Module 2, Lesson 7

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Scenario 1

Down Syndrome is one of the developmental disabilities. In this scenario, a young girl
Sydney is suffering from Down Syndrome. It's a genetic disorder and it's a chromosomal
disorder and the cause of learning disabilities in children. Sydney can communicate verbally
well. So she can understand the instructions carefully.
I have to remember to always try showing them to do something instead of just giving
instructions. This can be easier to follow my instructions, she can give better results. She is
expressing her interests and interacts well with others,so she can participate in small group
activities and solitary activities. She can participate in group outings and role-play games to
interact with others and socialize. I can recommend she play with musical instruments and
sorting blocks by type, shape or color for solitaire activities.
I would like Sydney to improve sensory activities, arts and crafts and sensory rice,slime and

I recommend that she participate in an exercise group class. This activity can allow her to
follow two-step instructions for her physical activity.

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