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The Dog Rambler E-diary

top 29
November 2011

Soaking trip around the edge of The Length Pentlands Archie, Finlay, Gina, Jerry, Otis, Solo, Tim

6 miles

Dogs on walk

What a difference 24 hours can make. Yesterday I waxing on about the unseasonable spring like weather. Today we were plunged into a reminder that winter is really only just around the corner. Freezing rain was strafed at us by the high wind. Icy cold, it felt like it was cutting at the skin. But not hailstones even if it felt like it. We had started out with what looked like a brightening sky above us. It was not to last and as soon as we began to climb away from Bonaly Country Park the wind rose and the rain descended. It was a severe test at last for my newish waterproof jacket. It passed with flying colours. Unfortunately my older waterproof bottoms failed miserably. So bad was the weather that toward the end Tim trotted away at the front trying to pull us back to the car as fast as possible. For now it was head down into the lashing wind and the climb across Bonaly Moor. Any plans to climb a hill or two long gone as we sought to sweep around what we hoped would be the sheltered side of Harbour Hill. If it was sheltered I would not have liked to have been on the exposed side.

Managing to look up from time to time through half closed eyes against the biting rain I could see the dogs having fun. Finlay having been in amongst the rest was now off ahead as the climb steepened and the others chased. Except Otis who was happy to keep with me. In the driving rain it was hard to see who was who amongst the retrievers and several times I called the wrong dog. Based on who I thought would be where and doing what. I was wrong. Archie, Gina and Solo were often together and once they were also with Finlay it was increasingly difficult. As they got wetter their coats took on a similar appearance. It did not seem to matter to Jerry and Tim what they looked like so long as they were up for some fun. Jerry certainly found it with Archie and Gina. Tim throwing himself into them too. It was a relief to begin to drop off Harbour Hills shoulder and head down the wide moorland into more sheltered territory. A break in the rain was short lived as it proceeded to come down with greater force. A line of Scots Pine trees invited us into their cover where we were able to follow a path until it drew back onto the main track. Ahead muddy water covered the whole of the track. Two giant puddles more like ponds nearly blocking our progress. So wet were we now that even the water loving dogs found a way around the edge of them with me. We came back toward Bonaly by Clubbidean Reservoir which again the dogs gave a miss. By now Tim was dragging us along and Finlay was in the mix with the rest of them. A short climb took us to more Scots Pine trees and more cover most of the way back to the car park.


Photo slideshow from the walk

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