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donsenvalive Non—Congenwattve® G-4 Define the Fonoe- ee 819 hal case? om i ; obs hak Coun eee r i of moving 3 to - hans Explain ae , object I such o ition ir he fonat 1S z xomnple? 5-3 are a the Non tonseroatie tone h Reswent A foe atting on an ob ei doesn oe ie a done by" Ife obye® oy ing ing i+ Med psnon » fonoe, Vistms ion and Ths fs the equochdn os pon conserve, fomce § pT.0 6-4 | and Von~ Congenwasive Fonec ager no dangé J an exfenna mramentum i> of Difference between Conservative forces foreese Non- conservative Fonce Jo noe depends 67 ‘on, fit edeané { ane tanc< Na fen gin e«mple, Ke Congrersyatior momentumT Oba, CT Pemaire F Conservation hin of momentum stiles 5 i Mn momentim of, Fan ForCl @5q 2 Protected. Ppl a some strep kg_respeatibely * “Torque And ig art Mome ri am 6-4 : e 1 Explain “7 arque or Me oment Of foioaes dins St wep 7 Tore an Moment off the forae 4 m% measune of the fonae thal con aause oan to neta t that about an oxis- Just 08 Terce that aqede 3. can I, aacelenodé fh. tae Kihemahig y+ Jong we at eael Et aaquine a titan lancction . “Teng us , 5 1 Veaton geen he value OF a fyne the number lines port Onf Nne of the Achon =d ond ZNCo=8 ales indrakd. on=d = nein re = der = ppsn& Using -veefor algebra 's unitten the Following Wty a) <> sles ¥F Feglo.4 Torgu 2 op Moment for 0. Q-2 De fine Angulo Momentum. Answer: Angulo Momentum 15 dhe Product of at ular momentum and angular momentum of Hee an objects axis OF notation. ies. 0 = i psin 8 This a vector quaniit here th frrdecateg the dinection of the product or the direction of the an ular Momentum value : ang ule momentum, L=n?sin. “We prependadar distance momentum electing line throu |, the center of rotation ’srsyQ- Thercefore Oe Produet of mas parhole and disturce of theline action of the momentum from the rotation infak the value of tH ongular roa sea a 7 Now, Fig Nos? bE =PPsin@ = bP = ncmv)=mpr(hay = mp. Dimension of Angular Momentum} }= s 87 unit = kgm'gnt LiUpsL] = omer] ae las P.O ; bt She tana ue an an objec! a momentun a the friend is. ebserved + herrwise the angulen momentim 7" the moving “wih not chenge if the external tonque on te objeot 5 zen) Hf no ae fo oe ‘ is the Congervahin of angular mone Math meeditally : We knour tho Arg ulcer Momentum ei : f mae 7 rf L = Angeles an ont = Thterio. momentum and art Ange let. Mamentum + Diffnkaton wrth ee ot kil 2 be tu) ae 4 7 t at Bul. d ¢ dt Therefore Notr is Teh o mags ur fmqular moment are cine le of enteral point mass are many Aa umulde we write, Ibthetlg- -- In alamo ao =e ee In Fa My Vp +Phm, Vv n \ BENE HP MpNy « = bP Mpt Va hy 7 ht ee Mnwah iy BOS moth toned + ph bes Pep to = mr , inlets of o Friary ‘ Lunifroin -ONGU Late ty tr omentum to fs an lem Mo mendein ae : Ps ual CL arg Grad) ) 6-9. A sphere has amass of 6 gm It 's Hed 45 one end of a string Bm long and 1S hokted onee per gecond . what ts jt angitlare Momentum > Solves Gaven, Mass m - 6qm = 6x20" ka length he om Pevoluins N= 4 Time t= 15 | Anoucleer nentunl._ = 2 “We know Solve: Here tho veots weknon + — 5 Ee SIL FR “hs ie le, ? x Y | oe Fx By fal ~ he 2 ey km vke (xy Fe OOOO fA wheel tha ind padis of groin ic “ fi € mugt be Pela DB am mornent applred +4 +he atclerotion bo an ang Sake; “iven y ’ r 2m Pad ee ie L 2 i 3125 kam! then op. fees > Vinelic Fiergy Whel & binelio Pnergy 7 Ble! kinetic energy |» 0 trm by teas of Hs mollon- 1! tworrk, which hanales? SPP a Object by applying a nel toree, ihe abject speeds UPA ding Vinelic energy, Kinelic energy 16 a preoperely ot & _ Bjecl- or particle and depends not anty on Hs motion tat oF 5 Transtalisnal vine energy of a hafy is cual Ye OF = @ Wore: of Hs mass, M and the squarce ot its a seg af energy thot an abjet on i ane 4, energy’ ote? veloelty B unit of array 1 the mele Hlogram seeand 42¢™ ts tne Joule fr two Kilogram macs Camnething waging 44 pounels an bart) Biing a} 0 Anat fore everrplay objects he energy unil- In the melwe- Milogream second system h the Joule. A aby mass(e2 pounds on Earth) Moving at a speed oF one mebce perr seeand ¢Sl\ghtly More than two myles Per hour) has 0 ele energy of one “Joule, The otal Kinetic energy of a body or a system Is equal to Ihe sum of the Mnetie Cnereples reesutlin Hine e ng fam eneh ype of mations Mechanies Rotation ahou!- 0 moving axis, = me*, enuation in German born physieist Alberet Pinstet n’s y Of special relaliviy that expresses the fact that mags j energy aire the. same physical entity and can be changed h et the auntion the inerreased relativistic thas ody Hones the Peed of light oquared (c) js ea 9, [| Lal ol mpi Point-of —| mp we ‘ tachment ‘% | wine “s mre é Force ewe ed gueavily POA 5 J equiliteiam Position Simple Gromly Pendulum Potatinal nelic Energy, Eine (3) When an abject rolites H has Bar objee!s can have both linear And rotetional Vinelie energy Fee spnvt st 1 ty v “Pur due do trolalion Fx of Hineare moon Pasi ey 4 ' ming Gonsarvetion Of Mechanical aay a Bar plmgh) Bk (mye) + Bar Lt!) PEs = L-myy? Total Ag ~~ aan be given bj, pE= > my vj Potetiunal oe] Energy: Kp = Fi- = ; enim ae =mimitwe | kp 2d (3 = {moment of rartati onal iperctia Tz myc? {Poltttonal kindle energy bp = ht w? mirc?) os AL 5 Fr The enert y due b A role tnekie fae oF A body about on als 1% Calted tle. know tha}, el 2 hand ar In relation y . e "Nee Ereol = f-mercay)?s 4 4 ryt Hore a.rlgid body whieh is colic of many parties we hove |b Eat = 4 My tg7eGe Fy Rahway tee + A mane tu [fore a rigid body, W)= Wye ese ew jek E reot- 24 (Meet Margh +s ++ «+ +My tent) ww? Mp oe fier - k Eval = 5 [z on | Oe, s Brag? 4 tut j2t be Eroe <2 Ist C¥g.m*] ey rolinleie! “angular speed | ist ohne | Ament =f) [™~ Shot or <7 & ptt The Moment Of tnevlia faa aati plies ion wk j 5 3.4% Kym T : rein tae tee of % ae Tad|5. ae 4ne so-hall’s ener sihe! T= 3:44legm* Wey. ay rad/s we lenous, otis! FE rolpttond = (944)x (737) = 953 ee = 85:2 J (ins (Bx: A fogtball 1s reolatlng calth an angularc velocity of 28 roodls he football hos amoment- of infewia of 2-4 ky mi arround Hs ons of | rotation » whet Is the otattonal Kinetic enercpy of the toctball 0 Solve! k= Stu ba 4 (44)> (18) = 7407 4 The talatiana! “ete energy of the football is Wo.

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