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Hiding Depression

In the shadows of my mind, I hide

The weight of sadness deep inside
Smiling faces, laughter bright
But behind closed doors, I fight

The tears that fall when no one sees

The ache that never seems to ease
I wear a mask to hide the pain
But inside, I feel like I'm going insane

Depression grips me like a vice

Stealing joy, like a thief in the night
I try to push it all away
But it haunts me every single day

I paint on a smile, pretend I'm okay

But inside, I'm crumbling, day by day
Hiding depression is a heavy load
But I carry on, down this lonely road

I try to reach out, but no one hears

I drown in silence, consumed by fears
I long for someone to understand
To offer a gentle, helping hand

But still, I hide behind my mask

Afraid to share my weary task
Hoping one day, I'll break free
From this prison of depression that binds me

Until then, I'll keep on pretending

Hiding depression, my silent ending
But deep down, I hold onto hope
That someday soon, I'll find a way to cope.
My Greatest Fear

In the dark corners of my mind, there lies a fear

A fear of letting those I love down, oh so dear
Their expectations weigh heavy on my heart
And the thought of disappointing them tears me apart

I strive to meet their standards, to make them proud

But the pressure to always succeed is unbearably loud
I fear that one mistake, one wrong move
Will cause them to lose faith in me, to disapprove

But deep down I know that their love is unconditional

That they will stand by me through any trial
Yet still, the fear of letting them down persists
It haunts my thoughts and clenches my fists

I want nothing more than to make them happy

To see smiles on their faces, hear laughter aplenty
But the fear of disappointing them lingers on
A dark cloud over my head, never truly gone

I know I shouldn't let this fear control me

I know I am loved, unconditionally
But still, the worry remains, the doubt creeps in
Fearing letting those I love down, a battle I cannot win

So I take a deep breath, push the fear aside

And remind myself that love will always abide
I may falter, I may stumble and fall
But their love will catch me, and I will stand tall.

I will continue to strive, to do my best

To show them I am worthy of their trust
And though the fear may never truly go away
I will face it head on, come what may.

For the love I have for them is stronger than fear

And no matter what, I know they will always be near
So I take their hands, and together we'll walk
Through the fear of letting them down, we'll talk.
My Greatest Fear (2)
In the darkness of my mind, a shadow looms
A fear that grips my heart and consumes
The thought of letting down those I hold dear
Fills me with dread, with sorrow and with fear

I strive to be the best that I can be

But what if I fall short, what if they see
The flaws, the mistakes, the imperfections
Will they still love me, despite my limitations?

I fear disappointing those who believe in me

For their faith in my abilities gives me glee
But what if I stumble, what if I fail
Will they still stand by me, will they still prevail?

The weight of their expectations presses down

A heavy burden, a relentless frown
I long to make them proud, to see them smile
But what if I falter, what if I defile

The trust they have placed in me, the hope they hold
Can I uphold their dreams, can I be bold
To face my fears, to conquer my doubts
To rise above my insecurities, my inner shouts

I must remember that love is unconditional

That mistakes are part of life, they are not criminal
I must have faith in their forgiveness, their grace
And trust that they will still embrace

Me, despite my faults, despite my fears

For their love is what soothes, what clears
The doubts, the worries, the anxiety
And fills me with warmth, with love, with piety

So I will strive to do my best, to be true

To myself and to them, to be the glue
That holds us together, that binds us tight
For their love is my guiding light.

And in the end, I know they'll understand

That I'm only human, I'm not grand
But I'll always do my best, I'll always try
To be the person they see in me, to reach the sky.

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