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A magical truth device

Once ago in the village of japan a child who always tell lie to everyone ,his
brother come in new year
his elder brother Had not send him to explore the village because he don’t want
his brother sad because
One day he tell his brother that he was so powerful ,very popular in the
village ,get full marks in exams and 1st in sports in a letter
but he was not powerful even he can’t move a table and he get 0 marks in
exams also not popular in the village and not good in sports
then he pray to god in front of a god statue for help suddenly god has come and
take a device and said that I will give you this device but you have to promise
me that you will never tell lie to others always tell truth,then he give the device
to his brother and then walk away sometimes after he saw that his class teacher
coming to his home , he go to hide somewhere then he take a shortcut to reach
his home
after reaching home, he see that his mom is not there then beside the table there
was a letter
then he read the letter that his mom and dad is busy in the some work so they
can’t come before after noon so take care of his brother
then he go to his brother room but he was not there then he find him
everywhere but he was not at home so surly he was outside so he find in the
village he can’t find
then he see that his teacher talking to his brother he was hearing that what they
are saying then he know that the device was done properly his teacher said that
he always get full marks then his brother go away from there and after he met
his elder brother sports teacher then he ask that what about his elder brother in

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