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Laboratory 1 (100 Points)

Assignment 1 (40 Points)

Familiarization and Implementation of AND Gate by using schematic design entry and gate level model
using Verilog.

Rule: If both the inputs are 1, then output will be 1, otherwise output will be 0. (If any input is 0
then output will be 0, otherwise output is 1)

1. Boolean/Logic Expression: Z=X.Y

2. Truth Table:

X Y Z = X and Y
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

3. Using schematic design entry:

a. Run Quartus Prime Lite program

b. Create a new project named Assigment1:

c. Design entry using Graphic editor:

- Create a Block Diagram/Schematic file: Assigment1.bdf

- Insert a logic gate symbol: Double click on the blank space in the Graphic Editor window
- Insert 2 input symbols

Double click on the blank space in the Graphic Editor window


Insert the second input symbol:

- Insert an output symbol:
- Connecting nodes with wires:
- Assign names to the input and output symbols:

- Save the file named Assigment1.bdf

d. Compiling the Designed Circuit

e. Simulating the desired circuit using Simulation Waveform Editor tool:

- In the main Quartus Prime window, select File > New > Verification/Debugging Files > University
Program VWF to open the Simulation Waveform Editor.
- Set the desired simulation to run from 0 to 200 ns by selecting Edit > Set End Time and entering 200 ns
in the dialog box that pops up. Selecting View > Fit in Window displays the entire simulation range of 0
to 200 ns in the window.
- Include the input and output nodes of the circuit to be simulated: Click Edit > Insert > Insert Node or
Bus to open the Insert Node or Bus window
- Waveform:

Specify the logic values to be used for the input signals X and Y during simulation and the logic
values at the output Z will be generated automatically by the simulator.
- Performing the Simulation:

+ Functional simulation: Causing no delay in propagation of signals through the circuit

+ Timing simulation: Take all propagation delays into account

Typically, functional simulation is used to verify the functional correctness of a circuit as it is being
- At the end of the simulation, a second Waveform Editor window will open the results of the simulation
as illustrated in the figure below.

- Observe that the output Z is as specified in the truth table.

4. Verilog code:

module Assignment1_Verilog(X,Y,Z);
input X, Y;
output Z;
and a1(Z,X,Y);
- Insert a new Verilog file into the project:

- Save the file Assigment1_Verilog.v

- Enter the Verilog code to implement the circuit:
- Select the Verilog file as Top Level Entry:

- Check whether the Verilog file is selected as Top Level Entry or not:
- Re-compiling the design:
- Performing the simulation for the Verilog file:

+ The Verilog is selected as Top Level Entry of the project.

+ The name of the top level module (Verilog) is the same as the Verilog file’ name.

+ The name of inputs and outputs are the same as the name of inputs and outputs’ pins in the
block design file.

+ Open the Waveform. Vwf file in the Simulation Waveform Editor:

+ Open the Simulation Options window:

+ Restore the default settings

+ Run the functional simulation (or timing simulation) and check the output with the truth table.
Assignment 2 (10 points)
Familiarization and Implementation of OR Gate by using schematic design entry and gate level model
using Verilog.

Assignment 3 (10 points)

Familiarization and Implementation of NAND Gate by using schematic design entry and gate level model
using Verilog.

Assignment 4 (10 points)

Familiarization and Implementation of NOR Gate by using schematic design entry and gate level model
using Verilog.

Assignment 5 (10 points)

Familiarization and Implementation of NOT Gate by using schematic design entry and gate level model
using Verilog.

Assignment 6 (10 points)

Familiarization and Implementation of XOR Gate by using schematic design entry and gate level model
using Verilog.

Assignment 7 (10 points)

Familiarization and Implementation of XNOR Gate by using schematic design entry and gate level model
using Verilog.

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