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DATE: September 9, 2010 TO FROM : Deputy Keyon Hampton : Jesse Flores, Executive Chief Deputy

SUBJECT : Disciplinary Action, Re: IA 10 202 It was found that you failed to submit an off duty job card request to your supervision regarding off duty work at Lost Society Bar. Your actions are in violation of the Sheriff's Department Code of Conduct, Section: 4.01 Dereliction of Duty: Dereliction of duty on the part of any employee detrimental to the proper performance of the functions of the Sheriff s Department is cause for disciplinary action. The offender will be disciplined according to the degree of the severity of the violation, the results brought about by the dereliction and the effect it has upon the discipline, good order, and best interest of the Sheriff's Department. The following subsections constitute dereliction of duty: 2. Failure to observe and give effect to the policies, rules and guidelines of the Sheriff's Department and the County as well as the State and federal laws.

Your actions are in violation of the Dallas County Sheriff's Department Civil Service Rules and Regulations: Chapter III Personal Conduct and Affairs 3.00 Compliance with Code of Conduct and General Orders All Department employees shall obey the rules and regulations of the Department by complying with the current Code of Conduct and General Orders Manual, Division, or Bureau Standard Operating Procedures which are all incorporated into this document as if printed herein.

As a direct result of your actions, you are hereby suspended from the Dallas County Sheriff's Department for one (1) day leave without pay. This suspension will begin at 10:00p.m., Thursday, September 16, 2010 and will end at 6:00a.m., Friday, September 17, 2010. (Regular days off are Tuesday/Wednesday.) Any further violation by you of the Rules and Regulations of the Dallas County Sheriff's Department will result in the appropriate penalty for such violation, up to and including dismissal from this Department. Any appeal of this disciplinary action must be done in accordance with Section 306 and following of the Dallas County Sheriff's Department General Orders. ,this letter of disciplinary action will be distributed tn accordance with appropriate policy.

Jesse Flores Executive Chief Deputy Received by: Date:



Time: g ' 7 ft^ ,H

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DALLAS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Internal Affairs Division September 9,2010 Deputy Keyon Hampton J. Tilleiy, Detective, Internal Affairs Division Pre-Disciplinary Hearing, Re: IA 10 202


Date: To: From: Subj:

This interview has been directed by the Chairman of the Sheriff's Department Disciplinary Hearing Board. Its intent is to inform you that the complamt(s) that has been brought against you have been investigated and classified as SUSTAINED (the(se) allegation(s) is supported by sufficient evidence). This interview is also intended to provide you with an opportunity to ask relevant questions about the investigation and to provide you with remedies and/or alternatives that may be available to you. Your signature indicates that you have read and understood the above, and to acknowledge that you have been afforded an opportunity to discuss the results of this investigation before a Disciplinary Hearing Board is convened. Jesse Flores. EXECUTIVE CHIEF DEPUTY J.Tillery#571 Detective Internal Affairs

Received by: Date: Time:




<M. ae/Q ^.'S'gLfl**

DALLAS COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Date: August 27, 2010 To From : Deputy Keyon Hampton : J. Tillery, Detective, Internal Affairs

Subject : Disciplinary Hearing, Re: IA 10 202 The Internal Affairs investigation into the allegation of misconduct brought against you as described below has been completed. The results of that investigation have been reviewed and classified as SUSTAINED. (The allegation is supported by sufficient evidence.) It was found that you failed to submit an off duty job card request to your supervision regarding off duty work at Lost Society Bar. A disciplinary hearing regarding the sustained allegation is scheduled for 8:00 a.m., Thursday, September 9, 2010. You are hereby directed to appear at this hearing. You shall report to the office of Internal Affairs fifteen (15) minutes prior to this hearing for a pre-disciplinary hearing as directed by the Chairman of the Sheriff's Department Disciplinary Hearing Board.

J. Tillery #571 Detective Internal Affairs cc: Executive Chief J. Flores Chief Deputy J. Costa Asst. Chief Deputy G. Lindsey Captain J. Hartgraves Lt. P. Patterson Sgt. R. Jacks

Received by: H'.Sl fM

Date/Time: #-30-20/0





Page numbers I. Case File / IA Report Synopsis of Complaint. Background Investigation Findings Employee Work Record Range of Punishment Policy Violations II. Complaint III. Supervisory Request to Investigate / External Complaint's Affidavit IV. Supporting Documentation V. Affidavits 1 4 4 4-5 5-6 7 7 2-3-7

DALLAS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Internal Affairs Division Date: To: From: Subj: June 29,2010 Executive Chief Deputy Jesse Flores C. Turner, Captain, Internal Affairs IA10 202

The attached Internal Affairs casefileis forwarded for review. Thisfileis due back in the office of Internal Affairs no later thatf-^/At. ff^g-ZQ . It is requested that, after review of casefile,all individuals listed on Staff review form initial to the right of their name. This office is available to answer questions that you and/or your Commanders/Supervisors may have concerning subject investigation. Thank you for your assistance and continued cooperation. Respectfully submitted.

C. Turner #336 Captain Internal Affairs


Allegation: Dallas County Sheriff's Department Code of Conduct Chapter IV 4.01 Dereliction of Duty. Dereliction of duty on the part of any employee detrimental to the proper performance of the functions of the Sheriffs Department is cause for disciplinary action. The offender will be disciplined according to the degree of the severity of the violation, the results brought about by the dereliction and the effect it has upon the discipline, good order, and best interest of the Sheriff's Department. The following subsections constitute dereliction of duty: 2. Failure to observe and give effect to the policies, rules and guidelines of the Sheriff's Department and the County as well as the State and federal laws. It is alleged by Captain Hartgraves that on June 9,2010, Deputy Hampton failed to submit an off duty job card request to his supervision regarding off duty work at Lost Society Bar.

Classification Reviewer's Initials



- J. Flores J. Costa G. Lindsey - J. H a r t g r a v e i T ^ ^ 2 / ^ P. Patterson R. Jacks C ^ < ^tpM^

June 29,2010 Lupe Valdez, Sheriff Subject : Internal Complaint on IA CASE 10 202

Allegation #1: Dallas County Sheriffs Department Code of Conduct Chapter IV 4.01 Dereliction of Duty. Dereliction of duty on the part of any employee detrimental to the proper performance of the functions of the Sheriff's Department is cause for disciplinary action. The offender will be disciplined according to the degree of the severity of the violation, the results brought about by the dereliction and the effect it has upon the discipline, good order, and best interest of the Sheriff's Department. The following subsections constitute dereliction of duty: 2. Failure to observe and give effect to the policies, rules and guidelines of the Sheriffs Department and the County as well as the State and federal laws.

It is alleged by Captain Hartgraves that on June 9,2010, Deputy Hampton failed to submit an off duty job card request to his supervision regarding off duty work at Lost Society Bar.



SYNOPSIS OF COMPLAINT On June 21,2010, Internal Affairs received a request for investigation on Deputy Keyon Hampton for being derelict in his duties. On June 14, 2010, Captain Hartgraves discovered that deputies assigned to the traffic division may have been working an unapproved part time job at a business named the Lost Society Bar. BACKGROUND Dereliction of duty, which encompasses numerous acts of misconduct, can be narrowly defined as any conduct by an employee that is detrimental or negative to the proper performance of the functions of the Sheriff's Department. The conduct can be caused by negligence, recklessness, or failure to perform what is prescribed or permitted by policy.

INVESTIGATION In a memo to Internal Affairs, Captain Hartgraves stated that he discovered that two off duty deputies were working at the Lost Society Bar along with another deputy in a marked Dallas Sheriff's squad car. Captain Hartgraves stated he found this information on a website known as The article mentioned that one deputy was named Hamilton and the other deputy was known only as "Q", the deputy in the squad car was unknown at the time. Captain Hartgraves stated he knew that he had not given permission for anyone to work part time at that particular business, so he conducted an investigation to determine who the three deputies were. Captain Hartgraves determined that Hamilton was actually Deputy Keyon Hampton and Deputy Hampton provided a memo to Captain Hartgraves admitting he had worked at that location on June 9,2010, along with Deputy Quarles. Deputy Hampton said the Deputy in the marked squad car was Deputy Broadnax, who had actually given Hampton the job. Captain Hartgraves stated that a part time card was received by Sergeant Jacks on June 11,2010, after he had worked the part time job. Captain Hartgraves stated the date on the card appeared to be altered. In a memofromSergeant Jacks, he stated that on June 11,2010, while he was reviewing his daily paperwork he noticed an off duty cardfilledout by Deputy Hampton. Sergeant Jacks stated that the off duty card was dated for June 9, 2010; however it appeared to have had another day originally written on the card, but was marked over with the number nine. Sergeant Jacks stated he signed the part time card and then realized that he did not recognize the Lost Society Bar. Sergeant Jacks stated that this was not a business that his other deputies had worked on a consistent basis before. Sergeant Jacks stated he did some research on the Lost Society Bar and found out it was some sort of club that served meals. Sergeant Jacks stated that on June 14,2010, he spoke with Deputy Hampton regarding him working at the Lost Society Bar on June 9,2010. Sergeant Jacks said Deputy Hampton told him that he did

work that night and Sergeant Jacks asked him who gave him permission to work, his reply was "nobody". Sergeant Jacks said Deputy Hampton made the statement "he knew he should have turned in a card". Sergeant Jacks stated that he asked Deputy Hampton who the other person that he was working with that night and he replied "Quarles" and when asked who the deputy in the on duty marked squad car was, his reply was "he believes it was Broadnax". In an affidavit to Internal Affairs, Deputy Hampton stated that on June 9, 2010, he worked a part time job at the Lost Society Club with Deputy Quarles. Deputy Hampton stated that he was told about the job by Deputy Broadnax. Deputy Hampton said at some point during the night that a man approached Deputy Quarles asking what our names and badge numbers were. Deputy Hampton stated the man also asked if we had the necessary paperwork to be working there. Deputy Hampton said he did not say anything to the man. Deputy Hampton said before he could ask the man who he was, the man started talking to Deputy Quarles. Deputy Hampton stated that the man did look at his name tag on his uniform, and then wrote down his information. Deputy Hampton stated when the man asked Deputy Quarles for his information, Deputy Quarles asked him for his information. Deputy Hampton stated that Deputy Quarles talked with the man forfiveor six minutes; however he could not hear the conversation because of the street noise. Deputy Hampton stated that he went to the Sunnyvale sub station on the evening of June 9,2010, prior to going to his part time. Deputy Hampton stated hefilledout a part time card and left it in the box, but it was not approved by his supervisor because Sergeant Jacks would not see the card until the following day. Deputy Hampton stated that he did not contact his supervisor to get permission to work the part time and the card was not turned in earlier because of the short notice he received about working the part time. Deputy Hampton stated he never worked at the Lost Society Club before that night. Deputy Hampton stated that when he filled out the part time card he had mistakenly put the wrong date, so he wrote over the wrong date making it into a nine. Deputy Hampton stated that Deputy Broadnax did come to the Lost Society Club while on duty to check on them and he believes that Deputy Broadnax stayed aroundfifteenor twenty minutes, but he admits he is not sure of how long he was there because he was paying more attention to the people in the parking lot. FINDINGS After review of all submitted documents and other evidence obtained during this investigation, Internal Affairs found the following: Allegation: Dereliction of Duty Internal Affairs found that on June 9,2010, Deputy Hampton worked a part time off duty job at the Lost Society Club located at 2008 Greenville Ave. Dallas Texas. Deputy Hampton was aware that policy states that any off duty job must be approved and a card submitted before working any off duty job. Deputy Hampton stated that he was aware that when he turned in his application for special

duty that his supervisor would not have the opportunity to approve the application before he worked the part time job. Deputy Hampton was contacted by Deputy Broadnax on June 8,2010, about working a part time job at the Lost Society Bar on Greenville Ave. on June 9,2010. Deputy Hampton agreed to work the part time and stated that hefilledout his part time card on the evening of June 9,2010. Deputy Hampton went to the Sunnyvale sub station and turned in his part time card before going to the Lost Society Bar. Deputy Hampton said he had written the wrong date on the card and he changed the date by marking over the old date with the correct date. Sergeant Jacks found Deputy Hampton's part time card while reviewing his daily paperwork on June 11, 2010. Sergeant Jacks initially approved the application for part time duty; however after reviewing the dates and times he realized that it was not a location he was familiar with. Sergeant Jacks contacted Deputy Hampton by phone and asked him if he worked at the Lost Society Bar on June 9, 2010, Deputy Hampton confirmed that he had worked. Sergeant Jacks asked Deputy Haippton who had given him permission to work since his part time card wasn't received until June 11,2010. Deputy Hampton replied that "nobody" had given him permission. Sergeant Jacks said Deputy Hampton made the statement that "he knew he should have turned in a card". Deputy Hampton confirmed he was working with Deputy Quarles on June 9, 2010 at the Lost Society Bar and Deputy Broadnax had showed up at the Bar to check on them. Deputy Broadnax was in a marked Sheriff's Department squad car and was on duty at the time. Deputy Hampton said Deputy Broadnax was there for approximatelyfifteento twenty minutes; however he couldn't be sure because he was paying attention to the parking lot, not Deputy Broadnax. Internal Affairs found that Deputy Hampton was derelict in his duties when he worked a part time job at the Lost Society Bar without approval from a supervisor. Internal Affairs believes that substantial evidence exists to support the allegation as alleged. ALLEGATION: SUSTAINED

EMPLOYEE WORK RECORD Keyon Hampton was hired by the Dallas County Sheriffs Office as a Detention Service Officer on May 15,2006. He was promoted to Deputy Sheriff on January 18,2008. He does not have any sustained formal allegations. His last evaluation was rated outstanding. RANGE OF PUNISHMENT According to the Disciplinary Matrix, the range of punishment for Dereliction of Duty is a written reprimand to termination. Internal Affairs finds this Employee is in violation of the Dallas County Sheriffs Department Code of Conduct Chapter IV 4.01 Dereliction of Duty. Dereliction of duty on the part of any employee detrimental to the proper performance of the functions of the Sheriffs Department is cause for disciplinary action. The offender will be disciplined according to the degree of the severity of the violation, the results brought about by the dereliction and the effect it has upon the discipline, good order, and best interest of the Sheriffs Department. The following subsections constitute dereliction of duty: 2. Failure to observe and give effect to the policies, rules and guidelines of the Sheriff's Department and the County as well as the State and federal laws.

Internal Affairsfindsthis Employee is in violation of the Dallas County Sheriffs Department Civil Service Rules and Regulations: Chapter III Personal Conduct and Affairs 3.00 Compliance with Code of Conduct and General Orders All Departmental employees shall obey the rules and regulations of the Department by complying with the current Code of Conduct and General Orders Manual, Division, or Bureau Standard Operating Procedures which are all incorporated into this document as if printed herein. Respectfully submitted.

J. Tillery #571 Detective Internal Affairs

C. Turner #336 Captain Internal Affairs



: IA CASE 10 202 : Captain Hartgraves : Deputy Keyon Hampton

It is alleged that you have violated the following: Dallas Sheriffs Department Code of Conduct, Section 4.01 Dereliction of Duty. Dereliction of duty on the part of any employee detrimental to the proper performance of the functions of the Sheriff's Department is cause for disciplinary action. The offender will be disciplined according to the degree of the severity of the violation, the results brought about by the dereliction and the effect it has upon the discipline, good order, and best interest of the Sheriffs Department. The following subsections constitute dereliction of duty: 2. Failure to observe and give effect to the policies, rules and guidelines of the Sheriff's Department and the County as well as the State and federal laws. Dallas Sheriffs Department General Orders, Chapter 3.4, 6. Off Duty Police Service A. Any Dallas County Sheriffs Deputy performing off-duty police service will submit a request for "Application for Special Duty" Sher/Pers/ E-3 through channels to the office of his Division Commander at least twenty-four hours prior to working the off-duty job. Nature of the Complaint (Allegation): On June 15, 2010, Internal Affairs received a request for investigationfromCaptain Hartgraves in regards to a possible policy violation on the part of Deputy Hampton. It is alleged by Captain Hartgraves that on June 9,2010, Deputy Hampton failed to submit off duty job card / requests to his supervision regarding the off-duty work at Lost Society Bar. Received By/Date
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This form constitutes a complaint under the requirements of Texas Government Code Sections 614.021,614.022 and 614.023.


IPr Memorandum
DALLAS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Office of Internal Affairs To From Subject : Deputy Keyon Hampton : L. Brown, Detective, Internal Affairs : Direct Order


You are hereby notified that Internal Affairs has received a complaint alleging that you have violated sections of the Department's General Orders and/or Code of Conduct. Internal Affairs has reviewed the allegations and/or conducted a preliminary investigation, and has found sufficient cause to open a formal investigation to determine the facts of the incident/s involved. THIS IN NO WAY INDICATES THAT YOU HAVE DONE ANYTHING WRONG. ONLY THAT THE INTEGRITY OF THE DEPARTMENT DEMANDS THAT AN INVESTIGATION BE CONDUCTED TO DETERMINE THE FACTS OF THE INCIDENT/S. All ofyour individual and employeerightsshall be preserved, and at this time you are not required to provide any evidence connected with this investigation. This is only your notification that a complaint has been filed, and a copy for you is attached to this notice. During the course of this investigation you will be given multiple opportunities to provide Internal Affairs with evidence pertinent to the subject of and the issues in the investigation. In accordance with the Dallas County Sheriff's Department Code of Conduct Section 8.16, you are ordered not to discuss any detail ofthis notice or reveal any information regarding the subject investigation to anyone other than a representative of Internal Affairs, the Criminal Investigation Section (If interviewed) or without prior permission from the Internal Affairs detective assigned to the investigation or the Commander of Internal Affairs. Furthermore, you are ordered NOT to submit any paperwork pertaining to this case through your chain of command. You are to personally hand cany any correspondence to the Office of Internal Affairs. Failure to abide by this order will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from this Department.

L. Brown Detective Internal Affairs


Received Date/Time : b-zi-'Zao

Dallas County Sheriff's Traffic Division
Date To From Subj ect Thru : 06-15-10 : Capt. C. Turner, Commander, Mernal AfiEairs : Capt. J. E. Hartgraves #474, Traffic : Request for Investigation - Unauthorized Off Duty : Channels

On 06-14-10 it was brought to my attention that deputies assigned to Traffic may have been working unauthorized off duty jobs at Lost Society Bar on Greenville Ave. on June 9ik, 2010. This activity was discovered after an article posted to the website mentioned that two off duty Deputy Sheriffs were working the above location, along with a deputy in a marked Sheriffs squad car. The article identified one of the deputies as Hamilton #901, and another deputy who identified himself only as "Q". Knowing that no permission had been given to work the Lost Society Bar, and no requests had been received, an initial investigation was conducted to determine if Traffic personnel had been working the location without authorization. It was determined that the deputy originally thought to be Hamilton was actually Hampton #901. Deputy Hampton provided a memo admitting to working the location on June 9* and that Dep. Quarles had been working with him. Hampton also stated that the deputy in the marked squad car was on-duty deputy A. Broadnax, who had given Hampton the off duty job. An off duty request was receivedfromHampton by Sgt. Jacks on Friday June 11* after he had already worked the job. The date on the card also appears to have been altered. An off duty card for the same location was also submitted by Dep. Quarles on June 12^, but did not list June 9fll as a date to work. StatementsfromQuarles and Broadnax are pending due to regular days off. I request that this matter be investigated to determine if the Dept's Off Duty Employment policy has been violated by Deputies Hampton and Quarles for violation of Gen. Orders Chapter 3.4 Section I, (D) for failing to submit an Application for Special Duty prior to working the job. I further request an investigation in to the actions and presence of on-duty Dep. A. Broadnax for possible violations of Gen. Orders Chapter 3.4, Section I, (H) 1. (a) & (b), as he appears to be the job coordinator based on Hampton's memo.

Respectfullv>>ubmitted, <*^Capt. J. E. Hartgraves #474

5 ML

Patrol Section
Date To From Subject Thru : 6/14/2010 : Capt. Hartgraves : Deputy K Hampton #901 : Off duty work : Channels

On Wednesday June 9th 2010 I worked an off duty part time job at "Lost Society", with Deputy J Quarles, located at 2008 Greenville Ave, Dallas TX 75206. Deputy A. Broadnax told me about the part time job, he stated that the owner wanted someone to work every Wednesday night for the month of June. The location is a night club/restaurant, the owner name is Brian (214) 823-9600. My duties at the establishment were for security and directing traffic only in the parking lot of the business. There was a small area in the front of the business by the curb where the owner parked his vehicle and an area in the rear of the business for parking. Deputy J. Quarles and I monitored both parking lots from 10:00 pm to 2:00 am. There were no incidents that occurred at the business that required myself or Deputy J. Quarles to take any type of action. However around closing time when we were about to leave, there were other things going on across the street and near the Taco Cabana. At this time I could see Dallas Police patrol vehicles with their lights on in the street, but I was unaware of what was happening by that time. A part time card was turned in prior to working at the part time job, but it had not been approved by my supervisor. This was the first and only night I worked at this part time job. Deputy A Broadnax came out to the location to check on Deputy Quarles and I.

Respectfully Submitted, K Hampton #901 Sunnyvale/Patrol 1 st Watch





Date To From Subject Thm June 14, 2010 Captain Jason Hartgraves Sgt. Russell Jacks Deputy Hampton-Off-duty Job Channels

On Friday June 11, 2010 at approximately 7:30 a.m. while reviewing daily paperwork from the last twenty-four hours I saw where Deputy Hampton had filled out an off-duty card request. The off-duty card was dated June 9, 2010 but appeared to have had another day originally written but was marked over with a 9. It showed on the back that Deputy Hampton had worked two nights prior on June 9th and was requesting permission for approval for several more nights in the upcoming weeks. As f do with all off-duty cards I immediatefy signed it for approval and then began to review the dates and location, as the majority of the off-duty cards my deputies submit are off-duty jobs they work on a consistent, monthly basis. As soon as I had signed it I realized this was a location I had never heard of nor seen any of my deputies submit off-duty cards for in the past. The name of the business was Lost Society and location was 2008 Greenville Avenue, Dallas. I did an internet search and located the businesses web site and saw that it was some sort of club but appeared to also serve meals of some sort. I attempted to contact the business to inquire as to what type of business this was but was unable to do so. I contacted a friend of mine with DPD and had him run the address through their system to see how many calls had been answered at that location and the nature of the calls in the past year. This was to decide if thfs was the type of business that off-duty deputies would be allowed to work as long as it was within our department's guidelines. Dallas PD had responded to that location several times in the past year but the only call that gained my attention was a cutting on April 18, 2010. I was then contacted by you, Captain Hartgraves, in which you began to inquire as to whether or not Deputy Hampton had worked off-duty at Lost Society and as to whether or not an off-duty card had been submitted for approval. It was at this time I informed you as to what I was doing before approving him to work at this business on the future dates listed on his card, i also advised you it appeared he had worked the night of June 9,2010 without any supervisor approval. At you request I contacted Deputy Hampton.

On June 14, 2010 at approximately 2:32 p.m. I spoke with Deputy Hampton by phone in regards to his working the off-duty job last Wednesday night June 9, 2010. When asked if he worked an off-duty job at a business called Lost Society last Wednesday night June 9, 2010 he replied "yes". When asked who gave him permission to work considering his off-duty card wasn't received by myself until Friday morning June 11, 2010 he replied "nobody." He then made the statement that "he knew he should have turned in a card". When asked who he was working with he replied "Quarles" and when asked who was the deputy that was there in the marked squad on-duty he replied "he believes it was Broadnax". He was asked if any incidents occurred that would require any involvement from any of the deputy's behalf other then them just standing around and he replied "no". When asked if DPD was out there for any type of incidents he advised "DPD was out there but not for anything going on where he was working". I advised Deputy Hampton he needed to do a memorandum to you, Captain Hartgraves, through channels with all the details i just inquired about and to also include any previous dates he had worked and as to whether or not he received approval for those dates. He was advised it needed to be in my office by 6:00 a.m. Tuesday morning June 15, 2010. Deputy Hampton then asked if it was OK to work that business. I advised him that all off-duty work at that business has been suspended pending further investigation and that he is not to work it as he asked for approval for in the upcoming week's.

Respectfully submitted

Sgt. Russell Jacks # 337




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Dallas County Sheriff's Traffic Division
Date To From Subject Thru : 06-15-10 : Capt. C. Turner, Commander, Memal Affairs : Capt. J. E. Hartgraves #474, Traffic : ReqiKiSt for Investigation - Unauthorized Off Duty : Channels

On 06-14-10 it was brought to jtay attention that deputies assigned to Traffic may hate been working unauthorized off duty jobs at Lost Society Bar On Greenville Ave. on June 9* ^010. This activity was discovered after an article posted to the website mentioned that two off duly Deputy Sheriffs were working the above location, along with a deputy in a marked Sheriffs sqiiad Car, The. article idetttffied one of the deputies aS Hamilton #901, and another deputy who identified himself only aS-^Q". Knowing that no permission had been given to work the LoM Society Bar, and no requests had been received, an initial investigation was conducted to determine it Traffic personnel had been workmg the location without authorization. It was detennined that the deputy originally thought to be Hamilton was actually Hampton #901. Deputy Hampton provided a memo admittingtowdrkidg lie locatidn on June 9*, and that &ep. Quarles had been working with him. Hampton also stated that the'deputy in the marked squad car was on-duty deputy A. Broadnax, who had given Hampton the off duty job. Art offduty request wa receivedfromHampton by Sgt Jacks on Friday June 11* after he had already worked the job, Tbe date on the card also appears to have been altered. An off duty card for the same location was also submittedftyDep. Quarles on June 12^, but did not list June 9^ as a date to work. StatementsfromQuarles and Broadnax are'pejicflng dueto regular days off. I request that this matter be investigated to determine if tbe Dept's Off Duty Employment policy has been violated by Deputies Hampton and Quarles for violation of Gen. Orders Chapter 3.4 Section I, (D) for failing to submit an Application for Special Duty prior to working the job. I further request an investigation in to the actions and presence of on-duty Dep. A. Broadnax for possible violations of Gen. Orders Chapter 3.4, Section I, (H) 1. (a) & (b), as he appears to be the job coordinator based on Hampton's memo.

ResppctfUly>>ubmitted, V Capt. J. E. HartgraVes #474

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Patrol Section
Date To From Subject Thru : 6/14/2010 : Capt. Hartgraves : Deputy K Hampton #901 : Off duty work : Channels

On Wednesday June 9th 2010 I worked an off duty part time job at "Lost Society", with Deputy J Quaries, located at 2008 Greenville Ave, Dallas TX 75206. Deputy A. Broadnax told me about the part time job, he stated that the owner wanted someone to work every Wednesday night for the month of June. The location is a night club/restaurant, the owner name is Brian (214) 823-9600. My duties at the establishment were for security and directing traffic only in the parking lot of the business. There was a small area in the front of the business by the curb where the owner parked his vehicle and an area in the rear of the business for parking. Deputy J. Quarles and I monitored both parking lots from 10:00 pm to 2:00 am. There were no incidents that occurred at the business that required myself or Deputy J. Quarles to take any type of action. However around closing time when we were about to leave, there were other things going on across the street and near the Taco Cabana. At this time I could see Dallas Police patrol vehicles with their lights on in the street, but I was unaware of what was happening by that time. A part time card was turned in prior to working at the part time job, but it had not been approved by my supervisor. This was the first and only night I worked at this part time job. Deputy A Broadnax came out to the location to check on Deputy Quarles and I.

Respectfully Submitted, K Hampton #901 Sunnyvale/Patrol 1 st Watch




Date To From June 14, 2010 Captain Jason Hartgraves Sgt. Russell Jacks Deputy Hampton-Off-duty Job

Subject Tbrv


On Friday June 11,2010 at approximately 7:30 a.m. while reviewing daily paperwork from the last twenty-four hours I saw where Deputy Hampton had filled out an off-duty card request. The off-duty card was dated June 9,2010 but appeared to have had another day orlglnsflly written but was marked over with a 9. It showed on the back that Deputy Hampton had worked two nights prior on June 9th and was requesting permission for approval for several more nights in the upcoming weeks. As I do with all off-duty cards I immediately signed it for approval and then began to review the dates and location, as the majority of the off-duty cards my deputies submit are off-duty jobs they work on a consistent, monthly basis. As soon as I had signed it I realized this was a location 1 had never heard of nor seen any of my deputies submit off-duty cards for in the past. The name of the business was Lost Society and location was 2008 Greenville Avenue, Dallas. I did an Internet search and located the businesses web site and saw that it was some sort of club but appeared to also serve meals of some sort. I attempted to contact the business to inquire as to what type of business this was but was unable to do so. I contacted a friend of mine with DPD and had him run the address through their system to see how many calls had been answered at that location and the nature of the calls in the past year. This was to decide if this was the type of business that off-duty deputies would be allowed to work as long as it was within our department's guidelines. Dallas PD bad responded to that location several times in the past year but the only call that gained my attention was a cutting on April 18,2010. I was then contacted by you, Captain Hartgraves, in which you began to inquire as to whether or not Deputy Hampton had worked off-duty at Lost Society and as to whether or not an off-duty card had been submitted for approval. It was at this time I informed you as to what I was doing before approving him to work at this business on the future dates listed on his card. I also advised you it appeared he had worked the night of June 9, 2010 without any supervisor approval. At you request I contacted Deputy Hampton.

On June 14, 2010 at approximately 2:32 p.m. I spoke with Deputy Hampton by phone in regards to his working the off-duty job last Wednesday night June 9, 2010. When asked if he worked an off-duty job at a business called Lost Society last Wednesday night June 9, 2010 he replied "yes". When asked who gave him permission to work considering his off-duty card wasn't received by myself until Friday morning June 11, 2010 he replied "nobody." He then made the statement that "he knew he should have turned in a card". When asked who he was working with he replied "Quarles" and when asked who was the deputy that was there in the marked squad on-duty he replied "he believes it was Broadnax". He was asked if any incidents occurred that would require any involvement from any of the deputy's behalf other then them just standing around and he replied "no". When asked if DPD was out there for any type of incidents he advised "DPD was out there but not for anything going on where he was working". I advised Deputy Hampton he needed to do a memorandum to you, Captain Hartgraves, through channels with all the details I just inquired about and to also include any previous dates he had worked and as to whether or not he received approval for those dates. He was advised it needed to be in my office by 6:00 a.m. Tuesday morning June 15, 2010. Deputy Hampton then asked if it was OK to work that business. I advised him that all off-duty work at that business has been suspended pending further investigation and that he is not to work it as he asked for approval for in the upcoming week's.

Respectfully submitJecL

Sgt. Russell Jacks # 337

cJN n-fff^

According to Dallas County Sheriffs Department General Orders Chapter 4.1, Sections VI, C, the Internal Investigation Warning will be given either verbally or in writing to the Sheriffs Department member prior to the taking of a sworn affidavit from the member by Internal Affairs. 4s a Sheriff's Department member, you are required to give testimony and/or answer questions specifically directed and narrowly related to the performance ofthe your official duties and/or fitness for duty. As a Sheriff's Department member, you are required to give testimony and/or answer questions specifically directed and narrowly related to any official Departmental investigation regarding allegations of misconduct which you may have witnessed and/or have knowledge of. Any such required testimony could be used against you in Departmental disciplinary action or civil proceeding. The testimony would not be admissible in any State criminal action, with the exception of criminal liability incurred by any false testimony given by you during the investigation. Furthermore, you are hereby notified that this is an ongoing administrative investigation. In accordance with the Dallas County Sheriffs Department Code of Conduct 8.16, you are ordered not to discuss any detail of this interview or reveal any information regarding the subject investigation to anyone other than a representative of the Internal Affairs Division orwithout prior permission from this division. You are ordered not to submit any paperwork pertaining to this case through your chain of command. You are to personally hand carry any correspondence to the Office of Internal Affairs. Failure to abide by this order will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the Dallas County Sheriffs Department. I. Keyc;>i HftMg-roivi , understand that as a member ofthe Dallas County Sheriffs Department, I am entitled to all the rights and privileges guaranteed by the law and the Constitution of this State and the Constitution ofthe United States, including the right not to be compelled to incriminate myself. However, as a condition of employment, I am required to provide testimony concerning internal departmental matters. I understand that if I refuse to testify or answer questions regarding acts of misconduct that I may have witnessed or of which I have knowledge, I will be subject to Departmental charges which could result in my dismissal from the Dallas County Sheriffs Department. If I do answer, neither my statement nor any information or evidence which is gained by reason of such statements can be used against me in any subsequent criminal proceedings, with the exception of any criminal liability incurred due to a false statement that I make. However, these statements may be used against me in relation to subsequent Departmental administrative charges. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS WARNING.







BEFORE ME. rXpA^T/'/A?'/ A Notary Public in and for said County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared, Keyon Hampton, who after being by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: My name is Keyon Hampton. I have been employed with the Sheriffs Department for 3 years. I am currently assigned to 1 st Watch Patrol Division. On Wednesday June 9th 2010 I worked an off duty part time job at "Lost Society, with Deputy J Quarles, located at 2008 Greenville Ave, Dallas TX 75206. Deputy A Broadnax was the one who told me about the part time job. Deputy A Broadnax told me about the job on the 8th of June. He told me the owner wanted someone to come out and work every Wednesday night for the month of June. The location is a night club/restaurant. The owners name is Brian. My duties at the establishment were for security and directing traffic only in the parking lot of the business. There was a small area in the front of the business by the curb and there was parking at the back of the business. For the entire time I was at the business I monitored both parking lots. The entire time I was at the business there were no incidents that took place where I had to take any type of action. Around closing time there were other things going on across the street near the Taco Cabana. I could see Dallas police squad cars in the street with there lights on. I was unaware of what was going on because it was so far away. While I was in the front of the business near the curb someone came up to Deputy Quarles and I asking us what was our name and badge numbers and did we have the necessary paperwork to be working the part time job. I did not say anything to him, I was going to get his name and ask him who he was but he then began to talk to Deputy Quarles, he looked at my class D uniform which displayed my name and badge number. When he looked at my uniform he wrote down my name and badge number. When he began to ask Deputy Quaries his name Deputy Quarles started to question him asking who he was. Then the guy stated he had the right to know who he was. Deputy Quarles talked to the guy for about 5 to 6 minutes. I don't know what they were talking about because it was loud. A part time card was turned in that night prior to working. I came to the substation and filled out the part time card on June 9th in the evening. The part time card was turned into the box at the Sunnyvale substation, but it was not approved by my supervisor due to the fact, that he was not going to be able to see the part time card being that my supervisor is at work during the day, I did not contact my supervisor to let him know I was going to work the part time that night. The part time card was not turned in at a reasonable time because ofthe short notice and the time I found out about the part time job. This is the first and only time I have ever worked this part time job or anything like it. On my part time card it appeared that the date had been changed. I am aware of the change on the card. I traced over the card making the part time card show the correct date I turned in the card. Deputy A Broadnax came out the part time job. I believe he was out there for about 15 to 20 minutes, but I am unsure as to how long he was out there because I was paying more attention to the people around me.










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DATE: S e p t e m b e r 2 , 2010


: Deputy Johnny Quarles : Jesse Flores, Executive Chief Deputy

SUBJECT : Disciplinary Action, Re: IA 10 201 It was found that on June 9, 2010, you failed to submit an off duty job card request to your supervisor regarding working a part time job at the Lost Society Bar. Your actions are in violation of the Sheriff's Department Code of Conduct, Section: 4.01 Dereliction of Duty: Dereliction of duty on the part of any employee detrimental to the proper performance of the functions of the Sheriff s Department is cause for disciplinary action. The offender will be disciplined according to the degree of the severity of the violation, the results brought about by the dereliction and the effect it has upon the discipline, good order, and best interest of the Sheriff's Department. The following subsections constitute dereliction of duty: 2. Failure to observe and give effect to the policies, rules and guidelines of the Sheriff s Department and the County as well as the State and federal laws.

Your actions are in violation of the Dallas County Sheriff's Department Civil Service Rules and Regulations: Chapter III Personal Conduct and Affairs 3.00 Compliance with Code of Conduct and General Orders All Department employees shall obey the rules and regulations of the Department by complying with the current Code of Conduct and General Orders Manual, Division, or Bureau Standard Operating Procedures which are all incorporated into this document as if printed herein.

As a direct result of your actions, you are hereby suspended from the Dallas County Sheriff s Department for one (1) working day leave without pay. This suspension will begin at 10:00 p.m., September 5, 2010 and will end at 8:00 a.m., Monday, September 6, 2010. (Regular days off are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.) Any further violation by you of the Rules and Regulations of the Dallas County Sheriff's Department will result in the appropriate penalty for such violation, up to and including dismissal from this Department. Any appeal of this disciplinary action must be done in accordance with Section 306 and following of the Dallas County Sheriff's Department General Orders. A copy of this letter of disciplinary action will be distributed andafiled in accordance with appropriate policy.

Flores :ive Chief Deputy Received by: Date Time ><f\(W_(JQ/

:__i|i/5L 0 ) ^
6- 0(7An

DALLAS COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Date: August 27, 2010 To From : Deputy Johnny Quarles Audrey Williams, Detective, Internal Affairs

Subject : Disciplinary Hearing, Re: IA 10 201 The Internal Affairs investigation into the allegation of misconduct brought against you as described below has been completed. The results of that investigation have been reviewed and classified as SUSTAINED. (The allegation is supported by sufficient evidence.) It was found that on June 9, 2010, you failed to submit an off duty job card request to your supervisor regarding working a part time job at the Lost Society Bar. ^ -disetpHmtr? ^igariRg-^-Jgagdigg-^feg-_ggtaiff# aiissstisa^la scheduled for 8:00 a.m., Thursday, September 2, 2010. You are hereby directed to appear at this hearing. You shall report to the office of Internal Affairs fifteen (15) minutes prior to this hearing for a pre-disciplinary hearing as directed by the Chairman of the Sheriff's Department Disciplinary Hearing Board.

Audrey Williams #638 Detective Internal Affairs cc: Executive Chief J. Flores Chief Deputy J. Costa Asst. Chief Deputy G. Lindsey Capt. J. Hartgraves Lt. H. Sparks Sgt. C. Dyer Sgt. T. Murphy Sgt. C. Melin

Received by: Date/Time:



Date To From Subject

: August 31,2010 : Deputy Johnny Quarles : Audrey Williams, Detective, Internal Affairs Division : Pre-Disciplinary Hearing, Re: IA 10-201

This interview has been directed by the Chairman of the Sheriffs Department Disciplinary Hearing Board. Its intent is to inform you that the complaint(s) that has been brought against you have been investigated and classified as SUSTAINED (the(se) allegations(s) is supported by sufficient evidence). This interview is also intended to provide you with an opportunity to ask relevant questions about the investigation and to provide you with remedies and/or alternatives that may be available to you. Your signature indicates that you have read and understood the above, and to acknowledge that you have been afforded an opportunity to discuss the results of this investigation before a Disciplinary Hearing Board is convened. Jesse Flores EXECUTIVE CHIEF DEPUTY

A. Williams#638 Detective Internal Affairs

Received by: Y^CxC Date: ^ / f t . / ftp 10 Time: T * S(j foflA

Case File Table of Contents IA 10 201

Page Numbers I. Case File/IA Report Synopsis of Complaint Background Investigation Findings Employee Work Record Range of Punishment Policy Violations II. III. IV. V. Complaint Supervisory Request for Investigation Supporting Documentation Affidavit 1 5 5 5-6 6 7 7 2,4&7

"tr^^l'H{ DALLAS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Internal Affairs Division Date: To: From: Subj: August 3, 2010 Executive Chief Deputy Jesse Flores C. Turner, Captain, Internal Affairs IA 10 201

The attached Internal Affairs casefileis forwarded for review. Thisfileis due back in the office of Internal Affairs no later t h a n C - ^ ^ . ff-ffg-zQ It is requested that, after review of casefile,all individuals listed on Staff review form initial to the right of their name. This office is available to answer questions that you and/or your Commanders/Supervisors may have concerning subject investigation. Thank you for your assistance and continued cooperation. Respectfully submitted,

C. Turner #336 Captain Internal Affairs


Allegation #1 : Dallas Sheriffs Department Code of Conduct, Section 4.01 Dereliction of Duty. Dereliction of duty on the part of any employee detrimental to the proper performance ofthe functions ofthe Sheriff s Department is cause for disciplinary action. The offenderwill be disciplined according to the degree ofthe severity ofthe violation, the results brought about by the dereliction and the effect it has upon the discipline, good order, and best interest ofthe Sheriffs Department. The following subsections constitute dereliction of duty: 2. Failure to observe and give effect to the policies, rules and guidelines ofthe Sheriffs Department and the County as well as the State and federal laws. It is alleged by Captain J. Hartgraves that on June 9,2010, Deputy Johnny Quarles failed to submit an off duty job card request to his supervisor regarding working a part time job at the Lost Society Bar. Classification SUSTAINED


tuJM - J. Hartgraves^^*
H. Sparks C. Dyer T. M u r p h y ^ . f W * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

C. Melin C(/^Ju^>


August 3, 2010 Lupe Valdez, Sheriff Subject : Internal Complaint on IA CASE 10 201

Allegation #1 : Dallas Sheriffs Department Code of Conduct, Section 4.01 Dereliction of Duty. Dereliction of duty on the part of any employee detrimental to the proper performance ofthe functions ofthe Sheriflfs Department is cause for disciplinary action. The offender will be disciphned according to the degree ofthe severity ofthe violation, the results brought about by the dereliction and the effect it has upon the discipline, good order, and best interest ofthe Sheriff's Department. The following subsections constitute derehction of duty: 2. Failure to observe and give effect to the policies, rules and guidelines ofthe Sheriff's Department and the County as well as the State and federal laws. It is alleged by Captain J. Hartgraves that on June 9,2010, Deputy Johnny Quarles failed to submit an off duty job card request to supervisor regarding working a part time job at the Lost Society Bar. Classification : S U S T A IN E D

SYNOPSIS OF COMPLAINT On June 21, 2010, Internal Affairs received a request for investigation on Deputy Johnny Quarles for being derelict in his duties. On June 14, 2010, Captain J. Hartgraves discovered that deputies assigned to the traffic division may have been working an unapproved part time job at a business named the Lost Society Bar. BACKGROUND Dereliction of duty, which encompasses numerous acts of misconduct, can be narrowly defined as any conduct by an employee that is detrimental or negative to the proper performance ofthe functions ofthe Sheriff's Department. The conduct can be caused by negligence, recklessness, or failure to perform what is prescribed or permitted by policy. INVESTIGATION In a memo to Internal Affairs, Captain J. Hartgraves stated that he discovered that two off duty deputies were working at the Lost Society Bar along with another deputy in a marked Dallas Sheriff's squad car. Captain J. Hartgraves stated he found this information on a website known as The article mentioned that one deputy was named Hamilton and the other deputy was known only as "Q", the deputy in the squad car was unknown at the time. Captain J. Hartgraves stated he knew that he had not given permission for anyone to work part time at that particular business, so he conducted an investigation to determine who the three deputies were. Captain J. Hartgraves determined that Hamilton was actually Deputy Keyon Hampton and Deputy Hampton provided a memo to Captain J. Hartgraves admitting he had worked at the location on June 9, 2010, along with Deputy J. Quarles. Deputy Hampton said the Deputy in the marked squad car was Deputy A. Broadnax. Deputy Hamptonfiutherstated that Deputy Broadnax was the one who had given him the job. Captain J. Hartgraves stated that a part time card was submitted by Deputy J. Quaries on June 12,2010, but did not list June 9* as a date to work. On June 14, 2010, Sgt. Jacks spoke with Deputy K. Hampton regarding him working at the Lost Society Bar on June 9,2010. Sergeant Jacks said Deputy K. Hampton told him that he did work that night. Sergeant Jacks stated that he asked Deputy K. Hampton who was the other person working with him that night and he replied "Quarles." On July 29, 2010, Internal Affairs interviewed Deputy J. Quarles where he provided a written statement. He was also given an allegation of misconduct. In his statement to Internal Affairs, he stated the following; "On June 9,2010,1 worked an offduty job at Lost Society Bar and Grill. I learned ofthe job from Deputy Broadnax prior to working that evening. My assignment was to

SYNOPSIS OF COMPLAINT On June 21, 2010, Internal Affairs received a request for investigation on Deputy Johnny Quarles for being derelict in his duties. On June 14, 2010, Captain J. Hartgraves discovered that deputies assigned to the traffic division may have been working an unapproved part time job at a business named the Lost Society Bar. BACKGROUND Derehction of duty, which encompasses numerous acts of misconduct, can be narrowly defined as any conduct by an employee that is detrimental or negative to the proper performance ofthe functions ofthe Sheriff's Department. The conduct can be caused by neghgence, recklessness, or failure to perform what is prescribed or permitted by policy. INVESTIGATION In a memo to Internal Affairs, Captain J. Hartgraves stated that he discovered that two offduty deputies were working at the Lost Society Bar along with another deputy in a marked Dallas Sheriff's squad car. Captain J. Hartgraves stated he found this information on a website known as The article mentioned that one deputy was named Hamilton and the other deputy was known only as "Q", the deputy in the squad car was unknown at the time. Captain J. Hartgraves stated he knew that he had not given permission for anyone to work part time at that particular business, so he conducted an investigation to determine who the three deputies were. Captain J. Hartgraves determined that Hamilton was actually Deputy Keyon Hampton and Deputy Hampton provided a memo to Captain J. Hartgraves admitting he had worked at the location on June 9, 2010, along with Deputy J. Quarles. Deputy Hampton said the Deputy in the marked squad car was Deputy A. Broadnax, who had actually given Deputy Hampton the job. Captain J. Hartgraves stated that a part time card was submitted by Deputy J. Quarles on June 12,2010, but did not list June 9,h as a date to work. On June 14, 2010, Sgt. Jacks spoke with Deputy K. Hampton regarding him working at the Lost Society Bar on June 9,2010. Sergeant Jacks said Deputy K. Hampton told him that he did work that night. Sergeant Jacks stated that he asked Deputy K. Hampton who the other person working with him that night and he replied "Quarles." On July 29, 2010, Internal Affairs interviewed Deputy J. Quarles where he provided a written statement. He was also given an allegation of misconduct. In his statement to Internal Affairs, he stated the following; "On June 9,2010,1 worked an offduty job at Lost Society Bar and Grill. I learned of the job from Deputy Broadnax prior to working that evening. My assignment was to

work the back parking lot and front VIP areas. While on duty, I was approached by an unknown gentleman asking for our names and inquiring if we had authorization to work there. The male stated to me that he could not read my name plate because he was not wearing his contact lenses. I stated my name to him twice as "Quarles", and after a couple of times of mispronouncing it, I just advised him to call me "Q". At no time were we working inside ofthe location and there were no incidents on that night. I did not turn in the part time card prior to working that evening, but my supervisor authorized my part time card the following day. My original time card was turned in June 10,2010 with the date of June 9,2010 and recurring dates I planned to work stated on the back ofthe card, upon Sgt. Dyer receiving the card he discovered some errors. I thenfilledout another card with the following recurring dates that I planned to work which excluded June 9,2010. After Sgt. Dyer approved my 2nd time card the 1st card was then discarded in the garbage."

FINDINGS After review of all submitted documents and other evidence obtained during this investigation, Internal Affairs found the following: Internal Affairs, found that on June 9, 2010, Deputy J. Quarles worked an off duty job at the Lost Society Bar, located at 2008 Greenville Ave. Dallas, Texas. Deputy J. Quarles was aware that the policy states that any off duty job must be approved and a card must be submitted before working the off duty job. Deputy J. Quarles was contacted by Deputy A. Broadnax on June 8, 2010, about working the part time job at the Lost Society Bar on Greenville Ave. On June 9, 2010, Deputy J. Quarles agreed to work the part time and states he did not turn a part time card in prior to working that evening because he was contacted at the last minute by Deputy A. Broadnax. Deputy J. Quarles stated Sergeant Dyer authorized his part time card on June 10, 2010 with the date of June 9, 2010 and recurring days he planned on working. Deputy J. Quarles stated when Sergeant Dyer received his part time card "he discovered some errors" causing him tofillout another part time card, excluding June 9,2010, the day he had actually worked the part time without prior approval from a supervisor. This was confirmed by Sgt. Dyer. Deputy Quarles was given a copy of this part time card back and told to complete another part time card to include subsequent days he intended on working at the Lost Society Bar. It was confirmed by Deputy K. Hampton that Deputy J. Quarles was working at the Lost Society Bar on June 9, 2010 without having prior approvalfromhis supervisor. Internal Affairs found Deputy J. Quarles was derelict in his duties when he worked a part time job at the Lost Society Bar without approvalfroma supervisor. Internal Affairs believes that substantial evidence exists to support the allegation as alleged. ALLEGATION: SUSTAINED

EMPLOYEE'S WORK RECORD Deputy Johnny Quarles was hired by the Dallas County Sheriffs Department as a Detention Service Officer on September 27,2004. He was promoted to Deputy Sheriff on January 18,2008. Deputy J. Quarles has two informal complaints. On January 27, 2010, in IA#09-042, Off Duty incident of Criminal Mischief and Criminal Trespass by Duncanville PD was UNFOUNED. On August 1,2007, in IA#07-107, a memorandum was generated indicating DSO J. Quarles was involved in possible misconduct with another DSO, where it was recommended the case be reduced to informal, closed and placed in the General Name Files. RANGE OF PUNISHMENT According to the Disciplinary Matrix, the range of punishment for Allegation #1 Dereliction of Duty is a Written Reprimand to Termination. Internal Affairsfindsthis Employee is in violation ofthe Dallas Sheriffs Department Code of Conduct Sections: 4.01 Dereliction of Duty. Dereliction of duty on the part of any employee detrimental to the proper performance ofthe functions ofthe Sheriff's Department is cause for disciplinary action. The offender will be disciplined according to the degree ofthe severity ofthe violation, the results brought about by the dereliction and the effect it has upon the discipline, good order, and best interest ofthe Sheriff s Department. The following subsections constitute dereliction of duty: 2. Failure to observe and give effect to the pohcies, rules and guidelines ofthe Sheriff's Department and the County as well as the State and federal laws. Internal Affairs finds this Employee is in violation ofthe Dallas County Sheriffs Department Civil Service Rules and Regulations: Chapter HI Personal Conduct and Affairs 3.00 Compliance with Code of Conduct and General Orders All Departmental employees shall obey the rules and regulations ofthe Department by complying with the current Code of Conduct and General Orders Manual, Division, or Bureau Standard Operating Procedures which are all incorporated into this document as if printed herein.

Respectfully submitted,

Audrey Williams#638 Detective Internal Affairs

C. Turner #336 Captain Internal Affairs




: IA CASE 10 201 : Captain Hartgraves : Deputy Johnny Quarles

It is alleged that you have violated the following: Dallas Sheriffs Department Code of Conduct, Section 4.01 Dereliction of Duty. Dereliction of duty on the part of any employee detrimental to the proper performance ofthe functions ofthe Sheriffs Department is cause for disciplinary action. The offender will be disciplined according to the degree ofthe severity ofthe violation, the results brought about by the dereliction and the effect it has upon the discipline, good order, and best interest ofthe Sheriffs Department. The following subsections constitute dereliction of duty: 2. Failure to observe and give effect to the policies, rules and guidelines ofthe Sheriffs Department and the County as well as the State and federal laws. Dallas Sheriffs Department General Orders, Chapter 3.4,6. Off Duty Police Service A. Any Dallas County Sheriffs Deputy performing off-duty police service will submit a request for "Application for Special Duty" Sher/Pers/ E-3 through channels to the office of his Division Commander at least twenty-four hours prior to working the off-duty job. Nature ofthe Complaint (Allegation): On June 15, 2010, Internal Affairs received a request for investigation from Captain Hartgraves in regards to a possible policy violation on the part of Deputy Quarles. It is alleged by Captain Hartgraves that on June 9,2010, Deputy Quarles failed to submit off duty job card / requests to his supervision regarding the off-duty work at Lost Society Bar. Received By/Date Detective O S WfQQO^^ ~\pffigy^ C ^-^IQ

This form constitutes a complaint under the requirements of Texas Government Code Sections 614.021,614.022 and 614.023.

DALLAS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Office of Internal Affairs To From Subject : Deputy Johhny Quarles : L. Brown, Detective, Internal Affairs : Direct Order

You are hereby notified that Internal Affairs has received a complaint alleging that you have violated sections ofthe Department's General Orders and/or Code of Conduct. Internal Affairs has reviewed the allegations and/or conducted a preliminary investigation, and has found sufficient cause to open a formal investigation to determine the facts ofthe incident/s involved. THIS IN NO WAY INDICATES THAT YOU HAVE DONE ANYTHING WRONG. ONLY THAT THE INTEGRITY OF THE DEPARTMENT DEMANDS THAT AN INVESTIGATION BE CONDUCTED TO DETERMINE THE FACTS OF THE INCIDENT/S. All of your individual and employeerightsshall be preserved, and at this time you are not required to provide any evidence connected with this investigation. This is only your notification that a complaint has been filed, and a copy for you is attached to this notice. During the course of this investigation you will be given multiple opportunities to provide Internal Affairs with evidence pertinent to the subject of and the issues in the investigation. In accordance with the Dallas County Sheriff s Department Code of Conduct Section 8.16, you are ordered not to discuss any detail ofthis notice or reveal any information regarding the subject investigation to anyone other than a representative of Internal Affairs, the Criminal Investigation Section (If interviewed) or without prior permission from the Internal Affairs detective assigned to the investigation or the Commander of Internal Affairs. Furthermore, you are ordered NOT to submit any paperwork pertaining to this case through your chain of command. You are to personally hand carry any correspondence to the Office of Internal Affairs. Failure to abide by this order will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from this Department.

L. BroyrfT De* itemalAffairs

Received Date/Time :

L> -~^)~



Date To From Subject Thru

' 06-15-10

Memorandum a


Capt J. E.

" " ^ toemaUffairs

^ g r a v e s #474, Traffic ^qestf0rInvesti igatio n - U n a u t h 0 rizedOffDHty Channels .

On 06-14-10 it washr

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THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, Audrey D. Williams A Notary Public in and for said County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Deputy Johnny Quarles Who after being duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: On June 9,2010,1 worked an off duty job at Lost Society Bar and Grill. I learned ofthe job from Deputy Broadnax prior to working that evening. My assignment was to work the back parking lot and front VIP areas. While on duty, I was approached by an unknown gentleman asking for our names and inquiring if we had authorization to work there. The male stated to me that he could not read my name plate because he was not wearing his contact lenses. I stated my name to him twice as "Quarles", and after a couple of times of mispronouncing it, I just advised him to call me "Q". At no time were we working inside ofthe location and there were no incidents on that night. I did not turn in the part time card prior to working that evening, but my supervisor authorized my part time card the following day. My original time card was turned in June 10, 2010 with the date of June 9, 2010 and recurring dates I planned to work stated on the back ofthe card, upon Sgt. Dyer receiving the card he discovered some errors. I then filled out another card with the following recurring dates that I planned to work which excluded June 9, 2010. After Sgt. Dyer approved my 2nd time card the 1st card was then discarded in the garbage.

Witness: Address: City: Phone: Witness: Address: City: Phone:


A.D. t


ic, Dallas County, Texas

According to Dallas County Sheriff's Department General Orders Chapter 4.1, Sections VI, C, the Internal Investigation Warning will be given either verbally or in writing to the Sheriffs Department member prior to the taking of a sworn affidavit from the member by Internal Affairs. As a Sheriff's Department member, you are required to give testimony and/or answer questions specifically directed and narrowly related to the performance ofthe your official duties and/or fitness for duty. As a Sheriffs Department member, you are required to give testimony and/or answer questions specifically directed and narrowly related to any official Departmental investigation regarding allegations of misconduct which you may have witnessed and/or have knowledge of. Any such required testimony could be used against you in Departmental disciplinary action or civil proceeding. The testimony would not be admissible in any State criminal action, with the exception of criminal liability incurred by any false testimony given by you during the investigation. Furthermore, you are hereby notified that this is an ongoing administrative investigation. In accordance with the Dallas County Sheriff's Department Code of Conduct 8.16, you are ordered not to discuss any detail of this interview or reveal any information regarding the subject investigation to anyone other than a representative ofthe Internal Affairs Division orwithout prior permission from this division. You are ordered not to submit any paperwork pertaining to this case through your chain of command. You are to personally hand carry any correspondence to the Office of Internal Affairs. Failure to abide by this order will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the Dallas County Sheriffs Department. I, , understand that as a member of the Dallas County Sheriffs Department, I am entitled to all the rights and privileges guaranteed by the law and the Constitution of this State and the Constitution ofthe United States, including the right not to be compelled to incriminate myself. However, as a condition of employment, I am required to provide testimony concerning internal departmental matters. I understand that if I refuse to testify or answer questions regarding acts of misconduct that I may have witnessed or of which I have knowledge, I will be subject to Departmental charges which could result in my dismissal from the Dallas County Sheriffs Department. If I do answer, neither my statement nor any information or evidence which is gained by reason of such statements can be used against me in any subsequent criminal proceedings, with the exception of any criminal liability incurred due to a false statement that I make. However, these statements may be used against me in relation to subsequent Departmental administrative charges. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS WARNING. # & * OF MEMBER DATE DETECTIVE THAT ISSUED THIS INTERNAL INVESTIGATION WARNING:' TIME










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