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Limited Access to Modern Markets:

modern distribution
Cottage industries may lind it diicult to access requirements of large
channels and may faee challenges in meeting the
retailers and global markets.

4 Environmental Impact:
In some cases, traditional cotage industries may use production methods
Adapting to more cco-friendly
that are not environmentally suguiuable. constraints and a lack of
practices can be a challenge du o linancial

of government
Addressing these challenges often requires a combination efforts to
programs, and
Support, access to inance, skill developnnent traditional craftsmanship.
modernize production methods while preserv ing

Short Question:

0-1 National Income.

production in a countrv's
Ans- National income is the total market value of
equivalently in
economy during a year. It can be, neast1red alternatively and
used in
three ways: " the value of expenditures, The value of inputs
production." The sum of value added at each level of production.

Q-2 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

that is,
Ans- GDP measures the monetary value of final goods and services
those that are bought by the final user produced in a country in a given period
generated within the
of time (sav a quarter or a year). It counts allof the output
borders of a country.

Q-3 Gross National Product (GNP)

Ans- Gross national product (GNP) refers to the total value of all the goods
services produced by the residents and businesses of acountry, irrespective of
the location of production. GNP lakes into account the investments made by the
businesses and residents of the coutry. living both inside and outside the
Q-4 Net National Product(NNP)
Ans- Net National Product (NNP)is the olal valuc ofa ountry's Iinal
period, minus deprcCtaion
nd serVices produccd by its residents in givcn
represenls the nct output available for copsunptuon and investment alter
accounting for the wear and tear on cap1tal asscts.
0-5 What is Industry.
AIS- Industry, group of productive entejprises or organizations that produe
Supply goods, services, or sources of income In cconomnics, industrics arC
generally classified as primary, sccond:ary; tertiary. and quaternary; scoondary
industries are further classified as heavy and light.

Q-6 Structurc of Industry.

Ans- The structure of an industry refers to the organization and arrangcmcnt o1
Companies operaling within a specific economic scctor. It typically includes key
clements such as market concentration. competition, entry barricrs, and the
distribution of narket share among firms. Industry structure can be classified
into various models, including monopolístic. oligopolistic, and competitive
structures. Factors like regulation, techyogical advancements, and consumer
bchavior play significant roles in shap1ngndustry structures over time

Q-7 Kind of Industry.

Ans- There arc four main typcs of indusiry: primary, secondary, tertiary and

Q-8 Structure of Agriculture.

Ans- The structure of agriculture reters to the number and size of
ownership and control of resources: and the managerial, technological and
capital requirements of farming.
Q-9 Marketing Of Agricultural Product.
Ans- Agricultural product marketing involves promoting and selling farm
produced goods, connecting farmers with consumers and distribution channels.
Q-10 Trends of Change in Agriculture
Ans- Severalkey trends are d1iv ng chanye ih agriculture.
1. Technology Integration
2. Sustainable Practices
3. Climate Resilienee
4. Digital Agriculture
5. Global Trade Dynamics
6. Rural-Urban Dynamics

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