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Name Adithya C S

Question 1

The first instance where the friction between Lisa and Linton was during her first day in the
office. Linton remarked that ‘he doesn’t like MBAs’. This remark along with the cool and
disinterested welcome she got from her boss was a primary friction point

Richard Clark, the group product manager who had impressed her during the recruitment process
barely recognized her nor welcomed her into the organization. He had given her a cold welcome

Scoville’s condescending manner in which he spoke to her and he was acting like an overbearing
big brother. He assigned her menial tasks like copying reports. This was another friction point
during her first few weeks

Question 2

Write your answer for Part A here.

Trait Level: High/Low Example supporting the answer

Openness to High He moved from operations department


Conscientiousness Low The copying episode with Lisa where Scoville

was frantically making changes at the last
moment is evidence for his low
Extraversion Low He doesn’t mingle well with other department
workers. This was evident when he doesn’t join
them for lunch. This point can further be
supported by the fact that a challenge is getting
things done from other departments

Agreeableness Low
He was critical in his approach. This was
supported by the events of Lisa’s first day
interactions with him where he was extremely
critical of MBA graduates. He was also found to
be extremely irritable by other employees who
took Lisa’s side later on

Neuroticism High He was critical in his approach. This was

supported by the events of Lisa’s first day
interactions with him where he was extremely
critical of MBA graduates. He was also found to
be extremely irritable by other employees who
took Lisa’s side later on

2b) Lisa can initiate an emotional connect with Scoville. She could assess what ticks him and
what doesn’t by connecting with him outside the office on an emotional level. She can make
herself indispensable to Scoville by using her relationships with other department colleagues
in getting work done quickly for him. Scoville’s increasing reliance on her can improve her
relationship with him.

Question 3

3A) Hidden Area/Facade

Lisa should use her conversational skills with Linton and develop a relationship with her. The
drivers for both Linton and Lisa are that they are both women who are ambitious. Developing
a camaraderie with Linton should be easier if Lisa connected with her using this driver. Lisa
can make herself more visible by getting onto interesting projects that increases her visibility
to Scoville and Linton. This would make other colleagues mention good things about her, this
creates a network of influence for Lisa. Lisa should stop acting like a learner in the future and
be assertive with her recommendations and pitch relevant ideas during staff meetings

Question 4

Lisa should use her conversational skills with Linton and develop a relationship with her. The
drivers for both Linton and Lisa are that they are both women who are ambitious. Developing
a camaraderie with Linton should be easier if Lisa connected with her using this driver. Lisa
can make herself more visible by getting onto interesting projects that increases her visibility
to Scoville and Linton. This would make other colleagues mention good things about her, this
creates a network of influence for Lisa. Lisa should stop acting like a learner in the future and
be assertive with her recommendations and pitch relevant ideas during staff meetings.

Question 5

1) Work appreciation
2) Training and Coaching
3) Fun activities
Question 6

The soft tactics that can show personal power are:

 Persuasion
 Exchange
 Impression Management

She can also exchange favors with Scoville. By helping him with tasks she can influence him to
accept her points of view.

Assertiveness: Lisa can be more assertive in her conversations with Scoville and Linton. The
conversation with Lisa when she said she doesn’t like MBA’s and she could have given
assertive feedback to Scoville about his abhorrent style of management. This could have
minimized her negative experiences

Question 7

Yes Due to below incidents

Scoville was forcing Lisa to do his copying work. Lisa was busy on her task and she denied. Then
she got furious stating ‘Oh, I see, you’re too good at copying”

Scoville immediately complained to Linton stating the exact same words. This was going behind
her back and a clear breach of trust.
Question 8

Yes, Lisa should quit the job at House world. Amongst many reasons, here are my

Lack of ethics – There is a clear lack of business ethics and personal moral values in her
seniors – Linton and Scoville. This clearly will not give her a fair opportunity in spite of
her giving her best. Also, she might pick up wrong principles, affecting her career later in
Unprofessional – Scoville has many a times displayed unprofessional behavior and we see
no action taken against him. Other team members likewise raise similar issue but nothing
concrete against him has happened. This shows red tapeism

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