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Some people think that the role of parent is to discipline their

children and teach them about right and wrong. Other people
consider that the main responsibility of parents is to nature
their children and provide them with a safe environment to
grow up in.

Parents who play a crucial role in nurturing and growing their children. It is
widely believed that the role of parents is to teach the offspring how to be
well-adjusted individuals, whereas others claim that parents should build a
secure environment is necessary for their children to grow up. I firmly believe
that both sides are the main functions of responsible parents.

In term of the first factor, the children can be more polite and well-behaved
when parents always correct their mistakes, especially teaching underaged
individuals about right and wrong. Some studies claim that the models of
parents will influence on offspring’s personalities, so they should become
positive roles models to set an example for their children. Educating youths
basic norms of behavior is stepping-stone for development and success in the

On the other hand, nurturing surroundings which a kid grows up is

extremely crucial. Foremost, mental health of young individuals is the top
priority. To be more precise, if parents and all members of family upbring their
offspring in a healthy household with love and affection, they will be happier
and more confident without severe physiological issues. For instance, there are
a lot of evidences that teens who has experienced domestic violence are likely
to bully others or even have delinquent crimes. Hence, it is crystal clear that
calmness, love, affection ,as well as proper consultation, are believed to be
remarkably necessary for a healthy children.

In conclusion, I believe that the roles of parents not only are limited by
disciplining and educating their children about morality but also providing
them with ample and secure places to raise and grow up.

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