mn 2a 1 0, 0, 0
in the stoichiometric ratio (Table 1) was dissolved with the metal pre­ O1 4c 1 0, 1/2, 0
cursors in 50 mL of double distilled water by magnetic stirring (500 rpm) O2 4e 1 0, 0, 0.153
at room temperature for 1 h.
The resultant homogeneous solution was transferred to an alumina
contribution to peak broadening. Uncertainties in all fitted parameters
crucible and placed in a preheated furnace (Nabertherm, LT 40/12,
were determined from the standard deviations obtained from the Riet­
Lilienthal, DE) at 500 ◦ C for 5 min to engage the fast solution combus­
veld refinements. However, it should be noted that the domain size and
tion process. After the combustion process, a foam-like spongy material
deformation parameters have reliability ranging between 10 and 20%,
was obtained, gently crushed, and grounded in a mortar to get the
associated with limitations in the description of the profiles of the
corresponding powder. The powder was then calcined at 1300 and
diffraction lines that could lead to large standard deviations. The
1400 ◦ C for two different time durations (4 and 8 h) by using a tem­
agreement between the observed and calculated intensities in the re­
perature rate of 10 ◦ C/min to remove any residues from the combustion
finements was evaluated quantitatively by the figure of merit (FoM) or
process and to consolidate the crystalline phase.
R-factor [32]. The most often used agreement factors are the statistically
Also, the combusted LSM powder (0.5 g) was compacted (10000 Lb
expected least-squares factor of the count statistic (Rexp), the weighted
for 1 min) to form pellets of 11.2 mm in diameter and 1.1 mm in
summation of residual of the least-squares fit (Rwp), and the goodness of
thickness. Each pellet was then sintered at the same temperatures of
fit (GoF or chi-square), which can be determined from the other two
1300 and 1400 ◦ C for 4 and 8 h to obtain the crystal structure of the
R-factors as GoF= (Rwp/Rexp)2. Small values of Rwp and Rexp are the
cathode. The code numbers of the samples are given in Table 2.
indicators of successful minimization and good data quality, respec­
The crystallographic information of the calcined powders was ob­
tively. When the data collected to a very high precision, the Rwp and Rexp
tained using the XRD patterns recorded at room temperature with a
values should be similar for a good refinement, and then a GoF close to 1
Bruker AXS D4 Endeavor diffractometer using Cu-Kα radiation (λ =
means that the model is correct.
1.5418 Å). The XRD spectra were collected in Bragg-Brentano geometry
The morphology and composition of the material were studied by a
ranging from 20 to 70◦ with a step width of 0.02◦ and a counting time of
scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Tescan, Vega 3 Easyprobe SBU,
1s per step. The obtained patterns were refined using version 4.2 of the
Czech Republic) equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray detector
Rietveld analysis program TOPAS (Bruker AXS) and the crystallographic
(EDS). Also, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM,
information of the rhombohedral R-3c and cubic Pm-3m polymorphs for
Boston, MA, USA) was adopted to obtain the high-resolution images to
La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 perovskite and the SrLaMnO4 phase obtained from the
verify the existence of phases in the material using the Gatan Microscopy
Pearson’s crystal structure databases and are provided in Table 3 [30].
Suite software. A UV–vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV-2600,
The refinement protocol included the unit-cell parameters, the oxygen
Japan) was utilized for optical absorption studies. For the temperature
fractional coordinates x for the rhombohedral phase, background, and
dependence resistivity studies (50–700 ◦ C), the LSM samples were
two-theta offset. Finally, the microstructural parameters like crystallite
examined using the conventional four collinear probe method with
size and microstrain were simultaneously determined from line broad­
Keithley 4200-SCS. The mechanical microhardness at room temperature
ening of the diffraction patterns by the double Voigt approach [31]. For
of the consolidated material was evaluated using an 8187.5 ZHU Zwick/
this analysis, a corundum reference sample provided by Bruker was
Roell microhardness tester. The bulk microhardness of each sample was
measured under the same conditions to eliminate the instrumental
characterized by an average value taken from ten indentations carried
out by applying a load of 10 N on a polished surface for 10 s at different
Table 1 locations.
La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 preparation parameters.
Precursors Quantity (g)
3. Results and discussion

La(NO3)3⋅6H2O 2.992
The XRD patterns of the La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 samples synthesized by the
Sr(NO3)2 0.366
Mn(NO3)2⋅4H2O 2.168 rapid solution combustion method are shown in Fig. 1. It shows the XRD
C6H8O7 2.212 of the combusted sample (LSM500), and the samples calcined at 1300

R. Cobo Rendón et al. Ceramics International 48 (2022) 35100–35107

phase in the Rietveld refinement led to a significant improvement of the

fit (GoF) for the sample calcined at 1300 ◦ C for 4 h. The Rietveld
refinement of XRD patterns of LSM1300-4h is shown in Fig. S1. The
difference between the experimental data and the fitted simulated
pattern is provided as a continuous. A closer inspection of the difference
curve (grey line) depicted the better fit in Fig. S1 (a), suggesting the
coexistence of two distinct La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 perovskite polymorphs in the
samples, which include a higher fraction of a less distorted version of the
stable La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 polymorph at room temperature when the tem­
perature and/or the calcination time decreased. Assuming that the sum
of those crystalline phases was 100%, the concentration distribution (in
wt.%) among the different phases determined from the Rietveld
refinement is listed in Table 4. Also, it can be seen in this table the
presence of less than 1% of the LaSrMnO4 phase. A small amount of this
phase in the material is under study, which has also been reported in
previous works [36–38]. The presence of this phase degrades the per­
formance of LSM in SOFC since the electrical conductivity of the
LaSrMnO4 phase is much lower than the LSM perovskite [39].
LaMnO3 perovskites adopt a highly symmetric Pm-3m cubic struc­
ture at elevated temperatures. As temperature decreases, the corner-
Fig. 1. XRD patterns of the La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 combusted and calcined at 1300
sharing MO6 octahedral in this parent structure may tilt that concerns
and 1400 ◦ C for different time duration (4 and 8 h).
one another, giving rise to the polymorphic transition to lower sym­
metry. Therefore, the two most common space groups at room tem­
and 1400 ◦ C for two different time durations (4 and 8 h). It is clearly perature for this compound are R-3c and Pnma. In LaMnO3 perovskite,
observed an increment in the intensity of the diffraction peaks, which is when La2+ is substituted by Sr3+, the calcination process leads to an off-
associated with a higher crystallinity and the increase of the particle size stoichiometric product with the composition (LaMn)1-δO3, thereby the
produced by the calcination process and is increased with the sintering Mn3+ must partially oxidize to Mn4+ to keep the charge neutrality. The
temperature [33,34]. The primary phase observed in these diffracto­ increase in the total fraction of Mn4+ cations also reduces the Jahn-
grams corresponds to the rhombohedral R-3c polymorphs of the Teller static distortion, leading to a “more cubic” structure [40]. Thus,
La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 perovskite (JCPDS card 98-009-7866) as the superlattice some investigations reported that the structure of La1-xSrxMnO3 perov­
peaks due to MO6 octahedral tilting can be observed. It is evident that all skites materials calcined in air and slowly cooled to room temperature
samples are formed by a single phase, but the sample without heat are rhombohedral for 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 [1,18,36,41] and cubic after annealing
treatment (LSM500) includes the presence of some impurities. On the in oxygen for 0.7≤ x ≤ 1 [18,42–44].
other hand, it has been reported that very different physical properties The temperature and calcination time are the key factors that in­
can be obtained in perovskites with this composition by the various fluence phase segregation. This is also associated with the heteroge­
synthesis methods and heat treatments, which have been related to the neous distribution of Sr and La in the as-prepared powder samples
variation of the composition, stoichiometry and defect structures in the obtained from the fast solution combustion method. At a low tempera­
material [1,18,35]. Thus, it is not wrong to expect the presence of other ture and/or calcination time, a higher concentration of Sr in some re­
polymorphs with nominally identical compositions or some impure gions of the as-prepared powders and a high cation vacancy
phases, which may play an essential role in the properties. However, concentration at the ultrafine-grain boundaries will convert Mn3+ into
matching the XRD pattern with the JCPDS database did not allow un­ Mn4+. Thus the crystal structure of the perovskite material can change
ambiguous identification of other polymorphs of this phase in these locally to cubic. When the calcination temperature and annealing time
samples due to the overlapping of the diffraction peaks. This problem were increased to 1400 ◦ C and 8 h, it promoted a homogenous solid
can be surpassed by using the Rietveld analysis, which provides a viable solution formation with a single uniform R-3c phase. Thus, the cubic
decomposition of the experimental XRD pattern calculated from the phase is not present in the sample calcined at 1400 ◦ C for 8 h.
crystal structures of the reported polymorphs of the La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 The morphology and microstructure of the calcined powders were
perovskite. examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and high-resolution
The Rietveld analysis was performed carefully to ascertain the exact transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). To corroborate the exis­
crystallographic nature of the samples. Although the XRD data have tence of the polymorphs described in the Rietveld analysis, the samples
been successfully modeled with space-group symmetry R-3c as the LSM1300-4h and LSM1400-8h are analyzed as they exhibited the
major perovskite phase, the inclusion of Pm-3m polymorphs as a second highest and lowest quantities of different LSM polymorphs. Figs. 2 and 3

Table 4
Quantitative phase analysis and microstructural parameters obtained after Rietveld refinement of the LSM samples.
Sample Phases wt. % Lattice parameters (Ǻ) O (18e)-Position (x) Crystallite size (nm) R-factors

LSM1300-4h La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 S.G: R-3c 88.6% a = b = 5.519 (2) c = 13.350 (3) 0.448 (1) >150 Rexp = 3.13
S.G: Pm-3m 10.9% a = 3.873 (1) >150 Rwp = 5.10
LaSrMnO4 S.G:I4/mmm 0.5% a = b = 3.837 (2) c = 12.55 (2) GoF = 1.63
LSM1300-8h La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 S.G: R-3c 94.3% a = b = 5.519 (2) c = 13.350 (3) 0.449 (1) >150 Rexp = 2.93
S.G: Pm-3m 5.2% a = 3.861 (2) >150 Rwp = 6.18
LaSrMnO4 S.G:I4/mmm 0.5% a = b = 3.837 (2)c = 12.55 (2) GoF = 2.11
LSM1400-4h La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 S.G: R-3c 97.3% a = b = 5.521 (2) 0.450 (1) >150 Rexp = 3.13
c = 13.354 (3)
S.G: Pm-3m 2.1% a = 3.863 (2) >150 Rwp = 5.57
LaSrMnO4 S.G:I4/mmm 0.5% a = b = 3.837 (2) c = 12.55 (2) GoF = 1.78
LSM1400-8h La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 S.G: R-3c 99.5% a = b = 5.522 (2) c = 13.357 (3) 0.452 (1) >150 Rexp = 3.35. Rwp = 5.62. GoF = 1.68
LaSrMnO4 S.G:I4/mmm 0.5% a = b = 3.841 (2) c = 12.50 (2)

R. Cobo Rendón et al. Ceramics International 48 (2022) 35100–35107

Fig. 2. HRTEM images for LSM1300-4h powder sample.

Fig. 3. HRTEM images for LSM1400-8h powder sample.

R. Cobo Rendón et al. Ceramics International 48 (2022) 35100–35107

show the images examined by HRTEM for the samples LSM1300-4h and due to the loss of elements with increasing temperature and exposure
LSM1400-8h. Both the images show well-defined lattice fringes, times. The nature of the values obtained in the EDS analysis confirms the
corroborating the findings of the Rietveld analysis of the XRD patterns. stoichiometric control during the synthesis and avoids any wrong in­
From Fig. 2, the LSM1300-4h sample exhibited the coexistence of the terpretations about the composition of the material. The relevant over-
three phases that correspond to different interplanar distances: (i) 0.224 stoichiometry of the oxygen is due to the oxygen’s minor weight na­
nm related to the lattice plane (006) of the R-3c rhombohedral phase of ture for the scattering of X-ray radiation [48–50].
La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3; (ii) 0.1192 nm coinciding with the (130) plane of the The LSM samples are ceramic, but several investigations show min­
LaSrMnO4 phase and (iii) 0.2231 nm associated to the (111) plane of the imal resistance, so it was decided to measure by the four collinear probes
Pm-3m cubic polymorph of the perovskite La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3. technique to eliminate the contact resistance between the sample and
In the case of sample LSM1400-8h (Fig. 3), an extensive search for the electrical contacts. The measurement was carried out by passing a
the presence of the phases detailed by Rietveld analysis was carried out. constant DC voltage in the range of − 3 to 3 mV with a 2 × 10− 6 step,
Two zones of the same image were analyzed to determine the presence through a pair of electrical wires at the ends of the sample, and through
of these phases. In zone 1, only the presence of the La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 in the another pair of wires the current due to the sample resistance was
rhombohedral R-3c phase was exhibited that confirmed by the identi­ measured.
fication of (104) and (012) planes that coincide with the interplanar The variation of resistivity with temperature is shown in Fig. 5 for the
distance of 0.221 and 0.395 nm, respectively. By performing the analysis LSM samples. All the samples exhibited a decrease in resistivity with an
of zone 2, it was possible to associate the presence of the interplanar increase in temperature, which is typical for the LSM samples [45,51].
distance of 0.2655 nm coinciding with the (110) plane of the minority The decline in resistivity with increasing temperature is associated with
LaSrMnO4 phase. The results are in line with the refined XRD data. the increased charge carrier mobility. The increase in the conductivity of
Similar results were reported by the research of several authors [36–39], LSM is attributed to the electron hopping from Mn3+ to Mn2+.
where they noticed the presence of the LaSrMnO4 phase for The electrical transport properties depend not only on the grain size
800–1200 ◦ C, using the glycine/nitrate process (GNP). The existence of of the samples but also on the porosity of the sample. LSM1400-8 h
this phase is a result of the A/B cation ratio, Sr content and sintering sample presented a lower resistivity and lower resistive change con­
temperature. According to several authors, this phase is present when cerning the temperature. This is an excellent factor since it also
A/B > 1. It is also mentioned that doping with Sr in 0.2 mol content exhibited a larger grain size, as observed from the morphological
facilitates the formation of this phase. The Rietveld analysis and the characterization and lower porosity that triggers an appreciable
images obtained by HR-TEM confirmed the existence of a minority decrease in resistivity. Earlier investigations reported higher resistivities
LaSrMnO4 phase in our samples that calcined at 1300 and 1400 ◦ C. at lower characterization temperatures, thus supporting the low re­
Thus, the fast combustion method does not allow the pure formation of sistivity behavior of the developed samples [52–54]. Varshney and
the La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 phase at calcination temperatures below 1400 ◦ C, Dodiya [52] noted a minimum resistivity of 3.5 Ω cm at low
due to the rapidity of the synthesis process at low formation temperatures.
temperatures. For intermediate temperatures, Wu, Qiu [53] and Zhu and Liu [54]
The morphology of the synthesized powders, as shown in Fig. 4, reported resistivities of 21 and 40 Ω cm, respectively. It is important to
represented irregular grain distribution with less than 1.5 μm for all note that the previously described findings are developed at low and
samples. The sample only combusted (LSM500) does not exhibit clear intermediate temperatures, while our study has been developed at
grain boundaries. With heat treatment application, grain boundaries operational temperatures using LSM as the oxygen electrodes in SOFC,
become evident, grain size and number of grain boundaries increase and SOEC, and ReSOFC modes. Despite this, our results showed resistivity
decreased intragranular porosity. The formation of agglomerates with a values lower than previously mentioned, approaching 1.2 Ω cm in the
size of less than 1.8 μm was evident for the temperature change from temperature range of 600–700 ◦ C.
1300 to 1400 ◦ C. La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 particles from LSM1400-8h showed the The optical absorption properties of the La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 are shown in
most prominent grain sizes. Fig. 6. A strong, broad absorption band of 300–800 nm was observed.
The average grain size of the samples is shown in Table 5. The higher The broad absorption band extended towards 680 nm and then
sintering/calcination temperature provides better diffusion of the crys­ decreased. However, a second relevant absorbance can be seen at 370
tallites or grains, which leads to an increase in the grain size or nm for the samples calcined at 1300 ◦ C (irrespective of calcination time)
agglomerate formation [45], as observed in the measured grain sizes. and for the sample LSM1400-8h, which presented the highest purity
These sizes agree with several investigations of other synthesis methods phase. The absence of this absorption peak in LSM1400-4h may be due
[1,46,47]. to the crystal defects formed during the growth of the LSM nano­
Furthermore, the samples exhibited a porous structure. The bulk powders. The observed trend is attributed to the increase in grain size
density and apparent porosity were measured using the Archimedes identified by the SEM analysis [18,55,56].
method, and the values are presented in Table 5. As expected, the
porosity is reduced by increasing the sintering/calcination temperature 4. Conclusions
and time due to the coalescence of the pores. On the other hand, the
hardness is increased at a higher calcination temperature and time, La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 was successfully obtained by the fast solution com­
which is closely related to the higher bulk density, reaching a maximum bustion synthesis followed by the heat treatment at 1300 and 1400 ◦ C
value of 5.7 GPa for the samples calcined at 1400 ◦ C for 8 h (LSM1400- for 4 and 8 h. The results obtained by the XRD indicated that the samples
8h). had perovskite structure, and the highest purity phase was presented in
The compositional analysis and stoichiometric percentages by the samples calcined at 1400 ◦ C for 8 h (LSM1400-8h) with rhombo­
weight of La, Sr and Mn of the calcined powder samples were obtained hedral structure (R-3c) and the crystallite size of >150 nm. The Rietveld
by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and are shown in Table 6. analysis of the XRD data indicated the coexistence of R-3c and Pm-3m
These results are in close agreement with the intended stoichiometry polymorphs of La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 samples obtained from calcination tem­
and support the results obtained by the Rietveld analysis of XRD. peratures below 1400 ◦ C. The images obtained by HR-TEM and analyzed
From the EDS analysis, an intimate relationship between the applied by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) showed the coexistence of the poly­
heat treatment and the optimization of the desired stoichiometry is morphs R-3c and Pm-3m for the sample LSM1300-4h and the existence
observed. It can be verified that the increase in temperature and time of of the pure phase of La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 in the sample LSM-1400-8h. The
calcination favors the narrowing of the differences between the theo­ images extracted by SEM showed the influence of calcination parame­
retical and experimental values of stoichiometry. This narrowing may be ters on the grain size and the formation of agglomerates up to 3 μm. The

R. Cobo Rendón et al. Ceramics International 48 (2022) 35100–35107

Fig. 4. SEM images and grain size distribution of the combusted and calcined LSM powders.

R. Cobo Rendón et al. Ceramics International 48 (2022) 35100–35107

Table 5
Mechanical and physical properties of the La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 samples obtained at
different calcination temperatures and times.
Sample LSM1300- LSM1300- LSM1400- LSM1400-
4h 8h 4h 8h

Hardness (GPa) 0.8 ± 0.1 3.5 ± 2.1 2.3 ± 1.3 5.7 ± 1.3
Bulk density (g/ 5.2 5.3 5.5 5.7
Apparent porosity 13.5 9.7 5.1 1.6
Average grain size 580 620 580 670

Table 6
Stoichiometric weight percentage of the La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 powder samples
calcined at different temperatures and times.
Sample Atom La Sr Mn O Total

Stoichiometric 0.8 0.2 1 3

LSM1300-4h Weight % (Expe.) 46.54 6.43 23.1 23.93 100

Weight % (Theo.) 47.98 7.57 23.72 20.73 100 Fig. 6. Absorbance spectra of the La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 samples.
Difference (%) 3.00 15.06 2.61 15.44
LSM1300-8h Weight % (Expe.) 46.19 6.99 21.83 24.99 100 sample LSM1400-8h exhibited low resistivity of approximately 1.2 Ω cm
Weight % (Theo.) 47.98 7.57 23.72 20.73 100
over a SOFC, SOEC, and ReSOFC operational temperature range
Difference (%) 3.73 7.66 7.97 20.55
LSM1400-4h Weight % (Expe.) 45.71 6.91 21.55 25.83 100 (600–700 ◦ C). The optical property for the developed samples showed a
Weight % (Theo.) 47.98 7.57 23.72 20.73 100 broad absorption maximum of 300–800 nm and sharp secondary ab­
Difference (%) 4.73 8.72 9.15 24.60 sorption at 370 nm. Based on these results, the La0⋅8Sr0⋅2MnO3 perov­
LSM1400-8h Weight % (Expe.) 46.68 7.3 22.01 24.01 100 skite cathode material obtained by the fast solution combustion
Weight % (Theo.) 47.98 7.57 23.72 20.73 100
Difference (%) 2.71 3.57 7.21 15.82
synthesis method exhibited the development of a material with critical
physicochemical properties in a fast and controlled way that can have an
application as the oxygen electrode in the ReSOFC and related fields of
advanced ceramics.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.


The authors acknowledge the FONDECYT-ANID (Project No.

1181703) for the financial support. Ramón Cobo-Rendón thanks to
ANID-Chile Grant No.: 21210463.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.


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