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"There’s a bit of hidden magic in every mistake. The magic is called learning.

" ~ Robert

Kiyosaki. The meaning behind this quote is that every you can learn from every mistake. The

hidden magic mentioned by Kiyosaki is the learning opportunity made by mistakes. The average

person even makes around 118 mistakes every year, although most mistakes may not create

learning opportunities the little mistakes made in everyday life make more learning opportunities

then successes. This may even come down to the fact that the average person makes more

mistakes than successes. Therefore, mistakes can bring new learning opportunities and are

necessary for success. This is by helping us assess strengths and weaknesses and grow as


Everyone makes mistakes but it's up to you whether you decide to learn from them or

not. I make mistakes, even Bill Gates makes mistakes. Researcher Madeline Miles proves this

by saying “Thomas Edison took 10,000 attempts to perfect the light bulb. Arianna Huffington

was rejected by 36 publishers. Bill Gates’ first company was a complete disaster.” These

famous inventors, writers, and entrepreneurs all failed many times but they saw those mistakes

and used them to create a better failure or success. Out of the ten thousand times Thomas

Edison failed he learned from each attempt to make the light bulb as near to perfection as

possible but you don't even have to be a famous inventor or writer to learn from your mistakes.

For example riding a bike. The first time you get on you're probably going to fall but you

shouldn’t give up your going to get back onto the bike and try again. Say you fall because you

peddled too slow and couldn’t gain balance then the next time you get onto the bike you're

going to peddle faster. You won’t learn how to position your feet or do a trick on a bike if you

only succeed with your previous knowledge. You need to gain new knowledge to succeed in

different ways and to do that you might need to fail. Learning from your mistakes can be as

simple as riding a bike or as complex as starting a business but whatever it is you might fail and

rather than giving up you have to remember to keep trying.

Though many argue failure is a great learning opportunity some may argue the opposite.

For example Massachusetts Institute of Technology Earl Miller states “Success has a much

greater influence on the brain than failure. He believes the findings apply to many aspects of

daily life in which failures are left unpunished but achieve­ments are rewarded in one way or

another”. He states that when you go bowling with a group of friends and score a strike for your

teammates they're going to cheer for you as a result tricking your brain cells. They trick your

brain cells because it will cause you to keep doing that one thing that led you to succeed and in

result you’ll continue to succeed. Though this may be true in some cases this can backfire in

many ways. Say the way your succeeding could be luck and not actually skill your brain is still

going to see it as a way to succeed meaning no matter how many times you fail you're most

likely still going to use that method rather than studying your failures to improve. Shuman states

“his share of reflection and concluded, ‘If I were to start this business again, it would be a

hundred times easier. I think the second time entrepreneurs are so hungry because they don’t

want to fail.” This shows that when someone fails sometimes they have to over-observe to

reflect on every detail of their failure, if they're able to overcome their emotions and accept their

mistakes they’ll be able to improve tremendously, then only then will they be able to really

succeed. In conclusion you may be able to learn from succeeding but learning from mistakes

teaches you much more but only if you're able to observe your mistakes with an open mindset.

You learn more from mistakes than successes because you can study from your

mistakes and learn how to improve from them. Though overcoming the emotions of failure can

be difficult, overcoming those emotions can open up a new realm of possibilities. Though

Massachusetts Institute of technology states that you learn more from success you can always

improve an idea and the illusion made by your brain will eventually lose impact. Many

entrepreneurs face failure but only the successful ones overcame their mistakes. Next time you

fail, don't give up, study your mistakes then try again. It may be tedious but you have to keep

trying. Among other things, he too declares, ‘Failure sucks.’ Then wisely adds, ‘So set yourself
up for little successes. But do it in a balanced way. You don’t want to fool yourself.”~Greg


Works Cited

YouTube: Home, 9 November 2017,

-failure-or-success/?sh=723402d257de. Accessed 16 January 2024.

Joelving, Frederik. “How You Learn More from Success Than Failure.” Scientific American, 1

November 2009, Accessed 16

January 2024.

Joelving, Frederik. “How You Learn More from Success Than Failure.” Scientific American, 1

November 2009, Accessed 16

January 2024.

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