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Viva Examin aB ron

Eyaminer : Giood monning pe ase take youn seat.
Evaminee Cuod mtnning bi n Ho abe ud you 9

Esaminen : l'am well Thank you Let'e otaot

with intnodvee youns lf and ea general
question How did you find youn stns
bemj bBen as a omputen seiene 5tuda)
Exhminee H was qute ehalengina bud veny eniey
oble to me. 1 leanned a lot and enjo
yed the pnoerss o diving into
and undentan ding progra
0omputen seien#e
4he bosie

Eraminen: All night. whieh counse did vou sind

mosd ditSteu 9

Examinee The 5yntaz and eonaepts oy e. Pncgr

mming uwene quite ehalenging son me.
Eaminern How do you nange to study
soro i 9
Eraminee : 1 am boely intenested to alean
the eonaepd of a
attened hogeamming

leetunes, an d labs jcined

udy ghoup and patee a lo c
tmàng online.
sAninen : Whiah tao:
in -
you tind mac nden esti ng
Aminee: Pointerns lhey wene
at Sinst but asei di3fieuH 4o gno
nating and
denstood heie powen nd use. un I

EXaminen g Whieh ecunse did you enjoy he mes!

ouetun ed proogr Jon
t6 veny enioyable amming
me. longuag
I lovec
the ereating in
EXaminen Whas youn biggest take auway tror
4hr5 se misten9
Examinee : he impootanee of
and eotinious leonning,pneseryahee
somin en: Cun eal . lhak you and keep
work done

Kaminee: Ihank you, sin.

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