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Homework II


Academic year 2023-2024 Professor : NYSTEN Bernard

1 Question 1
Function Panel for heat insulation in construction walls
Dimensions of 1.2 × 0.6 × 0.01 m
Thermal conductivity lower than a value K
Objective Minimize the cost
Free variables Choice of material

2 Question 2
The objective function for the mass of a panel is m = bhLρ , with b, h and l being respectively
the width, the thickness and the length. On the other hand, the bending stiffness, S, must not
be lower than a value S*, and its expression is S = CL1 E3 I = CL13E bh
12 , with C 1 being a constant that
depends only on the distribution of the loads. We end up with the following expression for the
mass :
1 ρ
m = ( 12S∗
C 1 b ) bL
3 2

The term 1 being the only free term, the index will therefore be : E3
ρ .
The indices for beam and tie are respectively : Eρ2 , Eρ
What we can observe is that all three indices depend on the same properties, namely the density
of the material as well as its young modulus. However, the young modulus is not to the same
power in each index, making the minimal value of the mass of a panel likely to be higher than
that of both beam and tie (considering close dimensions) since E has in general very high values
and it is to the lowest power for a panel.

3 Question 3
We chose a solid cylindrical shaft to be the subject of examination for the question. This com-
ponent frequently accomplished torque transmission in mechanical systems. Because the shaft
must effectively endure torsional stress, we must choose the optimum material that combines
strength and toughness with lightweight and economical properties. This selection illustrates a
real-world scenario where material qualities have an enormous influence on how well and depen-
dably mechanical parts operate when they’re under torsional stresses. [1]
To solve the problem, will create a standard for choosing strong and light materials for this shaft.
While the cross-sectional area can be changed, it will be assumed that the torque applied and the
shaft’s length are fixed. We formulate the necessary mass of material in terms of torque, shaft

Function Torsionally stressed cylindrical shaft
Length is fixed
Specified failure torque T ∗
Objective Minimize the mass
Choice of material
Free variables
Cross-section area A

Table 1 – Translation of the design requirements for Torsionally stressed cylindrical shaft

length, and the material’s density and strength. The performance index maximizes the strength
of this torsionally stressed shaft concerning minimizing the mass.
Examining a cylindrical shaft characterized by its length L and radius r , subjected to a twisting
force represented by M t , which results in an angular displacement φ. The equation for shear stress
τ at any point on the shaft’s radius r is given by :

Mt r

In this context, J denotes the polar moment of inertia for a homogeneous cylinder, defined as :

πr 4
Therefore, the equation for shear stress simplifies to :

2M t
πr 3
To ensure the shaft’s integrity under such stresses, it must resist the applied torque without
yielding or breaking. This necessitates the formulation of a selection criterion for materials that
are not only lightweight but also exhibit significant strength. We adjust the initial shear stress
equation by incorporating the material’s ultimate shear strength τ f , moderated by a safety factor
N :

τf 2M t
N πr 3
Furthermore, it becomes imperative to consider the mass m of the material, which is directly
proportional to its density ρ and its volume. For a cylindrical volume, this relationship is expressed
as :

m = πr 2 Lρ

This comprehensive approach ensures the selection of a material that optimally balances strength,
density, and geometric considerations under torsional loads.
Given the shaft’s mass, the radius r can be determined as follows :

Incorporating this expression for r into the earlier shear stress formula leads to :
τf 2M t πL 3 ρ 3
= ´3 = 2M t
N m3
π πLρ

Resolving for the mass m , we find :

à !
m = (2N M t )2/3 πL 3
¡ ¢

This formulation delineates three groups of parameters : those related to the operational safety
and applied torque, geometrical dimensions of the shaft, and the material’s physical properties.
The optimal materials are characterized by low τ2/3 ratios, as highlighted by the performance
index M , which is calculated as :


This index guides the selection towards materials that offer a balanced compromise between
strength and density, ensuring the shaft’s efficiency and reliability under torsional loads.
Selecting materials with optimal performance indices involves analyzing a diverse array of options,
streamlined by materials selection chart in the Edupack software with its Level 3 database.
These charts, plotting material properties logarithmically against each other, facilitate material
comparison and selection. They categorize materials into clusters and sub-classes, identified by
bold and finer lines respectively, aiding in the quick identification of materials that meet specific
engineering criteria and exhibit superior performance.
Upon converting the performance index equation into logarithmic terms and rearranging, we get :

2 2
log τ f = log ρ + log M
3 3
This formulation reveals that a graph of log τ f against log ρ generates linear paths with a slope
of 32 , each representing a unique performance index, M , and serving as design guidelines. We will

put one line and materials whose positions lie above a particular line will have higher performance
indices, while those lying below will exhibit poorer performances. Therefore we will maximize the
line and in a small area, will be doing documentation and final decision on the material.

Figure 1 – Chart σ − ρ

After the maximize the line can be seen that ”PBO fiber (Zylon)” is the best solution, but in
any case other materials were also checked for documentation and ”PBO fiber (Zylon)” found as
the best match for this problem. In typical usage explanation of ”PBO fiber (Zylon)” : Zylon is
used in applications that require very high strength with excellent thermal stability. Examples are
wheel spokes for racing bicycles, aerospace and Formula One tethers, reinforcement for belts and
tires, rigging, industrial rope and cord, tennis racquets, table-tennis blades, snowboards, medical
applications, space and military applications.
It can easily seen that this material is good for light and strong for stress loading conditions,
therefore ”PBO fiber (Zylon)” was chosen material for this problem.

4 Question 4
In general each combination of function, objective and constraint leads to a specific material
index. The objectives define material indices that represent the performance of the material and
are used in the ranking step. The material index can be a simple property, but most of the time
it is a combination of different properties of the material.
Thus changing the objective means varying also the objective function of the material, for instance,
in the case of a tie it becomes :
C = m · Cm = A L Cm ρ

Where C is the total cost, m is the mass C m is the material price per kg, L is the length and A
is the cross-section.
Once the objective function is defined, it is necessary to impose the constraints. Then combining
the two mathematical expressions and eliminating the free variable makes it possible to derive
the new material index. Always considering the case of a tie of specified strength and minimum
material, the material index will be :
Cm ρ

5 Question 5
Function Beam that has to support bending loads
Length 50 m fixed [2]
Shape of cross section must be EN 60E2, according to EN 13674-1 [2]
Must not deflect more than δ when subjected to a distributed load F
Must withstand temperature range from at least -10°C to 50°C
Constraints Must not be too brittle (K IC >15MPa)
Must resist to UV radiation
Must resist to humidity(water)
Must be not be susceptible to stress corrosion
Must have at least a moderate intergranular corrosion resistance
Objective Minimize the mass
Choice of material
Free variables
Cross section A

The deflection can be generally expressed as :

F L3

Where F is the force, L is the length fixed by the constraints, E is the Young’s modulus, I is the
moment of inertia and C 1 is a constant that depends on the conditions of the problem. In the
case of study, the piece of a rail, the beam can be considered as bounded on both sides. Thus
according with the Appendix B of the Ashby’s Book, C 1 will be equal to 384.
Since the objective is minimizing the mass, the objective function is :

m = ALρ

By reversing this formula and eliminating the cross-section in the equation of the deflection, as
A is a free variable of the problem :
F L3
384 E I

Then the performance index
E 1/2
The ratio E ρ is the performance index and to obtain the minimum mass that respects the
constraints, this index must be maximized. Thus in a logarithmic E − ρ chart used to select the
material, the index can be represented through a line that has an angular coefficient equal to 2.

l og (E ) = 2 · l og (ρ) + 2 · l og (M )

All the materials on the selection guideline are good candidates and they have the same per-
formance index, the materials below are worse while the ones above are better. Once all the
constraints are applied, the inclined line can be moved towards the right trying to maximize the
performance index.

Figure 2 – Chart E − ρ

Maximizing the value of M is possible to reduce the possible candidates to 37. Additionally,
reviewing the available literature, it is evident that steel is the most widely utilized material [3],
thanks to its very good properties such as high strength, durability, and cost-effectiveness.
This led to the exclusion of other materials such as Ni-Cr alloy. Among the various types of
stainless steel (austenitic, duplex, ferritic, etc..) the best solution is to choose the Stainless Steel,
austenitic AISI 301L, also regarding the typical uses provided by the software. this material is
commonly used in structural and railway applications.

Figure 3 – Chart E − ρ

[1] William D. Callister. Materials Science and Engineering : An Introduction. John Wiley Sons,
5 edition, 2000.
[2] Rail Baltica Design Group. Technical Specification - Rails, June 2021. Design guidelines for
Rail Baltica Project.
[3] DF Cannon, K-O Edel, SL Grassie, and K Sawley. Rail defects : an overview. Fatigue &
Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 26(10) :865–886, 2003.

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