1 Voynich

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In last two parts of this series we have seen some mysteries about moon and how life can

be universally
common if you haven’t watched those you will find its link in description or the above I button in this
video we’re going to see a machine that showed exact time of solar and lunar eclipse when human did
not have even complete knowledge about it and see a book that has a language which has not yet been
decoded. So without wasting time let’s start library online.

17 may 1902

Archaeologist Valerios stais

Went for a dive near a Greek island antikythera where he got a 2000 year old ship’s debris

It was a roman merchant ship where he found numerous treasures, liquor stores and numerous
beautiful sculptures which romans had snatched away from Greeks and took it away with themselves

Whatever divers got in this ship were very old but apart from this they also got an ancient object in a
wooden box that was never seen by any historian

An object that changed our thinking about the ancient world

It was an object made up of bronze which was named antikythera mechanism as per archaeologist it
was 2000 years old but what was so special in this machine that I am talking about it

Well it was a machine which had numerous gears and switches and it was made 2100 years ago by some
unknown Greek scientist 2100 means 2100 years ago

When scientist got to know about it they were astonished now they were trying to know that where it
came from, who made it, how does it works, and what work does it do.

Scientist all around the world studied about it for nearly 100 years but no one could find out the
answers and it was kept as a showpiece in a national museum in Greece’s capital Athens.

Its mystery remained a mystery but in past two decades we have become so advanced that we can find
answer to these questions.

Experts from all around the world engineering archaeology and various fields from science started to
study this object once again

But there was a problem

This machine being so old could not be separated out into various parts therefore to have a look into it
scientist needed a specially made x ray machine and during that time such a x ray machine was only in
England which was very much away from Athens it was not possible to take the object to England safely
therefore the x ray machine was taken to Athens all the way where this mechanisms x ray was taken

The details it had astonished all the historians because the technology used in machine was impossible
to make 2000 years ago the machine had 47 different gears that was accurately made and was fitted and
the right place this machine was nothing else but it was world’s first computer

Yeah you heard it right it was a computer made 2000 years ago that means 1500 years ago before
Guttenberg invented printing press whoever made it was very much advanced than that of his time.
This antikythera mechanism showed the moon calendar along with this it also predicted solar eclipse
that too with exact time and date

This machine was very much advanced than that of its time

Mechanical engineer Michael wright made a duplicate of this machine using x ray data

And found that it was made by a Greek astronomer as the gears represented the planets in our solar
system where in center there is our earth and other planets moon and sun are showed revolving around
it as the Greek astronomers believed

It was based on moon and it was so accurate that you won’t believe it

As we know that moon revolves around earth in an elliptical orbit which means it is faster when it is
near earth and slower when away from earth thus if this machine would have represented the circular
orbit it would have showed wrong eclipses but Kepler was the first person who said that moon is in
elliptical orbit around the earth 1500 years after making this machine it could also predict eclipses in

It also showed that what will be the color of moon during eclipse

This machine was so advanced that it seems unbelievable to make something like this 2000 years ago

For your information I will let you know that world’s first mechanism was made in 14 th century it was of
size of a small clock.

But this mechanism was only fit in a small box and had compact gears.

It was so much advanced than that of its time that some people believe that it was made by aliens but
antikythera mechanism is not the only ancient thing that astonished scientists.

Now let’s learn about another such ancient thing

In year 1912 one polish book dealer Wilfred voyanich went to Italy’s villa mondrela for a trip where he
found a very mysterious book he bought the book

The book had no title and neither its authors name

It had several pages having weird pictures and the book was written in some unknown language

Voyanich till last breathe tried to decode the book he wanted to know that who wrote this book and
where and what was the aim to write this book

Voyanich spent rest of his life to decode this book after this the book was named the voyanich
manuscript the book was sent to best cryptographers around the world whatever was written in this
book was written in form of a code.

But no one understood it and it became the most mysterious book in the world even advanced
computer cryptography techniques couldn’t decode its language

Some historians also believe that this book is actually fake and written just for time pass but when this
book was seen under a microscope the scientist got to know that the color used to paint pictures in this
book was very expensive during ancient time and the leather papers used to make this book was not
affordable by a normal middle class man.

Which means that whoever made this book invested a lot to complete it and an author only does this
when he is writing some genuine book

Using radiocarbon dating we got to know that the book was written is beginning of 14 th century the book
had photos of strange plants numerous astrological symbols were also made many pictures were not
related to the real world and many pictures could only be seen under a microscope but how can it be
possible because world’s first telescope and microscope were made 200 years after writing of this book.

There can be two alternatives either the language in the book was very old or it is some secret language
that was used to convey some secret.

This book had total of 260 pages and no page had even a single mistake or correction specially this
beautiful illustration made on this books 6 page fold out paper.

Today this book is kept in bianica rare book and manuscript library safely

We don’t know that what is written in this book till date

Every year new scholars come to decode this book but they get only one thing failure

It all for this video I hope the video was interesting if it was so please like the video and for more such
informative stuff don’t forget to subscribe my channel library online.

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