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1)Who was Squanto ?

He was an indigenous Wampanoag man who taught the Pilgrims to plant corn for their survival.
2) What does a majority of natives think about him?
They think he was a traitor.
3)What is Tisquantum?
It’s another name for Squanto.
4)What is the connection between Squanto and Plymouth?
Squanto lived there, and he was seen as ‘a good guy’ by the first settlers who had him translate and guide
them during their first winter in the new world.
5)How did Squanto learn English?
He was enslaved after being captured by English explorers and his owner had him spend 4 years in England
and learn English.
6)Which event turned the natives against the English settlers in a bruising conflict?
King Philip’s war in 1675 .
7)What were the enslaved natives used for?
They were used for clearing new lands to be claimed later by the colonist in America and the Caribbean.
8)How many enslaved natives were there according to studies?
Their number is estimated between 2.5 and 5.5 Million people.
9)What decimated the Patuxet branch of the Wampanaog tribe?
They died from new epidemics of unknown diseases brought over by the Europeans.
10)Were the Indian tribes peaceful among themselves?
No , because we learn that the Wampanoag’s chief negotiated an agreement with the Pilgrims to protect
one another in case of attacks from other Native tribes.
11)What did Squanto do that made him be seen as a traitor by the Wampanoags?
He lied by claiming that Massasoit , the chief of the Wampanoags, had plotted against the English

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