Gamd Nona H $ - M H$-1 (DF': Aw©Ì'Dñwm: (XZM H$: 12-02-2023 Doi: Jwu: 100 Àíz: 100

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doi : 10 am to 11 am {XZm§H$ : 12-02-2023

JwU : 100 gamd nona H«$_m§H$-1

àíZ : 100 {df` : AW©ì`dñWm By Ranjan Kolambe Sir
1) Imbrb {dYmZo {dMmamV ¿¶m
1. H«$¶eº$s g‘mZVm (PPP) {d{Z‘¶ Xa {d{dY Xoem§Vrb gm‘mZ dñVy d godmÀ¶m qH$‘VtMr VwbZm H$ê$Z ‘moObo
2. nrnrnr S>m°bg©À¶m ~m~VrV ^maV OJmVrb ghmì¶m H«$‘m§H$mMr gdm©V ‘moR>r AW©ì¶dñWm Amho.
darbn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ (Zo) ~amo~a Amho/AmhoV?
1) ’$º$ 1 2) ’$º$ 2
3) 1 Am{U 2 XmoÝhr 4) 1 qH$dm 2 Zmhr

1) Consider the following Statements.

1. Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) exchange rates are calculated by comparing the prices of
similar goods and services in dirrerent countries.
2. India is the sixth largest economy in the world in terms of PPP dollars.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
1) Only 1 2) Only 2
3) Both 1 and 2 4) Neither 1 nor 2

2) Ag‘mZVm H$‘r H$aʶmMm Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm ‘mJ© Zmhr?

1) {H$‘mZ JaOm H$m¶©H«$‘ 2) AW©ì¶dñWoMo CXmarH$aU
3) H$a AmH$maUr 4) O‘rZ gwYmaUm

2) Which one of the following is not the way to reduce inequality?

1) Minimum needs programme
2) Liberalisation of economy
3) Taxation
4) Land reforms

3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo {ZX}eH$ XoemMo OrdZ‘mZ à{Vq~{~V H$aVo?

1) J[a~r {eYm 2) XaS>moB© CËnÞ
3) amï´>r¶ CËnÞ 4) ~oamoOJmarMm Xa

3) Which of the following reflects the standard of living in a country?

1) Poverty ration
2) Per capita income
3) National income
4) Unemployment rate

4) {dH$mgmMo nwT>rb ‘mnH$ bmJy H$aʶmMm Imbrbn¡H$s ¶mo½¶ H«$‘ H$moUVm Amho ?
1) XaS>moB© CËnÞ, HDI, PQLI
2) PQLI, HDI, XaS>moB© CËnÞ
3) XaS>moB© CËnÞ, PQLI, HDI
4) HDI, XaS>moB© CËnÞ PQLI
4) Which of the following is the correct order in which the mentioned measures of develop-
ment were introduced?
a) Per capita income, HDI, PQLI
b) PQLI, HDI, per capita income
c) Per capita income, PQLI, HDI
d) HDI, per capita income PQLI

5) Imbrb Jmoï>r ˶m§À¶m H$mbH«$‘mZwgma bmdm.

1. n{hbr n§Mdm{f©H$ ¶moOZm g§gXoV gmXa H$aʶmV Ambr.
2. amï´>r¶ {dH$mg n[afX ñWmnZ H$aʶmV Ambr.
3. ñdmV§Í¶mZ§Va ^maVr¶ MbZmMo n{hbo Ad‘yë¶Z Pmbo.
4. ^maV Am§Vaamï´>r¶ ZmUo{ZYrMm (IMF) gXñ¶ Pmbm.
Imbrb H$moS> dmnê$Z ¶mo½¶ CÎma {ZdS>m.
1) 2, 4, 1, 3 2) 4, 3, 1, 2
3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 2, 4, 3, 1

5) Arrange the following in their chronological order.

1. First Five Year plan was submitted to parliament
2. National Development Council was setup
3. First devaluation of Indian currency after independence took place
4. India became member of international Monetary Fund (IMF)
Select the correct answer by using the codes given below.
1) 2, 4, 1, 3 2) 4, 3, 1, 2
3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 2, 4, 3, 1

6) "amï´>r¶ CËnÞ' hr g§km Xe©dVo Imbrbn¡H$s H$m¶ Xe©dVo?

1) ~mOma {H$‘Vtdarb gH$b amï´>r¶ CËnmXZ dOm Kgmam
2) ~mOma {H$‘Vrda gH$b amï´>r¶ CËnmXZ dOm Kgmam A{YH$ naXoemVrb {Zìdi KQ>H$ CËnÞ
3) ~mOma {H$‘Vrda gH$b amï´>r¶ CËnmXZ dOm Kgmam Am{U Aà˶j H$a A{YH$ g~{gS>r
4) EHy$U amï´>r¶ CËnmXZ ~mOma {H$‘Vrda dOm naXoemVrb {Zìdi KQ>H$ CËnÞ

6. The term ‘national income’ represents

1) gross national product at market prices minus depreciation
2) gross national product at market prices minus depreciation plus net factor income from
3) gross national product at market prices minus depreciation and indirect taxes plus subsi
4) gross national product at market prices minus net factor income from abroad

7) amï´>r¶ CËnÞ JUZm ì¶dñWo‘Yrb "AmYma^yV df©' åhUOo H$m¶?

1) Á¶m dfm©Mo CËnÞ ‘m¡{ÐH$ GDP Mr JUZm H$aʶmgmR>r dmnabo OmVo
2) Á¶m dfm©À¶m qH$‘Vr ‘m¡{ÐH$ GDP Mr JUZm H$aʶmgmR>r dmnaë¶m OmVmV
3) Á¶m dfm©À¶m qH$‘Vr dmñV{dH$ GDP Mr JUZm H$aʶmgmR>r dmnaë¶m OmVmV
4) Á¶m dfm©Mo CËnÞ dmñV{dH$ GDP Mr JUZm H$aʶmgmR>r dmnabo OmVo
7. ‘Base year’ in national income accounting means
1) the year whose income is being used to calculate the nominal GDP
2) the year whose prices are being used to calculate the nominal GDP
3) the year whose prices are being used to calculate the real GDP
4) the year whose income is being used to calculate the real GDP

8) Jm^m MbZdmT> Imbrbn¡H$s H$go n[a^m{fV Ho$bo OmVo?

1) Ho$di B§YZ MbZdmT> dJiyZ hoS>bmBZ MbZdmT>
2) AÞ MbZdmT> Am{U B§YZ MbZdmT>
3) Ho$di AÞYmݶ MbZdmT> dJiyZ hoS>bmBZ MbZdmT>
4) AÞ MbZdmT> Am{U B§YZ MbZdmT> XmoÝhr dJiyZ hoS>bmBZ MbZdmT>

8) Core inflation is defined as

1) headline inflation excluding only fuel inflation
2) food inflation and fuel inflation
3) headline inflation excluding only food inflation
4) headline inflation excluding both food inflation and fuel inflation

9) ñdV§Ì ^maVmÀ¶m AW©ì¶dñWoÀ¶m g§X^m©V, Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm dmna gdm©V OwZr KQ>Zm KS>br?
1) {d‘m H§$nݶm§Mo amï´>r¶rH$aU.
2) ñQ>oQ> ~±H$ Am°’$ B§{S>¶mMo amï´>r¶rH$aU
3) ~±qH$J {Z¶‘Z H$m¶Xm bmJy H$aUo.
4) n{hë¶m n§Mdm{f©H$ ¶moOZoMr AmoiI.

9) In the context of independent India’s economy, which use of the following was the earliest
event to take place?
1) Nationalisation of insurance companies
2) Nationalisation of State Bank of India
3) Enactment of Banking Regulation Act
4) Introduction of First Five Year Plan

10) ^maVmV g|Q´>b ~±H$ 'A§{V‘ F$UXmVm' åhUyZ H$m‘ H$aVo ¶mMm gm‘mݶV… Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm AW© hmoVmo?
1. Ooìhm ì¶mnma Am{U CÚmoJ BVa ómoVm§H$Sy>Z H$O© Koʶmg An¶er R>aVmV Voìhm ˶m§Zm H$O© XoUo
2. VmËnwa˶m g§H$Q>mV gmnS>boë¶m ~±H$m§Zm VabVm àXmZ H$aUo
3. AW©g§H$ënr¶ VyQ> ^aʶmgmR>r gaH$mam§Zm H$O© XoUo
Imbr {Xboë¶m H$moS>Mm dmna H$ê$Z ¶mo½¶ CÎma {ZdS>m
1) 1 Am{U 2 2) Ho$di 2
3) 2 Am{U 3 4) Ho$di 3
10) In India the Central Bank function as the ‘lender of last resort’ usually refers to which of
the following?
1. Lending to trade and industry bodies when they fail to borrow from other sources
2. Providing liquidity to the banks having a temporary crisis
3. Lending to Governments to finance budgetary deficits
Select the correct answer by using the codes given below
1) 1 and 2 2) Only 2
3) 2 and 3 4) Only 3

11) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo EH$ ‘m¡{ÐH$ YmoaUmMo C{Ôï> Zmhr?

1) qH$‘V pñWaVm
2) Am{W©H$ pñWaVm
3) CËnÞ Am{U ‘mb‘ÎmoMo g‘mZ {dVaU
4) naH$s¶ MbZ Xa pñWaVm

11) Which one of the following is not an objective of monetary policy?

1) Price stability
2) Economic Stability
3) Equitable distribution of income and assets
4) Foreign exchange rate stability

12) Ooìhm [aPìh© ~±H$ Am°’$ B§{S>¶m (RBI) amoI amIrd à‘mU (CRR) dmT>dʶmMr KmofUm H$aVo, Voìhm ˶mMm AW© H$m¶
1) ì¶mnmar ~±H$m§H$S>o H$O© XoʶmgmR>r H$‘r n¡go amhVrb.
2) ^maVr¶ [aPìh© ~±Ho$H$S>o H$O© XoʶmgmR>r H$‘r n¡go amhVrb.
3) H|$Ð gaH$maH$S>o H$O© XoʶmgmR>r H$‘r n¡go amhVrb.
4) ì¶mnmar ~±H$m§H$S>o H$O© XoʶmgmR>r OmñV n¡go amhVrb.

12) When the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announces an increase of the Cash Reserve Ratio
(CRR), What does it mean? IAS (Pre) 2010
1) The commercial banks will have less money to lend
2) The Reserve Bank of India will have less money to lend
3) The Union Government will have less money to lend
4) The commercial banks will have more money to lend

13) ^maVmÀ¶m g§X^m©V Imbrb Jmoï>tMm {dMma H$am.

1) ~±H$m§Mo amï´>r¶rH$aU
2) àmXo{eH$ J«m‘rU ~±H$m§Mr {Z{‘©Vr
3) ~±H$ emIm§Ûmao Jmdo XÎmH$ KoUo.
darbn¡H$s H$moUVo nmD$b ^maVmV Am{W©H$ g‘mdoeZ gmܶ H$aʶmgmR>r CMbbobo nmD$b ‘mZbo OmD$ eH$Vo?
1) 1 Am{U 2 2) 2 Am{U 3
3) ’$º$ 3 4) darb gd©
13) With reference to India, consider the following.
1) Nationalisation of Banks
2) Formation of Regional Rural Banks
3) Adoption of villages by Bank Branches
Which of the above canbe considered as steps taken to achieve the ‘financial inclusion’
in India?
1) 1 and 2 2) 2 and 3
3) Only 3 4) All of the above

14) bKw {dÎm ~±H$m (SFBs) ñWmnZoMm CÔoe H$m¶ Amho?

1) N>moQ>çm ì¶mdgm{¶H$ KQ>H$m§Zm nVnwadR>m H$aUo.
2) bKw Am{U Aën^yYmaH$ eoVH$è¶m§Zm H$O©nwadR>m H$aUo.
3) VéU CÚmoOH$m§Zm {deofV… J«m‘rU ^mJmV ì¶dgm¶ gwê$ H$aʶmgmR>r àmoËgm{hV H$aUo.
¶mo½¶ n¶m©¶ {ZdS>m.
1) 1 Am{U 2 2) 2 Am{U 3
3) 1 Am{U 3 4) 1, 2 Am{U 3

14) What is the purpose of setting up of small Finance Banks (SFBs) in India?
1) To supply credit to small business units.
2) To supply credit to small and marginal farmers.
3) To encouage young entrcprencurs to set up business particularly n rural areas. Codes
1) 1 and 2 2) 2 and 3
3) 1 and 3 4) 1, 2 and 3

15) H|$Ðr¶ AW©g§H$ënmÀ¶m ‘hgwbr Im˶mV Imbrbn¡H$s H$emMm g‘mdoe Zmhr?

1) ì¶mO àmár
2) H$a CËnÞ
3) gaH$mar {d^mJ Am{U gmd©O{ZH$ CnH«$‘m§Mo Z’$m Am{U bm^m§e
4) Aën ~MVr

15) Which one of the following is not included in the revenue account of Union Budget?
1) Interest receipts
2) Tax Receipts
3) Profits and dividends of Government departments and public undertakings
4) Small Savings

16) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm à^md gdm©V OmñV ‘hmJmB© dmT>dUmam AgʶmMr eŠ¶Vm Amho?
1) gmd©O{ZH$ H$Om©Mr naV’o$S>
2) AW©g§H$ënr¶ VyQ> ^aʶmgmR>r OZVoH$Sy>Z H$O© KoUo
3) AW©g§H$ënr¶ VyQ> ^ê$Z H$mT>ʶmgmR>r ~±H$m§H$Sy>Z H$O© KoUo
4) AW©g§H$ënr¶ VyQ> ^ê$Z H$mT>ʶmgmR>r ZdrZ n¡emMr {Z{‘©Vr
16) Which one of the following is likely to be the most inflationary in its effects?
1) Repayment of public debt
2) Borrowing from the public to finance a budget deficit
3) Borrowing from the banks to finance a budget deficit
4) Creation of new money to finance a budget defit

17) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm H$a dñVy Am{U godm H$a (GST) ‘ܶo g‘m{dï> H$maʶmV Ambobm Zmhr?
1) CËnmXZ ewëH$ 2) gr‘m ewëH$
3) ‘yë¶d{Y©V H$a 4) godm H$a

17) Which of the following tax is not included in the Goods and Services Tax (GST)?
1) Excise Duty 2) Customs
3) Value added Tax 4) Service Tax

18) ^maVr¶ {dÎm Am¶moJmÀ¶m g§X^m©V, Imbrb {dYmZm§Mm {dMma H$am.

1. {dÎm Am¶moJ hr EH$ d¡Ym{ZH$ g§ñWm Amho.
2. amÁ¶KQ>ZoÀ¶m H$b‘ 280 A§VJ©V {dÎm Am¶moJmMr ñWmnZm Ho$br OmVo.
3. {dÎm Am¶moJmZo Ho$boë¶m {e’$maer Ho$di g„mJma ñdê$nmÀ¶m AgVmV.
4. n{hbm {dÎm Am¶moJ 1950 ‘ܶo ñWmnZ H$aʶmV Ambm.
darbn¡H$s H$moUVr {dYmZo ~amo~a AmhoV?
1) 1 Am{U 4 2) 3 Am{U 4
3) 2 Am{U 3 4) 2 Am{U 4

18) With reference to the Finance Commission of India, consider the following statements.
1. The Finance Commission is a statutory body
2. The Finance Commission was set up under Article 280 of the Constitution
3. The recommendations made by the Finance Commission are only advisory in nature
4. The first Finance Commission was set up in 1950
Which of the above statements are correct?
1) 1 and 4 2) 3 and 4
3) 2 and 3 4) 2 and 4

19) ^maVmVrb {ZJwªVdUyH$ Am¶moJmMo n{hbo Aܶj H$moU hmoVo?

1) Or.ìhr. am‘ H¥$îU 2) gr. a§JamOZ
3) AéU OoQ>br 4) ‘m±Q>oH$ qgJ Ahbwdm{b¶m

19) Who was the first Chairman of the ‘Disinvestment Commission’ of India?
1) GV Ram Krishna 2) C Rangarajan
3) Arun Jaitley 4) Montek Singh Ahluwalia

20) 2020 ‘ܶo Am§Vaamï´>r¶ {dÎmr¶ godm H|$ÐmMr ñWmnZm H$moR>o H$aʶmV Ambr Amho
1) Jm§YrZJa 2) ‘w§~B©
3) Ah‘Xm~mX 4) ~|Jiwê
20) The International Financial Services Centre has been established at -
1) Gandhinagar 2) Mumbai
3) Ahmedabad 4) Bengaluru

21) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVr OmoS>r ~amo~a Zmhr

{nHo$ amÁ¶o
1) ‘H$m Am§Y« àXoe
2) Á¶yQ> n{ü‘ ~§Jmb
3) H$mnyg ‘hmamï´>
4) gmo¶m~rZ Am§Y« àXoe

21) Which of the following pair is not correctly

Crops States
1) Maize Andhra Pradesh
2) Jute West Bengal
3) Cotton Maharashtra
4) Soyabean Andhra Pradesh

22) CgmMr amñV d {H$’$m¶Vera qH$‘V (FRP) H$moUm‘m’©$V ‘§Oya Ho$br OmVo?
1) Am{W©H$ H$m‘H$mO H°${~ZoQ> g{‘Vr
2) H¥$fr IM© Am{U qH$‘V Am¶moJ
3) nUZ d narjU g§MmbZmb¶, H¥$fr ‘§Ìmb¶
4) H¥$fr CËnÞ ~mOma g{‘Vr

22) The Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane is approved by the -
1) Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
2) Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices
3) Directorate of Marketing and Ir. spection, Ministry of Agriculture
4) Agricultural Produce Market Committee

23) Imbrb {dYmZo {dMmamV ¿¶m:

1. ^maVmZo H¥$fr joÌmV ZdrZ YmoaU ñdrH$mabo Á¶m‘wio h[aV H«$m§Vr {deofV: Jhÿ Am{U Vm§Xÿi CËnmXZmV Pmbr.
2. Joë¶m 30 dfm©V ^maV AÞYmݶmÀ¶m ~m~VrV ñd¶§nyU© Pmbm Amho H$maU Xoe^amV {d{dY àH$maMr {nHo$ KoVbr
Imbr {Xboë¶m H$moS>Mm dmna H$ê$Z ¶mo½¶ CÎma {ZdS>m
(1) ’$º$ 1 (2) ’$º$ 2
(3) 1 Am{U 2 XmoÝhr (4) 1 qH$dm 2 Zmhr

23. Consider the following statements:

1. India adopted a new strategy in agriculture which resulted in the Green Revolution, espe
cially in the production of wheat and rice.
2. India has become self-sufficient in food grains during the last 30 years because of a variety
of crops grown all over the country:
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(1) 1only (2) 2only
(3) Both 1 and 2 (4) Neither 1 nor 2

24) Imbrb {dYmZo {dMmamV ¿¶m:

1. gmd©O{ZH$ {dVaU àUmbr åhUOo g‘mOmVrb Jar~ dJm©‘ܶo emgZ-{Z¶§{ÌV aoeZ XþH$mZm§Ûmao AÞYmݶmMo {dVaU.
2. aoeZMr XþH$mZo gd© ñd¶§nmH$mÀ¶m dñVy§Mm gmR>m R>odVmV d bmoH$m§Zm H$‘r {H$‘VrV {dH$VmV.
3. {H$‘Vr pñWa R>odʶmgmR>r Am{U J«mhH$m§Zm nadS>Umè¶m {H$‘VrV AÞ CnbãY H$ê$Z XoʶmgmR>r PDS ho gaH$mar
YmoaUmMo gdm©V à^mdr gmYZ Agë¶mMo {gÕ Pmbo Amho.
4. {eYmn{ÌH$m VrZ àH$maÀ¶m AgVmV.
darbn¡H$s H$moUVr {dYmZo ~amo~a AmhoV?
(1) 1, 2 Am{U (2) 1, 3 Am{U 4
(3) 2, 3 Am{U 4 (4) 1 Am{U 4

24. Consider the following statements:

1. The Public Distribution System is the distribution of food grains through government-regulat
ed ration shops among the poorer section of society.
2. Raion shops keep stock of all cooking items which are sold to people at a price lower than
the market price.
3. The PDS has proved to be the most effective instrument of government policy in stabilising
prices and making food available to consumers at affordable prices.
4. There are three kinds of ration cards.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(1) 1,2 and 3 (2) 1, 3 and 4
(3) 2, 3 and 4 (4) 1 and 4

25) amï´>r¶ AÞ gwajm H$m¶Xm 2013 À¶m g§X^m©V Imbrb {dYmZo {dMmamV ¿¶m:
1. hm H$m¶Xm nadS>Umè¶m {H$‘VrV AÞ Am{U nmofU gwajm àXmZ H$aVmo Am{U bmoH$m§Zm gÝ‘mZmZo OrdZ OJʶmg gj‘
2. ¶m H$m¶Úm§VJ©V, 50% J«m‘rU bmoH$g§»¶m Am{U 33% ehar bmoH$g§»¶obm AÞ gwajogmR>r nmÌ Hw$Qw>§~o åhUyZ dJuH¥$V
H$aʶmV Ambo Amho.
darbn¡H$s H$moUVr {dYmZo ~amo~a AmhoV?
(1) ’$º$ 1 (2) ’$º$ 2
(3) 1 Am{U 2 XmoÝhr (4) 1 qH$dm 2 Zmhr
25. Consider the following statements with respect to the National Food Security Act 2013:
1. The Act provides for food and nutritional security at affordable prices and enables people to
live a life with dignity.
2. Under this act, 50% of the rural population and 33% of the urban population have been cat
egorised as eligible households for food security.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(1) 1 only (2) 2 only
(3) Both 1 and 2 (4) Neither 1 nor 2
26) ^maVmVrb gr‘m§V O‘rZYmaH$m§Mm AmH$ma {H$Vr AgVmo?
(1) 1 EH$anojm H$‘r (2) 1 hoŠQ>a Vo 2 hoŠQ>a
(3) 1 EH$a Vo 2 EH$a (4) 1 hoŠQ>anojm H$‘r

26. The size of marginal landholdings in India is:

(1) Less than 1 acre
(2) 1 hectares to 2 hectares
(3) 1 acres to 2 acres
(4) Less than 1 hectare

27) àYmZ‘§Ìr ‘wÐm ¶moOZoMm CÔoe Amho:

(1) bKw CÚmoOH$m§Zm Am¡nMm[aH$ {dÎmr¶ ì¶dñWoV AmUUo
(2) Jar~ eoVH$è¶m§Zm {d{eï> nrH$ bmJdS>rgmR>r H$O© àXmZ H$aVo
(3) d¥Õ Am{U {ZamYma 춺$s¨Zm noÝeZ àXmZ H$aUo
(4) H$m¡eë¶ {dH$mg Am{U amoOJma {Z{‘©Vr‘ܶo gh^mJr Agboë¶m ñd¶§godr g§ñWm§Zm {ZYr XoUo

27. Pradhan Mantri Mudra Scheme is aimed at :

(1) bringing the small entrepreneurs into formal financial system
(2) providing loans to poor farmers for cultivating particular crops
(3) providing pensions to old and destitute persons
(4) funding the voluntary organizations involved in thebpromotion of skill development and em

28) 2021-22 ‘ܶo gdm©{YH$ FDI H$moU˶m joÌmV àmá Pmbr?

(1) H§$߶wQ>a godm (2) g§Mma godm
(3) ì¶mnma (4) {d{Z‘m©U/CËnmXZ

28. Which sector received the highest FDI in India in 2021-22?

(1) Computer services (2) Communication services
(3) Trading (4) Manufacturing

29)2021-22 ‘ܶo gdm©{YH$ FDI H$moU˶m H$amÁ¶mV àmá Pmbr?

(1) ‘hmamï´> (2) H$Zm©Q>H$
(3) JwOamW (4) {X„r
29. Which state received the highest FDI in India in 2021-22?
(1) Maharashtra (2) Karnataka
(3) Gujarath (4) Delhi

30) ‘hmamï´> emgZmZo 2018 ‘ܶo BbopŠQ>H$ ìhoB©H$b àmoËgmhZ YmoaU Omhra Ho$bo hmoVo. ˶mMo gwYm[aV ‘hmamï´> BbopŠQ´>H$ dmhZ
YmoaU Ho$ìhm Omhra Ho$bo?
(1) Owb¡ 2021 (2) {S>g|~a 2021
(3) OyZ 2022 (4) Zmoìh|~a 2022
30. Maharashtra Govt had declared e-Vehical Promotion Policy in 2018. Its revised policy was
declared in:
(1) July 2021 (2) Dec 2021
(3) June 2022 (4) Nov 2022

31) ^maV gaH$maZwgma, gyú‘ CnH«$‘mMr ¶mo½¶ ì¶m»¶m {ZdS>m.

(1) Jw§VdUyH$ 50 bmImn¶ªV Am{U CbmT>mb 2 H$moQ>rn¶ªV
(2) Jw§VdUyH$ 1 H$moQ>rn¶ªV Am{U CbmT>mb 5 H$moQ>rn¶ªV
(3) Jw§VdUyH$ 75 bmImn¶ªV Am{U CbmT>mb 2.5 H$moQ>rn¶ªV
(4) Jw§VdUyH$ 2 H$moQ>rn¶ªV Am{U CbmT>mb 3.5 H$moQ>rn¶ªV

31. Choose the correct definition of Micro Enterprises according to Govt of India.
(1) Investment upto 50 lakh and turnover upto 2 crore
(2) Investment upto 1 crore and turnover upto 5 crore
(3) Investment upto 75 lakh and turnover upto 2.5 crore
(4) Investment upto 2 crore and turnover upto 3.5 crore

32) Imbrb SDGs ¶mo½¶ H«$‘mZo bmdm.

1. {df‘Vm H$‘r H$aUo
2. Mm§Jbr H$m¶©pñWVr Am{U Am{W©H$ dmT>
3. qbJ g‘mZVm
4. O~m~Xma Cn^moJ Am{U CËnmXZ
(1) 1-2-3-4 (2) 2-3-4-1 (3) 3-2-4-1 (4) 3-2-1-4

32. Arrange the following SDGs in chronological sequence

1. Reduced inequalities
2. Decent work and economic growth
3. Gender equality
4. Responsible consumption and production
(1) 1-2-3-4 (2) 2-3-4-1 (3) 3-2-4-1 (4) 3-2-1-4

33) 2020-21 ‘ܶo ñdV…À¶m H$a ‘hgybmMr ñWyb amÁ¶ CËnÞmer gdm©{YH$ Q>¸o$dmar Agbobr amÁ¶ AmoiIm.
1. Vob§JmUm 2.CÎma àXoe 3. amOñWmZ 4. ‘hmamï´>
(1) 1-2-3-4 (2) 4-3-2-1 (3) 1-3-2-4 (4) 4-2-1-3

33. Identity the states having highest percentage of their own tax revenue to their state GDP
in 2020-21.
1. Telangana 2.Uttar Pradesh 3. Rajashtan 4. Maharashtra
(1) 1-2-3-4 (2) 4-3-2-1 (3) 1-3-2-4 (4) 4-2-1-3

34) 15 ì¶m {dÎm Am¶moJmZwgma ‘hmamï´>mMm H|$Ðr¶ H$amVrb {hñgm {H$Vr Amho?
(1) 6.683 (2) 6.317 (3) 6.917 (4) 6.183
34. What is the percent share of Maharshtra in central taxes according to the 15th Finance
(1) 6.683 (2) 6.317 (3) 6.917 (4) 6.183

35) "Xm[aÐçmMo Xþï>MH«$' (Vicious cycle of poverty) hr g§H$ënZm Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m AW©VkmZo _m§S>br?
1) Oo. E_. Ho$Ýg 2) a°¾a ZŠg}
3) Jm¡ad XÎm 4) _m{Q>©Z a°ìh°brZ

35) Concept of 'Vicious cycle of poverty' is introduced by Who of the following econo-
1) J. M. Keynes 2) Ragnor Nurksey
3) Gourav Datt 4) Martin Ravalin

36) `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.

A) World Development Report hm Ahdmb ADB Ûmao àH$m{eV Ho$bm OmVmo.
~) World Economic Outlook hm Ahdmb IMF Ûmao àH$m{eV Ho$bm OmVmo.
H$) IMF d World Bank `m XmoÝhr g§ñWm§Mo _w»`mb` Ý`y`m°H©$ `oWo Amho.
1) A \$º$ 2) ~ \$º$
3) A Am{U ~ 4) A, ~, H$

36. Find correct statements.

a) 'World Development Report' is published by ADB.
b) 'World Economic Outlook' is published by IMF.
c) The headquarter of both IMF and world bank is at Newyork,
1) a Only 2) b Only
3) a & b 4) a, b, c

37) 'Green GDP' (h[aV GDP) ~m~V `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.

A) `m g§H$ënZoMm CX` 1990 À`m XeH$mV Pmbm.
~) GDP _YyZ n`m©daUr` èhmgmMo _yë` dOm Ho$ë`mg `oUmar qH$_V åhUOo h[aV Or.S> hmo`.
H$) Green GDP dmT>Uo åhUOo emídV {dH$mgmmH$S>o hmoUmao _mJ©H«$_U hmo`.
1) A \$º$ 2) ~, H$
3) A, H$ 4) A, ~, H$

37. Find correct statement about Green GDP.

a) This concept has emerged in 1990s.
b) When value of environmental degredation is substracted from value of GDP the outcome
value will be Green GDP.
c) Increase in value of Green GDP is forward step towards sustainable development
1) a only 2) b, c
3) a, c 4) a, b, c
38) "A°Q²>H$sÝgZ _mnH$ (Atkinsen measure)' hr g§H$ënZm H$emer g§~§{YV Amho?
1) IHDI 2) GII
3) GEM 4) HPI

38. The concept of Atkinsen measure is related with

1) IHDI 2) GII
3) GEM 4) HPI

39) `mo½` OmoS>çm bmdm.

Index gwédmV
A) HPI I) 2020
~) MPI II) 2010
H$) GGGI III) 2006
S>) PHDI IV) 1997
A ~ H$ S>

39. Match the following

Index Estd. Year
a) HPI I. 2020
b) MPI II. 2010
c) GGGI III. 2006
d) PHDI IV. 1997
a b c d

40) PQLI (Physical Quality of Life Index) ~m~V `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.
A) gwédmV 1979 gmbr Pmbr.
~) {Z{_©Vr _m°ag S>r. _m°[ag `m§Zr Ho$br.
H$) A^©H$ _¥Ë`yXa, _yb^yV gmjaVm Xa, EH$ dfm©À`m doiMo Am`w_m©Z Ago PQLI Mo KQ>H$ AmhoV.
S>) `mVyZM nwT>o HDI Mr g§H$ënZm CX`mg Ambr.
1) A, ~, H$ 2) ~, H$, S>
3) A, H$, S> 4) A, ~, H$, S>
40. Find Correct Statement about PQLI
1) Started in 1979
2) Index formulated by morris D. morris.
3) Infant mortality rate, basic literacy rate, life expectancy at the age of one year are
the paramenters for PQLI.
4) Concept of HDI has emerged from this concept.
1) a, b, c 2) b, c, d
3) a, c, d 4) a, b, c, d

41) `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm. (Covid-19 ~m~V)

A) `m AmOmamMm OJmVrb n{hbm é½U MrZ_Yrb dwhmZ ehamV {S>g|~a 2019 _Ü`o AmT>ibm.
~) ^maVmVrb n{hbm é½U 30 OmZodmar 2020 amoOr Ho$ai `oWo AmT>ibm.
H$) _hmamï´>mVrb n{hbm é½U 9 _mM© 2020 amoOr _w§~B© `oWo AmT>ibm.
1) A, ~ 2) ~, H$>
3) A, H$ 4) A, ~, H$

41) Find the correct Sentence (about covid-19)

a) 1st reported case for this pandemic was in Wuhan, China in December 2019.
b) 1st reported case in india was in kerala on 30th January 2020.
c) 1st reported case in Maharashtra was in mumbai on 9th march 2020.
1) a, b 2) b, c
3) a, c 4) a, b, c

42) `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.

A) 2011 À`m OZJUZoZwgma _hmamï´> amÁ`mMr bmoH$g§»`m 11.24 H$moQ>r BVH$s hmoVr.
~) amï´>r` bmoH$g§»`m Am`moJmZo (National Commission on Population) Zo àH$m{eV Ho$boë`m AhdmbmZwgma
_hmamï´>mMr A§Xm{OV bmoH$g§»`m (Projected Population of the State) hr 1 _mM© 2022 amoOr 12.54 H$moQ>r
BVH$s hmoVr.
H$) gZ 2011 À`m OZJUZoZwgma ^maVmVrb 9.3% BVH$s bmoH$g§»`m _hmamï´> amÁ`mV amhV hmoVr.
1) A \$º$ 2) A Am{U H$ \$º$
3) ~ \$º$ 4) A, ~, H

42) Find correct Statement

a) As per 2011 census, population of Maharashtra was 11.24 cr.
b) As per National Commission on Population Report-projected population of the state is
12.54 cr. on 1st march 2020.
c) As per Census 2011, 9.3% of India's population lives in Maharashtra.
1) a only 2) a & c
3) b only 4) a, b, c

43) AURIC ~m~V `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.
A) `mMo nyU© én Aurangabad Industrial Corridor Ago Amho.
~) `mMo nyU© én Aurangabad Industrial Complex Ago Amho.
H$) hm {X„r-_w§~B© Industrial Corridor Mm EH$ ^mJ Amho.
S>) ho Walk to work `m g§H$ënZoda AmYm[aV Agbobo ~«mCZ{\$ëS> eha Amho.
1) A \$º$ 2) ~ \$º$
3) H$ \$º$ 4) ~, H$, S>

43) Find the correct Sentences about AURIC

a) Full form of AURIC is Aurangabad Industrial corridor.
b) Full form of AURIC is Aurangabad Industrial complex.
c) It is the part of Delhi-Mumbai Industrial corridor.
d) It is a Brownfield city based on 'Walk to work' concept.
1) a only 2) b only
3) c only 4) b, c, d

44) `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.

A) g|{Ð` eoVr CËnmXZm_Ü`o _hmamï´> amÁ`mMm ^maVmV Xþgam H«$_m§H$ bmJVmo.
~) _hmamï´> amÁ`mZo Amnbo g|{Ð` eoVr YmoaU OmZodmar 2013 _Ü`o Omhra Ho$bo.
1) A \$º$ 2) ~ \$º$
3) A Am{U ~$ 4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr

44. Find the correct Statement

a) Maharashtra ranks 2nd in organic farm Production in india.
b) Maharashtra state has introduced its organic farming policy in Jan. 2013.
1) a Only 2) b Only
3) a & b 4) None

45) `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.

A) PMJDY A§VJ©V _hmamï´>mV CKS>ë`m Joboë`m ImË`m§n¡H$s {Zåå`mhÿZ A{YH$ ImVr hr J«m_rU d {Z_ehar ^mJmVrb
~) PMJDY ho {dÎmr` g_mdoeZmgmR>r CMbbobo _hÎdmMo nmD$b Amho.
1) A \$º$ 2) ~ \$º$
3) A Am{U ~ \$º$ 4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr

45) Find the correct Statement

a) More than 50% of the accounts opened in Maharashtra under PMJDY are from Rural and
semi-urban area.
b) PMJDY is an important step for financial Inclusion.
1) a Only 2) b Only
3) a & b 4) None
46) `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.
A) 2020-21 _Ü`o Pmboë`m EHy$U drO{Z{_©Vrn¡H$s ^maVmV _hmamï´>mMm gdm©{YH$ dmQ>m Amho.
~) {dOoMm à{V ì`º$s Cn^moJ Xa (Per Capita Consumption of Electricity) hm _hmamï´>mMm 1005.9 `w{ZQ>
à{Vì`º$s BVH$m Amho Va ^maVmMm hm gamgar Xa 768.5 `w{ZQ> BVH$m Amho.
1) A \$º$ 2) ~ \$º$
3) A Am{U ~ 4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr

46. Find the correct Statement

a) Maharashtra state is highest in electricity generated during 2020-21 in India.
b) Per capita ultimate consumption of electricity for the maharashtra state is 1005-9 units as
against 768.5 units for india.
1) a Only 2) b Only
3) a & b 4) None

47) H$mo{dS>-19 H$mbmdYrV Amnbo XmoÝhr nmbH$ (Parents) J_mdboë`m _wbm§gmR>r (Child) ICDS A§VJ©V {H$Vr a¸$_
Ë`m _wbm§À`m Zmdo Fixed Deposit _Ü`o _hmamï´> emgZmÛmao O_m H$aÊ`mV Ambr?
1) VrZ bmI é. 2) nmM bmI é.
3) Xhm bmI é. 4) EH$ bmI é.

47. Under ICDS, What amount has been deposited in the name of child who lost both the par-
ents due to covid-19 pandemic?
1) Three lakhs Rs. 2) Five lakhs Rs.
3) Ten lakhs Rs. 4) One lakh Rs.

48) `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.

A) gmVì`m n§Mdm{f©H$ `moOZobm amoOJma{Z{_©VrOZH$ `moOZm Ago åhUVmV.
~) Odmha amoOJma `moOZm hr ñdV§Ì ^maVmVrb n{hbr {dH|$ÐrH¥$V `moOZm hmoVr.
H$) ghmì`m `moOZoXaå`mZ ^maVmg AÞYmÝ`mÀ`m ~m~VrV ñd`§nyU© Kmo{fV H$aÊ`mV Ambo.
1) A, ~ 2) ~, H$
3) A, H$ 4) A, ~, H$

48. Find the correct Statement

a) Seventh five year plan is also known as a Employment-Generation plan.
b) Jawahar Rojgar Yojana is first decentrtised scheme in post-independent India.
c) India has been declared as self-sufficient in terms of foodgrains during sixth-five year plan.
1) a, b 2) b, c
3) a, c 4) a, b, c

49) `mo½` OmoS>çm bmdm.

Index gwédmV
A) 4th FYP I) gm_m{OH$ Ý`m`mgh Am{W©H$ dmT>>
~) 7th FYP II) ñW¡`m©gh dmT>>
H$) 8th FYP III) CËnmXH$ amoOJma {Z{_©Vr
S>) 9th FYP IV) _mZdr {dH$mg
A ~ H$ S>

49. Match the following

a) 4th FYP I. Economic Growth with social justice
b) 7th FYP II. Growth with Stability
c) 8th FYP III. Productive employment generation
d) 9th FYP IV. Human development
a b c d

50) gwaoe V|Sw>bH$a Vk JQ> 2005 (Xm[aÐç _moOUr g§X^m©V) A`mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.
A) OmZodmar 2011 _Ü`o Ahdmb gmXa Ho$bm.
~) `m Vk JQ>mZo J«m_rU ^mJmgmR>r 816 é. d ehar ^mJmgmR>r 1000 é. Aer à{V_m{gH$ Xm[aÐçaofm R>adbr.
H$) `m§Zm 2009-10 _Ü`o {~hma amÁ`mV gdm©{YH$ Xm[aÐç AmT>ibo.
S>) 2009-10 _Ü`o `m§Zm 29.8% BVHo$ Xm[aÐç AmT>ibo.
1) A \$º$ 2) ~ \$º$
3) H$ \$º$ 4) S> \$º$

50. Find Incorrect Sentence about Suresh Tendulkar Expert Group 2005 (about poverty esti-
a) He submitted report in January 2011.
b) This expert group has decided Rs. 816 per month for Rural area and 1000 per month for
urban area as poverty line.
c) This expert group found maximum poverity in state of Bihar in 2009-10
d) This expert group found 29.8% poverty in 2009-10.
1) a Only 2) b Only
3) c Only 4) d Only

51) {ZVr Am`moJmZo .......... amoOr ^maVmVrb Xm[aÐç {Z_y©bZ {df`H$ H¥$Vr XbmMr (Tasl force on Elimination of
Poverty) Mr ñWmnZm Ho$br.
1) 6 _mM© 2016 2) 16 _mM© 2015
3) 16 _mM© 2016 4) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
51. Task force on Eliminatiion of poverty has been established by NITI Aayoug on ........
1) 6th March 2016 2) 16th March 2015
3) 16 March 2015
4) None of the above

52) àYmZ_§Ìr H$m¡eë` {dH$mg `moOZm (PMKVY) ~m~V `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.
A) 15 Owb¡ 2015 amoOr `moOZog gwédmV
~) `m `moOZoÀ`m A§_b~OmdUrMr O~m~Xmar NSDC H$S>o XoÊ`mV Ambr Amho.
H$) hr EH$ g{Q>©{\$Ho$eZ `moOZm AgyZ Amdí`H$ H$m¡eë` à{ejU XoD$Z VéUm§Zm gmhmæ` H$aUo hm `m `moOZoMm CÔoe
1) A, ~ 2) ~, H$
3) A, H$ 4) A, ~, H$

52. Find the correct Statement about PMKVY

a) Scheme launched on 15th July, 2015
b) The responsibility for implementation of this scheme has been given to NSDC
c) This is a certification scheme & objective of the scheme is to provide market oriented skill
training to youth.
1) a, b 2) b, c
3) a, c 4) a, b, c

53) DDV-GKY ~m~V `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.

A) gwédmV 25 gßQ>|~a 2014 amoOr, n§. XrZX`mb CnmÜ`m` `m§À`m 98 ì`m OÝ_{XZr
~) 15 Vo 35 df} d`moJQ>mVrb ì`º$s¨Zm ~mOmam{^_wI à{ejU XoUo, hm `m `moOZoMm CÔoe Amho.
H$) H$mhr {d{eï> joÌ VgoM bú`JQ>m§gmR>r `mM `moOZ|VJ©V {d{dY `moOZm am~{dë`m OmVmV.
1) A, ~ 2) ~, H$
3) A, H$ 4) A, ~, H$
53. Find the correct Statement about DDV-GKY
a) Scheme launched on 25th Sept., 2014 98th birth anniversary of Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya.
b) Objective of the scheme is to provide market oriented training to 15-35 yrs. age group per
c) There are some special programmes for some specific areas and target groups
1) a, b 2) b, c
3) a, c 4) a, b, c

54) ^maVm g§X^m©V bmoH$g§»`mdmT>rÀ`m Q>ßß`m§À`m `mo½` OmoS>çm bmdm.

A) 1901-21 I) Cƒ dmT>, _mÌ KgaVm d¥Õr Xa>>
~) 1921-51 II) pñWa bmoH$g§»`oMm H$mi
H$) 1951-81 III) _§X dmT>rMm H$mi
S>) 1981-2011 IV) doJdmZ Cƒ dmT>

A ~ H$ S>

54. Match the following in terms of stages of population growth in india

a) 1901-21 I. High growth but declining growth
b) 1921-51 II. Phase of stagnant growth
c) 1951-81 III. Phase of steady growth
d) 1981-2011 IV. Phase of population expansion
a b c d

55) `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.

A) amÁ`mV ñdñV XamV emgH$s` AZwXmZ àmá ^moOZmb`mVyZ ^moOZ CnbãY H$ê$Z XoÊ`mgmR>r _hmamï´> emgZmZo
{ed^moOZ Wmir hr `moOZm 26 OmZodmar 2020 amoOr gwê$ Ho$br.
~) `m `moOZo§VJ©V ^moOZWmir Ho$di 10 én`o à{V Wmir BVŠ`m aH$_oV {Xbr OmVo.
H$) H$mo{dS>-19 À`m H$mimV `m WmirMr a¸$_ 5 é. à{V Wmir Aer H$aÊ`mV Ambr hmoVr.
1) A, ~ 2) ~, H$
3) A, H$ 4) A, ~, H$
55. Find the correct Statement
a) Maharashtra government started 'Shiv Bhojan Thali' scheme on 25th January 2020 with ob
jective to provide full meal through the Shiv Bhojan centres at minimum price
b) Thali is provided at Rs. 10 through this scheme.
c) During the period of covid-19 the price rate of shiv Bhojan Thali was reduced to Rs. 5 per
1) a, b 2) b, c
3) a, c 4) a, b, c

56) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m {R>H$mUr amon-do gw{dYm nwadÊ`mgmR>r gm_§Oñ` H$ama H$aÊ`mV Ambm Amho?
A) EH$dram Xodr _§{Xa-H$mbm© ~) amOJS> {H$„m-nwUo
1) A \$º$ 2) ~ \$º$
3) A Am{U ~ 4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr

56. MoU has been signed for providing ropeway facilities at which of the following places?
a) Ekvira Devi Temple b) Rajgad Fort, Pune
1) a Only 2) b Only
3) a & b 4) None
57) qhXþ öX`g_«mQ> ~mimgmho~ R>mH$ao _hmamï´> g_¥Õr _hm_mJ© ~m~V `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.
A) hm AmR> nXar EŠgàogdo Amho.
~) hm añVm 701 {H$_r bm§~ d 100 _rQ>a é§X Amho.
H$) _w§~B© Am{U ZmJnya `m XmoZ eham§Zm OmoS>Vmo.
S>) EHy$U A§Xm{OV IM© 55,335.32 H$moQ>r é. BVH$m Amho.
B) {S>g|~a 2021 n`ªV `m _hm_mJm©Mo Odinmg 75 Q>¸o$ BVHo$ H$m_ nyU© Pmbobo Amho.
1) A, ~, H$, S> 2) A, H$, S>, B
3) A, ~, S>, B 4) A, ~, H$, S>, B

57. Find correct Statement about Hindu Hriday Samrat Balasaheb Thackeray Maharashtra
Samruddhi Mahamarg.
a) It is eight lane expressway.
b) It is 701 km long and 100 metre wide.
c) It connects mumbai and Nagpur.
d) Total estimated cost is about Rs. 55,335.32 cr.
e) Upto December 2021, about 75% of work was completed,
1) a, b, c, d 2) a, c, d, e
3) a, b, d, e 4) a, b, c, d, e

58) amï´>r` AÞ gwajm A{^`mZ (NFSM - National Food Security Mission) ~m~V `mo½` {dYmZo Vnmgm.
A) 2007-08 _Ü`o ho A{^`mZ gwê$ H$aÊ`mV Ambo.
~) Vm§Xÿi, Jhÿ d H$S>YmÝ`o `m§Mo CËnmXZ dmT>dUo `m CÔoemZo `m A{^`mZmMr gwédmV Pmbr.
H$) joÌ {dñVma, CËnmXH$VoV dmT> H$aUo, O{_ZrMm H$g gwYmaUo, amoOJmamÀ`m g§Yr {Z_m©U H$aUo ho BVahr KQ>H$ `m
A{^`mZmMm ^mJ hmoVo.
1) A, ~ 2) ~, H$
3) A, H$ 4) A, ~, H$

58. Find the correct Statement about NFSM

a) Scheme launched in 2007-08
b) This mission was launched with the objective to increase production of Rice, Wheat and
c) Increase in area, Increase in productivity, improving employment oppoftunities are the other
objectives of this mission.
1) a, b 2) b, c
3) a, c 4) a, b, c

59) eoVH$è`m§Mo CËnÞ XþßnQ> H$aÊ`mÀ`m CÔoemZo amÁ` emgZmZo 2017-18 nmgyZ ....... Mr gwédmV Ho$br.
1) ^mD$gmho~ \w§$S>H$a \$i~mJ bmJdS> `moOZm
2) àYmZ_§Ìr {H$gmZ gÝ_mZ {ZYr
3) CÞV eoVr - g_¥Õ eoVH$ar _mohrV
4) nwÊ`íbmoH$ A{hë`mXodr hmoiH$a amondm{Q>H$m `moOZm
59. For doubling the income of farmers state government has started ....... from 2017-18.
1) Bhavsaheb Fundkar Falbaug Lagwad Yojana.
2) Pradhanmantri Kisan Samman Nidhi
3) Unnat Sheti Samruddh Shetkari Mohim
4) Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Ropwatika Yojana

60) MAITRI Mo nyU© ê$n H$m`?

1) Maharashtra Industry, Trade & Innovation Facilitation cell.
2) Maharashtra Infrastructure, Trade & Innovation Facilitation cell.
3) Maharashtra Industry, Trade & Investment Facilitation cell.
4) darbn¡H$s Zmhr

60. Full form of MAITRI is ........

1) Maharashtra Industry, trade & Innovation facilitation cell.
2) Maharashtra Infrastructurem trade & Innovation facilitation cell.
3) Maharashtra Industry trade & Investment facilitation cell
4) None of the above

61) MITRA H$m` Amho?

1) _hmamï´> IT g§~§{YV ao½`yboQ>ar A°Wm°[aQ>r
2) ZrVr Am`moJmÀ`m YVuda _hmamï´> emgZmZo ñWmnZ Ho$bobr g§ñWm
3) _hmamï´> emgZmMo CÚmoJmg§~§YrMo g§Ho$VñWi
4) darbn¡H$s Zmhr

61. What is MITRA

1) Regulatary authority related with maharashtra it.
2) Institution established by Maharashtra government on the lines of NITI Aayog
3) Maharashtra government portal related with Industry.
4) None of the above

62) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m {Xder OJmMr bmoH$g§»`m 800 H$moQ>r BVH$s Pmbr?
1) 11 Zmoìh|~a 2022 2) 15 Zmoìh|~a 2022
3) 19 Zmoìh|~a 2022 4) 1 {S>g|~a 2022

62. At which of the following date the population of world numbered 800 cr.?
1) 11 Nov. 2022 2) 15 Nov. 2022
3) 19 Nov. 2022 4) 1 Dec. 2022

63) Imbrbn¡H$s J«mhH$ qH$_V {ZX}em§H$ (CPI) {df`r AMyH$ {dYmZo {ZdS>m.
A) CPI dñVy§À`m {H$aH$moi qH$_Vrdê$Z H$mT>bm OmVmo.
~) `mV \$º$ dñVy§À`m qH$_VrMm g_mdoe hmoVmo.
H$) CPI Mo _moO_mn Xa _{hÝ`mbm Ho$bo OmVo.
S>) CPI bm Cost of Living Index Agohr åhUVmV.
1) A, ~ 2) H$, S>
3) A, H$, S> 4) darb gd©

63) Choose the correct statement about Consumer Price Index. (CPI)
a) CPI is derived from Retail prices of goods
b) It includes Only cost of goods
c) CPI is measared every month
d) CPI is also known as Cost of Living Index
1) a, b 2) c, d
3) a, c, d 4) All of the above

64) Imbrbn¡H$s AMyH$ ZgUmao {dYmZ {bhm.

1) g§gXoV AW©g§H$ën gmXa H$aÊ`mnydu EH$ {Xdg AJmoXa Am{W©H$ nmhUr Ahdmb gmXa Ho$bm OmVmo.
2) 2022-23 À`m Am{W©H$ nmhUr AhdmbmZwgma XoemMm Am{W©H$ {dH$mg Xa (GDP) 6.4% Amho.
3) 2022-23 À`m Am{W©H$ nmhUr AhdmbmZwgma XoemMm Am¡Úmo{JH$ {dH$mgmMm Xa 9.1 Amho.
4) 2022-23 _Ü`o amOH$mofr` VyQ> GDP À`m 6.4% Amho.

64. Choose the Statement which is not correct from the following.
1) The Economic Surveyt report is submitted one day before the presentation of the budget to
the parliament.
2) According to the Economic Survey report 2022-23 the country's economic growth rate
(GDP) is 6.4%
3) According to the Economic Survey report 2022-23, the industrial growth rate of the country
is 9.1%
4) Fiscal defi cit is 6.4% of GDP in 2022-23

65) H|$Ð gaH$maÀ`m CËnÞmMo ómoV d Ë`m§Mm dmQ>m

`mo½` OmoS>çm bmdm.
ómoV dmQ>m
A) H$O© 1) 4%>
~) gr_m ewëH$ 2) 34%>
H$) GST 3) 17%
S>) {ZJ_ H$a 4) 15%
A ~ H$ S>
1) 1 2 4 3
2) 2 1 3 4
3) 1 3 4 2
4) 2 4 1 3

65. Sources of Income of central government and their share Match the appropriate pairs.
a) Loan 1) 4%
b) Custom duty 2) 34%
c) GST 3) 17%
d) Corporation Tax 4) 15%
a b c d
1) 1 2 4 3
2) 2 1 3 4
3) 1 3 4 3
4) 2 4 1 3

66) H$amMm Xa Am{U Ë`mVyZ àmá H$a _hgyb `m§_Yrb g§~§YmMo AmboIê$ àXe©Z åhUOoM ......... hmo`.
1) b°\«$a dH«$aofm 2) bm°aoÝg dH«$aofm
3) {JZr JwUm§H$ 4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr

66. Grophical representation of the Relationship between the rate of tax and the tax revenue
derived from it is called......
1) Laffer curve 2) Lorenz curve
3) Gini coefbicient 4) None of the above

67) Imbrbn¡H$s gË` {dYmZo {ZdS>m.

A) _hm_§S>i H$a hm àJVrerb H$a Amho.
~) d¡`{º$H$ Am`H$a hm à_mUera H$a Amho.
H$) AàË`j H$a hm à{VJm_r AgVmo.
S>) H$a ì`dñWoV EH$M H$a AmH$mabm Agob Va Vmo EH$ _wIr AgVmo.
1) A, H$ 2) H$, S>
3) A, ~, H$ 4) darb gd©

67. Select the correct statement from the following

a) Corporation tax is a progressive tax
b) Income tax is a proportional tax
c) Indirect tax is regressive tax
d) In a tax system if there is only one tax levied, it is Single-point a tax
1) a, c 2) c, d
3) a, c, d 4) All of the above

68) `mo½` {dYmZo emoYm.

A) WoQ> bm^ hñVm§VaU `moOZm (Direct Benefit Transfer) gwê$dmV 1 OmZodmar 2014 Pmbr.
~) 2 {S>g|~a 2014 amoOr hr `moOZm Xoe^a bmJy H$aÊ`mV Ambr.
H$) `m `moOZoMr {e\$mag Z§XZ {ZbHo$Ur H$m`©Xb {e\$magrZwgma Pmbr.
S>) H$ë`mUH$mar `moOZm§Mr _m{hVr d bm^ WoQ> bm^mÏ`mªÀ`m ~±H$ ImË`mda hñVm§VaU H$aÊ`mgmR>r hr `moOZm Amho.
1) A, ~, H$ 2) ~, H$>
3) H$, S> 4) ~, H$, S>

68. Find the correct statements.

a) Direct Benefit transfer scheme (DBT) started on January 1, 2014
b) D B T scheme was implemented nationwide on December 2, 2014
c) DBT scheme was recommendation of the Nandan Nilkeni task force
d) This scheme is intended to give welfare scheme information and tranfer benefi ts directly to
the boneficiary's Bank account.
1) a, b, c 2) b, c
3) c, d 4) b, c, d

69) Imbrbn¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.

1) M3 = M2 + ghm _{hZonojm OmñV H$mimÀ`m _wXV R>odr + ~±H$m§Mr _mJUr Xo` d _wXV H$O}
2) M1 = bmoH$m§Odirb MbZr ZmoQ>m d ZmUr + bmoH$m§À`m ~±H$m§_Yrb _mJUr R>odr + RBI H$S>rb BVa R>odr
3) M3 + 1 dfm©nojm OmñV H$mimÀ`m _wXV R>odr + ~±H$m§Mr _mJUr Xo` d _wXV H$O}
4) `mn¡H$s Zmhr

70) ì`mnmaVmob (Balance of Trade-BOT) _Ü`o Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m Jmoï>r {dMmamV KoVë`m OmV Zmhr?
A) dñVyMm ì`mnma ~) H$O© H$) godm S>) Jw§VdUyH$ B) ^m§S>db
1) A, ~ 2) A, ~, B$
3) \$º$ A 4) ~, H$, S>, B

70. Which of the following are not considered in Balance of trade (BOT)
a) Trade in goode b) Loan c) Service d) Investment e) Capital
1) a, b 2) a, b, e
3) Only a 4) b, c, d, e

71) ì`dhmaVmobmMo (Balance of Payment-BOP) Mo Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo ImVo ho ì`mnmaVmob åhUyZ AmoiIbo OmVo?
1) Mmby ImVo 2) Ñí` ImVo
3) AÑí` ImVo 4) ^m§S>dbr ImVo

71. Which of the following account of Balance of payment (BOP) is known as balance of
1) Currrent Accounts 2) Visible Accounts
3) Incisible Accounts 4) Captal Accounts

72) naH$s` MbZ gmR>çm_Ü`o nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUVo KQ>H$ _moObo OmV ZmhrV?
A) _Ü`dVu ~±Ho$H$S>o Agbobo naH$s` MbZ
~) _Ü`dVu ~±Ho$H$S>rb gmoZo
H$) SDRs
1) A, ~ 2) \$º$ S>
3) ~, H$ 4) `mn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr

72. Which of the following are not included in foreign exchange reserves?
a) Foreign currency held by the central bank
b) Gold held by the central Bank
c) SDR's
d) RTP
1) a, b 2) Only d
3) b, c 4) None ot the above

73) Imbrbn¡H$s AMyH$ Zgboobr {dYmZo {ZdS>m.

A) {Z`moOZH$mimV ^maVmMr Am`mVhr dmT>br, {Z`m©Vhr dmT>br, na§Vw Am`mVdmT>rMm Xa OmñV Agë`m_wio VyQ>hr dmT>V
~) 1972-73 d 1977-78 _Ü`oM ^maVmMm ì`mnmaVmob AZwHy$b am{hbm.
H$) `moOZm gwÅ>r H$mimV 1969 _Ü`o én`mMo Ad_yë`Z H$amdo bmJbo.
1) A, ~ 2) ~, H$
3) \$º$ H$ 4) A, ~, H$

73. Choose the statements which are not correct from the following
a) India's imports also increased during the planning period, exports also increased, but be
cause the rate of increase in imports was high defi cit increased.
b) India's trade in 1972-73 and 1977-78 remained favourable.
c) The rupee had to be devalued in 1969 during plan holidays.
1) a, b 2) b, c
3) Only c 4) a, b, c

74) `mo½` OmoS>çm bmdm.

"A' JQ> "~' JQ>
A) amO g{_Vr 1) FRBM> ~m~V bú` gwMdUo
~) amO_Þma g{_Vr 2) H¥$fr CËnÞ
H$) S>m°. amOm Mobæ`m g{_Vr 3) H|$Ð-amÁ` {dÎmr` g§~§Y
S>) S>m°. {dO` Ho$iH$a H$m`©JQ> 4) àË`j-AàË`j H$amV gwYmaUm
A ~ H$ S>
1) 2 4 3 1
2) 2 3 4 1
3) 4 3 1 2
4) 1 2 4 3

74. Match the correct pairs

Group 'A' Group 'B"
a) Raj committee 1) Suggest target regarding FRBM
b) Rajmannar committee 2) Agricultural income
c) Raja Chakyya committee 3) Center state fi nancial Relation
d) Dr. Vijay Kelkar working group 4) Dirrect-Indirect tax improvement
a b c d
1) 2 4 3 1
2) 2 3 4 1
3) 4 3 1 2
4) 1 2 4 3
75) dñVy d godm H$a (GST) ~m~V AgË` Zgbobo {dYmZo emoYm.
A) GST _wio XoemVrb AàË`j H$a gab Am{U EH$sH¥$V Pmbo AmhoV.
~) Tax-on-Tax À`m ÌwQ>r dJië`m Joë`m AmhoV.
H$) XoemV EH$b ~mOma (Unitied market) {Z_m©U hmoV Amho.
S>) GST g§nyU© ^maVmV 1 Owb¡ 2017 _Ü`o bmJy Pmbo.
1) \$º$ A 2) A, ~, S>
3) darb gd©> 4) ~, H$, S>

75. Find the statements about Goods and Service Tax (GST) which are not false.
a) GST has simplifi ed and (unifi ed) indirect taxes.
b) Tax-on-tax and its errors have been omitted.
c) In the country unifi ed market is formed.
d) GST came into force across india on 1st July 2017.
1) Only a 2) a, b, d
3) All of the above 4) b, c, d

76) C{O©V nQ>ob g{_Vr 2013 Zwgma Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVr {e\$mag Ho$br ZìhVr?
A) _hmJmB©Mo {Z`§ÌU ho MbZ{df`H$ YmoaUmÀ`m Mm¡H$Q>rMo _w»` gyÌ Agmdo.
~) MbZdmT>rMo Ü`o` gmYmaUV: 6% (+ qH$dm-2%)
H$) MbZ{df`H$ YmoaU R>a{dÊ`mgmR>r "_m¡{ÐH$ YmoaU g{_Vr (MPC)' ñWmnZm H$aÊ`mV `mdr
S>) Aën_wXVrMo aonmo {dH${gV H$amdoV.
1) \$º$ ~ 2) A, S>
3) ~, S> 4) darb gd©

76. Which of the following was not recommended by Urjit Patel Committee 2013?
a) Control of infl ation is main objective of the monetary policy.
b) Infl ation target at around 6% (1 or - 2%)
c) A Monetory Policy Committee (MPC) should be constituted to decide the monetary policy.
1) Only b 2) a, d
3) b, d 4) All of the above

77) ^maVmÀ`m g§{MV {ZYr (Consolidated Fund) {df`r `mo½` ZgUmao {dYmZ emoYm.
1) AZwÀN>oX 266-2 `m ^maVmÀ`m amÁ`KQ>ZoVrb H$b_mZwgma g§{MV {ZYr C^mabm OmVmo.
2) g§gXoÀ`m _mÝ`Vo{edm` g§{MV {ZYrVyZ EH$hr n¡gm H$mT>Vm `oV Zmhr.
3) g§{MV {ZYrMr C^maUr emgZmÀ`m H$a_hgyb, H$aoÎma _hgyb `m§À`mVyZ Ho$br OmVo.
4) g§{MV {ZYrVyZ IM© H$aÊ`mgmR>r "{d{Z`moOZ {dYo`H$' _m§S>bo OmVo.

77. Find the incorrect statement about consolidated fund of India.

1) consolidated fund is raised in accordance with article 266(2) of the Indian condtitution.
2) No money can be withdrawn from the consolidated fund without the approval of the parlia-
3) Consolidated fund is raised from tax revenue and non tax revenue of india
4) An appropriation bill isintroduced to with draw from the concolidated funds.
78) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m ~m~r YZ {dYo`H$m_Ü`o `oV ZmhrV?
A) H$a AmH$maUo ~) H$a aÔ H$aUo
H$) H$a _m\$ H$aUo S>) H$amV \o$a\$ma H$aUo
1) A, ~ 2) ~ \$º$
3) darb gd© 4) `mn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr

78) Which of the following things do not come under money Bill?
a) Levy of tax b) Cancellation of tax
c) Exemption of tax d) Changes in tax
1) a, b 2) Only b
3) All of the above 4) None of the above

79) amÁ`KQ>ZoÀ`m AZwÀN>oX ........ Zwgma _hmboIm n[ajH$ H|$ÐmMo boImn[ajUm g§X^m©V Ahdmb amï´>nVr `m§Zm gmXa H$aVmV.
1) AZwÀN>oX-148 2) AZwÀN>oX-149
3) AZwÀN>oX-151 4) AZwÀN>oX-111

79) CAG of India Presents his audit Report to the President under Art....... of the Constituation
1) Article-148 2) Article-149
3) Article-151 4) Article-111

80) A§XmO g{_Vr{df`r (Estimate Committee) AMyH$ {dYmZ H$moUVo Zmhr?

1) Om°Z _WmB© g{_VrÀ`m {e\$maerdê$Z 1950 _Ü`o {Z{_©Vr Pmbr.
2) g{_Vr d gXñ`m§Mr {Z`wº$s 1 dfm©gmR>r AgVoo.
3) 22 n¡H$s 15 gXñ` bmoH$g^oVyZ d 7 gXñ` amÁ`g^oVyZ {ZdS>bo OmVmV.$
4) `m g{_Vrbm gVV {_Vì``Vm g{_Vr Ago åhUVmV.

80. Which statement is not correct about Estimate Committee.

1) It was formed in 1950 on the recommedation of the John Mathai Committee
2) Committee and members are appointed for one year.
3) Out of 22 members, 15 members are selected by the LokSabha and 7 members are select
ed by the RajyaSabha.
4) This committee is also called continuing economy committee

81) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo amÁ`m§Mo àË`j H$a AmhoV?

A) Am`H$a ~) O_rZ _hgyb
H$) ì`dgm` H$a S>) amÁ` CËnmXZ ewëH$
1) A, ~ 2) A, H$
3) ~, H$ 4) ~, S>

81. Which of the following is a direct tax of the state?

a) Income Tax b) Land Revenue
c) Professional Tax d) State excise duty
1) a, b 2) a, c
3) b, c 4) b, d

82) dñVy d godm H$a n[afXoV (GST Tax Council) _Ü`o Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo gXñ` AgVmV?
A) H|$Ðr` {dÎm_§Ìr ~) H|$Ðr` {dÎm amÁ`_§Ìr
H$) gd© amÁ`m§Mo {dÎm_§Ìr S>) gd© amÁ`mMo amÁ`nmb
1) A, ~ 2) ~, S>
3) A, ~, H$ 4) darb gd©

82. Which of the following members are in the Goods and Service Tax Council.
a) Union Minister of Finance
b) Union Minister of State for Finance
c) Finance Ministers of all states
d) Governers of all states
1) a, b 2) b, d
3) a, b, c 4) All above

83) e-NAM Ûmao _moR>çm _§Xr OmoS>ë`m Joë`m_wio Imbrb H$moUVo \$m`Xo Pmbo?
A) gd© _§S>r_Ü`o EH$gmaIonUm (Uniformity) Ambm.
~) J«mhH$mbm amñV ^mdmZo _mb CnbãY hmoUma Amho.
H$) "qH$_Vr' øm àË`j nwadR>m d àË`j _mJUr `mdê$Z R>am`bm bmJë`m AmhoV.
S>) eoVH$è`mbm Ë`mÀ`m _mbmMm d _mbmÀ`m JwUdÎmoMm `mo½` _mo~Xbm {_iV Amho.
1) A, H$ 2) ~, S>
3) darb gd© 4) \$º$ S>

83. Which of the following benefi ts have been brought about by the addition of e-NAM
a) Uniformity has come in all the markets
b) Goods will be available at fair price to the customer
c) Prices are determined by actual supply and actual demand.
d) Farmers are getting proper price for their goods quality.
1) a, c 2) b, d
3) All of the above 4) Only d

84) Imbrbn¡H$s A`mo½` {dYmZ {ZdS>m.

1) CÚmoJ joÌmMr CËnmXZ nmVir _moOÊ`mgmR>r ^maVmV Am¡Úmo{JH$ CËnmXZmMm {ZX}em§H$ (IIP) _moOVmV.
2) gr. nr. M§ÐeoIa g{_VrÀ`m {e\$maerZwgma 2004-05 ho AmYma^yV df© ñdrH$maÊ`mV Ambo.
3) 12 _o 2017 bm g{Md ñVar` g{_VrÀ`m {e\$maerZwgma `mEodOr 2017-18 ho ZdrZ AmYma^yV df© ñdrH$maÊ`mV
4) IIP H$mT>VmZm AmYma^yV dfm©Mm IIP 100 g_OyZ {d{eï> dfm©Vrb IIP _moObm OmVmo.

84) Choose the incorrect statement from the following

1) Index of Inductrial Production (IIP) in india is used to measure the production level of an In-
dustrial Sector.
2) The base year 2004-05 was adopted on the recommendation of the C.P. Chandrashekhar
3) In accordance with the recommendation of the Secretary Level Committee on 12th May
2017 in adopting the new base years 2017-18 instead.
4) While calculating the IIP, the IIP of a particular year is calculated by taking the base year
IIP as 100.

85) Imbrbn¡H$s AgË` Agbobo {dYmZ H$moUVo?

A) ^maV OJmVrb àW_ H«$_m§H$mMm gmIa dmnaUmam Xoe, VgoM gmIa CËnmXH$ Xoe Amho.
~) _hmamï´>mV n{hbm gmIa H$maImZm ~obmnya `oWo C^maÊ`mV Ambm.
H$) "n{hbm ghH$mar gmIa H$maImZm' _hmamï´>mV 1920 _Ü`o C^maÊ`mV Ambm.
1) A \$º$ 2) A, H$
3) ~, H$ 4) \$º$ H$

85. Which of the following statement is false.

a) India is the worlds largest sugar consumer as well as sugar producer.
b) The fi rst sugar factory in maharashtra was established at Belapur.
c) The fi rst co-operative sugar factory was set up in maharashtra in 1920
1) Only a 2) a, c
3) b, c 4) Only c

86) Imbrbn¡H$s AgË` {dYmZ/Zo AmoiIm.

A) AmXoemË_H$ (Command Economy) qH$dm {Z`mo{OV AW©ì`dñWobmM (Planned Economy) _wº$
AW©ì`dñWm (Free Economy) Agohr åhUVmV.
~) ~mOma AW©ì`dñWm (Market Economy) Agboë`m XoemV CËnmXZ, Jw§VdUyH$, qH$_Vr, CËnÞ BË`mXr gaH$maH$Sy>Z
{Z`§{ÌV Ho$bo OmVmV.
1) A \$º$ 2) \$º$ ~
3) XmoÝhr A d ~ 4) darbn¡H$s H$moUVoohr Zmhr

86. Identify the false statement from the following.

a) Command Economy or planned economy itself is called a free Economy.
b) In a country with a market economy production, investment, prices, income etc. are con
trolled by the government.
1) Only a 2) Only b
3) both a & b 4) None of the above

87) Imbrbn¡H$s AgË` Zgbobr {dYmZ/Zo AmoiIm.

A) 1991 Vo 2015 `m H$mimV ^maVr` AW©ì`dñWm A{YH$m{YH$ COdrH$S>o gaH$br.
~) Oar ^maV hm {_l AW©ì`dñWm Agbobm Xoe Amho, Var Vmo AmXoemË_H$ AW©ì`dñWoH$Sy>Z ~mOma AW©ì`dñWoH$S>o
_mJ©H«$_U H$aV Amho.
1) \$º$ A 2) \$º$ ~
3) XmoÝhr A d ~ 4) XmoÝhr Zmhr
87. Identify the correct statement from the following.
a) Indian Economy from 1991 to 2015 moved more and more to the right.
b) Although India is a mixed Economy it is moving from command economy to free economy.
1) Only a 2) Only b
3) both a & b 4) None of the above

88) Imbrb {dYmZm§Mm {dMma H$am.

A) OmJ{VH$ ~±Ho$À`m AmH$S>odmarZwgma Ago {XgVo H$s ^maVmÀ`m GDP (Gross Domestic Producer) _Ü`o H¥$fr
joÌmMm dmQ>m H$_r AgyZ godm joÌmMm dmQ>m OmñV Amho.
~) ^maVmV H¥$fr joÌmda Adb§~yZ AgUmè`m§Mo à_mU (OmJ{VH$ ~±Ho$À`m AmH$S>odmarZwgma) 43% Amho.
H$) GDP Oa H«$`eº$s XamZwgma _m§S>bm (PPP-Purchasing power pority) Va IMF À`m AmH$S>odmarZwgma ^ma
VmMm {Vgam H«$_m§H$ bmJVmo.
A`mo½` {dYmZ/Zo AmoiIm.
1) \$º$ A 2) \$º$ ~
3) A d H$ 4) darbn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr

88. Consider the following.

a) According to the statistis of the World Bank the share of agriculture sector in india's GDP
(Gross domestic productr) is less and the share of service sector is more.
b) Proportion of dependence on agriculcture sector in india 's 43%.
c) According to purchasing power parity of GDP, india ranks third according to IMF statistics.
Identify the incorrect statement
1) Only a 2) Only b
3) both a & b 4) None of the above

89) ......... n`ªV ^maVr` AW©ì`dñWm 5 {Q´>{b`Z S>m°ba H$aÊ`mMm {ZYm©a gaH$maZo Ho$bm Amho.
1) 2022-23 2) 2023-24
3) 2024-25 4) 2025-26

89. Till ......... the government has decided to make the Indian Economy 5 Trillion dollors by.
1) 2022-23 2) 2023-24
3) 2024-25 4) 2025-26

90) {\$brßg dH«$aofo~Ôb AMyH$ {dYmZ/Zo {ZdS>m.

A) hr dH«$aofm ~oamoOJmar Am{U _hmJmB©Mm Xa `mVrb ghg§~§Y Xe©{dVo.
~) `mZwgma OgOgm _hmJmB©Mm Xa dmT>V OmVmo Ver, ~oamoOJmar dmT>V OmVo.
H$) _hmJmB©Mm Xa H$_r Agë`mg ~oamoOJmarMm Xa H$_r hmoVmo.
1) \$º$ A 2) \$º$ ~
3) A, ~ 4) A, ~, H$

90. Choose the correct statement about Phillip curve.

a) This curve is between unemployment rate and infl ation rate.
b) According to this, as the rate of infl ation increases, so does unemployment increases.
c) If the rate of infl ation is low, the rate of unemployment is low.
1) Only a 2) Only b
3) a, b 4) a, b, c

91) GDP Deflator = ...........

Real GDP Nominal GDP
1) ×100 2) ×1000
Nominal GDP Real GDP

3) Real GDP 4) Nominal GDP

×1000 ×100
Nominal GDP Real GDP

92) Imbrbn¡H$s AgË` Agbobo {dYmZ/Zo AmoiIm.

A) GDP gmo~V GNP (Gross National Product) _moOë`m_wio AW©ì`dñWoÀ`m ~mø àdmhm§Mo (Outflows)
AmH$bZ hmoVo.
~) GNP _wio AW©ì`dñWoMo JwUmË_H$ AmH$bZ (qualitive) hmoV AgVo.
H$) ^maVr` AW©ì`dñWoV GNP > GDP Ago {MÌ {XgVo`.
1) A, H$ 2) ~, H$
3) \$º$ H$ 4) darbn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr

92) Identify the statement which is false among the following

a) GNP when measured along GDP indecates out flows given the economy
b) GNP gives qualitative understanding of the economy.
c) GNP > GDP picture is seen in Indian economy.
1) a, c 2) b, c
3) Only c 4) None of the above

93) Imbrbn¡H$s AMyH$ {dYmZ/Zo AmoiIm.

A) _mZd {dH$mg {ZX}em§H$ (HDI-Human Development Index) H$mT>Ê`mgmR>r dmnaÊ`mV `oUmè`m {XK© d Amamo½`_`
OrdZ ho Am`m_ H$mT>Ê`mgmR>r OÝ_mÀ`m doirMo gamgar Am`w_m©Z _moObo OmVo. Ë`mgmR>r H$_mb Am`w_m©Z 85 df} Va {H$_mZ
Am`w_m©Z 18 df} J¥{hV Yabo OmVo.
~) HDI _Yrb Mm§Jbo OrdZ_mZ ho Am`m_ H$mT>Ê`mgmR>r amhUr_mZmgmR>r GNI (Gross National Product) XaS>moB©
H«$`eº$s CËnÞ _moObo OmVo.
1) \$º$ A 2) \$º$ ~>
3) A d ~ 4) darbn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr

93. Identify the correct statement from the following.

a) Human Development Index Life expectancy at birth is also used to calculate the life
expectany and healthy life expectancy fot this, the maximam life expectancy is assumed
to be 85 years and the minimum life expectancy is 18 years.
b) To extract the dimension of good quality of life in HDI, GNI per capita purchasing power in
come is calculated for standard of living.
1) Only a 2) Only b
3) both a & b 4) None of the above
94) Imbrbn¡H$s T>mo~i amï´>r` AmZ§X {ZX}em§H$ (GNH-Gross National Happiness) _moOÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVo AmœmñV§^
(Pillars) {dMmamV KoVbo OmVmV.
A) Mm§Jbo emgZ$ (Good Governance)
~) emídV Am{W©H$ d gm_m{OH$ {dH$mg (Sustainable Socioeconomic Development)
H$) gm§ñH¥${VH$ OndUyH$ (Cultural preservation)
S>) n`m©daUr` OVZ (Environmental Conservation)
1) A, ~ 2) ~, H$
3) A, H$, O 4) darbn¡H$s gd©

94) Which of the following pillars are considered to calculate GNH (Gross National Happiness)
a) Good Governace
b) Sustainable Economic and Social development
c) Cultural Preservation
d) Environmental conserration
1) a, b 2) b, c
3) a, c, d 4) All of the above

95) Imbrb {dYmZm§Mm {dMma H$am.

A) nr. S>r. AmoPm `m§Zr Xm[aÐç _moOÊ`mgmR>r 2250 H¡$bar X¡{ZH$ ho {Zanoj _mZH$ gwM{dbo.
~) Xm§S>oH$a d aW `m§Zr Xm[aÐç _moOÊ`mgmR>r 2400 H°$bar X¡{Z XaS>moB© ho {Zanoj _mZH$ gwM{dbo.
AMyH$ {dYmZo AmoiIm.
1) \$º$ A 2) \$º$ ~>
3) A d ~ 4) darbn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr

95. Consider the following statements (Choose correct statement)

a) 2250 Calories daily to measure poverty by P.D. Ojha
b) Dandekar and Rath suggested 2400 calaries per day ro measure poverty.
1) Only a 2) Only b
3) both a and b 4) None of the above

96) Imbrbn¡H$s AgË` Zgbobo {dYmZ/Zo AmoiIm.

A) gmnoj Xm[aÐç _moOVmZm AW©ì`dñWoVrb {d{dY JQ>m§Mr CËnÞ nmVir Am{U CËnÞmMo {dVaU {dMmamV KoVbo OmVo.
~) "CËnÞ Ag_mZVm Xÿa H$aUo' ho gmnoj Xm[aÐç _moOÊ`mMo C{Ôï> Agy eH$Vo.
H$) {H$_mZ OrdZmdí`H$ JaOm nyU© H$ê$ eH$Ê`mBVnV H$_mdy Z eH$Umè`mbm {Zanoj Jar~ åhUVm `oB©b.
1) A, ~ 2) ~, H$>
3) A, H$ 4) darbn¡H$s gd©

96. Which of the following statement is not false.

a) While measuring relative poverty income level and distribution of income of different sectors
are considered.
b) Elimination of income enequality may be the objective of relative poverty.
c) A person who cannot earn enough to meet the minimum necessities of life can be called ab
solute poor.
1) a, b 2) b, c
3) a, c 4) All of the above

97) amï´>r` bmoH$g§»`m YmoaU 2000 Mro Imbrbn¡H$s C{Ôï>o H$moUVr AmhoV.
A) _mVm _¥Ë`yXa 100 nojm da AmUUo.
~) _wbtMr b¾o 18 df} d`mÀ`m AmV hmody Z XoUo d 20 df} d`mZ§Va H$aÊ`mg àmoËgm{hV H$aUo.
H$) g§ñWmË_H$ àgyVrMo à_mU 30% H$aUo d à{e{jV ì`º$_m\©$V hmoUmè`m àgyVrMo à_mU 100% H$aUo.
S>) IMR (Infant Mortality Rate) 30 nojm da ZoUo.
1) A, ~ 2) ~, H$>
3) A, H$, S> 4) darbn¡H$s gd©

97. Which of the following is the purpose of national population policy 2000?
a) Bringing the maternal mortality rate above 100.
b) Not allowing girls to marry before the age of 18 and encouraging marriage after the age 20.
c) To increase the rate of institutional delivery to 80% and the rate of trained personnel to 100%
d) Taking IMR (Infont Martaliry Rate) above 30
1) a, b 2) b, c
3) a, c, d 4) All of the above

98) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m `moOZm§Mm g_mdoe Zdì`m n§Mdm{f©H$ `moOZoV hmoB©b.

A) ñdU©O`§Vr ehar amoOJma `moOZm
~) AÞnyUm© `moOZm
H$) ñdU©O`§Vr J«m_ñW amoOJma `moOZm
S>) Odmha J«m_ g_¥Õr `moOZm
B) àYmZ_§Ìr J«m_gS>H$ `moOZm
1) darbn¡H$s gd© 2) A, ~, H$>
3) ~, H$, S> 4) A, ~, S>

98. Which of the following schemes will be included in the Ninth fi ve year plan?
a) Swarna Jayanti Urban Employment Scheme
b) Annapurna Scheme
c) Swarna Jayanti Gramswarojgar scheme
d) Jawahar Gram Samridhi scheme
e) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadad Scheme
1) All of the above 2) a, b, c
3) b, c, d 4) a, b, d

99) Imbrbn¡H$s RBI À`m MbZ{df`H$ YmoaUm§Mr C{Ôï>o H$moUVr?

A) XoemVrb EHy$U MbZ nwadR>çmMo {Z`_Z d {Z`§ÌU H$aUo
~) ì`mnmar ~±H$m§À`m nV{Z{_©Vr à{H«$`oda {Z`§ÌU R>odUo
H$) VoOr-_§XrÀ`m MH«$mMo Xþîn[aUm_ Q>miUo
S>) qH$_V nmVirMo ñW¡`© amIUo
1) A, ~ 2) A, ~, H$>
3) ~, H$, S> 4) darbn¡H$s gd©
99) Which among the following are the objectives of RBI's Monetary policy?
a) Regulating and controlling the total money supply of the country.
b) Controlling the credit creation process of commercial Banks
c) Avoiding the effects of boom recession cycle
d) Maintaining price level stabiliry
1) a, b 2) a, b, c
3) b, c, d 4) All of the above

100)1993-94 Vo 2009-10 n`ªV amoOJma {Z{_©VrV VwbZmË_H$ dmT> ........ joÌmV Pmbr.
1) H¥$fr 2) godm$>
3) CÚmoJ 4) darbn¡H$s gd©

Thank You

{XZm§H$ : 12-02-2023
doi : 1 Vmg
gamd nona H«$_m§H$-1 EHy$U JwU : 100
EHy$U àíZ : 100
{df` : AW©ì`dñWm - Answersheet lr. a§OZ H$moi§~o ga

1 1 26 4 51 2 76 3
2 2 27 1 52 4 77 1
3 2 28 4 53 4 78 4
4 3 29 2 54 3 79 3
5 2 30 1 55 4 80 3
6 3 31 2 56 3 81 3
7 3 32 4 57 2 82 3
8 4 33 1 58 4 83 3
9 3 34 2 59 3 84 3
10 2 35 2 60 3 85 4
11 3 36 2 61 2 86 3
12 1 37 4 62 2 87 3
13 4 38 1 63 3 88 4
14 1 39 3 64 3 89 3
15 4 40 4 65 2 90 1
16 4 41 1 66 1 91 4
17 2 42 4 67 2 92 3
18 3 43 3 68 4 93 2
19 1 44 3 69 2 94 4
20 1 45 3 70 4 95 1
21 4 46 3 71 2 96 4
22 1 47 2 72 4 97 2
23 3 48 4 73 2 98 1
24 2 49 2 74 2 99 4
25 1 50 1 75 3 100 Cancel

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