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I, the undersigned, Kamil from the Subda Family, a free and living man, an indigenous
inhabitant and the Sovereign of the Republic of Poland, being the administrator of the
following personal data: SUBDA KAMIL, PESEL 87070216391, CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS

In accordance with the eternally valid, inherent right to freedom and self-determination as a
free and living person, an indigenous inhabitant of the lands of the Republic of Poland, being
a member of the Slavic community of indigenous inhabitants of the lands of the Republic of

Under the applicable legal acts: Decree of Alexander the Great of Macedon, UN Declaration
on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Constitution of
the Republic of Poland, European Convention on Human Rights, UN Declaration on
Defenders of Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights,
International Covenant on Civil Rights and Political, the International Legal Ordinance
Uniform Commercial Code, the Hague Conventions, the Geneva Conventions, the
Copenhagen Document, and the fundamental natural right to live in freedom given by the

Bearing in mind Art. 77 of the Charter of the United Nations and that the economic entities
indicated below conduct registered business activities for POLAND REPUBLIC OF registered
on the American Stock Exchange under the number CIK #: 000079312 with the business
address 233 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK NY 10016 in the USA, I consider the appropriate
legal jurisdiction to be the USA and the New York Attorney General's Office.

In connection with the above, I am reporting a crime committed by Mr. Arkadiusz Nowacki,
acting head of the company DRUGI URZĄD SKARBOWY W ZIELONA GÓRA, registered in
Poland on January 4, 1996 under the NIP number 9730025572, at ul. Dr. Pieniężnego 24, 65-
054 Zielona Góra, which is listed in the REGON database of business entities as deregistered
on April 1, 2015. Mr. Arkadiusz Nowacki, by taking actions to my detriment, has seized my
property and is taking actions aimed at extorting my funds, thereby violating my human
rights and the rights of the indigenous people, misleading me that he is a government
official, forcing me to take actions against my will, violates commercial law by forcing me to
agree to conclude a contract.

Additionally, I am reporting a crime committed by Mrs. Anna Pasek Gazda, who is the
president of the District Court in Zielona Góra, a company registered in Poland on December
15, 1975 under the NIP number 9291096304, at Plac Slowiański 2, 65-069 Zielona Góra. Mrs.
Anna Pasek Gazda issued an official order to Mrs. Anna Macur, acting as a judge, to initiate
court proceedings to my detriment against my will, Ref. No. act VII W 53/24, as a result of
which my human rights, the rights of indigenous peoples and my free will were violated. I
would like to draw your attention to the fact that, according to the applicable legal
provisions, persons acting as judges in Poland do not have the ID of a state official and are
not judges of the unified court system. Therefore, I demand that this case be referred to the
Commission on Judicial Conduct in New York, because I was misled about the alleged
judicial powers and, against my will, arbitration proceedings were conducted to which I did
not consent. I would also like to emphasize that I do not consent to the company's
employees taking any actions against my will, District Court in Zielona Góra

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that as an indigenous resident and
Sovereign of the Republic of Poland, I have never consented in writing or orally to any form
of cooperation with the above-mentioned companies operating for POLAND REPUBLIC OF,
therefore any claims made against me and attempts to impose a contract contrary to my
will, are a serious violation of the law. The claims made by the above-mentioned companies
are unlawful because, as a free person and an indigenous inhabitant of these lands, I have
never signed any contract or settlement with the above-mentioned companies.

I would also like to draw attention to the fact that the employees of the above-mentioned
companies repeatedly misled me by sending me letters that were not certified documents,
but only information placed on a paper medium without any signature, which, according to
the Supreme Court, cannot constitute grounds for accepting such a letter as a legally valid
document which is only a printout in the ICT system. A document that is in internal IT
circulation, printed or copied and does not have wet signatures of authorized persons, is not
a valid document based on which various decisions and other activities can be made.

I kindly inform you that as a free person, an indigenous inhabitant of the lands of the
Republic of Poland, Sovereign, Autonomy, I am legally excluded from the corporate
jurisdiction of POLAND REPUBLIC OF and other entities acting on its behalf.

I would like to ask you to take appropriate actions to prohibit violations of human rights and
violations of the rights of indigenous people living in the lands of the Republic of Poland, for
which I thank you very much in advance.

This letter has been prepared in two identical copies, one for each party.

I am attaching the following attachments to this letter:

- declaration

Yours faithfully,


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