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Studying is an activity which has a large debate over if it is done better alone or with a teacher.

My personal opinion on it is that it is best done with a teacher. Not only a teacher can help one
understand the subject matter better and enhance the learning process but also give some
additional information on various subjects based on his personal experience.
Firstly, studying with someone will help greatly. That way one will focus on studying exactly
what they need rather than letting their mind wander. For example, I had to do some studying
for my finals last semester. The material I had to go over was long and boring. At first I slacked
off a lot and barely did any of the studying I needed. At the tail end of it I asked my teacher if he
could help me and he helped me greatly as he didn’t let me doze off on my work. This allowed
me to finish my studies and pass my finals with flying colors.
Secondly, they can teach you things that one wouldn't find in any textbook. My physics teacher
saw that our textbook material was not going to last till the end of the year so he presented us
with some extra information on black holes and particles. Thanks to these extra lessons when I
did my scientific paper I was able to broaden the spectrum of material to use which enabled me
to get a fantastic final grade.
In general, studying in most cases goes smoother with a person who is an expert on the subject
matter. Not only can professionals explain it to you in a simpler yet effective way but they can
also expand your knowledge beyond the particular subject.

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