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Question 2

The lessons we can learn in 'Mango Moods' story is that we have to accept the
destiny that God has set for us. Let us not judge someone if our desire a wish
unfulfilled. Perhaps there is wisdom why God ordains us in such a way. As a mother-
in-law, do not be too uptight with her daughter in law. Perhaps she not have a child at
that time. Continue to pray to God and God will show us His ways. It tells the story of
Narayani amma who can not accept the fact that her daughter in law Chitra could not
pregnant after eight years of marriage.

As a husband, he should be fair to his wife. Do not remain silent only when
something happens to her. While the husband should obey a mother, but also he
have be responsible of the wife and taken care of it. This can be seen on Chitra's
husband who is Prasad. He always had chosen to keep his mum and not even once
he favor for his wife.

Everyone's gonna miss their families when staying away and that's what Chitra had
to go through. It about so long that she never see her family. Chitra also have a best
friend when she studies at college it was Jason and Usha. She invited Jason to
come at her home but her mother-in-law not allow Jason to come at thier home. This
is not fair to Chitra. She cannot do all the things.

Therefore, we should take care of our health. Especially to a mother who was
pregnant. Must always go check-up the baby to make sure the mother and baby in
good condition and healthy.

In my opinion, in this life there are many things we have to undergo. No matter how
difficult any challenge that we must face, remember God is always there with us.
Keep praying and be patient there was a joy for us later.

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