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Dreadfully Devoted

Four Muslim girls living in a small town. They are horror enthusiasts , and love getting
together and watching horror movies. They have a group that they call the dreadfully
devoted. One Saturday night during a sleepover while they were watching a horror
movie, the leader of the group suggests that they go on a ghost hunt. The other girls
aren’t quite convinced but the leader is set on taking their love for horror to the next level
so she suggests that they go and check out the mall as it is known to be haunted. Even
though most of the girls feel like it’s a bad idea they begin doing research on the mall and
their town and find that there are a lot of disappearances happening. some people think it
has something to do with the mall. They also find a video of some kids roaming the mall
after hours before being attacked by some unseen entity off camera. As weird as this is,
they push their fear aside and are set on investigating. Once they have their plan together,
they decide to sneak into the mall dressed like janitors just in case they get caught to
going to the mall just before closing and hide in the dressing rooms until the mall closing.
They run into the security guard that is suspicious of them being there but they are able to
convince him that they are just there to clean. Before he leaves, he gives them an
ominous warning to be out of the mall before 12am. they unsuccessfully ghost hunt for
hours, wandering around the creepy, quiet mall all the while feeling like the mannequins
are watching them and feeling like they’ve seen the same mannequins in different places.
The spooky surroundings causing them to be more and more on edge until one of the girls
reminds the group what the security guard said. Looking at the time, it was 11:45.
Creeped out and not sure what else to do, they decide to give up on ghost hunting all
together until one girl from the group suggested they use an Ouija board. They
immediately get a response. The planchette frantically spelling out warnings to the girls.
They begin seeing dark shadow figures and hearing whispering coming from the dark
corners until a deep voice urges them to run. The girls run towards the exits, only to find
that the exits and windows are all gone. Trapped and terrified no one knows what to do
when the dimly lit mall is plunged in darkness accompanied by an ominous giggle. One
of the girls looks at her watch and sees that it’s 12 am. Suddenly they can hear the old
carousel come to life. Bright lights and cheerful music playing. The girls can see that
they’re still surrounded by shadow figures. Without knows why the girls are drawn to the
carousel by some unseen force. Suddenly a horrifying clown appears mocking them by
asking why they were running away and the fun is just starting. Still being drawn by an
unseen force the girls find themselves taking seats on the old rusted horses on the
carousel. The clown teasing them the whole time. He goes to the controls and starts the
ride. The girls watch and scream in horror as the carousel speeds up then starts lowering
into the ground. They are holding on for dear life and spinning at a dangerous speed
when it all goes black. Each girl wakes up alone in an alternate universe that looks a lot
like their town but it’s a dark ghost town. There’s no one there but mannequins that
resemble the towns people. The clown plays horrible games with the girls taunting them
with their deepest fears. They have to fight for their lives and their sanity in hopes of
making it back before sunrise. They all make it except one girl. In the end, the girls are
all in trouble with their parents and saddened by the lose of their friend. They try to go on
with their lives until one night, the girls are watching a scary movie again when they hear
the same ominous giggle. They search for the sound and look outside only to see the
clown standing outside waving at them. They yell for a parent and the parent finds a
mannequin outside that resembles their dead friend.

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