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Modus Operandi for Practice

(Suggested Ideal Approach)

Step – I CatalyseR 's Practice Sheets & NCERT

{while Chapter is running in Class-Room}

Step – II CatalyseR 's Module & Exercise of Concepts of Physics

by Dr. HC verma

Step – III Previous Years’ JEE Subjective & Objective Questions,

Fundamentals of Physics by Rensnick, Halliday & Walker

Step – IV After Completion of Step – III, if time permits, students can solve
questions from previous year’s INPHO, IPHO papers, Physics books by
(Optional) DC Pandey sir, General Problems in physics by I.E. Irodov etc.

This Study Package is Prepared by

a talyseR
tW ing of C


 ANSWER KEYS 62 – 66


in Last Three Years
JEE (MAIN) Formely known as AIEEE

YEAR No. Of Qs.
2015 1 4/120
2016 2 8/120
2017 1 4/120


YEAR No. Of Qs.
2015 1 4/168
2016 0 0/124
2017 3 11/122


 
If a charge q is moving with velocity V enters in a region of magnetic field B, it experiences force.
The force experienced by the charged particle is given by the expression
  
F  q V B  
   
The direction of magnetic force is same as V  B if charge is positive and opposite to V  B if
charge is negative (determined by right hand thumb rule)
As the magnetic force is always perpendicular to the direction of motion of particle it can never do
work on it. Thus kinetic energy of charge particle in magnetic field can never change.
 
If a charge q is moving with velocity V enters in a region in which electric field E and magnetic

field B both exists, it experiences force due to both fields simultaneously. then force is given by
   

F  q V  B  qE 
This force is called Lorentz force.

Cases of Projection :
Case I :
 
If velocity of charge particle V is parallel to B then
F  qVB sin0o  F 0
The particle goes undeflected.

Case II :
 
If velocity of charge particle V is perpendicular to B then charge particle moves in a circular
F  qVB sin90o  F  qVB
As path of charge in magnetic field is circular, we have
mV 2
 qVB, Therefore
(i) Radius of circle
V qB
(ii) Angular velocity   
R m
2 2 m
(iii) Time period T  
 qB
(iv) frequency of revolution
f 
2 m

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


Case III :
 
If velocity V is at angle  to B , then charge particle moves in helix
Component of velocity parallel to magnetic field V cos   remains constant and component
perpendicular to magnetic field V sin  is responsible for circular motion, thus

(a) Radius of helix

m V sin   mV sin 
 q V sin   B  R 
R qB

(b) Time period of one revolution

2 R
T 
V sin 
 mV sin  
2  
T   qB   T 
2 m
V sin  qB
(c) Pitch of helix
 2 m  2 mV cos 
PH  V cos  T   PH  V cos    
 qB  qB


Force on current element id , if placed in a magnetic field B is given by i B
   dl l
dF  i d   B   B

Direction of magnetic force is determined by Right hand thumb rule.

Total force on current carrying conductor of any arbitrary shape

In uniform magnetic field B is
      
  
F  i d B  i d B  i  B   

We take uniform magnetic field in each case.

Case I: When plane of the loop is perpendicular to magnetic field
Length of AB  DC   and that of BC  AC  b BIl
Force experienced by all the sides are shown in the figure.

 Force on AB and DC are equal and opposite to the each
 BIb BIb
other and that on BC and AD too.  F0 
Since the line of action of the forces on AB and DC is same and also the D C
line of action of the forces BC and AD is same, therefore torque is zero.

 F0

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Case II : When the plane of the loop is inclined to the magnetic field
In this case again F  0 A
 Lines of action of the forces on AB and DC are different,
therefore this forms a couple and produces a torque. Side view
of the loop is shown in the figure.
Torque  BI  b sin    BI  b  sin   BIA sin 
If loop has N turns then
  BNIA sin 
In vector form
    
    B, where   NIA
 B
where  is known as magnetic moment of the loop. F = BIl
 
A is the area vector of the loop whose magnitude is
area of the loop and direction is out of the plane for
b sin 
anti-clock wise sense of the current and into the loop
F = BIl
for clockwise sense of current. 


The magnetic field due to a current element Id at a point is given by the expression
 
  0 i(d   r )
dB  
4  r3
  Id sin 
|dB| 0 where
4  r2

id   current element, its direction is same as that of the current

r  position vector of point P w.r.t. current element
  angle between current element and position vector
Where  0  Permeability of free space and  0  4   10 7 T mA 2
S. I. unit of B is tesla (T)
Direction of magnetic field can be found by the rule of vector product.


I. Magnetic field due to a straight current carrying wire of finite length :

Suppose a straight current carrying wire AB, carrying current I, lies in the
plane of the paper.
The magnetic field at point P due to the wire is given by
 0I
B [sin 1  sin 2 ]
4 R

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


Special Cases

(i) For the conductor of infinite length :

  I
1  2   B 0
2 2 R
(ii) Magnetic field at a point on the line of current :
If a point lies on the line of current carrying wire then magnetic field at this point is always zero.
B=0 I B=0
(iii) At point exactly in front of one end of semi-infinite wire : P

Here 1  0 and 2  2
0 I
 B
4 R

(iv) On perpendicular bisector of finite length :

a  length of the wire
d  perpendicular distance of the field point then
d 1 P
a a 2
sin 1  sin 2 
a 2  4d2
0I 2a
 Magnetic field B 
4 R a  4d2

(v) At a point not exactly in front of the end of a semi infinite wire :
 P
Here 1   and 1   / 2 
 0I
 B (1  sin  )
4 R

II. Magnetic field due to a circular arc at the centre (Subtending an angle  at the centre) :
Consider a current element that subtends an angle  as shown in figure. Magnetic field due to
this element is
0 I
4 R
Special Case : I
Magnetic field at the centre of a loop :
Here the loop makes an angle  = 2  at the centre R

0 I
 B

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III. Magnetic field at any point on the axis of a circular current carrying coil :
Consider a circular conducting coil of radius R carrying current I. The loop lies on yz plane and its
axis lies on x axis.
From the symmetry of the system it can be seen that diametrically opposite elements contribute
to cancel the perpendicular components whereas parallel components are added up.
 z

B  dB sin 

Therefore the magnetic field at the distance x is dB

R2  x2  r
 0IR2 d
B  
2(R2  x 2 )3 /2 x x

Note :
(i) This magnetic field is directed along the axis of ring
(ii) The field strength is the maximum at the centre (where x = 0)
0 I
Magnetic field at the centre, B 
 0 NIR2
(iii) At very large distance when x >> R, B 
2x 3

IV. Magnetic field due to a solenoid :

A solenoid is a long cylindrical helix, which is obtained by winding

closely a large number of turns of insulated wire over a tube of
cardboard or china clay. When electric current is passed through it,
a magnetic field is produced around and within the solenoid.
The magnetic field at a point P is given by

0 ni
B [sin 1  sin 2 ]

which is directed along the axis.

Where n is the number of turns per unit length.

Special cases :

(i) For ideal solenoid (i.e. solenoid of infinite length) R << L

 Bm   0 ni (i.e. same everywhere)

(ii) Semi-infitely long solenoid at the end

 0 ni  ni
B [sin0  sin(  / 2)]  0
2 2

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



Similar to the Gauss’s law of electrostatic, this law provides us short cut methods of finding
magnetic field in cases of symmetry. According to this law, the line integral of magnetic field over
 
a closed path   
B.d  is equal to  0 times the net current crossing the area enclosed by that
 
path. Mathematically,  
 B.d    i  .
0 net

Positive direction of current and the direction of the line integral are given by the right hand thumb
and curling fingers respectively.
In order to find magnetic field using Ampere’s law the closed path of line integral is generally
 
chosen such the B is either  or  to the path line. Also, wherever B is  to the path, its value
should be constant.


I. Magnetic Field due to Infinite long Cylindrical Shell :

In a infinitely long cylindrical shell carrying current i along the length and having inner and outer
radius ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively, the Magnetic field at a point P at a distance
(i) r>b
 0i
2 r
(ii) r=b
0 i
(iii) a<r<b
0 i(r 2  a2 )
2 r(b2  a2 )
(iv) r=a
(v) r<a

II. Magnetic Field due to Toroid :

Toroid is a structure formed by joining solenoid end to end.

The magnetic field at a point P at a distance ‘r’ from the centre is
given by
N  Total number of turns.

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Force between two infinite parallel current carrying conductor

Two current carrying straight conductors if placed close to each

other, they will exert (magnetic) force on each other.

Figure shows two long parallel conductors separated by a

distance d and bearing currents ia and ib . The conductor ‘a’ d

produces a magnetic field B a at all points along the conductor a

‘b’. The right-hand rule (figure) tells us that the direction of this b
field is downwards. Its magnitude is given by or from Ampere’s
circuital law,
ia L
 0 ia
Ba 
2 d ib Ba
The conductor ‘b’ will experience a sideways force on account
of the external field B a . The direction of this force is towards the conductor ‘a’. The magnitude of
this force is given by
0 ia ibL
Fba  ibLB a  and force per unit length is
2 d
F  0 ia ib
 Parallel currents attract, and anti-parallel currents repel.
 2d

Definition of Ampere

The ampere is the value of that steady current which, when maintained in each of the two very
long, straight, parallel conductors of negligible cross-section, and placed one meter apart in
vacuum, would produce on each of these conductors a force equal to 2  10 7 newtons per metre
of length.
When a steady current of 1 A is set up in a conductor, the quantity of charge that flows through is
cross-section in 1s is one coulomb (1C).


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



1. Find magnetic field at point P shown in figure, the point P is on the bisector of angle
between the wire.
 
Sol. Assume PO  x, so PQ  x sin   I
 P
Magnetic field B at P due to either segment of wire is, 14 O x
 0I  
B 1  cos 
4 x sin( / 2)  2 I
 Net magnetic field at P is
 0I
Bnet  [1  cos( / 2)]
2 x sin( / 2)

2. An infinitely large sheet carries current with linear current density i. Find P

the net magnetic field at a point which is at perpendicular distance r from

r dx
the sheet. x
Sol. Let us consider a current carrying element idx
 0 (idx)
 dBP 
2 r2  x 2
It has two components one parallel to the plane of the sheet and other perpendicular to it.
dB x   dB cos  and dB y  dB sin 
 
0idxr i 
 
B x  dB x   2 2
 0 dB r 2  x2
2(r  x ) 2
 
0idx x
and B y  
dB y   2(r
 x2 )
 0I
 B

3. Find magnetic field at O, by the system of current carrying wire.

   
As in figure B 0  B AB  BBCD  BDE
   I   I  I 
 B 0   0  ( ˆj)   0  0  ( ˆi)
 4 R   4R 4 R 

z B O D



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4. A conducting ring of radius r having charge q is rotating with angular velocity w about its
axes. Find the magnetic field at the centre of ring.

Sol. Current in ring I 
 0I  0 q q
Magnetic field B   r
2r 2 2r
 B   0 q / 4 r

5. Suppose that the current density in a wire of radius a varies with r according to Kr
where K is a constant and r is the distance from the axis of the wire. Find the magnetic
field at a point at distance r from the axis when (i) r < a and (ii) r > a
Sol. Choose a circular path centered on the conductor’s axis and apply Ampere’s law.
(i) To find the current through the area enclosed by the path
Kr 4
JdA  (Kr 2 )(2rdr) i.e., I  K 2r 3 dr 


  Kr4
Since  B.d    0 I  B 2 r  0
 B
(ii) If r > a, then net current through the Amperian loop is
Ka4 0 Ka4
I  Kr 2 2 rdr 
 Therefore B 
2 4r

6. From the surface of a round wire of radius a carrying a direct current I an electron escapes
with a velocity v 0 perpendicular to the surface. Find what will be the maximum distance of
the electron from the axis of the wire before it turns back due to the action of the magnetic
field generated by the current.
 0I ˆ  0I ˆ
Sol. Here BA  k and BP  k
2 a 2 x
Assume velocity of e at P is v p  v x ˆi  v yˆj

here v 2x  v 2y  v 20  v 2y  v 02  v 2x  v y  v 02  v 2x
The magnetic force on the electron at point P
    ev y 0 I
  I 
F  q(v  B)  (  e)(v xˆi  v yˆj)   0 kˆ   F ˆi  ev x 0 I ˆj
 2 x  2x 2x
e0Iv y Fx e 0Iv y dv x e 0 I
 Fx    ax    or vx .  v 02  v 2x
2x m 2 mx dx 2mx
xmax 2 mv 0
v x dv x e  0I dx
     x  ae  0 Ie

v 20  v 2x 2m a

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


7. A particle with specific charge q/m moves in the region of space where there are uniformly
mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields with strength Ejˆ and induction BK . At
moment t = 0 the particle was located at the point O and had zero velocity. Find
(i) The law of motion x(t) and y(t) of the particle, the shape of the trajectory.
(ii) The length of the segment of the trajectory between two nearest point at which the
velocity of the particles turns into zero.
Sol. Let the velocity of charge particle at P is

V  v xˆi  v y ˆj
Lorentz force on the charged particle at point P is
   
F  qE  q(V  B)  qEjˆ  q(v xˆi  v yˆj)  Bkˆ

 qBv y qE  qv xB
 F  qEjˆ  qv x Bjˆ  qv y Bˆi  ax  and a y  ...(i)
m m
differentiating equation (i)
da y qB dv x qB qB  qB  da y q2 B2 d2 v y qB2
  ax    v y  and   v y or   vy ...(ii)
dt m dt m mm  dt m2 dt2 m2
Solution of above equation (ii)
 qB 
v y  A sin  t   ...(iii)
m 
where A and  are constant
According to problem, at t = 0, ax = 0, ay = , v = 0, vy = 0
m x
0  A sin   0     0  v y  A sin t

dv y
Differentiating,  A cos t  a y  A cos t
qE qE
at t = 0,  A  A
m m
Substituting value of A and w in equation (iii)
qE qE E
vy  sin  t  vy   vy  sin t ...(iv)
m qB B
Now, 
y  v y dt  (1  cos t) ...(v)

qE  qB  E  qE
x component, ax  vy    sin t   ax  sin t
m  m  B  m
vx t
qE qE
 dv x  sin tdt  vx  (1  cos t)
m0 m

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qE E
or vx  (1  cos t)  vx  (1  cos t)
 qB  B
m 
t t
E  sin t  E
Now, 
x  v x dx   t   [t  sin t]
B    0 B

 x (t  sin t)
Shape of Trajectory :
E B x
here x [t  sin t]  sin t  t 
B E
E By
and y [1  cos t]  cos t  1 
B E
we know
2 2
 B x   B y 
sin2 t  cos 2 t  1   E  t    E  1   1
   
Solving we will get
2 2
 E   E  E2
 x  B t    y  B   2 2
    B 
This is an equation of circle of radius R  , its centre moves with constant velocity v 0  .
B B
The path of particle is cycloid shown in figure, defined circumference of circle of radius R  .

(ii) Instantaneous speed of charged particle is V  v 2x  v 2y

2E t
Putting the value of v x and v y we will get v  sin
B 2
2 m
velocity becomes zero after on time period T 
T 2 m /qB
2E t 2E t 8mE
so, S  sin   sin dt  S
B 2 B 0
2 qB2

8. A straight wire of mass 200 g and length 1.5 m carries a current of 2A. It is suspended in
mid-air by a uniform horizontal magnetic field B. What is the magnitude of the magnetic
Sol. We have that of mid-air suspension
mg  iB
mg 0.2  9.81 l
B   0.65 T
i 2  1.5

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


9. Calculate the force on a current carrying wire in a uniform magnetic field as shown.
× × × × × × × ×Q ×××××××××××××××××××
× × × × × × × × × × × × × P× × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × ×b× × × I× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
× × ×B× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
××××××××××××× c × × × ×S × × × × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × ×I × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×r× × × × × × × × × B×
×A× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×I × × × ×
× × × × × × × × ×P× × × × ×R× × × × ×T× × × × × × × ×
a d
  
Sol. The net force from A to B. dF  I(dL  B)
 P   Q   R   T   B  

   
dF  I[dL1  B]  I[dL 2  B]  I[dL 3  B]  I[dL 4  B]  I[dL 5  B]

The entire path can be broken down into elemental vectors joined to each other in sequence. We
know, from polygon law of addition of vectors that vector joining the tail of the first vector to the
head of the last vector is the resultant.
   
F  I(L  B) , where |L | a  c 2  b 2  2r  d

 Fnet  I.B(a  c 2  b2  2r  d) and direction is upwards in the plane of paper.

10. The horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field at a certain place is 3  10 T and
the direction of the field is form the geographic south to the geographic north. A very long
straight conductor is carrying a steady current of 1A. What is the force per unit length on it
when it is placed on a horizontal table and the direction of the current is
(a) east to west; (b) south to north?
  
Sol. F  I B
F  IB sin 
(a) When the current is flowing from east to west,   90
Hence F  IB  (1A)(1m)(3  10–5 T)
The direction of the force is downwards. This direction may be obtained either by
Fleming’s left hand rule or the directional property of cross product of vectors.
(b) When the current is flowing from south to north,
  0  F 0
Hence no force per unit length on the conductor.

0.05 
11. The rectangular coil having 100 turns is turned in a uniform magnetic field of j. Tesla
as shown in the figure. Find the torque action on the loop. z
Sol. The magnetic dipole moment of the current carrying coil is given by
  
m  NIAnˆ m  100  0.5  0.08  0.04iˆ m  1.6  10 –2 Am 2
  
The torque acting on the coil is   m  B  MB(iˆ  ˆj) I=0.5A
 0.05 ˆ ˆ y
  16  10–2  k  5.66  10–4 (N  m)k -0.04m
 x

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1. A current of i ampere is flowing through each of the bent wires as shown the magnitude and
direction of magnetic field at 0 is

 0i  1 2   0i  1 3 
(A)  (B) 
4  R R   4  R R  
 0i  1 3   0i  1 3 
(C)  (D) 
8  R 2R  
 8  R R  

2. Net magnetic field at the centre of the circle O due to a current carrying
loop as shown in figure is   180 
(A) zero
(B) perpendicular to paper inwards
(C) perpendicular to paper outwards
(D) is perpendicular to paper inwards if   90 and perpendicular to
paper outwards if 90    180

3. A charge particle A of charge q = 2 C has velocity v = 100 m/s. When it passes through point A
and has velocity in the direction shown. The strength of magnetic field at point B due to this
moving charge is (r = 2 m).

(A) 2.5 T (B) 5.0 T (C) 2.0 T (D) None

4. Three rings, each having equal radius R, are placed mutually perpendicular to each other and
each having its centre at the origin of co-ordinate system. If current I is flowing thriugh each ring
then the magnitude of the magnetic field at the common centre is

0 I
(A) 3
(B) zero (C)  2 1  2 RI
(D)  3 2  2 RI

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


5. Two concentric coils X and Y of radii 16 cm and 10 cm lie in the same vertical plane containing
N-S direction. X has 20 turns and carries 16 A. Y has 25 turns & carries 18A. X has current in
anticlockwise direction and Y has current in clockwise direction for an observer, looking at the
coils facing the west. The magnitude of net magnetic field at their common centre is
(A) 5   10 4 T towards west (B) 13   10 4 T towards east
(C) 13   10 4 T towards west (D) 5   10 4 T towards east

6. The dimension of where  is permeability &  is permittivity is same as :

(A) Resistance (B) Inductance
(C) Capacitance (D) None of these

7. A current I flows around a closed path in the horizontal plane of the circle as shown in the figure.
The path consists of eight arcs with alternating radii r and 2r. Each segment of arc subtends
equal angle at the common centre P. The magnetic field produced by current path at point P is

3 0 I
(A) ; perpendicular to the plane of the paper and directed inward.
8 r
3 0 I
(B) ; perpendicular to the plane of the paper and directed outward.
8 r
1 0 I
(C) ; perpendicular to the plane of the paper and directed inward.
8 r
1 0 I
(D) ; perpendicular to the plane of the paper and directed outward..
8 r

8. Two mutually perpendicular conductors carrying currents I 1 and I 2 lie in one plane. Locus of the
point at which the magnetic induction is zero, is a
(A) circle with centre as the point of intersection of the conductor.
(B) parabola with vertex as the point of intersection of the conductors
(C) straight line passing through the point of intersection of the conductors.
(D) rectangular hyperbola

9. Equal current i is flowing in three infinitely long wires along positive x, y and z directions. The
magnitude field at a point (0, 0, –a) would be:
0i ˆ ˆ 0i ˆ ˆ 0i ˆ ˆ  0i ˆ ˆ ˆ
(A) ( j  i) (B) (i  j) (C) (i  j) (D) (i  j  k)
2a 2a 2a 2a

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10. A thin, straight conductor lies along the axis of a hollow conductor of radius R. The two carry
equal currents in the same direction. The magnetic field B is plotted against the distance r from
the axis. Which of the following best represents the resulting curve?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

11. A long straight wire, carrying current I, is bent at its midpoint to from an angle of 45. Induction of
magnetic field at point P, distant R from point of bending is equal to :

 
2 1 0 I
 
2  1 0 I
 
2  1 0 I
 
2  1 0 I
4 R 4 R 4 2 R 4 2 R
12. An electron is moving along positive x-axis. A uniform electric field exists towards negative y-axis.
What should be the direction of magnetic field of suitable magnitude so that net force of electron
is zero
(A) positive z- axis (B) negative z-axis (C) positive y-axis (D) negative y-axis.

13. A particle of charge q and mass m starts moving from the origin under the action of an electric
  
field E  E 0 ˆi and B  B 0 ˆi with velocity v  v 0 ˆj . The speed of the particle will become 2v 0 after
a time
2mv0 2Bq 3 Bq 3 mv0
(A) t (B) t (C) t (D) t
qE mv0 mv0 qE

14. A uniform magnetic field B  B 0 ˆj exists in a space. A particle of mass m and charge q is
projected towards negative x-axis with speed v from the a point (d, 0, 0). The maximum value v
for which the particle does not hit y-z plane is
2Bq Bqd Bq Bqd
(A) (B) (C) (D)
dm m 2dm 2m

15. Two protons move parallel to each other, keeping distance r between them, both moving with

same velocity V . Then the ratio of the electric and magnetic force of interaction between them
(A) c2 / V 2 (B) 2c 2 / V 2
(C) c 2 / 2V 2 (D) None

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


16. Three ions H + , H e+ and O +2 having same kinetic energy pass through a region in which there
is a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to their velocity, then :
(A) H + will be least deflected. (B) He+ and O +2 will be deflected equally.
(C) O +2 will be deflected most. (D) all will be deflected equally.

17. An electron (mass  9.1  10 31 ; charge  1.6  10 C ) experiences no deflection if
subjected to an electric field of 3.2  10 5 V / m and a magnetic field of 2.0  10 3 Wb / m 2 . Both
the fields are normal to the path of electron and to each other. If the electric field is removed, then
the electron will revolve in an orbit of radius :
(A) 45 m (B) 4.5 m (C) 0.45 m (D) 0.045 m

 
18. A charged particle moves in a magnetic field B  10 ˆi with initial velocity u  5iˆ  4 ˆj . The path of
the particle will be
(A) straight line (B) circle (C) helical (D) none

19. OABC is a current carrying square loop an electron is projected from the centre of loop along its
diagonal AC as shown. Unit vector in the direction of initial acceleration will be

 iˆ  ˆj 
(A) k̂ (B)  
 2 
iˆ  ˆj
(C)  k̂ (D)

20. A particle having charge of 1 C, mass 1 kg and speed 1 m/s enters a uniform magnetic field,
having magnetic induction of 1 T, at an angle   30 between velocity vector and magnetic
induction. The pitch of its helical path is (in meters)
(A) (B) 3

(C) (D) 

21. A charged particle is released from rest in a region of uniform electric and magnetic fields, which
are parallel to each other. The locus of the particle will be
(A) helix of constant pitch (B) straight line
(C) helix of varying pitch (D) cycloid

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22. An electron moving with a velocity V1  2 ˆi m/s at a point in a magnetic field experiences a force
 
F1   2 ˆjN . If the electron is moving with a velocity V2  2 ˆj m/s at the same point, it experiences

a force F2   2 iˆ N . The force the electron would experience if it were moving with a velocity

V3  2kˆ m/s at the same point is -

(A) zero (B) ˆ

(C) ˆ
2kN (D) information is insufficient

23. The direction of magnetic force on the electron as shown in the diagram is along

(A) y-axis (B) –y-axis (C) z-axis (D) –z-axis

24. A block of mass m & charge q is released on a long smooth inclined plane magnetic field B is
constant, uniform, horizontal and parallel to surface as shown. Find the time from start when
block loses contact with the surface.
m cos  m cos ec 
(A) (B)
qB qB
m cot 
(C) (D) none
25. A particle moving with velocity v having specific charge (q/m) enters a region
of magnetic field B having width d = at angle 53° to the boundary of
magnetic field. Find the angle  in the diagram.
(A) 37° (B) 60°
(C) 90° (D) none

26. A charged particle enters a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to its initial direction travelling in
air. The path of the particle is seen to follow the path in figure. Which of statements 1–3 is/are
[1] The magnetic field strength may have been increased while the particle was travelling in air
[2] The particle lost energy by ionising the air
[3] The particle lost charge by ionising the air
(A) 1, 2, 3 are correct (B) 1, 2 only are correct
(C) 2, 3 only are correct (D) 1 only

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


27. A semi circular current carrying wire having radius R is placed in x-y plane with its centre at origin
 Bo x ˆ
‘O’. There is non-uniform magnetic field B  k (here Bo is +ve constant) is existing in the
region. The magnetic force acting on semi circular wire will be along
(A) – x-axis (B) + y-axis (C) – y-axis (D) + x-axis

28. A square loop ABCD, carrying a current i, is placed near and coplanar with a long straight
conductor XY carrying a current I, the net force on the loop will be

2 0 Ii  0 Ii 20 Iil 0 Iil

(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 2 3 2

29. In the figure shown a coil of single turn is wound on a sphere of radius R and mass m. The plane
of the coil is parallel to the plane and lies in the equatorial plane of the sphere. Current in the coil
is i. The value of B if the sphere is in equilibrium is

mg cos  mg mg tan  mg sin 

(A) (B) (C) (D)
iR iR iR iR

30. A rectangular coil PQ has 2n turns, an area 2a and carries a current 2I, (refer figure). The plane
of the coil is at 60 to a horizontal uniform magnetic field of flux density B. The torque on the
coil due to magnetic force is

Bna 8 Bna 4na

(A) (B) (C) (D) none
sin 60 cos 60 Bsin 60



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1. The magnetic field due to a current carrying square loop of side a at a point located symmetrically
at a distance of a/2 from its centre (as shown is)

2 0 i 0 i 2 0i
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
3 a 6 a 3 a

2. A uniform beam of positively charged particles is moving with a constant velocity parallel to
another beam of negatively charged particles moving with the same velocity in opposite direction
separated by a distance d. The variation of magnetic field B along a perpendicular line draw
between the two beams is best represented by

(A) (B) (C) (D)

3. Infinite number of straight wires each carrying current I are equally placed as shown in the figure.
Adjacent wires have current in opposite direction. Net magnetic field at point P is

 0I ln 2  0I ln 4  0I ln 4 ˆ
(A) k̂ (B) k̂ (C) ( k) (D) Zero
4 3 a 4 3 a 4 3 a

4. Find the magnetic field at P due to the arrangement shown

0i  1  2 0i
(A) 1  (B) 
2 d  2 2 d

0 i 0i  1 
(C)  (D) 1 
2 d 2 d  2

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


5. A long thin walled pipe of radius R carries a current I along its length. The current density is
uniform over the circumference of the pipe. The magnetic field at the center of the pipe due to
quarter portion of the pipe shown, is

0I 2  0I 20I 2
(A) (B) (C) (D) None
4 2 R  2R 2R

6. Two very long straight parallel wires, parallel to y-axis, carry currents 4I and I, along +y direction
and –y direction, respectively. The wires are passes through the x-axis at the points (d, 0, 0) and
(– d, 0, 0) respectively. The graph of magnetic field z-component as one moves along the x-axis
from x = – d to x = +d, is best given by

(A) (B) (C) (D)

7. A hollow cylinder having infinite length and carrying uniform current per unit length  along the
circumference as shown. Magnetic field inside the cylinder is

0 
(A) (B) 0 (C) 20  (D) none

8. A long straight metal rod has a very long hole of radius ‘a’ drilled parallel to the rod axis as shown
in the figure. If the rod carries a current ‘i’ find the value of magnetic induction on the axis of the
hole, where OC = c

 0 ic
 0 ic

 0i b2  a2  (D)
0 ic

 b a 2 2
  2
2 b  a 2
 2c 2 a 2 b 2

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9. Two long conductors are arranged as shown above to form overlapping cylinders, each of raidus
r, whose centers are separated by a distance d. Current of density J flows into the plane of the
page along the shaded part of one conductor and an equal current flows out of the plane of the
page along the shaded portion of the other, as shown. What are the magnitude and direction of
the magnetic field at point A?

 0   0  2
(A)  2    d J, in the +y-direction (B)  2  d r, in the +y-direction
   
  0  4d2 J   0  Jr 2
(C)  2   r , in the –y-direction (D)  2  d , in the –y-direction
   
(E) There is no magnetic field at A.

10. An electron is projected with velocity v 0 in a uniform electric field E perpendicular to the field.
Again it is projetced with velocity v 0 perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field B. If r1 is initial
radius of curvature just after entering in the electric field and r2 is initial radius of curvature just
after entering in magnetic field then the ratio r1 r2 is equal to
Bv 20 B Ev 0 Bv 0
(A) (B) (C) (D)

11. A charged particle of specific charge  is released from origin at time t = 0 with velocity
  
V  Vo ˆi  Vo ˆj in magnetic field B  Bo ˆi . The coordinates of the particle at time t  are
Bo 
(specific charge   )
 Vo 2Vo  Vo    Vo 
(A)  , ,  (B)  ,0,0 
 2Bo  Bo Bo   2B
 o  

 2Vo Vo    Vo  2V 
(C)  0, ,  (D)  ,0,  o , 
 Bo  2Bo    Bo  Bo  

12. A electron experiences a force  4.0 ˆi  3.0 ˆj   10 3

N in a uniform magnetic field when its velocity

is 2.5kˆ 107 ms 1. When the velocity is redirected and becomes 1.5 ˆi  2.0 ˆj  10 7 ms 1 , the 

magnetic force of the electron is zero. The magnetic field vector B is:
(A) 0.075 ˆi  0.1jˆ (B) 0.1iˆ  0.075 ˆj (C) 0.075 ˆi  0.1jˆ  kˆ (D) 0.075 ˆi  0.1jˆ

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


13. A mass spectrometer is a device which select particle of equal mass. An iron with electric charge
q > 0 and mass m starts at rest from a source S and is accelerated through a potential difference

V. It passes through a hole into a region of constant magnetic field B perpendicular to the plane
of the paper as shown in the figure. The particle is deflected by the magnetic field and emerges
through the bottom hole at a distance d from the top hole. The mass of the particle is

qBd qB2 d2 qB2 d2 qBd

(A) (B) (C) (D)
mV 4V 8V 2mV

14. A particle of specific charge (charge/mass)  starts moving from the origin under the action of an
 
electric field E  E0 ˆi and magnetic field B  B 0kˆ . Its v elocity at  x 0 , y 0 ,0  is (4iˆ  3ˆj) .
The v alue of x 0 is:
13 E 0 16 B0 25 5
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 B0 E0 2E0 2B 0

15. A particle of specif ic charge (q/m) is projected f rom the origin of coordinates with
initial velocity [ui – vj]. Unif orm electric magnetic fields exist in the region along the
+y direction, of magnitude E and B. The particle will def initely return to the origin
once if
(A) [vB 2E] is an integer (B) (u 2 + v 2 ) 1/2 [B E] is an integer
(C) [vB E] in an integer (D) [uB E] is an integer

16. Two particles of charges +Q and –Q are projected from the same point with a velocity v in a
region of uniform magnetic field B such that the velocity vector makes an angle q with the
magnetic field. Their masses are M and 2M, respectively. Then, they will meet again for the first
time at a point whose distance from the point of projection is
(A) 2Mv cos  QB (B) 8 Mv cos  QB
(C) Mv cos  QB (D) 4Mv cos  QB

17. A particle of charge Q and mass M moves in a circular path of radius R in a uniform magnetic
field of magnitude B. The same particle now moves with the same speed in a circular path of
same radius R in the space between the cylindrical electrodes of the cylindrical capacitor. The
radius of the inner electrode is R/2 while that of the outer electrode is 3R/2. Then the potential
difference between the capacitor electrodes must be
(A) QBR(ln3) M (B) QB 2R 2 (ln3) 2M
(C) QB 2R 2 (ln3) M (D) None

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18. A particle with charge +Q and mass m enters a magnetic field of magnitude B, existing only to the
right of the boundary YZ. The direction of the motion of the particle is perpendicular to the
direction of B. Let T  2 . The time spent by the particle in the field will be

   2     2 
(A) T (B) 2T (C) T  (D) T 
 2   2 

19. In the previous question, if the particle has –Q charge, the time spend by the particle in the field
will be
   2     2 
(A) T (B) 2T (C) T  (D) T 
 2   2 

20. A particle having charge q enters a region of uniform magnetic field B (directed inwards) and is
deflected a distance x after travelling a distance y. The magnitude of the momentum of the
particle is:

qBy qBy qB  y 2  qBy 2

(A) (B) (C)   x (D)
2 x 2  x  2x

21. A straight rod of mass m and length L is suspended from the identical spring as shown in the
figure. The spring stretched by a distance of x 0 due to the weight of the wire. The circuit has total
resistance R  . When the magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the paper is switched on,
springs are observed to extend further by the same distance. The magnetic field strength is
(A) ; directed outward from the plane of the paper
(B) ; directed outward from the plane of the paper
2  x0
(C) ; directed into the plane of the paper
(D) ; directed into the plane of the paper
 x0

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


22. A conducting wire bent in the form of a parabola y 2  2x carries a current i = 2 A as shown in

figure. This wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field B  4kˆ Tesla. The magnetic force on the
wire is (in newton)

(A) 16 ˆi (B) 32 ˆi (C) 32 ˆi (D) 16 ˆi

23. A circular current loop of radius a is placed in a radial field B as shown. The net force acting on
the loop is

(A) zero (B) 2BaIcos 

(C) 2aIBsin  (D) None

24. A conductor of length l and mass m is placed along the east-west line on a table. Suddenly a
certain amount of charge is passed through it and it is found to jump to a height h. The earth’s
magnetic induction is B. The charge passed through the conductor is:
1 2gh gh m 2gh
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Bmgh Blm Blm Bl

25. In the figure shown a current I1 is established in the long straight wire AB. Another wire CD
carrying current I2 is placed in the plane of the paper. The line joining the ends of this wire is
perpendicular to the wire AB. The force on the wire CD is:

(A) zero (B) towards left

(C) directed upwards (D) none of these

26. A metal ring of radius r = 0.5 m with its plane normal to a uniform magnetic field B of induction 0.2
T carries a current I = 100 A. The tension in newtons developed in the ring is:
(A) 100 (B) 50
(C) 25 (D) 10

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27. A conducting ring of mass 2 kg and radius 0.5 m is placed on a smooth horizontal plane. The ring
carries a current i = 4A. A horizontal magnetic field B = 10T is switched on at time t = 0 as shown
in figure. The initial angular acceleration of the ring will be

(A) 40  rad / s2 (B) 20  rad / s2 (C) 5  rad / s 2 (D) 15  rad / s2

28. The magnetic moment of a circular orbit of radius ‘r’ carrying a charge ‘q’ and rotating with
velocity v is given by
qvr qvr
(A) (B) (C) qv  r (D) qv  r 2
2 2

29. A thin non conducting disc of radius R is rotating clockwise (see figure) with an angular velocity w
about its central axis, which is perpendicular to its plane. Both its surfaces carry +ve charges of
uniform surface density. Half the disc is in a region of a uniform, unidirectional magnetic field B
parallel to the plane of the disc, as shown. Then,

(A) The net torque on the disc is zero.

(B) The net torque vector on the disc is directed leftwards.
(C) The net torque vector on the disc is directed rightwards.
(D) The net torque vector on the disc is parallel to B.

30. Figure shows a square current carrying loop ABCD of side 10 cm and current i = 10A. The

magnetic moment M of the loop is

(A)  
(0.05) ˆi  3kˆ A  m2 (B) (0.05)  ˆj  kˆ  A  m 2

(C) (0.05)  3iˆ  kˆ  A  m 2

(D)  ˆi  kˆ  A  m 2


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
1. Statement-1 : It is not possible for a charged particle to move in a circular path around a long
straight uncharged conductor carrying current under the influence of its magnetic
field alone.
Statement-2 : The magnetic force (if nonzero) on a moving charged particle is normal to its

2. Statement-1 : For a charged particle to pass through a uniform electro-magnetic field without
change in velocity, its velocity vector must be perpendicular to the magnetic field.
   
Statement-2 : Net Lorentz force on the particle is given by F  q[E  v  B]

3. Statement-1 : Ampere law can be used to find magnetic field due to finite length of a straight
current carrying wire.
Statement-2 : The magnetic field due to finite length of a straight current carrying wire is
symmetric about the wire.

4. Statement-1 : A pendulum made of a non-conducting rigid massless rod of length is attached

to a small sphere of mass m and charge q. The pendulum is undergoing
oscillations of small amplitude having time period T. Now a uniform horizontal

magnetic field B out of plane of page is switched on. As a result of this change,
the time period of oscillations will change.


Statement-2 : In the situation of statement-1, after the magnetic field is switched on the tension
in string will change (except when the bob is at extreme position)

5. Statement-1 : Net f orce on a current carrying loop in a non-unif orm magnetic field
must be non-zero.
 
Statement-2 : Force on a current carrying wire of length dl placed in magnetic field B is given
  
by dF  idl  B

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6. Statement-1 : Two long parallel conductors carrying currents in the same direction experience a
force of attraction.
Statement-2 : The magnetic fields produced in the space between the conductors are in the
same direction.

7. Statement-1 : A charged particle can never move along a magnetic field line in absence of any
other force.
  
Statement-2 : Force due to magnetic field is given by F  q(v  B)


8. In the following hexagons, made up of two different material P and Q, current enters and leaves from
points X and Y respectively. In which case the magnetic field at its centre is not zero.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

9. Consider the magnetic field produced by a finitely long current carrying wire.
(A) the lines of field will be concentric circles with centres on the wire.
(B) There can be two points in the same plane where magnetic fields are same.
(C) There can be large number of points where the magnetic field is same.
(D) The magnetic field at a point is inversally proportional to the distance of the point from the

10. Consider three quantities x = E/B, y = 1 /  0  0 and z = . Here, l is the length of a wire, C is a
capacitance and R is a resistance. All other symbols have standard meanings.
(A) x, y have the same dimensions (B) y, z have the same dimensions
(C) z, x have the same dimensions
(D) none of the three pairs have the same dimensions.

11. Two long thin, parallel conductors carrying equal currents in the same direction are fixed parallel to
the x-axis, one passing through y = a and the other through y = –a. The resultant magnetic field due
to the two conductors at any point is B. Which of the following are correct?

(A) B = 0 for all points on the x-axis

(B) At all points on the y-axis, excluding the origin, B has only a z-component.
(C) At all points on the z-axis, excluding the origin, B has only a y-component.
(D) B cannot have an x-component.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


12. Current flows through uniform, square frames as shown. In which case is the magnetic field at the
centre of the frame not zero?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

13. A long straight wire carries a current along the x-axis. Consider the points A(0, 1, 0), B(0, 1, 1),
C(1, 0, 1) and D(1, 1, 1). Which of the following pairs of points will have magnetic fields of the same
(A) A and B (B) A and C (C) B and C (D) B and D

14. In the previous question, if the current is i and the magnetic field at D has magnitude B,
 0i  0i
(A) B= (B) B=
2 2 2 3
(C) B is parallel to the x-axis (D) B makes an angle of 45° with the xy plane

15. Which of the following statement is correct :

(A) A charged particle enters a region of uniform magnetic field at an angle 85 to magnetic
lines of force. The path of the particle is a circle.
(B) An electron and proton are moving with the same kinetic energy along the same direction.
When they pass through uniform magnetic field perpendicular to their direction of motion,
they describe circular path.
(C) There is no change in the energy of a charged particle moving in a magnetic field although
magnetic force acts on it.
(D) Two electrons enter with the same speed but in opposite direction in a uniform transverse
magnetic field. Then the two describe circle of the same radius and these move in the
same sense.

16. Two identical charged particles enter a uniform magnetic field with same speed but at angles 30
and 60 with field. Let a, b and c be the ratio of their time periods, radii and pitches of the helical
paths than
(A) abc = 1 (B) abc > 1 (C) abc < 1 (D) a = bc

17. An electron is moving along the positive X-axis. You want to apply a magnetic field for a short time
so that the electron may reverse its direction and move parallel to the negative X-axis. This can be
done by applying the magnetic field along
(A) Y-axis (B) Z-axis (C) Y-axis only (D) Z-axis only

18. In a region of space, a uniform magnetic field B exists in the y-direction. A

proton is fired from the origin, with its initial velocity v making a small angle a
with the y-direction in the yz plane. In the subsequent motion of the proton,
(A) its x-coordinate can never be positive
(B) its x- and z-coordinates cannot both be zero at the same time
(C) its z-coordinate can never be negative
(D) its y-coordinate will be proportional to the square of its time of flight

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Magnetic field is produced by moving charged particles. If a charged particle having charge q is
   v  r 
moving with a velocity v then magnetic field at a point P is given by B  0 q  3 where r is
4 | r |
position vector of point P w.r.t. moving charge. Now suppose a stationary infinite wire is carrying
a current I then I  neAv d where
n  no of free electrons/volume
A  area of cross-section of wire
v d  the constant velocity with which electrons can be assumed to be moving and e is
electronic charge.
So we can calculate magnetic field at a point which is at a distance x from the wires in the ground
frame. This comes out to be B  . Now answer the following questions

19. Suppose an observer is moving parallel to the wire with a velocity v d such that electrons are at
rest. The magnetic field produced by electrons at a point at a distance x from the wire is
 0I 0I
(A) (B) (C) zero (D) Undefined
2x 2x

20. Net magnetic field at that point with respect to the same observer as defined in above question is
 0I 0I
(A) (B) (C) zero (D) Undefined
2x 2x

21. Suppose a charged particle is fixed with respect to ground. An observer is moving with respect to
ground with some velocity. Velocity of observer is very small as compared to velocity of light.
(A) There must be magnetic field produced by charged particle with respect to observer at all
points in the space
(B) There must be electric field produced by charged particle w.r.t. observer at all points in the
(C) There must not be magnet field produced by charged particle at all points in the space
(D) None of the above

22. An observer is moving with a velocity parallel to the wire then net magnetic field with respect
to observer at a point at a distance x from the wire is
 0I 0I 0i
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
4 x 4x 2x

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


 
If a charged particle is projected with a velocity v in a magnetic field B then force acting on the
  
charged particle is given by Fm  qv  B . This force will change the velocity of particle. Now
suppose that a current carrying wire is placed in a magnetic field then a small current carrying
   
element experiences a force dF  Id   B. d  is a vector along the length of element and its
direction is along the direction of current flow. Now answer the following question

23. A charge particle is projected with some velocity in a uniform magnetic field only (no electric field
in region)
(A) Particle must follow a circular path (B) Particle must follow a straight line path
(C) Particle may follow a straight line path
(D) Velocity of particle must change during its motion

24. Suppose particle is projected from point A. After some time particle is at point B. Kinetic energy of
particle is same at points A and B because
(A) Magnetic field is perpendicular to line AB
(B) Magnetic field is always perpendicular to line AB
(C) Instantaneous power produced by magnetic force on particle is zero
(D) Kinetic energy of particle at point A and B can’t be same

25. A straight current carrying wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field. The magnetic force on a wire
will displace the wire so
(A) Kinetic energy of wire changes if wire is free to move
(B) Kinetic energy of wire cant change because magnetic force can’t do any work
(C) Magnetic force will not act because wire is straight
(D) None of the above

26. A charged particle is projected in a uniform magnetic field such that its velocity makes an angle 

(acute) with the direction of magnetic field B . then
(A) Speed of particle will keep on changing (B) Momentum of particle is constant
(C) Kinetic energy of particle is constant (D) None of the above


A closed current carrying loop having a current I is having area A. Magnetic moment of this loop
 
is defined as   IA where direction of area vector is towards the observer if current is flowing in
anticlockwise direction with respect to the observer. If this loop is placed in a uniform magnetic
   
field B then torque acting on the loop is given by     B . Now answer the following questions

27. A uniformly charged insulating ring is rotated in a uniform magnetic field then
(A) Ring will experience a magnetic field (B) Ring must be experience a magnetic torque
(C) Ring may experience a magnetic torque (D) None of the above

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28. Consider the situation shown in the figure, ring is having a uniformly distributed positive charge.
Magnetic field is perpendicular to the axis of ring. Now ring is rotated in anticlockwise direction as
seen from left hand side Direction of magnetic torque acting on the ring is

(A) Parallel to B (B) Parallel to axis of ring
(C) Going into plane of paper (D) Coming out of plane of paper

29. If ring is having a radius R charge Q uniformly distributed over it. Ring is rotated with a constant
angular velocity  . Torque acting on the ring due to magnetic force is -
QR2 B QR2B R 2 B
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of the above
2 2 2

30. Magnetic field at the centre of ring when ring is rotated with   4 rad / sec is -

0 Q  02Q 2
(A) (B)  B2 (C) B (D) None of the above
2R R2


There are two infinite parallel current carrying wire in vertical plane. Lower wire is fixed and upper
wire is having a linear mass density  . Two wires are carrying current I1 and I2 . Now upper wire
is placed in a magnetic field produced by lower wire. Magnetic field due to lower wire at the
 0I
location of upper wire is where I1  current in lower wire, d  separation between wire.
0I1I2 d
Force on any small portion of upper wire having length d is dF  where I2  current in
the upper wire. If directions of current in the wires is appropriate then upper wire can be in
equilibrium if its weight is balanced by magnetic force. Now answer the following questions

31. Equilibrium separation between the two wires is

0I1I2 0I1I2  0I
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
41g 2g g

32. The upper wire can be in equilibrium if

(A) Direction of current in both wires is same
(B) Direction of current in both wires is opposite
(C) Equilibrium does not depend upon the direction of currents
(D) None of these

33. If upper wire is slightly displaced from its mean position and released, it will perform simple
harmonic motion. As wire move then total mechanical energy of wire
(A) Remains constant
(B) Changes
(C) We can’t say anything about mechanical energy in magnetic field
(D) None of these

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


34. Consider wire at lower extreme position and upper extreme position. Kinetic energy of wire is
zero at both the position then
(A) Gravitational potential energy is also same at both positions
(B) Gravitation potential energy is different at both positions
(C) Gravitational potential energy change can be neglected because displacement of wire from
the mean position is very small
(D) None of the above


Match the column

Column-I Column-II
35. Charge at rest experiences a force it means (A) E = 0, B = 0
36. A charge in motion goes undeviated with same velocity (B) E  0, B  0

37. A charge in motion goes undeviated with varying speed (C) E  0, B  0

38. A charged particle undergoes helical motion (D) E  0, B  0

Magnetic moment of

Column-I Column-II
39. a uniformly charged ring rotating uniformly about its axis (A) q r 2
40. a charged particle rotating uniformly about a point (B) q r 2
41. a unifomly charged disk rotating uniformly about its axis (C) q r 2
42. a unifomly charged spherical shell rotating uniformly about one (D) q r 2
of its diameter 2
43. a unifomly charged sphere rotating uniformly about one of its (E) q r 2

Match the column

Column-I Column-II
44. A charge at rest produces (A) Magnetic field
45. A charge moving with uniform velocity produces (B) Electric field
46. An accelerated charge produces (C) Electromagnetic waves


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1. A system of long four parallel conductors whose sections with the plane of the
drawing lie at the vertices of a square there flow four equal currents. The
directions of these currents are as follows : those marked  point away from
the reader, while those marked with a dot point towards the reader. How is the
vector of magnetic induction directed at the centre of the square?

2. A long straight wire carries a current of 10 A directed along the z

negative y-axis as shown in figure. A uniform magnetic field B0 of
magnitude 10 T is directed parallel to the x-axis. What is the
resultant magnetic field at the following points? x
(a) x=0, z=2m; (b) x = 2 m, z = 0 ;
(c) x = 0 , z = - 0.5 m

3. Figure shows a straight wire of length l carrying a current i. Find the magnitude of magnetic field
produced by the current at point P.

5 5
4. Two circular coils A and B of radius cm and 5 cm respectively carry current 5 Amp and
2 2
Amp respectively. The plane of B is perpendicular to plane of A and their centres coincide. Find
the magnetic field at the centre.

5. Find the magnetic field at the centre P of square of side a shown in figure.

6. What is the magnitude of magnetic field at the centre ‘O’ of loop of radius 2 m made of uniform
wire when a current of 1 amp enters in the loop and taken out of it by two long wires as shown in
the figure.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


7. Find the magnetic induction at the origin in the figure shown.

8. Find the magnetic induction at point O, if the current carrying wire is in the shape shown in the

9. Two circular coils of wire each having a radius of 4 cm and 10 turns have a common axis and
are 6 cm apart . If a current of 1 A passes through each coil in the opposite direction find the
magnetic induction.
(i) At the centre of either coil (ii) At a point on the axis, midway between them.

10. Six wires of current I 1  1 A, I 2  2 A, I 3  3 A, I 4  1 A, I 5  5 A and I 6  4 A cut the page

perpendicularly at the points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively as shown in the figure. Find the value
 
of the integral  .dl around the closed path.

11. A cylindrical conductor of radius R carries a current along its length. The current density J,
however, it is not uniform over the cross section of the conductor but is a function of the radius
according to J = br, where b is a constant. Find an expression for the magnetic field B.
(a) at r1  R & (b) at distance r1  R , mesured from the axis

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12. Q.1Electric charge q is uniformly distributed over a rod of length l. The rod is placed parallel to a
long wire carrying a current i. The separation between the rod and the wire is a. Find the force
needed to move the rod along its length with a uniform velocity v.

13. An electron moving with a velocity 5 106 ms 1 iˆ in the uniform electric field of 5  107 Vm 1 j.
Find the magnitude and direction of a minimum uniform magnetic field in tesla that will cause the
electron to move undeviated along its original path.

14. A charged particle (charge q, mass m) has velocity v 0 at origin in +x direction. In space there is a
uniform magnetic field B in - z direction. Find the y coordinate of particle when is crosses y axis.

15. A proton beam passes without deviation through a region of space where there are uniform
transverse mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic field with E and B. Then the beam
strikes a grounded target. Find the force imparted by the beam on the target if the beam current is
equal to I.

16. A conducting circular loop of radius r carries a constant current i. It is placed in a uniform
 
magnetic field B0 such that B0 is perpendicular to the plane of the loop. Find the magnetic
force acting on the loop.

17. An arc of a circular loop of radius R is kept in the horizontal plane and a constant magnetic field B
is applied in the vertical direction as shown in the figure. If the arc carries current I then find the
force on the arc.

18. A rectangular loop of wire is oriented with the left corner at the origin, one edge along X-axis and
the other edge along Y-axis as shown in the figure. A magnetic field is into the page and has a
magnitude that is given by    y where  is contant. Find the total magnetic force on the
loop if it carries current i.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


19. A particle of charge +q and mass m moving under the influence of a uniform electric field E iˆ and
a magnetic field B k̂ enters in I quadrant of a coordinate system at a point (0, a) with initial
velocity v iˆ and leaves the quadrant at a point (2a, 0) with velocity – 2v ĵ . Find
(a) Magnitude of electric field
(b) Rate of work done by the electric field at point (0, a)
(c) Rate of work done by both the fields at (2a, 0).

20. A square current carrying loop made of thin wire and having a mass m =10g can
rotate without friction with respect to the vertical axis OO1 , passing through the
centre of the loop at right angles to two opposite sides of the loop. The loop is
placed in a homogeneous magnetic field with an induction B  10 T directed at
right angles to the plane of the drawing. A current I  2 A is flowing in the loop.
Find the period of small oscillations that the loop performs about its position of stable equilibrium.

21. 3 infinitely long thin wires each carrying current i in the same direction , are in the x-y plane of a
gravity free space. The central wire is along the y-axis while the other two are along x   d .
(i) Find the locus of the points for which the magnetic field B is zero .
(ii) If the central wire is displaced along the z-direction by a small amount & released, show that it will
execute simple harmonic motion . If the linear density of the wires is  , find the frequency of

22. Q charge is uniformly distributed over the same surface of a right circular cone of semi-vertical
angle  and height h. The cone is uniformly rotated about its axis at angular velocity  .
Calculated associated magnetic dipole moment.


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1. Four long wires each carrying current I as shown in the figure are placed at the points A, B, C and
D. Find the magnitude and direction of

(i) magnetic field at the centre of the square.

(ii) force per metre acting on wire at point D.

2. A wire loop carrying current I is placed in the X-Y plane as shown in the figure

(a) If a particle with charge +Q and mass m is placed at the centre P and given a velocity along
NP (fig). Find its instantaneous acceleration

(b) If an external uniform magnetic induction field B  Bi is applied, find the torque acting on
the loop due to the field.

3. A stationary, circular wall clock has a face with a radius of 15cm. Six turns of wire are wound
around its perimeter, the wire carries a current 2.0 A in the clockwise direction. The clock is
located, where there is a constant , uniform external magnetic field of 70 mT (but the clock still
keeps perfect time) at exactly 1:00 pm, the hour hand of the clock points in the direction of the
external magnetic field
(a) After how many minutes will the minute hand point in the direction of the torque on the
winding due to the magnetic field ?
(b) What is the magnitude of this torque.

4. A U-shaped wire of mass m and length l is immersed with its two

ends in mercury (see figure). The wire is in a homogeneous field of
magnetic induction B. If a charge, that is, a current pulse
q   i dt , is sent through the wire, the wire will jump up.
Calculate, from the height h that the wire reaches, the size of the
charge or current pulse, assuming that the time of the current pulse is very small in comparision

with the time of flight. Make use of the fact that impulse of force equals  F dt , which equals mv.
Evaluate q for B  0.1Wb / m 2 , m  10 gm , l  20 cm & h  3 meters.  g  10 m / s 2 

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


5. (a) A rigid circular loop of radius r & mass m lies in the xy plane on a flat table and has a current I
  
flowing in it. At this particular place, the earth's magnetic field is B  Bx iˆ  By ˆj . How large
must I be before one edge of the loop will lift from table ?
  
(b) Repeat if, B  Bx iˆ  Bz kˆ .

6. A conductor carrying a current i is placed parallel to a current per unit width j0 and width d, as
shown in the figure. Find the force per unit lenght on the conductor.

7. The figure shows a conductor of weight 1.0 N and length L = 0.5 m

placed on a rough inclined plane making an angle 30 with the
horizontal so that conductor is perpendicular to a uniform horizontal
magnetic field of induction B = 0.10 T. The coefficient of static friction
between the conductor and the plane is 0.1. A current of I = 10 A flows
through the conductor inside the plane of this paper as shown. What is the force needed to be
the applied parallel to the inclined plane to sustaining the conductor at rest?

8. An electron gun G emits electron of energy 2kev traveling in the (+)ve x-direction. The electron
are required to hit the spot S where GS = 0.1m & the line GS makes an angle of 60 with the x-

axis, as shown in the fig. A uniform magnetic field B parallel to GS exists in the region outsiees
to electron gun. Find the minimum value of B needed to make the electron hit S.

9. Two coils each of 100 turns are held such that one lies in the vertical plane with their centres
coinciding. The radius of the vertical coil is 20 cm and that of the horizontal coil is 30 cm . How
would you neutralize the magnetic field of the earth at their common centre? What is the current
to be passed through each coil? Horizontal component of earth's magnetic induction
 3.49  10 5 T and angle of dip  30.

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10. A uniform, constant magnetic field B is directed at an angle of 45 to the
x-axis in the xy-plane, PQRS is a rigid square wire frame carrying a steady
current I 0 (clockwise), with its centre at the origin O. At time t = 0, the frame
is at rest in the position shown in the figure, with its sides parallel to the x & y
axes. Each side of the frame is of mass M & length L.

(a) What is the torque  about O acting on the frame due to the magnetic field?
(b) Find the angle by which the frame rotates under the action of this torque in a short interval of time
t, & the axis about which this rotation occurs ( t is so short that any variation in the torque
during this interval may be neglected) Given the moment of inertia of the frame about an axis
ML2 .
through its centre perpendicular to its plane is
11. An infinite wire, placed along z-axis, has current I 1 in positive z-direction. A conducting rod

placed in xy plane parallel to y-axis has current I 2 in positive y-direction. The ends of the rod

subtend 30 and 60 at the origin with positive x-direction. The rod is at a distance a from
the origin. Find net force on the rod.

12. A straight segment OC (of length L meter) of a circuit carrying a current I amp is placed along the
x-axis. Two infinitely ling straight wires A and B ,each extending form z   to , are fixed
at y  a metre and y   a metre respectively, as shown in the figure. If the wires A and B
each carry a current I amp into plane of the paper. Obtain the expression for the force acting on
the segment OC. What will be the force OC if current in the wire B is reversed?


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



1. A current I flows along a thin wire shaped as a regular polygon with n sides which can be
inscribed into a circle of radius R. Find the magnetic induction at the centre of the polygon.
Analyse the obtained expression at n   .

2. Find the magnetic induction of the field at the point O of a loop with current I, whose shape is

(a) In figure a, the radii a and b, as well as the angle  are known;
(b) In figure b, the radius a and the side b are known.

3. A current I flows along a lengthy thin-walled tube of radius R with longitudinal slit of width h. Find
the induction of the magnetic field inside the tube under the condition h  R.

4. A current I flows in a long straight wire with cross-section having the form of a thin half-ring of
radius R (Figure). Find the induction of the magnetic field at the point O.

5. Find the magnetic induction of the field at the point O if a current-carrying wire has the shape
shown in figure a, b, c. The radius of the curved part of the wire is R, the linear parts are assumed
to be very long.

6. A very long wire carrying a current I = 5.0 A is bent at right angles. Find the magnetic induction at
a point lying on a perpendicular to the wire, drawn through the point of bending, at a distance
l  35cm from it.

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7. Find the magnetic induction at the point O if the wire carrying a current I = 8.0 A has the shape
shown in figure a, b, c. The radius of the curved part of the wire is R = 100 mm, the linear parts of
the wire are very long.

8. Find the magnitude and direction of the magnetic induction vector B.

(a) of an infinite plane carrying a current of linear density i; the vector i is the same at all points
of the plane;
(b) of two parallel infinite planes carrying currents of linear densities i and – i; the vectors i and
– i are constant at all points of the corresponding plnaes.

9. A uniform current of density j flows inside an infinite plate of thickness 2d parallel to its surface.
Find the magnetic induction induced by this current as a function of the distance x from the
median plane of the plate. The magnetic permeability is assumed to be equal to unity both inside
and outside the plate.

10. Inside a long straight uniform wire of round cross-section there is a long round cylindrical cavity
whose axis is parallel to the axis of the wire and displaced from the latter by a distance 1. A direct
current of density j flows along the wire. Find the magnetic induction inside the cavity, Consider,
in particular, the case l = 0.

11. A single-layer coil (solenoid) has length l and cross-section radius R. A number of turns per unit
length is equal to n. Find the magnetic induction at the centre of the coil when a current I flows
through it.

12. A very long straight solenoid has a cross-section radius R and n turns per unit length. A direct
current I flows through the solenoid. Suppose that x is the distance from the end of the solenoid,
measured along its axis. Find:
(a) The magnetic induction B on the axis as a function of x; draw an approximate plot of B vs
the ratio ;
(b) the distance x 0 to the point on the axis at which the value of B differs by   1% from that
in the middle section of the solenoid.

13. Figure shows a toroidal solenoid whose cross-section is rectangular.

Find the magnetic flux through this cross-section if the current through
the winding equals I = 1.7 A, the total number of turns is N = 1000, the
ratio of the outside diameter to the inside one is   1.6, and the
height is equal to h  5.0cm.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


14. Find the magnetic moment of a thin round loop with current if the radius of the loop is equal to
R  100mm and the magnetic induction at its centre is equal to B  6.0 T.

15. Calculate the magnetic moment of a thin wire with a current

I = 0.8 A, wound tightly on half a tore (figure). The diameter
of the cross-section of the tore is equal to d = 5.0 cm, the
number of turns is N = 500.

16. A thin insulated wire forms a plane spiral of N = 100 tight turns carrying a
current I = 8 mA. The radii of inside and outside turns (figure) are equal to
a = 50 mm and b = 100 mm. Find
(a) The magnetic induction at the centre of the spiral;
(b) The magnetic moment of the spiral with a given current.

17. Find the magnitude and direction of a force vector acting on a unit length of a thin wire, carrying a
current I = 8.0 A, at a point O, if the wire is bent as shown in

(a) Figure a, with curvature radius R = 10 cm;

(b) Figure b, the distance between the long parallel segments of the wire being equal to I = 20 cm.

18. A coil carrying a current I = 10 mA is placed in a uniform magnetic field so that its axis coincides
with the field direction. The single-layer winding of the coil is made of copper wire with diameter
d = 0.10 mm, radius of turns is equal to R = 30 mm. At what value of the induction of the external
magnetic field can the coil winding be ruptured?

19. A copper wire with cross-sectional area S  2.5mm 2 bent to make three sides of a square can
turn about a horizontal axis OO' (figure). The wire is located in uniform vertical magnetic field.
Find the magnetic induction if on passing a current I  16A through the wire the latter deflects by
an angle   20.

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20. A small coil C with N = 200 turns is mounted on one end of a balance beam and introduced
between the poles of an electromagnet as shown in figure. The cross-sectional area of the coil is
S  1.0 cm 2 , the length of the arm OA of the balance beam is l = 30 cm. When there is no current
in the coil the balance is in equilibrium. On passing a current I = 22 mA through the coil the
equilibrium is restored by putting the additional counterweight of mass  m  60mg on the
balance pan. Find the magnetic induction at the spot where the coil is located.

21. A direct current I flows in a long straight conductor whose cross-section has the form of a thin
half-ring of radius R. The same current flows in the opposite direction along a thin conductor
located on the “axis” of the first conductor (point O in figure). Find the magnetic interaction force
between the given conductors reduced to a unit of their length.

22. Two long thin parallel conductors of the shape shown in figure carry direct currents I1 and I2 . The
separation between the conductors is a, the width of the right-hand conductor is equal to b. With
both conductors lying in one plane, find the magnetic interaction force between them reduced to a
unit of their length.

23. A small current-carrying loop is located at a distance r from a long straight conductor with current
I. The magnetic moment of the loop is equal to pm . Find the magnitude and direction of the force
vector applied to the loop if the vector pm
(a) is parallel to the straight conductor;
(b) is oriented along the radius vector r;
(c) coincides in direction with the magnetic field produced by the current I at the point where
the loop is located.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


24. At the moment t = 0 an electron leaves one plate of a parallel plate capacitor with a negligible
velocity. An accelerating voltage, varying as V = at, where a = 100 V/s, is applied between the
plates. The separation between the plates is l = 5.0 cm. What is the velocity of the electron at the
moment it reaches the opposite plate?

25. A proton accelerated by a potential difference V gets into the uniform electric field of a parallel-
plate capacitor whose plates extend over a length l in the motion direction. The field strength
varies with time as E = at, where a is a constant. Assuming the proton to be non-relativistic, find
the angle between the motion directions of the proton before and after its flight through the
capacitor, the proton gets in the field at the moment t = 0. The edge effects are to be neglected.

26. A slightly divergent beam of non-relativistic charged particles accelerated by a potential difference
V propagates from a point A along the axis of a straight solenoid. The beam is brought into focus
at a distance l from the point A at two successive values of magnetic induction B1 and B2 . Find
the specific charge q/m of the particles.

27. A non-relativistic electron originates at a point A lying on the axis of a straight solenoid and
moves with velocity v at an angle  to the axis. The magnetic induction of the field is equal to B.
Find the distance r from the axis to the point on the screen into which the electron strikes. The
screen is oriented at right angles to the axis and is located at a distance l from the point A.

28. A non-relativistic charged particle flies through the electric field of a cylindrical capacitor and gets
into a uniform transverse magnetic field with induction B (figure). In the capacitor the particle
moves along the arc of a circle, in the magnetic field, along a semi-circle of radius r. The potential
difference applied to the capacitor is equal to V, the radii of the electrodes are equal to a and b,
with a < b. Find the velocity of the particle and its specific charge q/m.

29. A non-relativistic proton beam passes without deviation through the region of space where there
are uniform transverse mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields with E = 120 kV/m and
B = 50 mT. Then the beam strikes a grounded target. Find the force with which the beam acts on
the target if the beam current is equal to I = 0.8 mA.

30. Non-relativistic protons move rectilinearly in the region of space where there are uniform mutually
perpendicular electric and magnetic fields with E = 4.0 kV/m and B = 50 mT. The trajectory of the
protons lies in the plane xz (figure) and forms an angle   30 with the x axis. Find the pitch of
the helical trajectory along which the protons will move after the electric field is switched off.

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31. A beam of non-relativistic charged particles moves without deviation through the region of space
A (figure) where there are transverse mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields with
strength E and induction B. When the magnetic field is switched off, the trace of the beam on the
screen S shifts by  x. Knowing the distances a and b, find the specific charge q/m of the

32. The cyclotron’s oscillator frequency is equal to v  10MHz. Find the effective accelerating
voltage applied across the dees of that cyclotron if the distance between the neighbouring
trajectories of protons is not less than r  1.0 cm, with the trajectory radius being equal to r = 0.5


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



1. A point charge Q   3  10 12 C  rotates uniformly in a vertical circle of radius R  1mm. The axis
of the circle is aligned along the magnetic axis of the earth. At what value of the angular speed ,
the effective magnetic field at the center of the circle will be reduced to zero? (Horizontal
component of Earth’s magnetic field is 30 micro Tesla) [KVPY 2015]
(A) 1011rad / s (B) 109 rad / s
(C) 1013 rad / s (D) 107 rad / s

2. A wire bent in the shape of a regular n  polygonal loop carries a steady current I. Let l ve the
perpendicular distance of a given segment and R be the distance of a vertex both from the centre
of the loop. The magnitude of the magnetic field at the centre of the loop is given by[KVPY 2015]
n0I    n0I  
(A) sin   (B) sin  
2l n 2R n
n0I  n0I 
(C) cos   (D) cos  
2l n 2R n

3. Consider the regular array of vertical identical current carrying wires (with direction of current flow
as indicated in the figure below) protruding through a horizontal table. If we scatter some
diamagnetic particles on the table, they are likely to accumulate [KVPY 2015]


(A) Around regions such as A (B) Around regions such as B

(C) in circular regions around individual wires such as C.
(D) uniformly everywhere

4. Two infinitely long parallel wires carry currents of magnitude I1 and I2 and are at a distance 4 cm
apart. The magnitude of the net magnetic field is found to reach non-zero minimum value
between the two wires and 1 cm away from the first wire. The ratio of the two currents and their
mutual direction is- [KVPY 2016]
I2 I2
(A)  9. antiparallel (B)  9. parallel
I1 I1
I2 I2
(C)  3. antiparallel (D)  3. parallel
I1 I1

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5. A simple pendulum has a small disc shaped magnet as the bob whose magnetic moment is along
vertical. Just beneath the bob a current carrying coil is placed on a horizontal table. The coil
produces a uniform magnetic field. The dependence of the change in time period  T on current
i can be graphically shown as [NSEP 2014]

T T

O i O i
(A) (B)


O i O i
(C) (D)

6. A plastic pipe filled with iron wires forms a soft iron core. Two identical coils that can just slide
over the pipe are placed on this soft iron core. Initially the pipe is kept horizontal and a current is
passed through the coils connected in series. The fields are in opposition and the coils remain
stationary with a separation of 5 cm. The system is now made vertical and the separation
between the coils reduces to 4 cm. Then the coefficient of friction between the coils and the pipe
is [NSEP 2014]
(A) 0.41 (B) 0.02 (C) 0.5 (D) 0.3

7. A long straight wire of radius R carries a uniformly distributed current i. The variation of magnetic
field B from the axis of the wire is correctly represented by the graph [NSEP 2014]


R r R r
(A) (B)


R r R r
(C) (D)

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


8. Two coils wound on the same magnetic core have inductances L1 and L 2 . When the two coils are
connected in series, the effective inductance is [NSEP 2015]
(A) L1  L 2 (B) Certainly greater than L1  L2
(C) Ccertainly less than L1  L2 (D) none of the above

9. A coaxial cable consists of two thin cylindrical conducting shells of radii a and b (a<b). The
inductance per unit length of the cable is [NSEP 2015]
0 a  b  0  a  0  b  0  b 
(A) (B) ln   (C) ln   (D) ln  
2 a 4  b  4  a  2  a 

10. A wire ab of length 10 cm is fixed in the shape of a sinusoidal curve as shown. The wire carries a

current of 1.2 A. In a uniform magnetic field B of 0.1 T, the wire experiences a force whose
magnitude is [NSEP 2015]

1.2 A 
 4cm,0cm 
 0cm,0cm  b

(A) 1.2  10 2 N (B) 4.8  10 3 N (C) zero (D) insufficient data

11. Which of the following is / are the unit / s of magnetic field? [NSEP 2015]
(A) tesla (B) newton / ampere-meter
(C) weber / meter 2 (D) volt-second / meter 2
12. The inductance of a solenoid varies [NSEP 2015]
(A) directly as the area of cross section
(B) directly as the square of the number of turns
(C) inversely as the length of the solenoid
(D) directly as the volume enclosed by the solenoid

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1. Needles N1, N2 and N3 are made of a ferromagnetic, a paramagnetic and a diamagnetic
substance respectively. A magnet when brought close to them will [2006]
(A) Attract N1 strongly, N2 weakly and repel N3 weakly
(B) Attract N1 strongly, but repel N2 and N3 weakly
(C) Attract all three of them
(D) Attract N1 and N2 strongly but repel N3

2. In a region, steady and uniform electric and magnetic fields are present. These two fields are
parallel to each other. A charged particle is released from rest in this region. The path of the
particle will be a [2006]
(A) circle (B) helix
(C) straight line (D) ellipse

3. A long solenoid has 200 turns per cm and carries a current i. The magnetic field at its centre is
6.28  10 2 weber / m2 . Another long solenoid has 100 turns per cm and it carries a current i/3.
The value of the magnetic field at its centre is [2006]
4 2 2 2
(A) 1.05  10 Wb / m (B) 1.05  10 Wb / m
(C) 1.05  10 5 Wb / m2 (D) 1.05  10 3 Wb / m2

4. A long straight wire of radius a carries a steady current i. The current is uniformly distributed
across its cross section. The ratio of the magnetic field at a/2 and 2a is [2007]
(A) 1/2 (B) 1/4 (C) 4 (D) 1

5. A current I flows along the length of an infinitely long, straight, thin walled pipe. Then [2007]
(A) the magnetic field at all points inside the pipe is the same, but not zero
(B) the magnetic field is zero only on the axis of the pipe
(C) the magnetic field is different at different points inside the pipe
(D) the magnetic field at any point inside the pipe is zero

6. A charged particle with charge q enters a region of constant, uniform and mutually orthogonal
    
fields E and B with a velocity v perpendicular to both E and B, and comes out without any

change in magnitude or direction of v. Then [2007]
   2    2
(A) v  B E / E (B) v  EB /B
     
(C) v  B  E / B2 (D) v  E  B / E2

7. A charged particle moves through a magnetic field perpendicular to its direction. Then [2007]
(A) kinetic energy changes but the momentum is constant
(B) the momentum changes but the kinetic energy is constant
(C) both momentum and kinetic energy of the particle are not constant
(D) both, momentum and kinetic energy of the particle are constant

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


8. Two identical conducting wires AOB and COD are placed at right angles to each other. The wire
AOB carries an electric current I1 and I2 . COD carries a current The magnetic field on a point
lying at a distance d from O, in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the wires AOB and COD,
will be given by [2007]
0 2 2 0  I1  I2  2 0 2 2 0

I1  I2  (B) 
2  d 
 (C)

I1  I2  2 (D)

I1  I2 

9. The dimension of magnetic files in M, L, T and C (Coulumb) is given as [2008]

1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1
(A) MLT C (B) MT C (C) MT C (D) MT C


A current loop ABCD is held fixed on the plane of the paper as shown in the figure. The arcs BC
(radius  b ) and DA (radius  a ) of the loop are joined by two straight wires AB and CD. A
steady current I is flowing in the loop. Angle made by AB and CD at the origin O is 30. Another
straight thin wire with steady current I1 flowing out of the plane of the paper is kept at the origin.
O 30 I


10. The magnitude of the magnetic field (B) due to the loop ABCD at the origin (O) is [2009]
0I   
(A) 2 b  a   a  b
4  3 
(B) zero
0I  b  a 
0I  b  a 
4  ab 

11. Due to the presence of the current I1 at the origin: [2009]

(A) The magnitude of the net force on the loop is given by b  a 
(B) The forces on AB and CD are zero
(C) The forces on AD and BD are zero
(D) The magnitude of the net force on the loop is given by

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12. A rectangular loop has a sliding connector PQ of length  and resistance R and it is moving
with a speed v as shown. The set-up is placed in a uniform magnetic field going into the plane of
the paper. The three currents I1 , I2 and I are [2010]

Bv 2Bv Bv 2Bv

(A) I1  I2  ,I  (B) I1  I2  ,I 
R R 3R 3R
Bv Bv Bv
(C) I1  I2  I  (D) I1  I2  ,I 
R 6R 3R

13. Two long parallel wires are at a distance 2d apart. They carry steady equal current flowing out of
the plane of the paper as shown. The variation of the magnetic field along the line XX' is given by





14. A current I flows in an infinitely long wire with cross section in the form of a semicircular ring of
radius R. The magnitude of the magnetic induction along its axis is- [2011]
0I  0I
(A) (B)
2 2 R 2R
 0I 0I
(C) (D)
42R 2R

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


15. A charge Q is uniformly distributed over the surface of non conducting disc of radius R. The disc
rotates about an axis perpendicular to its plane and passing through its centre with an angular
velocity  . As a result of this rotation a magnetic field of induction B is obtained at the centre of
the disc. If we keep both the amount of charge placed on the disc and its angular velocity to be
constant and vary the radius of the disc then the variation of the magnetic induction at the centre
of the disc will be represented by the figure [2012]

(A) (B) (C) (D)

16. Proton, Deuteron and alpha particle of the same kinetic energy are moving in circular trajectories
in a constant magnetic field. The radii of proton, deuteron and alpha particle are respectively rp,
rd and r . Which one of the following relations is correct? [2012]
(A) r  rp  rd (B) r  rp  rd (C) r  rd  rp (D) r  rd  rp

17. A circular loop of radius 0.3 cm lies parallel to a much bigger circular loop of radius 20 cm. The
centre of the small loop is on the axis of the bigger loop. The distance between their centres is 15
cm. If a current of 2.0 A flows through the smaller loop, then the flux linked with bigger loop is
(A) 6  1011 weber (B) 3.3  1011 weber
(C) 6.6  10 9 weber (D) 9.1 1011 weber

18. A rectangular loop of sides 10 cm and 5 cm carrying a current I of 12 A is placed in different

orientations as shown in the figures below : [2015]

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
If there is a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T in the positive z direction, in which orientations the
loop would be in (i) stable equilibrium and (ii) unstable equilibrium?
(A) (a) and (b), respectively (B) (a) and (c), respectively
(C) (b) and (d), respectively (D) (b) and (c), respectively

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19. Two identical wires A and B, each of length ‘l’, carry the same current I. Wire A is bent into a
circle of radius R and wire B is bent to form a square of side ‘a’. If B A and BB are the values of
magnetic field at the centres of the circle and square respectively, then the ratio is: [2016]

2 2 2 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8 16 2 16 8 2

20. Hysteresis loops for two magnetic materials A and B are given below : [2016]

These materials are used to make magnets for electric generators, transformer core and
electromagnet core. Then it is proper to use :
(A) A for electromagnets and B for electric generators
(B) A for transformers and B for electric generators
(C) B for electromagnets and transformers
(D) A for electric generators and transformers

21. A magnetic needle of magnetic moment 6.7  10 Am 2 and moment of inertia 7.5  106 kg m 2
is performing simple harmonic oscillations in a magnetic field of 0.01 T. Time taken for 10
complete oscillations is: [2017]
(A) 8.76 s (B) 6.65 s (C) 8.89 s (D) 6.98 s


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



1. Two wires each carrying a steady current I are shown in four configurations in Column I. Some of
the resulting effects are described in Column II. Match the statements in Column I with the
statements in Column II and indicate your answer by darkening appropriate bubbles in the 4 × 4
matrix given in the ORS. [2007]
Column - I Column - II
(A) Point P is situated midway between the wires. (P) The magnetic fields (B)
at P due to the currents
in the wires are in the
same direction.

(B) Point P is situated at the mid-point of the line joining (Q) The magnetic fields (B)
the centers of the circular wires, which have same at P due to the currents
radii. in the wires are in
opposite directions.

(C) Point P is situated at the mid-point of the line joining (R) There is no magnetic
the centers of the circular wires, which have same field at P.

(D) Point P is situated at the common center of the wires. (S) The wires repel each

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2. A particle of mass m and charge q, moving with velocity V enters Region II normal to the
boundary as shown in the figure. Region II has a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to the
plane of the paper. The length of the Region II is  . Choose the correct choice(s). [2008]

(A) The particle enters Region III only if its velocity V 
(B) The particle enters Region III only if its velocity V 
(C) Path length of the particle in Region II is maximum when velocity V 
(D) Time spent in Region II is same for any velocity V as long as the particle returns to Region I

3. The figure shows certain wire segments joined together to form a coplanar loop. The loop is
placed in a perpendicular magnetic field in the direction going into the plane of the figure. The
magnitude of the field increases with time. I1 and I2 are the currents in the segments ab and cd.
Then, [2009]

(A) I1  I2 (B) I1  I2
(C) I1 is in the direction ba and I2 is in the direction cd
(D) I1 is in the direction ab and I2 is in the direction dc

4. A thin flexible wire of length L is connected to two adjacent fixed points and carries a current I in
the clockwise direction, as shown in the figure. When the system is put in a uniform magnetic field
of strength B going into the plane of the paper, the wire takes the shape of a circle. The tension in
the wire is [2010]


(A) IBL (B) (C) (D)
 2 4

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



Electrical resistance of certain materials, known as superconductors, changes abruptly from a nonzero
value to zero as their temperature is lowered below a critical temperature Tc  0  . An interesting property
of superconductors is that their critical temperature becomes smaller than Tc  0  if they are placed in a

magnetic field, i.e., the critical temperature Tc  B  is a function of the magnetic field strength B. The
dependence of Tc(B) on B is shown in the figure.

5. In the graphs below, the resistance R of a superconductor is shown as a function of its

temperature T for two different magnetic fields B1 (solid line) and B 2 (dashed line). If B 2 is larger
than B1 which of the following graphs shows the correct variation of R with T in these fields?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

6. A superconductor has TC  0   100K. When a magnetic field of 7.5 Tesla is applied, its TC
decreases to 75 K. For this material one can definitely say that when [2010]
(A) B = 5 Tesla, TC  B   80K.

(B) B = 5 Tesla, 75K  TC B   100K

(C) B = 10 Tesla, 75K  TC  100K
(D) B = 10 Tesla, TC  70K

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7. Which of the field patterns given below is valid for electric field as well as for magnetic field?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

8. A long insulated copper wire is closely wound as a spiral of ‘N’ turns. The spiral has inner radius
‘a’ and outer radius ‘b’. The spiral lies in the XY plane and a steady current ‘I’ flows through the
wire. The Z-component of the magnetic field at the centre of the spiral is [2011]

0NI b 0NI ba

(A) ln   (B) ln  
2 b  a   a  2 b  a   b  a 
0NI  b  0NI  b  a 
(C) ln   (D) ln  
2b  a  2b  b  a 

9. Consider the motion of a positive point charge in a region where there are simultaneous uniform
  
electric and magnetic fields E  E 0 j and B  B 0 j. At time t = 0, this charge has velocity v in the
x-y plane, making an angle  with the x-axis. Which of the following option(s) is (are) correct for
time t > 0? [2012]
(A) If   0, the charge moves in a circular path in the x-z plane.
(B) If   0, the charge undergoes helical motion with constant pitch along the y-axis.
(C) If   10, the charge undergoes helical motion with its pitch increasing with time, along the
(D) If   90, the charge undergoes linear but accelerated motion along the y-axis.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


10. A circular wire loop of radius R is placed in the x-y plane centered at the origin O. A
square loop of side a  a  R  having two turns is placed with its centre at

z  3R along the axis of the circular wire loop, as shown in figure. The plane of
the square loop makes an angle of 45 with respect to the z-axis. If the mutual
0 a2
inductance between the loops is given by , then the value of p is [2012]
2p/ 2 R

11. A loop carrying current I lies in the x-y plane as shown in the figure, the unit vector k is coming
out of the plane of the paper, the magnetic moment of the current loop is: [2012]

  2
(A) a2Ik (B)   1 a Ik
2 
 
(C)    1 a2Ik (D)  2  1 a2Ik
2 

12. An infinitely long hollow conducting cylinder with inner radius and outer radius R carries a
uniform current density along is length. The magnitude of the magnetic field, B as a function of

the radial distance r from the axis is best represented by: [2012]

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

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13. A current carrying infinitely long wire is kept along the diameter of a circular wire loop, without
touching it. The correct statement (s) is (are): [2012]
(A) The emf induced in the loop is zero if the current is constant.
(B) The emf induced in the loop is finite if the current is constant.
(C) The emf induced in the loop is zero if the current decreases at a steady rate.
(D) The emf induced in the loop is finite if the current decreases at a steady rate.

14. A particle of mass 0.2 kg is moving in one dimension under a force that delivers a constant power
0.5 W to the particle. If the initial speed (in m/s) of the particle is zero, the speed (in m/s) after 5 s
is [2013]

15. A steady current I flows along an infinitely long hollow cylindrical conductor of radius R. This
cylinder is placed coaxially inside an infinite solenoid of radius 2R. The solenoid has n turns per
unit length and carries a steady current I. Consider a point P at a distance r from the common
axis. The correct statement(s) is (are) [2013]
(A) In the region 0  r  R, the magnetic field is non-zero
(B) In the region R  r  2R, the magnetic field is along the common axis.
(C) In the region R  r  2R, the magnetic field is tangential to the circle of radius r, centered
on the axis.
(D) In the region r  2R, the magnetic field is non-zero.


A point Q is moving in a circular orbit of radius R in the x-y plane with an angular velocity  . This can be
considered as equivalent to a loop carrying a steady current . A uniform magnetic field along the
positive z-axis is now switched on, which increases at a constant rate from 0 to B in one second. Assume
that the radius of the orbit remains constant. The application of the magnetic field induces an emf in the
orbit. The induced emf is defined as the work done by an induced electric field in moving a unit positive
charge around closed loop. It is known that, for an orbiting charge, the magnetic dipole moment is
proportional to the angular momentum with a proportionality constant .

16. The magnitude of the induced electric field in the orbit at any instant of time during the time
interval of the magnetic field change, is [2013]
(A) (B) (C) BR (D) 2BR
4 2

17. The change in the magnetic dipole moment associated with the orbit, at the end of time interval of
the magnetic field change, is [2013]
(A) BQR 2 (B)  (C)  (D) BQR 2
2 2

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


18. A conductor (shown in the figure) carrying constant current I is kept in the x-y plane in a uniform
magnetic field B. If F is the magnitude of the total magnetic force acting on the conductor, then
the correct statement(s) is(are) [2015]

(A) If B  F  L  R 
is along z,
(B) If B  F0
is along x,
(C) If B  F  L  R 
is along y,
(D) If B  F0
is along z,

19. A circular insulated copper wire loop is twisted to form two loops of area A and 2A as shown in
the figure. At the point of crossing the wires remain electrically insulated from each other. The
entire loop lies in the plane (of the paper). A uniform magnetic field B points into the plane of the
paper. At t = 0, the loop starts rotating about the common diameter as axis with a constant
angular velocity  in the magnetic field. Which of the following options is/are correct? [2017]

(A) The amplitude of the maximum net emf induced due to both the loops is equal to the
amplitude of maximum emf induced in the smaller loop alone
(B) The rate of change of the flux is maximum when the plane of the loops is perpendicular to
plane of the paper
(C) The net emf induced due to both the loops is proportional to cos t
(D) The emf induced in the loop is proportional to the sum of the areas of the two loops

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20. A symmetric star shaped conducting wire loop is carrying a steady state current I as shown in the
figure. The distance between the diametrically opposite vertices of the star is 4a. The magnitude
of the magnetic field at the centre of the loop is : [2017]

0 I  0 I  0 I  0 I 
(A) 6 3  1 (B) 3 3  1 (C) 6 3  1 (D) 3 2  3 
4 a  4 a  4 a  4 a 

21. A uniform magnetic field B exists in the region between x  0 and x  (region 2 in the
figure) pointing normally into the plane of the paper. A particle with charge + Q and momentum p
directed along x-axis enters region 2 from region 1 at point P1  y   R  . Which of the following
option(s) is/are correct? [2017]

8 p
(A) For B  , he particle will enter region 3 through the point P2 on x-axis
13 QR
2 p
(B) For B  , the particle will re-enter region 1
3 QR
(C) For a fixed B, particles of same charge Q and same velocity v, the distance between the point
P1 and the point of re-entry into region 1 is inversely proportional to the mass of the particle
(D) When the particle re-enters region 1 through the longest possible path in region 2, the
magnitude of the change in its linear momentum between point P1 and the farthest point from

y-axis is p / 2

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!




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Q.1 In the plane of the drawing from right to left
Q.2 (a) 0 (b) 1.41 × 10 –6 T , 45º in xz - plane, (c) 5 × 10 –6 T , + x - direction]
2  0i 5 (2 2  1) 0i
Q.3 Q.4 4 × 10–5 T Q.5
8 l 2 2 a

0I  3 ˆ 1 ˆ  0 i  3 
Q.6 zero Q.7  k  j Q.8    1
4R  4   4r  2 
0 br12
Q.9 (i) 1.3 ×10–4T, (ii) zero Q.10 m0 weber.m–1 Q.11 B1 = ,
3mv 3
B2 = 4a

0 iqv 2mv 0 mEI

Q.12 Q.13 10kˆ Q.14 Q.15
2 a qB Be

Q.16 zero Q.17 2I RB Q.18 F = a2 i ĵ

3mv 2 3mv 3 m
Q.19 (a) , (b) , (c) zero Q.20 T0 = 2  = 0.57 s
4qa 4a 6IB

d I 0 Q 2
Q.21 z = 0 , x = ±, (ii) Q.22 h tan2 
3 2d  4


0  4I   0  I2  4  1
Q.1 (i)   along Y-axis, (ii)   10 , tan     with positive axis
4  a  4  2a  3

(a) Q V 0  3 3  1 , (b)   BI    3  a2 ˆj

 I    
m 6a    3 4 
Q.3 –2
(a) 20 min. (b) 5.94 x 10 Nm
mg mg
Q.4 15 C Q.5 (a) I = 1/ 2
, (b) I =
 2
r B  B 2
  r Bx
x y

0 iJ0  d  ˆ
Q.6 tan1   (  k) Q.7 0.62 N < F < 0.88 N
  2h 
Q.8 Bmin = 4.7×10–3 T Q.9 i1 = 0.1110 A, i2 = 0.096 A

 BI0L2 3 BI0
Q.10 (a)  =
 ˆi  ˆj  (b)  =
4 M
t 2
 0I1I2
Q.11 ln (3) along – ve z direction

  0 I2   L2  a2 
Q.12 F=   n  2   k̂   , zero
 2   a 

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



Ans.1. B  n0Itan   / 2R, for n   B  0I / 2R

0I  2      0I  3 2
Ans.2. (a) B   ; (b) B   .
4  a b 4  4a b 

Ans.3. B   0 hI / 42Rr, where r is the distance from the cut.

Ans.4. B   0I / 2R.

    I     3   0 
Ans.5. (a) B   0    ; (b) B   0   1   I/ R; (c) B   4    2    I/ R.
 4   R   4   2   

 
Ans.6. B   0  I 2 / l  2.0 T .
 4 

    I
Ans.7. (a) B   0  4  2 I/ R;  0.30 T; (b) B   0   2  2  2  0.34 T;
 4   4  R

  I
(c) B   0  2  0.11 T .
 4  R

 0i
Ans.8. (a) B  ; (b) B   0 i between the planes and B = 0 outside the planes.

 jx inside theplate
Ans.9. B 0
 0 jd inside theplate

Ans.10. B  1
2  0  jl , i.e. field inside the cavity is uniform.

Ans.11. B  0 nI / 1   2R / l  .

Ans.12. (a) B  1
2  
 0 nI 1  x / x 2  R 2 , where x > 0 outside the solenoid and x < 0 inside the solenoid;

(b) x 0  R 1  2  / 2  1     5R.

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 
Ans.13.    0  2INhln   8Wb. Ans.14. pm  2R 3B /  0  30mA.m2 .
 4 

Ans.15. pm  1
2 NId2  0.5 A.m2

 0INln b / a 
Ans.16. (a) B 
2 b  a 
 7T; (b) pm  1
3  
IN a2  ab  b2  15mA.m2

Ans.17. (a) F1   0I2 / 4R  0.20mN / m; (b) F1   0I2 / l  0.13mN / m.

Ans.18. B  d2 m / 4RI  8kT, where m is the strength of copper.

Ans.19. B   2gS / I tan   10mT, where  is the density of copper.

Ans.20. B  mgl / NIS  0.4 T. Ans.21. F1  .

0 2I1I2  b 
Ans.22. F1  ln  1   .
4 b  a

   
Ans.23. (a) F  0; (b) F   0  2Ipm / r 2 , F  B ; (c) F   0  2Ipm / r 2 , F  r.
 4   4 

al2 m
Ans.24. v  3 9 ale / m  16 km / s. Ans.25. tan   .
2 4 2eV 3

82 V
Ans.26. q / m  2
l2 B2  B1 

mv leB
Ans.27. r  2 sin   / 2 , where   sin ,   .
eB mv cos 

Ans.28. v  , q/m  2 2 .
rB ln  b / a  r B ln  b / a 

Ans.29. F  mEl / qB  20N. Ans.30. l  tan   6cm.

a  a  2b  B 2
Ans.31. q / m  . Ans.32. V  2 2 v 2mrr / e  0.10MV .

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



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1 2 3 4 5 6
A→ (q) & (r), B → (p), C → (q) & (r), D → (q) ACD D C A B
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
C A CD 7 B D AC 5 AD B
17 18 19 20 21

CatalyseR Eduventures (India) Pvt. Ltd.

 EXERCISE # 08 JEE (MAIN) CORNER 140 – 143
 ANSWER KEYS 152 – 157


IN JEE (MAIN & ADVANCED) in Last Three Years

JEE (MAIN) Formely known as AIEEE

YEAR No. Of Qs.
2015 2 8/120
2016 1 4/120
2017 1 4/120


YEAR No. Of Qs.
2015 0 0/168
2016 2 8/124
2017 8 27/122

 
The magnetic flux through a small area dA placed in a magnetic field B is defined as :
 
d  B.dA  B  dA cos  
If the field is uniform and the area is plane, then the total magnetic flux through the area is :
 
  B.A  BA cos 
The SI unit of magnetic flux is weber. The cgs unit is maxwell. (1 weber  10 8 maxwell) Also 1
weber = 1 tesla metre 2 . The dimensions of magnetic flux are :
    M1L2 T 2 A 1 
The magnetic flux can be positive , negative or zero depending on the angle  . For
  90 ,cos   0 and   0 . Thus, whenever the angle between area vector and magnetic field is
90, the flux is zero. i.e. whenever the plane of the surface is parallel to B , the flux is zero. The
flux is positive for 0     90 and negative for 180     90. The magnetic flux is taken as
negative if field lines enter the area and positive if field lines leave the area.


Faraday’s Law :

The generation of an electric current in a circuit implies the existence of an emf. Faraday stated
The induced emf along any closed path is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux
through the area bounded by the path.
 ....(1)
Note that the induced emf is not confined to a particular point; it is distributed around the loop.
The derivative of Equation B  BA cos 
d dB dA d
 A cos   B cos   BA sin 
dt dt dt dt
The three terms represent the contributions from the rate of change of B, A and , respectively,
to the rate of change of flux. The first term contributes when the field is explicitly time dependent,
the second involves a change in the area of the path, and the third involves a change in
orientation of the boundary of the path. In a given situation, more than one term may contribute.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


Lenz’s Law :

The direction of induced current in a closed loop can be decided by Lenz’s law, this law states
that the effect of the induced emf is such as to oppose the change in flux that produces it.
In figure (a), as the magnet approaches, the (positive) flux through the coil increases. The
induced current sets up an induced magnetic field, Bind , whose (negative) flux oppose this
change. The direction of Bind is opposite to that of external field, Bext , due to the magnet. In figure
(b), the induced current sets up an induced field whose (positive) flux opposes the decreaes in
flux of Bext . In this case, the induced magnetic field points in the same direction as the external
S v S

v N N

Bext Bext

Bind Bind
(a) (b)
In order to incorporate Lenz’s law into equation (1), we need a sign convension for the induced
emf. First we choose the direction of the vector area to make the initial flux positive. The right-
hand rule, in this case with the thumb along B and the fingers curled around the loop, tells us
whether clockwise or counterclockwise is the positive sence, as shown in figure. Figure shows
that the sign of the emf is always opposite to the sign of the change in flux .
B B initial B decreased B increased

(+) e=0 e>0 e<0

This feature can be incorporated into Faraday’s law by including a negative sign. The
proportionality in equation (1) can now be turned into an equation with an appropriate constant of
proportionality that depends on the system of units. In SI units, the constant is unity. Therefore,
the modern statement of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction is   
Supppose that the loop is replaced by a coil with N turns. If the flux through each turn is the
same, each turn has the same induced emf. Since all these emf’s are in the same sense, the net
emf induced in a coil with N turns is   N where f is the flux through each turn.

CatalyseR Eduventures (India) Pvt. Ltd.


It is important to note that
(i) The induced e.m.f. in a circuit does not depend on the resistance of the circuit
 d 
as      . However, the induced current in the circuit does depend on the
 dt 
e 1  d 
   
R R  dt 
(ii) The induced charge that flows in the circuit depends on the change of flux
only and not on how fast or slow the flux changes.
dq 1  d  d
   or dq  
dt R  dt  R
On integrating , the total charge that flows in the circuit is found to be :
(1  2 )
If the number of turns in the coil is N, then the charge that flows through the coil is :
N(1  2 )


Figure shows a conducting rod of length  moving at constant

 b
velocity V perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field directed into
the page. An electron will experience a magnetic force directed
  
FB  ev  B downward along the rod. As a result, electrons B
migrate to the lower end and leaves unbalanced positive charge
at the top. This redistribution of charge sets up an electrostatc
  
field E0 directed downward. The electrostatic force, FE  eE0 , is a FB=–ev × B
directed upward. The system quickly reaches an equilibrium state in which these two forces on
  
an electron balance. That is, E0  v  B  0 , and there is no further motion of charge along the
rod. The final magnitude of the electrostatic field is E0  vB . The potential difference associated
with this electrostatic field is given by Vb  Va  E0   Bv
Note that Vb  Va . The charge separation and its associated potential difference were created by
an emf in the rod. Since there is no current flowing, the “terminal potential difference” is equal to
motional emf
  Bv
In general motional EMF can be calculated using
  
  (v  B ).d 

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



When a rod of length  rotates in a plane with angular velocity  in a uniform magnetic field B
having direction same as that of axis of rotation, then induced e.m.f. across the ends of the
rotating rod is :

B   Bf
 BAf
where A    2  area swept by the rod in one rotation and f is the frequency of rotation.


When a current I flows through a coil , it produces a magnetic flux  through it. Then
  I or   LI, where L is constant, called the co-efficient of self induction or self
inductance of the coil. Any coil having some self induction is called inductor.
The unit of L in SI system is henry while in CGS em system is ab-henry.
One henry  10 9 ab-henry
d d dI
Further , e     LI  
dt dt dt
Self inductance L of a solenoid of N turns, length , area of cross-section A, with a core material
of relative permeability r is given by :

   4  N2 A
L  r  0 
 4  l


When a current I flowing in the primary coil produces a magnetic flux  in the secondary coil,
then   I or   MI, where M is a constant, called the coefficient of mutual induction or mutual
The unit of M in MKS system is henry while the unit in CGS em system is ab-henry.
d d  dI 
e   MI  M 
dt dt  dt 
Mutual inductance M of two coaxial solenoids is given by :
   4  n1 n2 A
M  r  0 
 4 l
where n1 and n2 represent the total number of turns in the primary coil and the secondary coil
and A is cross sectional area of secondary coil.

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(i) Two inductors of self inductances L1 and L2 are kept so far apart that their mutual
inductance is zero. These are connected in series. Then the equivalent inductance is :
L  L1  L 2

(ii) Two inductors of self-inductances L1 and L2 are connected in series and they have
mutual inductance M. Then the equivalent inductance of the combination is
L  L1  L 2  2m
The plus sign occurs if windings in the two coils are in the same sense, while minus sign
occurs if windings are in opposite sense.

(iii) Two inductors of self inductances L1 and L2 are connected in parallel. The inductors are
so far apart that their mutual inductance is negligible. Then their equivalent inductance is:
L1 L2 1 1 1
L or  
L1  L 2 L L1 L 2


(a) The work done by a pure inductance (that is the energy stored on the inductance)
dW di di
 i  L i  Li
dt dt dt
1 2
dW  L idi  W   L idi W  Li
0 2
This energy that is stored in the inductance is completely magnetic energy.
Energy density = Energy per unit volume,
1 Li2
uB 
2 A
But L   0n2 A
B inside a solenoid   0 ni
 i ;
 0n

1  0n2 A B2 1 B2
 uB   uB 
2 A 2 2
0 n 2 0

1 B2
Magnetic field energy per unit volume  .
2 0

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



Consider a circuit containing a resistance R, an inductance L, a

two way key and a battery of e.m.f. E connected in series as R L b
shown in figure. When the switch S is connected to a, the current S
in the circuit grows from zero value. The inductor opposes the a
growth of the current this is due to the fact that when the current
grows through iniductance, a back e.m.f. is developed which
opposes the growth of current in the circuit. So the rate of growth of current is reduced. During
the growth of current in the circuit, let i be the current in the circuit at any instant t. Using Kirchoffs
voltage law in the circuit we obtain
di di di dt
E L  Ri or E  Ri  L or 
dt dt E  Ri L
Multiplying by – R on both the sides, we get
Rdi Rdt

E  Ri L
Integrating the above equation, we have
loge  E  Ri    tA ...(i)
Where A is integration constant. The value of this constant can be obtained by applying the
condition that current i is zero just at start i.e. at t = 0. Hence
loge E  0  A
or A  loge E ...(ii)
Substituting the value of A from equation (ii) in equation (i) we get
R  E  Ri  R
oge E  Ri   t  loge E or oge  Lt
L  E 
 E  Ri   R  Ri  R 
or  E   exp.  L t  or 1
 exp.   t 
     L 
Ri  R  E  R 
or  1  exp.   t   i 1  exp.   t 
E  L  R  L 
The maximum current in the circuit io  . So
  R 
i  i0 1  exp.   t  
  L 
Equation (9) gives the current in the circuit at any instant t. It is obvious from equation (9) that
i  io , when

 R 
exp.   t   0 i.e., at t  
 L 
Hence the current never attains the value io but it approaches it asymptotically. A graph between
current and time is shown in figure.

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We observe the following points

(i) When t = (L/R) second, then i
i0 i
  R L 
i  i0 1  exp.    
  L R 
Growth of current
 1
i  i0 1  exp.( 1)  i0 1  
 e
O t
i  0.63io
Thus after an interval of (L/R) second, the current reaches to a value which is 63% of the
maximum current. The value of (L/R) is known as time constant of the circuit and is represented
by . Thus the time constant of a circuit may be defined as the time in which the current rises
from zero to 63% of its final value. In terms of ,

i  i0 1  e  t / t 
(ii) The rate of growth of current (di/dt) is given by
di d   R  di R  R 
 i0 1  exp.   t      i0   exp.   t 
dt dt    L  dt L  L 

 R  i i
From equation (3), exp.   t   0
 L  i0

di  R  i  i  R
  i0    0   (i0  i)
dt  L   i0  L
This shows that the rate of growth of the current decreases as i tends to i0. For any other value of
current, it depends upon the value of R/L. Thus greater is the value of time constant, smaller will
be the rate of growth of current.


Let the circuit be disconnected from battery and switch S is thrown to point b in the figure. The
current now begins to fall. In the absence of inductance, the current would have fallen from
maximum i0 to zero almost instantaneously. But due to the presence of inductance, which
opposes the decay of current, the rate of decay of current is reduced.
Suppose during the decay of current, i be the value of current at any instant t. Using Kirchhoff’s
voltage law in the circuit we get
di di R
L  Ri or  i
dt dt L
Integrating this expression, we get oge i   t B
Where B is constant of integration. the value of B can be obtained by applying the condition that
when t  0, i  i0
loge i0  B

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


Substituting the value of B, we get

R i R
oge i   t  loge i0 or oge  t
L i0 L

 R   R 
or (i / i0 )  exp.  t  or i  i0 exp.   t   i0 exp.  t / 
 L   L 
where   L / R  inductive time constant of the circuit.
It is obvious from equation that the current in the circuit decays exponentially as shown in figure.
We observer the following points i
(i) After t = L/R second, the current in the circuit is given by
 R L
i  i0 exp      i0 exp.( 1) Decay of current
 L R
i  i
  0   0  0.37i0 O t
 i  2.718
So after a time (L/R) second, the current reduces to 37% of the maximum current i0 . (L/R) is
known as time constant t. This is defined as the time during whcih the current decays to 37% of
the maximum current during decay.
(ii) The rate of decay of current is given by
di d   R  di R  R  R di R
 i0 exp.   t     i0 exp.   t    i or   i
dt dt   L  dt L  L  L dt L
This equation shows that when L is small, the rate of decay of current will be large i.e., the current
will decay out more rapidly.


If a charged capacitor C is short-circuited through an inductor L, the charge and current in the
circuit start oscillating simple harmonically. If the resistance of the circuit is zero, no energy is
dissipated as heat. Assume an idealized situation in which energy is not radiated away from the
circuit. With these idealizations-zero resistance and no radiation, the oscillations in the circuit
persist indefinitely and the energy is transferred from the capacitor’s electric field to the inductor’s
magnetic field back and forth. The total energy associated with the circuit is constant. This is
analogous to the transfer of energy in an oscillating mechanical system from potential energy to
kinetic energy and back, with constant total energy.
b t=t C
+ +q
a D

(a) (b)

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Let us now derive an equation for the oscillations in an L-C circuit.

Refer figure (a) : The capacitor is charged to a potential difference V such that charge on
capacitor q0  CV
Here q0 is the maximum charge on the capacitor. At time t = 0, it is connected to an inductor
through a switch S. At time t = 0, switch S is closed.
Refer figure (b) : When the switch is closed, the capacitor starts discharging. Let at time t charge
on the capacitor is q   q0  and since, it is further decreasing there is a current i in the circuit in
the direction shown in figure.
The potential difference across capacitor = potential difference across inductor, or
Vb  Va  Vc  Vd
q  di 
  L  ...(i)
C  dt 
 dq  di d2q
Now, as the charge is decreasing, i    or  2
 dt  dt dt
Substituting in equation (i), we get
q  d2 q 
 L  2 
C  dt 
d2 q  1 
or   q ...(ii)
dt 2  LC 
 d2 x 
This is the standard equation of simple harmonic motion  2  2 x 
 dt 
Here  ...(iii)
The general solution of equation (ii), is
q  q0 cos  t   

In our case   0 as q  q0 at t  0.
Thus, we can say that charge in the circuit oscillates with angular frequency given by equation
(iii). Thus,
In L-C oscillations, q, i and all oscillate harmonically with same angular frequency  .
di 
But the phase difference between q and i or between i and is . Their amplitudes are q0 ,q0 
dt 2
and 2 q0 respectively. So
q  q0 cos t, then
dq di
i  q0  sin t  q0 2 cos t
dt dt

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


Similarly potential energy across capacitor UC  and across inductor UL  also oscillate with
double the frequency 2  . The different graphs are shown in figure.
q UC
q0 q2max

i 2
Li max
t t
T 3T T T 3T
2 T 2 2T 4 2 2


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Voltages and currents that vary symmetrically in magnitude and direction with time are very
common. The electric mains supply in our homes and offices is a voltage that varies like a sine
function with time. Such a voltage is called alternating voltage (AC voltage) and the current driven
through the appliances is called the alternating current (AC current)


Alternating voltage is generated by rotating a coil of conducting wire in a strong magnetic field.
The magnetic flux linked with the coil changes with time and an alternating emf is thus induced.
Instantaneous flux linked with coil is
 
  (A.B)n  ABncos  t  0 
where A  area of the coil (in m2 )

B  magnetic field ( in tesla)
n  number of turns
  angular frequency   2f (in rad s 1 ) B
= t
f  frequency (in hertz)

0  initial phase angle.
and the alternating voltage is given by :
V  V0 sin τ
Where V0  ABn

The instantaneous value of an AC is given by :

I  I0 sin  t
  2 
Here,  is the angular frequency of AC and   is the frequency of AC.   represents the
 2  
time period of AC.
In one cycle of AC, current increases from zero to a maximum, then decreases to zero and
reverses in direction and then decreases to zero. Thus current is zero twice in one cycle and is
numerically maximum also twice in one cycle, once in the forward direction and once in the
backward direction in one cycle. Time taken to complete one cycle is called Time Period. The
frequency of AC represents the number of cycles of AC completed in one second. AC supplied in
India has a frequency of 50 Hz.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



AC voltage or currrents are commonly sinusoidal (sine or cosine function) and their mean values
for complete cycle is zero. The average values for half cycles are equally positive and negative
(i) Average value for one half cycle (or rectified average value):
V  V0 sin t

 V dt
0 2 T/2 2
 (V)av   V0 sin t dt  V0  0.637V0
T 0 
 dt

This is also known as the rectified average value of a sinusoidal voltage and is represented as
Vav .
(ii) Root Mean Square Value (Vrms or Irms):
Since V or I are equally negative and positive, their squares will always be positive and
the square root of the average of their square will give the rms values.
 V  V0 sin t

1T 2 2 V02 T V02
V  2

T 0
V0 sin tdt 
2T 0
(1  cos 2 t)dt 
Thus Vrms  (V 2 )av 
I0 Peak value
and rms  (I2 )av  or RMS value =
2 2


(i) When only Resistance is in AC Circuit

Consider a simple ac circuit consisting of a resistor of resistance R and an ac generator, as
shown in figure.
According to Kirchhoff’s loop law at any instant, the algebraic sum of the potential difference
around a closed loop in a circuit must be zero V R
  VR  0
  iR R  0
0 sin t  iRR  0
0 sint
R  sin t  i0 sin t ...(i)
where i0 is the maximum current. 0 
From above equations, we see that the instantaneous voltage drop across the resi0stor is
VR  i0R sin t ...(ii)

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We see in equation (i) and (ii), iR and VR both VR iR

iR i0
vary as sinwt and reach their maximum values i0 iR
at the same time as shown in figure (a), they VR VR V0
are said to be in phase. A phasor diagram is t

used to represent phase relationships. The

lengths of the arrows correspond to V0 and i0 . Wave diagram Phasor diagram
(a) (b)
The projections of the arrows onto the vertical
axis gives VR and iR . In case of the single-loop resistive circuit, the current and voltage phasors
lie along the same line, as shown in figure (b), because iR and VR are in phase.

(ii) When only Inductor is in an AC Circuit

Now consider an ac circuit consisting only of an inductor of inductance L connected to the
terminals of an ac generator, as shown in the figure. The induced emf across the inductor is given
by Ldi/dt. On applying Kirchhoff’s loop rule to the circuit VL
  VL  0   L 0 L
When we rearrange this equation and substitute   0 sin t,
we get
0sin t
L  0 sin  t ...(iii)
Integration of this expression gives the current as a function of time
0 
 sin tdt   0 cos t  C
L 
For average value of current over one time period to be zero, C = 0
 L
 cos  t
 t   
When we use the trigonometric identity cos t   sin   , we can express equation as
 2 
0  
 sin t   ...(iv)
L 
From equation (iv), we see that the current reaches its maximum values when coswt = 1
0 
0   0 ...(v)
where the quantity XL , called the inductive reactance, is
XL   L
The expression for the rms current is similar to equation (v), with 0 replaced by rms .
Inductive reactance, like resistance, has unit of ohm.
VL  L  0 sin t  I0 XL sin t

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


We can think of equation (v) as Ohms law for an VL,iL VL 0

i0 iL
inductive circuit. t
On comparing result of equation (iv) with equation (iii), we t
can see that the current and voltage are out of phase with iL
 Wave diagram Phasor diagram
each other by rad, or 90. A plot of voltage and current (a) (b)
versus time is given in figure (a). The voltage reaches its maximum value one quarter of an
oscillation period before the current reaches its maximum value. The corresponding phasor
diagram for this circuit is shown in figure (b). Thus, we see that for a sinusoidal applied voltage,
the current in an inductor always lags behind the votage across the inductor by 90.

(iii) When only Capacitor is in an AC Circuit

Figure shows an ac circuit consisting of a capacitor of capacitance C C
connected across the terminals of an ac generator. On applying
Kirchhoff’s loop rule to this circuit gives

  VC  0  = 0 sin t
VC    0 sin t
where VC is the instantaneous voltage drop across the capacitor. From the definition of
capacitance, VC  Q / C, and this value for VC substituted into equation gives
Q  C0 sin t
Since i  dQ / dt, on differentiating above equation gives the instantaneous current in the circuit.
ic   C0  cos t
Here again we see that the current is not in phase with the voltage drop across the capacitor,
 t   
given by equation (vi). Using the trigonometric identity cos t  sin   , we can express this
 2 
equation in the alternative form
 
iC  C0 sin  t   (vii)
 2 
From equation (vii), we see that the current in the circuit reaches its maximum value when
cos t  1.
i0  C0 
where XC is called the capacitive reactance
XC 

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The SI unit of XC is also ohm. The rms current is given by an expression similar to equation with
V0 replaced by Vrms .
Combining equation (vi) and (vii), we can express the instantaneous voltage drop across the
capacitor as
VC  V0 sin t  I0 XC sin t

Comparing the result of equation (v) with equation (vi),

VC, iC i0
 i0
we see that the current is rad  90  out of phase iC
2 VC
with the voltage across the capacitor. A plot of current V0
and voltage versus time, shows that the current
reaches its maximum value one quarter of a cycle Wave diagram Phasor diagram
(a) (b)
sooner than the voltage reaches its maximum value.
The corresponding phasor diagram is shown in the figure (b). Thus we see that for a sinusoidally
applied emf, the current always leads the voltage across a capacitor by 90.

Vector Analysis (Phasor Algebra)

The complex quantities normally employed in ac circuit analysis, can be y

added and subtracted like coplanar vectors. Such coplanar vectors,
which represent sinusoidally time varying quantities, are knows as b A
In cartesian form, a phasor A can be written as,
A = a + jb
where a is the x-component and b is the y component of phasor A. 
The magnitude of A is, | A | a 2  b2
and the angle between the direction of phasor A and the positive x-axis is,
  tan1  
when a given phasor A, the direction of which is along the x-axis is multiplied by the operator j, a
new phasor j A is obtained which will be 90 anticlockwise from A, i.e., along y-axis. If the
operator j is multiplied now to the phasor jA, a new phasor j2 A is obtained which is along x-axis
and having same magnitude as of A. Thus,
j2 A   A

j2  1 or j  1
Now using the j operator, let us discuss different circuits of an ac.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


(iv) Series L-R Circuit

Now consider an ac circuit consisting of a resistor of resistance R
and an inductor of inductance L in series with an ac source
Suppose in phasor diagram current is taken along positive x-
direction. Then VR is also along positive x-direction and VL along
positive y-direction. As we know potential difference across a
VL V y
resistance in ac is in phase with current and it leads in phase
by 90 with current across the inductor, so we can write
V  VR  jVL  iR  j iXL  x
VR i
 iR  j iL   iZ
Here, Z = R + jXL = R + j(wL) is called as impedance of the circuit. Impedance plays the same
role in ac circuits as the ohmic resistance does in dc circuits. The modulus of impedance is,
| Z | R 2  (  L) 2
The potential difference leads the current by an angle,
VL X   L 
  tan 1  tan 1  L    tan1  
VR  R   R 

(v) Series R-C Circuit

Now consider an ac circuit consisting of a resistor of resistance R and a capacitor of capacitance

C in series with an ac source generator.
Suppose in phasor diagram current is taken along positive x-direction. Then VR is along positive
x-direction but VC is along negative y-direction as potential difference across a capacitor in ac
lags in phase by 90 with the current in the circuit. So we can write.
V  VR  jVC  iR  j  iXC  VC VR

 i 
 iR  j    iZ
 C  y


 1  i x
Here, impedance is, Z  R  j   VC
 C  V

 1 
The modulus of impedance is, | Z | R2   
 C 
and the potential difference lags the current by an angle,
VC X  1  1/ C  1  1 
  tan 1  tan 1  C   tan    tan  RC 
VR  R   R   

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(vi) Series L-C-R Circuit and Resonance

Now consider an ac circuit consisting of a resistor of resistance R, a capacitor of capacitacne C
and an inductor of inductance L are in series with an ac source generator.

Suppose in a phasor diagram current is taken along positive

x-direction. Then VR is along positive x-direction, VL along VR
positive y-direction and VC along negative y-directino, as
potential difference across an inductor leads the current by
90 in phase while that across a capacitor, lags it in phase VC VL VR
by 90 .
V  VR2  (VL  V C ) 2
VL – V C
y VL
VR 

i x VC

So, we can write, V  VR  jVL  iVC  iR  j iXL   j iXC 

iR  j  i  X L  X C    iZ

Here impendance is,

 1 
Z  R  j(XL  XC )  R  j  L 
 C 
 1 
The modulus of impedance is, | Z | R 2   L 
 C 
and the potential difference leads the current by an angle.
 1 
1 VL  VC  X  XC   L  C 
  tan  tan 1  L    tan  
VR  R   R 
 
The steady current in the circuit is given by i  sin( t   )
2  1 
R   L 
 C 
where  is given from equation (19)
The peak current is i0 
 1 
R 2   L 
 C 

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


It depends on angular frequency w of ac source and it will be maximum when

1 1
L  0 
 1 1
and corresponding frequency is v  
2 2 LC
This frequency is known as resonant frequency of the given circuit. At this frequency peak current
will be i0 
If the resistance R in the LCR circuit is zero, the peak current at resonance is i0 
It means, there can be a finite current in pure LC circuit even without any applied emf,
1 1
This current in the circuit is at frequency, v 
2 LC


Let us consider an alternating source connected across an inductance L in parallel with a

capacitor C. The resistance in series with the inductance is R and with the capacitor is zero.
Let the instantaneous value of emf applied be V and the corresponding current is i,iL and iC .
i  iL  iC
V V V V (C)V V j(C)V iL
or      
Z R  jL j / C R  jL j R  jL j2
V i iC
R  jL
 j(C)V  as j 2
 1 
1 1 V
  jC
Z R  j L
is known as admittance (Y). Therefore,
1 R  jL R  j(CR2  3L2C  L)
Y  2 2 2
 jC 
Z R  L R2  2L2
R  (CR2  3L2C  L)2
The magnitude of the admittance, Y | Y |
R2  2L2

1 R2
The admittance will be minimum, when  CR 2   2L2 C   L  0  

CatalyseR Eduventures (India) Pvt. Ltd.


 1 1 R2
It gives the condition of resonance and the corresponding frequency, f  
2 2 LC L2
is known as resonance frequency. At resonance frequency admittance is minimum or the
impedence is maximum. Thus, the parallel circuit does not allow this frequency from the source to
pass in the circuit. Due to this reason the circuit with such a frequency is know as rejector circuit.
If R = 0, resonance frequency is same as resonance frequency in series circuit.
2 LC
At resonance, the reactive component of Y is real. The reciprocal of the admittance is called the
parallel resistor or the dynamic resistance. The dynamic resistance is thus, reciprocal of the real
part of the admittance.
R 2  2L2 2 1 R2
Dynamic resistance  Substituting   
we have, dynamic resistance 
 peak current through the supply   0
L / CR L
The peak current through capacitor   V0 C. The ratio of the peak current through
1/ C
V0 C L
capacitor and through the supply is known as Q-factor. Thus, Q-factor  
V0 CR / L R
This is basically the measure of current magnification. The rejector circuit at resonance exhibits
current magnification of , similar to the voltage magnification of the same ratio exhibited by
the series acceptor circuit at resonance.
At resonance the current through the supply and voltage are in phase, while the current through
the capacitor leads the voltage by 90.


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


Ex. 1. A coil A C D of radius R and number of turns n carries a current i amp. and is
r P
placed in the plane of paper. A small conducting ring P of radius r is placed at a
distance y from the centre and above the coil A C D. Calculate the induced
e.m.f. produced in the ring when the ring is allowed to fall freely. Express
induced e.m.f. in terms of speed of the ring.
Sol.: We know that magnetic induction at some point on the axis of a current D i
carrying coil at a distance y from its centre is given by
0 2niR2
B  2 …(i)
4 (R  y2 )3/2
Now, the magnetic flux linked with ring P is
0 2niR2 2 0  niR2r 2
  BA   2  r   …(ii)
4 (R  y 2 )3/2 2 (R2  y 2 )3/2
When the ring P falls with velocity v. Now y varies with time as
y  y0  vt …(iii)
The induced e.m.f. in the ring
d 0 d 3 2 2 2 2 5/2  dy 
e    niR 2 r 2 (R2  y 2 )3 /2   0  niR r (R  y ) .2y  
dt 2 dt 2  dt 
3 0  niR2r 2 3 0  niR2 r 2 y v
 y(  v)  .
2 (R 2  y2 )5/2 2 (R 2  y 2 )5/2

Ex. 2. A rod of length 2 a is free to rotate in a vertical plane, about a i

horizontal axis O passing through its midpoint. A long straight,
horizontal wire is in the same plane and is carrying a constant O 
current i as shown in figure. At initial moment of time the rod is
horizontal and starts to rotate with constant angular velocity . 2a
Calculate e.m.f. induced in rod as a function of time.
Sol.: The rotated position of the rod after a time t is shown in figure. Consider a small element of length
dx of the rod at a distance x from the centre.
The velocity of the element v  x  and its distance from the wire is r   d  x sin  t  . Magnetic
0i  0i i
induction at this position B  
2r 2(d  x sin t) v
0i(x)dx O t
The induced e.m.f in this element de  Bv dx  dx
2(d  x sin t) x

In order to obtain the resultant e.m.f., we integrate this expression from  a  to a . Hence

 0i  a x dx
e 
2  a (d  x sin t)

0i   1    d  a sin t   0i   d  a sin t 

  2   2a sin t  dlog     2  2a sin t  dlog   .
2  sin t    d  a sin t   2 sin t   d  a sin t 

CatalyseR Eduventures (India) Pvt. Ltd.


Ex. 3. A wire frame of area 3.92  10  4 m 2 and resistance is suspended freely from a 0.392 m long
thread. There is a uniform magnetic field of 0.784 tesla and the plane of wire-frame is
perpendicular to the magnetic field. The frame is made to oscillate under gravity by displacing it
through 2  10 2 m from its initial position along the direction of magnetic field. The plane of the
frame is always along the direction of thread and does not rotate about it. What is the inducted
e.m.f. in wire-frame as a function of time? Also find the maximum current is the frame.
Sol. : The situation is shown in figure.
The instantaneous flux through the frame when displaced through an angle  is given by
  BA cos 
Instantaneous induced e.m.f.
d d
e  BA sin 
dt dt
 BA  sin     …(i)
Applying Newton’s law
d2 x d2 x
m  mgsin  or  gsin  
dt2 dt 2
x l
From figure, sin     or x  
l B
2 2
dx g d g i n
   or   gs
dt 2 l dt 2 l m mg mg cos 
Putting   (g / l) , we get

 2   0 …(ii)
dt 2
This is the equation of S.H.M.
Solution of equation (ii) is given by   0 sin  t
Substituting the value of  in equation (i), we get
d 1
e  BA(0 sin t) (0 sin t)  BA 0 sin t  0 t  BA02 sin2t
dt 2

 g  9.8  1
x 0 2  102
Here,        5 sec And 0  
   0.392  l 0.392
Substituting the values, we get
1  2  10 2  6
e  (0.784)  (3.92  10 4 )  (5)    sin10t  2  10 sin10 t
2  0.392 
or emax  2  106 volt

emax 2  106 volt

and imax    107 amp.
R 20

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


Ex. 4. A variable magnetic field creates a constant emf E in a conductor ABCDA.

The resistances of the portions ABC, CDA and AMC are R1,R2 and R3 , yyy yy yy y
yyy yy yy y
respectively. What current will be show by the meter M? The magnetic field is yyy yy yy y C
yyy yy yy y
concentrated near the axis of the circular conductor.

Sol.: Let E1 and E2 be the emfs developed in ABC and CDA, respectively. Then E1  E2  E. There
is no net emf in the loop AMCBA as it does not enclose the magnetic field. If E3 is the emf in
AMC then E1  E3  0. The equivalent circuit and distribution of current is shown in figure.
By the loop rule x
R1  x  y   R2 x  E1  E2  E R2 R1
and R3 y  R1  x  y   E3  E1  0 E2 E1
x-y y
ER1 x
Solving for y, y  .
R1R2  R2R3  R3R1

Ex. 5. A square loop of side a and a straight, infinite conductor are placed in the same O
b a
plane with two sides of the square parallel to the conductor. The inductance and I
resistance are equal to L and R respectively. The frame is turned through 180º
about the axis OO’. Find the electric charge that flows in the square loop.
 di 
Sol.: By circuit equation i     L  / R where   induced emf andself-induced emf
 dt 
di di
 Ri    L   Ridt   dt   L dt dt
d f
 Rq    dt  L ii  i  f  iinitial  0, ifinal  0 
 1  f 
 q
   2I 
Consider a strip at a distance x in the initial position. Then B   0   along the inward normal
 4   x 
to the plane.
0Ia dx
 d1  (0I / 2x)a dx cos 0 
2 x
0Ia a  b dx 0Ia a  b
i   ln
2 b x

2 b
0Ia 2a  b  Ia 2a  b
Similarly f  ln  | i  f | 0 ln
2 ab 2 b
0Ia 2a  b
 |q|  ln
2R b

CatalyseR Eduventures (India) Pvt. Ltd.


Ex. 6.. A rectangular conducting loop in the vertical x-z plane has length L, width W, mass M and
resistance R. It is dropped lengthwise from rest. At t = 0 the bottom of the loop is at a height h
above the horizontal x-axis. There is a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to the x–z plane,
below the x-axis. The bottom and top of the loop cross this axis at t  t1, and t 2 respectively.
Obtain the expression for the velocity of the loop for the time t1  t  t 2 .

Sol. : For time t 1 , the loop is freely falling under gravity, so velocity attained by loop at
t  t1

1  gt1  2gh
During the time t1  t  t 2 , flux linked with the loop is changing, so induced emf
d BW
e  BW and Induced current I   clockwise
dt R
B 2 W 2
Magnetic Force F  WIB  
d B2 W 2
So, m  mg 
dt R
dt 
 B2 W 2   
 mg  
 R 

mR  B2 W 2 
Integrating, t   2 2
loge mg  A
B W  R 
At t  t1,   1  gt1

mR  B 2 1W 2 
 A  t1  log e  mg  
B2 W 2  R 
Substituting for A,
 B2  W 2 

B2 W 2
(t  t1 )  mg  
e mR
 loge  R 
2 2
 mg  B 1W 
 R 
Gives the velocity V of the loop in the interval t1  t  t 2 .

Ex. 7. A very small circular loop of area 5  104 m2 , resistance 2 ohm and
negligible inductance is initially coplanar and concentric with a much 

larger fixed circular loop of radius 0.1 m. A constant current of 1 Amp. is a

passed in the bigger loop and the smaller loop is rotated with angular
velocity  rad/s about a diameter. Calculate (a) the flux linked with the
smaller loop (b) induced emf and induced current in the smaller loop as a
function of time.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


Sol. :
(a) The situation is shown in figure. The field at the center of larger loop,
 0 2I 2  1 Wb
B1   10 7  2  106 2
4 R 0.1 m
is initially along the normal to the area of smaller loop. Now as the smaller loop (and
hence normal to its plane) is rotating at angular velocity , so in time t it will turn by an
angle   t w.r. to B and hence the flux linked with the smaller loop at time t,

 2  B 1S 2 cos   2   10 6 5  10  cos  t

i.e., 2    109 cos t Wb

(b) The induced emf in the smaller loop,
d 2 d
e2     (   109 cos t)
dt dt
i.e., e2    109  sin t volt
(c) The induced current in the smaller loop,
e2 1
I2     10 9 sin t ampere.
R 2

Ex. 8. Two parallel vertical metallic rails AB and CD are separated by 1 m. They A R2 C
are connected at the two ends by resistances R1 and R2 as shown in
figure. A horizontal metallic bar of mass 0.2 kg slides without friction,
– I +
vertically down the rails under the action of gravity. There is a uniform
horizontal magnetic field of 0.6 T perpendicular to the plane of the rails. It is mg
observed that when the terminal velocity is attained, the power dissipated in
R1 and R2 are 0.76 W and 1.2 W respectively. Find the terminal velocity of
the bar and the values of R1 and R2 .
Sol.: The rod will acquire terminal velocity only when magnetic force FM = BIl due to electromagnetic
0.2  9.8 9.8
induction balances its weight, i.e., BI  mg, i.e. I   A
0.6  1 3
Now if e is the emf induced in the rod, e  I  P  P1  P2
(0.76  1.20)
So, e  0.6V
(9.8 / 3)
Now as this e is generated due to motion of rod with terminal velocity in the magnetic field, i.e.,
e 0.6
e  BT l so T    1ms 1
Bl 0.6  1
V2 V2
further, as in case of Joule heating P  i.e., R
And as here, V1  V2  e

e2 (0.6)2 9 e 2 (0.6)2
So, R1     And, R2    0.3  .
P1 0.76 19 P2 0.76

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Ex. 9. A coil of inductance L  50  10 6 henry and resistance  0.5  is connected to a battery of emf =
5.0 V. A resistance of 10  is connected parallel to the coil. Now at some instant the connection
of the battery is switched off. Find the amount of heat generated in the coil after switching off the
1 2
Sol.: Total energy stored in the inductor  Li0
1 V
EL  L 
2 r 
 Fraction of energy lost across inductor  EL .
(R  r)
LV 2 50  106  52
   1.19  104 J
2r(R  r) 2  0.5(10  0.5)

Alternative Solution :
After switching off the battery, the current at any instant t during discharging process is given by
I  I0 e  R  r  t /L
 Energy dissipated across inductance in time dt,
dQ  I2 rdt

 
 
2 2 2(R r )t /L 2
 e2(R  r )t /L  I20rL
So, Q   I r dt  I0  re dt  I0 r    
0 0  2(R  r)  2(R  r)
 L 0
V V 2L 50  10 6  52
Here, I0   Q   1.19  10 4 J .
r 2r(R  r) 2  0.5(10  0.5)

Ex. 10. A metal rod OA of mass m and length l is kept rotating with a constant y
× × × ×
angular speed in a vertical plane about a horizontal axis at the end O. × ×
× ×
The free end A is arranged to slide without friction along a fixed S 
× × O× ×
conducting circular ring in the same plane as that of rotation. A uniform R × × × ×
and constant magnetic induction B is applied perpendicular and into the L
plane of rotation as shown in figure. An inductor L and an external (A)

resistance R are connected through a switch S between the point O and a point C on the ring to
form an electrical circuit. Neglect the resistance of the ring and the rod. Initially, the switch is
(a) What is the induced emf across the terminals of the switch ?
(b) The switch S is closed at time t = 0
(i) Obtain an expression for the current as a function of time
(ii) In the steady state, obtain the time dependence of the torque required to maintain the
constant angular speed, given that the rod OA was along the positive x-axis at t = 0.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


Sol.: (a) As the terminals of the switch S are connected between the points O and C, so the emf
across the switch is same as across the ends of the rod. Now to calculate the emf across
the rod, consider an element of the rod of length dr at a distance r from O, then
dE  B v dr  Br  dr (as v  r  )
so E   Br dr  Bl2 ...(i)
and in accordance with Fleming’s right hand rule the direction of current in the rod will be
from A to O and so O will be at a higher potential (as inside a source of emf current flows
from lower to higher potential)
y × × × I
× × × ×
A y A
× ×
× ×
S  ×


× × O× × R E
R r C
× × ×
× mg F M L

L O × × ×
(A) (B) (C)

(i) Treating the ring and rod rotating in the field as a source of emf E given by equation (i),
the equivalent circuit (when the switch S is closed) is as shown in figure. Applying
Kirchhoff’s loop rule to it, keeping in mind that current in the circuit is increasing, we get
dI dI 1
E  IR  L  0 or  dt
dt (E  IR) L
which on integration with initial condition I = 0 at t = 0 yields
I  I0 (1  e t/  ) with I0  and 
So substituting the value of E from Eqn. (1) we have I  [1  e (R/L )t ] ...(ii)
(ii) As in steady state I is independent of time, i.e., e t/   0 i.e., t  , so
(I)steady state  Imax  ...(iii)
Now as the rod is rotating in a vertical plane so for the situation shown in figure it will experience
torques in clockwise sense due to its own weight and also due to the magnetic force on it. So the
torque on element dr,
M  M 
d  (mg)  r cos   FM  r i.e., d  (dr)g  r cos   BIdr  r asm  dr and FM  BIdr 
l  l 
M  Mgl l2
So total torque acting on the rod.    gcos   BI  rdr  cos   BI
l 0 2 2
But as rod is rotating at constant angular velocity  ,   t and from equation (iii) I  (Bl2 / 2R)
Mgl B2 l4
So,  cos t  ...(iv)
2 4R
And hence the rod will rotate at constant angular velocity  if a torque having magnitude equal to
that given by equation is applied to it in anticlockwise sense.

CatalyseR Eduventures (India) Pvt. Ltd.


Ex. 11. An infinitesimally small bar magnet of dipole moment M is pointing and moving with the speed v
in the x-direction. A small closed circular conducting loop of radius a and of negligible self-
inductance lies in the y–z plane with its center at x = 0, and its axis coinciding with the x-axis.
Find the force opposing the motion of the magnet, if the resistance of the loop is R. Assume that
the distance x of the magnet from the center of the loop is much greater than a.
0 2M
Sol.: Field due to the bar magnet at distance x (near the loop) B 
4 x 2
0 2M
 Flux lined with the loop :   BA  a2 .
4 x 3
d 0 6Ma2 dx 0 6Ma2
emf induced in the loop : e     v.
dt 4 x 4 dt 4 x 4
e 0 3Ma2 30Ma2
 Induced current : i   .v. 
R 2 Rx 4 Rx 4
Let F = force opposing the motion of the magnet
Power due to the opposing force = Heat dissipated in the coil per second.
2 2
i2R   0   6 Ma2  R 9 02M2 a4 v
 Fv  i2R  F   
 v  F .
v  4    Rx 4
 v 4 Rx 4

Ex. 12. A resistance R and inductance L and a capacitor C all are connected in series with an AC supply.
The resistance of R is 16 ohm and for a given frequency, the inductive reactance of L is 24 ohm
and capacitive reactance of C is 12 ohm. If the current in the circuit is 5 amp., find
(a) The potential difference across R, L and C
(b) The impedance of the circuit
(c) The voltage of AC supply (d) Phase angle.

Sol.: (a) Potential difference across the resistance

VR  iR  5  16  80 Volt
Potential difference across the inductor
VL  i   L   5  24  120 Volt
Potential difference across the capacitor
VC  i  I / C   5  12  60 Volt
  I  
(b) Z  R 2   L  2 2
   [(16)  (24  12) ]  20 ohm
   C  
(c) The voltage of AC supply is given by
E  IZ  5  20  100 volt
(d) Phase angle
 L  (1/ C)   24  12 
  tan1    tan1  1
  tan  0.75   3646
 R   16 

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


Ex. 13. A circuit draws a power of 550 watt from a source of 220 volt, 50 Hz. The power factor of the
circuit is 0.8 and the current lags in phase behind the potential difference. To make the power
factor of the circuit as 1.0, what capacitance will have to be connected with it.
Sol.: As the current lags behind the potential difference, the circuit contains resistance and inductance.
Power, P  vrms  irms  cos  Here, irms  , where Z  [(R 2  (L)2 )]
Vrms  cos  v2  cos  (220)2  0.8
 P or Z  rms So, Z  70.4ohm
Z P 550
Now, power factor cos   or R  Z cos   R  70.4  0.8  56.32ohm
Further, Z 2  R 2  (  L )2 or (  L )  (Z 2  R 2 ) Or L  (70.4) 2  (56.32)2  42.2 ohm
When the capacitor is connected in the circuit,
  1   R 1
Z  R 2   L    and cos   when cos   1, L 
  C    2  2
1   C
R   L  
  C  

1 1 1
 C    75  106 F  75 F.
(L) 2f(L) (2  3.14  50)  (42.2)

Ex. 14. A series L-C-R circuit is connected to an AC source of 220 V and V1

50 Hz. as shown in figure. If the readings of the three voltmeters
V1, V2 and V3 are 65 V, 415 V and 204 V respectively, calculate, 220V V2
50 Hz
(i) The current in the circuit L
(ii) The value of inductor
(iii) The value of the capacitor C and
(iv) The value of C (for the same L) required to produce resonance.
Sol.: (i) Here VR  irmsR ,
VR 65
where irms is the rms value of current in the circuit.  irms    0.65amp
R 100
VL 204
(ii) VL  irms  XL or XL   XL   313.85
irms 0.65
XL 313.85
Now, XL  L  2fL or L   L  1.0 henry
2f 2  50
VC 415 1 1 1
(iii) XC    638.46 XC    C  5  10 6  5F
irms 0.65 C 2fC 2  50  638.46
(iv) Let ‘C’ be the capacitance of capacitor that will produce resonance with inductor L = 1.0
henry. Then
1 1 1
f or C '    10.1 10 6 F  10.1F .
2  (LC') 4  f L 4    50  2  1.0
2 2 2

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Ex. 15. A 750 Hz., 20 V source is connected to a resistance of 100 ohm, an inductance of 0.1803 henry
and a capacitance of 10 microfarad all in series. Calculate the time in which the resistance
(thermal capacity 2 J/ºC) will get heated by 10ºC.
Sol.: As in this problem,
XL  L  2fL  2  750  0.1803  849.2 
1 1 1
and, XC     21.2
C 2fC 2  750  10 5
so, X  XL  XC  849.2  21.2  828 
and hence,
Z R2  X2  (100) 2  (828) 2  834 
but as in case of ac,
Z R2  X2  (100) 2  (828) 2  834 
2 2
V   20 
i.e., Pav   rms   R     100  0.0575W
 Z   834 
and as, U  P  t  mc   TC  
(TC)   2  10
t   348s  5.8min.
P 0.0575

Ex. 16. An LCR series circuit with 100  resistance is connected to an ac source of 200 V and angular
frequency 300 rad/s. When only the capacitance is removed, the current lags behind the voltage
by 60. When only the inductance is removed, the current leads the voltage by 60. Calculate
the current and the power dissipated in the LCR circuit.
Sol.: When capacitance is removed, the circuit becomes L-R with,
tan   i.e., XL  R tan   100 3 
and when inductance is removed the circuit becomes C-R with,
tan   i.e., XC  R tan   100 3 
as here XL  XC so the circuit is in series resonance and hence as X  XL  XC  0,

i.e., Z  R2  X2  R
Vrms Vrms 200
So, Irms    2A
Z R 100
And, Pav  VrmsIrms cos   200  2  1  400W

Ex. 17. An inductor of 20  10 3 henry, a capacitor 100F and a resistor 50 W are connected in series
across a source of emf V = 10 sin (314t). Find the energy dissipated in the circuit in 20 minutes. If
resistance is removed from the circuit and the value of inductance is doubled, then find the
variation of current with time in the new circuit.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


2 2
Sol.: Here, time of 1 cycle = T    1/ 50s .
 314
So, we have to calculate the average energy as time >> T.
I0 V0 R
Energy consumed in time t = (VrmsIrms cosf)t t   VrmsIrms cos  t  .
. t
2 2 Z
2 L R C
V02R  V0   1 
E t  I0  Z  Now, Z  R 2   L 
2Z2     c 
 1 
 (50)2   314  20  10 3   3153.6  56 ohm
 314  100  10 6  10 sin 314t

102  50  20  60
 Energy consumed  joule
2  3153.6
When resistance is removed, cos   0 or   /2
1 1
Z   L '   314  40  103   19.3
c 314  104
 sin(314t   / 2) = 0.52 cos 314 t Amp.

Ex. 18. A box P and a coil Q are connected in series with an ac source of variable frequency. The emf of
source is constant at 10 V. Box P contains a capacitance of 1F in series with a resistance of
32 . Coil Q has a self-inductance 4.9 mH and a resistance 68  in series. The frequency is
adjusted so that the maximum current flows in P and Q. Find the impedance of P and Q at this
frequency. Also find the voltage across P and Q respectively.
Sol.: As this circuit is a series LCR circuit, current will be maximum at resonance, i.e.,
1 1 105 rad 4.9 mH 68
   1F 32
LC (4.9  10 3 )(10 6 ) 7 s
C R1 L R2
Box P Coil Q
E0 10V 1
with Imax    A
R (32  68) 10
So the impedance for box P

2 1/ 2 2 1/2
  1     7  
ZP  R12      (32)2   5 6    5924  77
  C     10  10  

and for coil Q Z Q  [R 2  (  L)2 ]1/ 2  [(68)2  (4.9  10 3  10 5 / 7)2 ]1/ 2  9524  97.6  and hence
VP  IZP   (77)  7.7V (potential drop across P)
and VQ  IZQ   (97.6)  9.76V (potential drop across Q)

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Ex. 19. An LCR circuit has L = 10 mH, R  3  and C  1F connected in series to a source of
15cos  t V. Calculate the current amplitude and the average power dissipated per cycle at a
frequency that is 10% lower than the resonance frequency.
Sol.: As here resonance frequency,
1 1 rad 10 9 rad
0    10 4 so,   0  0  0  9  103
LC 2
10  10 6 s 100 10 s
1 1
and hence, XL  L  9  103  102  90  XC    111.11
C 9  103  10 6
so, X  XC  XL  111.11  90  21.11W
and hence, Z  R 2  X 2  3 2  (21.11) 2 i.e., Z  9  445.63  21.32
E0 15
and as here E  15 cos  t, i.e., E0  15 V, I0    0.704 A
Z 21.32
The average power dissipated, Pav  VrmsIrms cos   (Irms  Z)  Irms 
1  I0  1
i.e., Pav  I2rmsR  I20R as Irms   so, Pav   (0.704)2  3  0.74 W
2  2 2
 9  103 cycle Pav 0.74 J / s 2  0.74 J
Now as f  So,  3

2 2 s cycle (9  10 / 2)cycle / s 9  103 cycle
Pav J
i.e.,  5.16  10 4 .
cycle cycle

Ex. 20. A series LCR circuit containing a resistance of 120  has angular resonance frequency
4  105 radS 1. At resonance the voltages across resistance and inductance are 60 V and 40 V
respectively. Find the values of L and C. At what frequency the current in the circuit lags the
voltage by 45 ?
V 60 1 VL
Sol.: At resonance as X = 0, I    A and as VL  IXL  IL L
R 120 2 I
40 1 1
so, L   0.2mH and as 0  , C
(1/ 2)  4  105 LC L 2

1 1
i.e., C  F
0.2  103  (4  105 )2 32
XL  X C
Now in case of series LCR circuit, tan  
L 
so current will lag the applied voltage by 45 if, tan 45  C
i.e., 1 120    2  104  i.e.,  2  6  105   16  1010  0
(1/ 32)  106
6  105  (6  105 )2  64  1010 6  105  10  105 rad
i.e.,   i.e.,   8  105 .
2 2 s

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


Ex. 21. A current of 4 A flows in a coil when connected to a 12 V dc source. If the same coil is connected
to a 12 V, 50 rad/s ac source a current of 2.4 A flows in the circuit. Determine the inductance of
the coil. Also find the power developed in the circuit if a 2500 F capacitor is connected in series
with the coil.
Sol.: In case of a coil as Z  R 2  2L2 i.e., I 
Z R  2L2

V 12
so when dc is applied as   0 I i.e., R  3 … (i)
R 4
and when ac is applied,
V  V   12 
I i.e., Z    5
Z  I   2.4 
or, R 2  X L2  5 2 (as Z  R 2  X L2 )

so, XL2  5 2  R 2  52  3 2  42 i.e., X L  4

XL 4
but as XL  L, L   0.08 
 50
Now when the capacitor is connected to the above circuit in series,
1 1 103
As XC    8
C 50  2500  106 125
V 12
So, Z R 2  ( X L  X C )2  3 2  (4  8)2  5  and hence I    2.4 A
Z 5
so, Pav  VrmsIrms cos   (Irms  Z)  Irms   
i.e., Pav  Irms R  (2.4)2  3  17.28 W .

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1. An electron is moving in a circular orbit of radius R with an angular acceleration a. At the centre of
the orbit is kept a conducting loop of radius r, (r <<R). The e.m.f induced in the smaller loop due
to the motion of the electron is
0 er 2
(A) zero, since charge on electron in constant (B) 
0 er 2
(C)  (D) none of these

2. A wire loop is placed in a region of time varying magnetic field which is oriented orthogonally to
the plane of the loop as shown in the figure. The graph shows the magnetic field variation as the
function of time. Assume the positive emf is the one which drives a current in the clockwise
direction and seen by the observer in the direction of B. Which of the following graphs best
represents the induced emf as a function of time.

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

3. A square wire loop of 10.0 cm side lies at right angles to a uniform magnetic field of 20T. A 10 V
light bulb is in a series with the loop as shown in the fig. The magnetic field is decreasing steadily
to zero over a time interval Dt. The bulb will shine with full brightness if Dt is equal to

(A) 20 ms (B) 0.02 ms (C) 2 ms (D) 0.2 ms

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


4. A rectangular loop with a sliding connector of length 10 cm is situated in uniform magnetic field
perpendicular to plane of loop. The magnetic induction is 0.1 tesla and resistance of connector
(R) is 1 ohm. The sides AB and CD have resistances 2 ohm and 3 ohm respectively. Find the
current in the connector during its motion with constant velocity one metre/sec.

1 1 1 1
(A) A (B) A (C) A (D) A
110 220 55 440

5. A vertical bar magnet is dropped from position on the axis of a fixed metallic coil as shown in fig -
I. In fig - II the magnet is fixed and horizontal coil is dropped. The acceleration of the magnet and
coil are a1 and a2 respectively then

fig - I fig-II
(A) a1  g, a 2  g (B) a1  g, a 2  g
(C) a1  g, a 2  g (D) a1  g, a 2  g

6. Two identical coaxial circular loops carry a current i each circulating in the same direction. If the
loops approach each other
(A) the current in each will decrease
(B) the current in each will increase
(C) the current in each will remain the same
(D) the current in one will increase and in other will decrease

7. A negative charge is given to a nonconducting loop and the loop is

rotated in the plane of paper about its centre as shown in figure. The
magnetic field produced by the ring affects a small magnet placed above
the ring in the same plane:
(A) the magnet does not rotate
(B) the magnet rotates clockwise as seen from below.
(C) the magnet rotates anticlockwise as seen from below
(D) no effect on magnet is there.

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8. Two infinitely long conducting parallel rails are connected through a capacitor C as shown in the
figure. A conductor of length l is moved with constant speed v0 . Which of the following graph
truly depicts the variation of current through the conductor with time ?

(A) (B)

Current  Current 
I (t) I (t)

I=0 t (time)
(C) (D) t (time)

9. A long metal bar of 30 cm length is aligned along a north south line and moves eastward at a
speed of 10ms 1. A uniform magnetic field of 4.0 T points vertically downwards. If the south end
of the bar has a potential of 0 V, the induced potential at the north end of the bar is
(A) + 12 V (B) 12 V
(C) 0V
(D) cannot be determined since there is not closed circuit

10. A square loop of side a and resistance R is moved in the region of uniform magnetic field B(loop
remaining completely insidefield), with a velocity v through a distance x. The work done is :
B  2 vx 2B 2 2 vx 4B 2  2 vx
(A) (B) (C) (D) none

11. A rod closing the circuit shown in figure moves along a U shaped wire at a constant speed v
under the action of the force F. The circuit is in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the
plane. Calculate F if the rate of heat generation in the circuti is Q.

Q v
(A) F = Qv (B) F (C) F (D) F  Qv
v Q

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


12. Two parallel long straight conductors lie on a smooth surface. Two other parallel conductors rest
on them at right angles so as to form a square of side a initially. A uniform magnetic field B exists
at right angles to the plane containing the conductors. They all start moving out with a constant
velocity v. If r is the resistance per unit length of the wire the current in the circuit will be
Bv Br
(A) (B) (C) Bvr (D) Bv
r v

13. A metal disc rotates freely, between the poles of a magnet in the direction
indicated. Brushes P and Q make contact with the edge of the disc and
the metal axle.What current, if any, flows through R?
(A) a current from P to Q
(B) a current from Q to P
(C) no current, because the emf in the disc is opposed by the back emf
(D) no current, because the emf induced in one side of the disc is opposed by the emf induced
in the other side.
(E) no current, because no radial emf is induced in the disc

14. A rectangular coil of single turn, having area A, rotates in a uniform magnetic field B an angular
velocity w about an axis perpendicular to the field. If initially the plane of coil is perpendicular to
the field, then the average induced e.m.f. when it has rotated through 90 is
(A) (B)
 2
BA 2BA
(C) (D)
4 

15. A ring of resistance 10W, radius 10cm and 100 turns is rotated at a rate 100 revolutions per
second about a fixed axis which is perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of induction 10mT.
The amplitude of the current in the loop will be nearly (Take : p2  10 )
(A) 200A (B) 2A
(C) 0.002A (D) none of these

16. The ratio of time constant in charging and discharging in the circuit
shown in figure is
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 3 : 2
(C) 2 : 3 (D) 1 : 3

17. Two identical inductance carry currents that vary with time according to
linear laws (as shown in figure). In which of two inductance is the self
induction emf greater?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) same
(D) data are insufficient to decide

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18. A long solenoid of N turns has a self inductance L and area of cross section A. When a current i
flows through the solenoid, the magnetic field inside it has magnitude B. The current i is equal to:

19. A small coil of radius r is placed at the centre of a large coil of radius R, where R >> r. The coils
are coplanar. The coefficient of mutual inductance between the coils is
 0 r  0 r 2  0 r 2  0 r
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2R 2R 2R 2 2R 2

20. In the circuit shown, the cell is ideal. The coil has an inductance of 4H and zero resistance. F is a
fuse of zero resistance and will blow when the current through it reaches 5A. The switch is closed
at t = 0. The fuse will blow :

(A) just after t=0 (B) after 2s (C) after 5s (D) after 10s

21. An induction coil stores 32 joules of magnetic energy and dissipates energy as heat at the rate of
320 watts. When a current of 4 amperes is passed through it. Find the time constant of the circuit
when the coil is joined across a battery.
(A) 0.2 s (B) 0.1 s (C) 0.3 s (D) 0.4 s

22. The figure shows a part of a complete circuit. The potential difference VB  VA when the current I
is 5A and is decreasing at a rate of 10 3 As 1 is given by

(A) 15 V (B) 10 V (C) –15 V (D) 20 V

23. An inductor coil stores U energy when i current is passed through it and dissipates energy at the
rate of P. The time constant of the circuit, when this coil is connected across a battery of zero
internal resistance is
4U U 2U 2P
(A) (B) (C) (D)

24. A long straight wire is placed along the axis of a circular ring of radius R. The mutual inductance
of this system is
 0R 0 R 0
(A) (B) (C) (D) 0
2 2 2

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


25. In the circuti shown in the figure, R  Switch S is closed at
time t = 0. The current throughC and L would be equal after a time
t equal to:
(A) CR (B) CR ln (2)
(C) (D) LR
R In(2)

26. An ac-circuit having supply voltage E consists of a resistor of resistance

3W and an inductor of reactance 4W as shown in the figure. The
voltage across the inductor at t = p/w is
(A) 2 volts (B) 10 volts
(C) zero (D) 4.8 volts

27. In ac circuit when ac ammeter is connected it reads i current if a student uses dc ammeter in
place of ac ammeter the reading in the dc ammeter will be:
(A) (B) 2i (C) 0.637 i (D) zero

28. Let f = 50 Hz, and C = 100 mF in an AC circuit containing a capicator only. If the peak value of
the current in the circuit is 1.57 A at t = 0. The expression for the instantaneous voltage across
the capacitor will be
(A) E = 50 sin (100 pt – p/2) (B) E = 100 sin (50 pt)
(C) E = 50 sin 100 pt (D) E = 50 sin (100 pt + p/2)

29. Power factor of an L-R series circuit is 0.6 and that of a C–R series circuit is 0.5. If the element (L,
C, and R) of the two circuits are joined in series the power factor of this circuit is found to be 1.
The ratio of the resistance in the L-R circuit to the resistance in the C–R circuit is
4 3 3
(A) 6/5 (B) 5/6 (C) (D)
3 3 4

30. If I1,I2 ,I3 and I4 are the respective r.m.s. values of the time varying currents as shown in the four
cases I, II, III and IV. Then identify the correct relations.

(A) I1 = I2 = I3 = I4 (B) I3 > I1 = I2 > I4 (C) I3 > I4 > I2 = I1 (D) I3 > I2 > I1 > I4


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1. A long straight wire is parallel to one edge as in fig. If the current in
the long wire is varies in time as I  I0 e  t/  , what will be the induced
emf in the loop?
0bI da 0bI  d  a 
(A) In  d  (B) In
   2  d 
20bI  d  a  0bI  d 
(C) In   (D) In
  d    d  a 

2. The magnetic flux through a stationary loop with resistance R varies during interval of time T as
  at (T – t). The heat generated during this time neglecting the inductance of loop will be

a2T3 a2T2 a2T a2 T3

(A) (B) (C) (D)
3R 3R 3R R

3. A closed planar wire loop of area A and arbitrary shape is placed in a uniform magnetic field of
magnitude B, with its plane perpendicular to magnetic field. The resistance of the wire loop is R.
The loop is now turned upside down by 180° so that its plane again becomes perpendicular to the
magnetic field. The total charge that must have flowed through the wire ring in the process is
(A) < AB/R (B) = AB/R (C) = 2AB/R (D) None

4. An electric current i1 can flow either direction through loop (1) and induced
current i2 in loop (2). Positive i1 is when current is from 'a' to 'b' in loop (1)
and positive i2 is when the current is from 'c' to 'd' in loop (2)
In an experiment, the graph of i2 against time 't' is as shown below

Which one(s) of the following graphs could have caused i2 to behave as give above.

(A) (B)

(C) (D)


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


5. Figure shows a bar magnet and a long straight wire W, carrying current
into the plane of paper. Point P is the point of intersection of axis of
magnet and the line of shortest distance between magnet and the wire.
If P is the midpoint of the magnet, then which of the following statements
is correct ?
(A) magnet experiences a torque in clockwise direction
(B) magnet experiences a torque in anticlockwise direction
(C) magnet experiences a force, normal to the line of shortest distance
(D) magnet experiences a force along the line of shortest distance

6. Two identical conductors P and Q are placed on two frictionless rails R and S in a uniform
magnetic field directed into the plane. If P is moved in the direction shown in figure with a
constant speed then rod Q

(A) will be attracted towards P (B) will be repelled away from P

(C) will remain stationary (D) may be repelled or attracted towards P

7. The figure shows an isosceles triangle wire frame with apex angle equal to . The frame starts
entering into the region of uniform magnetic field B with constant velocity v at t = 0. The longest
side of the frame is perpendicular to the direction of velocity. If i is the instantaneous current
through the frame then choose the alternative showing the correct variation of i with time.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

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8. Two conducting rings P and Q of radii r and 2r rotate uniformly in opposite directions with centre
of mass velocities 2v and v respectively on a conducting surface S. There is a uniform magnetic
field of magnitude B perpendicular to the plane of the rings. The potential difference between the
highest points of the two rings is

B v
2v 2r

(A) zero (B) 4 Bvr (C) 8 Bvr (D) 16 Bvr

9. A conducting rod of length l moves with velocity  a direction parallel to a

long wire carrying a steady current I. The axis of the rod is maintained
perpendicular to the wire with near end a distance r away as shown in the
fig. Find the emf induced in the rod.
0I  r  l  20I  r  l 
(A) In   (B) In  
  r    r 
0I  l   0 I r  l
(C) In   (D) ln  
 r l 2  r 

10. A metallic rod of length L and mass M is moving under the action of two unequal forces F1 and F2
(directed opposite to each other) acting at its ends along its length. Ignore gravity and any
external magnetic field. If specific charge of electrons is (e/m), then the potential difference
between the ends of the rod is steady state must be
(A) F1  F2 mL eM (B) (F1  F2 )mL eM
(C) [mL/eM] ln [F1 /F2 ] (D) None

11. There is a uniform magnetic field B normal to the xy plane. A conductor ABC has length AB  l1,
parallel to the x-axis, and length BC  l2 , parallel to the y-axis. ABC moves in the xy plane with
velocity v x ˆi  v y ˆj . The potential difference between A and C is proportional to

(A) v x l1 + v yl2 (B) v x l2 + v yl1

(C) v x l2 - v y l1 (D) v xl1 - v yl2

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


12. An equilateral triangular loop ADC of some finite magnetic field B as shown
in the figure. At time t = 0, side DC of loop is at edge of the magnetic field.
Magnetic field is perpendicular to the paper inwards (or perpendicular to the
plane of the coil). The induced current versus time graph will be as

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

  xˆ
13. The magnetic field in a region is given by B = B0  1   k. A square loop of edge -
 a
length d is placed with its edge along x & y axis. The loop is mov ed with constant
velocity V  V ˆi. The emf induced in the loop is

V0B0d2 V0B0d2 V0B 0 a2

(A) (B) (C) (D) None
a 2a d

14. When a ‘J’ shaped conducting rod is rotating in its own plane with × × × × × × × ×
constant angular velocity w, about one of its end P, in a uniform × × × × × × × ×
 l L
magnetic field B directed normally into the plane of paper) then × × × × × × × Q×
magnitude of emf induced across it will be ×P × × × × × × ×

1 × × × × × × × ×
(A) B L2  l2 (B) BL2
1 1
(C) B(L2  l2 ) (D) Bl2
2 2

15. A triangular wire frame (each side = 2m) is placed in a region of time variant magnetic field
having dB / dt  3T / s. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the triangle. The
base of the triangle AB has a resistance 1 while the other two sides have resistance 2  each.
The magnitude of potential difference between the points A and B will be

(A) 0.4 V (B) 0.6 V (C) 1.2 V (D) None

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16. In an L-R circuit connected to a battery of constant e.m.f. E switch S is closed at time t = 0. If e
denotes the magnitude of induced e.m.f. across inductor and i the current in the circuite at any
time t. Then which of the following graphs shows the variation of e with i ?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

17. A long straight wire of circular cross-section is made of a non-magnetic material. The wire is of
radius a. The wire carries a current I which is uniformly ditributed over its cross-section. The
energy stored per unit lenght in the magnetic field contained within the wire is
0I2 0I2 0I2 0I2
(A) U (B) U (C) U (D) U
8 16 4 2

18. Two resistors of 10  and 20  and an ideal inductor of 10 H are connected to a 2 V battery as
shown. The key K is inserted at time t = 0. The initial (t = 0) and final  t    currents through
battery are
10 H

10 20

1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2
(A) A, A (B) A, A (C) A, A (D) A, A
15 10 10 15 15 10 15 25

19. Two long parallel wires whose centres are a distance d apart carry equal currents in opposite
directions. If the flux within wires is neglected, the inductance of such arrangement of wire of
length l and radius a will be
 0l da 0l d
(A) L= loge (B) L loge
 a  a
0l a
(C) L loge (D) none
 d

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


20. In the LR circuit shown, what is the variation of the current I as a

function of time? The switch is closed at time t = 0 sec.
V 
 V  RtL
(A) 1  e L  (B) e
R  R

V  RtL
(C)  e (D) None

21. In the circuit shown, X is joined to Y for a long time, and then X is joined to Z. The total heat
produced in R2 is :

LE2 LE2 LE2 LE2R 2

(A) (B) (C) (D)
2R12 2R 22 2R1R 2 2R12

22. The mutual inductance between the rectangular loop and the long straight wire as shown in figure
is M.

0 a  c 
(A) M = Zero (B) M ln 1 
2  b 
0 b  a  c  0 a  b 
(C) M ln (D) M ln 1 
2  b  2  c 

23. In the circuit, as shown in the figure, if the value of R.M.S current is 2.2 ampere, the power factor
of the box is

1 3 1
(A) (B) 1 (C) (D)
2 2 2

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24. When 100 V DC is applied across a solenoid a current of 1 A flows in it. When 100 V AC is
applied across the same coil, the current drops to 0.5 A. If the frequency of the AC source is 50
Hz, the impedance and inductance of the solenoid are:
(A) 100 , 0.93 H (B) 200  , 1.0 H (C) 10  , 0.86H (D) 200  , 0.55 H

25. In the circuit shown if the emf of source at an instant is 5 V, the potential difference across
capacitor at the same instant is 4 V. The potential difference across R at that instant may be

(A) 3V (B) 9V (C) V (D) none

26. An AC current is given by I  I0  I1 sin t sin wt then its rms value will be

(A) I0 2  0.5 I12 (B) I0 2  0.5 I0 2 (C) 0 (D) I0 2

27. The given figure represents the phasor diagram of a series LCR circuit connected to an ac
source. At the instant t¢ when the source voltage is given by V  V0 cos t , the current in the
circuit will be -

(A) I = I0 cos(t' + /6) (B) I = I0 cos(t' - /6)

(C) I = I0 cos(t' + /3) (D) I = I0 cos(t' - /3)

28. The direct current which would give the same heating effect in an equal constant resistance as
the current shown in figure, i.e. the r.m.s. current, is
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 Time/s

(A) zero (B) 2A (C) 2A (D) 2 2A

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


29. The effective value of current i  2 sin100  t  2sin 100  t  30  is :

(A) 2 (B) 2 2 3 (C) 4 (D) None

30. In the shown AC circuit phase different between currents I1 and I2 is :

 x xL  x C  x xL  x C
(A)  tan1 L (B) tan1 (C)  tan1 L (D) tan1
2 R R 2 R R


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1. The dimension of the ratio of magnetic flux and the resistance is equal to that of :
(A) induced emf (B) charge
(C) inductance (D) current

2. Figure shown plane figure made of a conductor located in a magnetic field along the inward normal
to the plane of the figure. The magnetic field starts diminishing. Then the induced current

(A) at point P is clockwise (B) at point Q is anticlockwise

(C) at point Q is clockwise (D) at point R is zero

3. A conducting wire frame is placed in a magnetic field which is directed into

the paper. The magnetic field is increasing at a constant rate. The directions
of induced currents in wires AB and CD are
(A) B to A and D to C (B) A to B and C to D
(C) A to B and D to C (D) B to A and C to D

4. A bar magnet is moved along the axis of copper ring placed far away from the magnet. Looking from
the side of the magnet, an anticlockwise current is found to be induced in the ring. Which of the
following may be true?
(A) The south pole faces the ring and the magnet moves towards it.
(B) The north pole faces the ring and the magnet moves towards it.
(C) The south pole faces the ring and the magnet moves away from it.
(D) The north pole faces the ring and the magnet moves away from it.

5. Two circular coils P & Q are fixed coaxially & carry currents I1 and I2 respectively

(A) if I2  0 & P moves towards Q, a current in the samedirection as I1 is induced in Q

(B) if I1  0 & Q moves towards P, a current in the opposite direction to that of I2 isinduced in
(C) when I1  0 and I2  0 are in the same direction then the two coils tend to move apart .
(D) when I1  0 and I2  0 are in opposite directions then the coils tends to move apart.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


6. AB and CD are smooth parallel rails, separated by a distance l, and inclined to the horizontal at an
angle . A uniform magnetic field of magnitude B, directed vertically upwards, exists in the region.
EF is a conductor of mass m, carrying a current i. For EF to be in equilibrium,

C  B


(A) i must flow from E to F (B) Bil  mgtan 
(C) Bil  mgsin  (D) Bil  mg

7. In the previous question, if B is normal to the plane of the rails

(A) Bil  mgtan  (B) Bil  mgsin 
(C) Bil  mg cos  (D) equilibrium cannot be reached

8. A conducting rod PQ of length L = 1.0 m is moving with a uniform speed v = 20 m/s in a uniform
magnetic field B = 4.0 T directed into the paper.
A capacitor of capacity C  10F is connected as shown in figure. Then

(A) qA  800FandqB  800F

(B) qA  800FandqB  800F
(C) qA  0  qB
(D) charged stored in the capacitor increases exponentially with time

9. A semicircle conducting ring of radius R is placed in the xy plane, as shown in the figure. A uniform
magnetic field is set up along the x–axis. No net emf, will be induced in the ring. if

(A) it moves along the x–axis (B) it moves along the y–axis
(C) it moves along the z-axis (D) it remains stationary

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10. Current growth in two L-R circuits (b) and (c) as shown in figure (a). Let L1,L 2 ,R1 andR2 be the
corresponding values in two circuits. Then
(b) (c)

(a) (b) (c)
(A) R1  R2 (B) R1  R2
(C) L1  L 2 (D) L1  L 2

11. A circuit element is placed in a closed box. At time t = 0, constant current

generator supplying a current of 1 amp, is connected across the box.
Potential difference across the box varies according to graph shown in
figure. The element in the box is :
(A) resistance of 2  (B) battery of emf 6V
(C) inductance of 2H
(D) capacitance of 0.5F

12. The symbols L, C, R represent inductance, capacitance and resistance respectively. Dimension of
frequency are given by the combination
(A) 1 / RC (B) R / L
(C) (D) C/L

13. An LR circuit with a battery is connected at t = 0. Which of the following quantities is not zero just
after the circuit
(A) current in the circuit
(B) magnetic field energy in the inductor
(C) power delivered by the battery
(D) emf induced in the inductor

14. For L – R circuit, the time constant is equal to

(A) twice the ratio of the energy stored in the magnetic field to the rate of the dissipation of
energy in the resistance.
(B) the ratio of the energy stored in the magnetic field to the rate of dissipation of energy in the
(C) half of the ratio of the energy stored in the magnetic field to the rate of dissipation of energy
in the resistance.
(D) square of the ratio of the energy stored in the magnetic field to the rate of dissipation
energy in the resistance.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


15. An inductor L, a resistance R and two identical bulbs B1 and B2 are

connected to a battery through a switch S as shown in the figure. The
resistance of coil having inductance L is also R. Which of the following
statement gives the correct description of the happenings when the switch S
is closed?
(A) The bulb B2 lights up earlier than B1 and finally both the bulbs shine
equally bright.
(B) B1 light up earlier and finally both the bulbs acquire equal brightness.
(C) B2 lights up earlier and finally B1 shines brighter than B2 .
(D) B1 and B2 light up together with equal brightness all the time.

16. Two coil A and B have coefficient of mutual inductance M = 2H. The magnetic flux passing through
coil A changes by 4 Weber in 10 seconds due to the change in current in B. Then
(A) change in current in B in this time interval is 0.5 A
(B) the change in current in B in this time interval is 2A
(C) the change in current in B in this time interval is 8A
(D) a change in current of 1A in coil A will produce a change in flux passing through B by 4

17. Two different coils have self inductance 8mH and 2mH. The current in one coil is increased at a
constant rate. The current in the second coil is also increased at the same constant rate. At a certain
instant of time, the power given to the two coils is the same. At that time the current, the induced
voltage and the energy stored in the first coil are I1,V1 and W1 respectively. Corresponding values
for the second coil at the same instant are I2 , V2 and W2 respectively. Then:
I1 1 I1 W2 V2 1
(A)  (B) 4 (C) 4 (D) 
I2 4 I2 W1 V1 4


Passage # 1

An inductor is device which works on Faraday’s law and direction of emf developed is given by
Lenz/s law. The mathematical equation can be given by   L . (In this  is emf developed, L
is inductance and is rate of change of current). The Faraday’s Law and Lenz’s Law
d d
mathematically can be represented by    (in this is rate of change of flux)
dt dt

18. Lenz’s law is based on conservation of

(A) Charge (B) Mass (C) Energy (D) Momentum

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19. In N is the number of turns in a coil, the value of self inductance varies as
(A) N2 (B) N2 (C) N (D) N3

20. If L and R denote inductances and resistance respectively then dimension of LR is

(A) MLTA  (B) ML2 T  2 A 2  (C) M0 L0 T 2 A 0  (D) M0 L0 T  2 A 0 

21. If inductance per unit length for a solenoid near its centre and near the end is denoted by LM and Le
(A) LM  L e (B) LM  Le (C) LM  Le (D) LM  1  Le

Passage # 2

Two laws can be stated as following

Faraday’s Law.
The magnitude of induced emf is directly proportional to the rate of change in the magnitude of
flux i.e.,   . Lenz’s Law = The direction of the induced current is such that it tends to oppose
the cause.
Flux is defined as scalar product of magnetic field and axes. Mathematically d.  B.ds

22. A coil of area 5 cm and 20 turns is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 103 gauss the normal to the
plane makes angle 60° with the magnetic field, flux linked with coil is
(A) 10 5 (B) 5  10 4 (C) 2  10 4 (D) 5  10 3

23. If above coil is rotated with 2 rad/sec about an axis in the direction of magnetic field. Then maximum
emf developed in coil is
(A) 2  10 5 (B) 10  10 4 (C) 2  10 4 (D) zero

24. A cylindrical bar magnet is left along the axis of a square coil and the bar magnet is rotated about its
axis, perpendicular to bar magnet the coil will have induced in it.
(A) current (B) no current
(C) net emf (D) both net emf and current

25. The average emf induced in a coil when a current changes from 0 to 2 A in 0.05 sec is 8V the self
inductance of coil is
(A) 0.2 H (B) 0.3 H
(C) 0.4 H (D) 0.1 H

26. A moving coil produces an induced emf. This is an acceleration with

(A) Ampere’s law (B) Coluomb’s Law
(C) Faraday’s Law (D) Lenz’s Law

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


Passage # 3

An inductor two Resistances and a battery is connected as shown in the diagram, initially switch
is open and emf across inductor is given by Lenz’s Law.

27. When switch is closed at t = 0

(A) Potential difference across inductor at t = 0 is less then V
(B) Potential difference across R1 and R2 is always same
(C) Potential difference across R1 and R2 is never same
(D) None of the above

28. Which graph correctly represents relation between flux linked and time

(A) (B) (C) (D)

29. Which statement is correct

(A) Current through R1 and R2 is variable (B) Current through L and R is only variable
(C) Current through R1 constant all time
(D) Flux linked with inductor is directly proportional to rate of change of current

30. Time constant of circuit is

(A) (B) (C) (D)
R1  R2 R1 R2 R1  R2

Passage # 4

In A. C. source peak value of A.C. is the maximum value of current in either direction of the cycle.
Root mean square (RMS) is also defined as the direct current which produces the same heating
effect in a resistor as the actual A.C.

31. A. C. measuring instrument measures its

(A) rms value (B) Peak value
(C) Average value (D) Square of current

32. Current time graph of different source is given which one will have R. M. S. value V0

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

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33. When V  V0 sin t is used across resistance (R) then current in the circuit is
(i) P1  IV (ii) P2 
(A) P1 is average power P2 is instantaneous power
(B) P1 is instantaneous power P2 is maximum power
(C) P1,P2 is instantaneous power
(D) P1 is instantaneous and P2 is average power

34. Average voltage for the given source is

V0 3V0
(A) V0 (B) 2V0 (C) (D)
2 2

Passage # 5

Choke coil is an instrument which is the combination of resistance and inductance. In the
resistance power is lost and no power is lost in inductor

35. Power loss in AC circuit will be minimum when

(A) Inductance is high, resistance is high
(B) Inductance is low, resistance is high
(C) Inductance is low, resistance is low
(D) Inductance is high, resistance is low

36. The average power dissipation in pure inductance is

1 2 Li2
(A) Li (B) 2Li2 (C) zero (D)
2 4

37. The potential difference V across and current I flowing through an instrument in an AC circuit is
given by V  5 sin t (volts), I  2 cos  t (amp)
(A) Maximum power dissipated in 10 W (B) Maximum power dissipated is 5W
(C) Average power dissipated is 5 W (D) Average power dissipated is zero

38. An alternating current of frequency f is flowing in a circuit containing only choke coil of resistance R
and inductance L,V0 andI0 represent peak value of the voltage and the current respectively, the
average power given by source is equal to
V0I0 V02 I20R
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
2 (2f )L 2

Passage # 6

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


The adjoining figure shows two different arrangements in which two square wire frames of same
resistance are placed in a uniform constantly decreasing magnetic field B.

39. The value of magnetic flux in each case is given by

(A) Case I:    L2   2  B; Case II:     L2   2  B

(B) Case I:    L2   2  B; Case II:     L2   2  B

2 2
(C) Case I:   L    B; Case II:   L2    B
2 2
(D) Case I:   L    B; Case II:     L    B

40. The direction of induced current in the case I is

(A) from a to b and from c to d (B) from a to b and from f to e
(C) from b to a and from d to c (D) from b to a and from e to f

41. The direction of induced current in the case II is

(A) from a to b and from c to d (B) from b to a and from f to e
(C) from b to a and from c to d (D) from a to b and from d to c

42. If I1 and I2 are the magnitudes of induced current in the cases I and II, respectively, then
(A) I1  I2 (B) I1  I2
(C) I1  I2 (D) nothing can be said

Passage # 7

A conducting ring of radius a is rotated about a point O on its periphery

as shown in the figure in a plane perpendicular to uniform magnetic
field B, which exists everywhere. The rotational velocity is  .

43. Choose the correct statement(s) related to the potential of the points P, Q and R
(A) VP  VO  0 and VR  VO  0 (B) VP  VR  VO
(C) VO  VP  VQ (D) VQ  VP  VP  VO

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44. Choose the correct statement(s) related to the magnitude of potential differences
1 1
(A) VP  VO  Ba2 (B) VP  VQ  Ba2
2 2
(C) VQ  VO  2B a2 (D) VP  VR  2B a2

45. Choose the correct statement(s) related to the induced current in the ring
(A) Current flows from Q  P  O  R  Q
(B) Current flows from Q  R  O  R  Q
(C) Current flows from Q  P  O and from Q  R  O
(D) No current flows


Match the following :

Column-I Column-II
46. 1 (A) ML2 T 2 A 2
(Energy density) = (inductance) (current square)2
47. Flux (Magnetic) (B) ML2 Q 1T 1

48. Inductance (C) ML2 T 2

49. (inductance) (current) (D) ML2 T 2 A 1

Assume at t = 0 switch is closed in figure 1 and at t = 0 current through inductor is 2V/R then
match the following :

Column-I Column-II
50. time constant of figure 1 (A) 2L
51. time constant of figure 2 (B) L
52. current through the resistance R in figure 2 (C) Rt
V  2L
I e
53. current through resistance R in figure 1 (D) V  

I  1  e L

2R  

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


Match the following

Column-I Column-II
54. In case of series L-C-R circuit, at (A) Current in the circuit has same
resonance frequency
55. Only resistor in an a.c. circuit (B) 
Voltage lags the current by
56. Only inductor in an a.c. circuit (C) 
Current lags the voltage by
57. Only capacitor in an a.c. circuit (D) Reactance of the circuit is zero
(E) Current is in phase with applied voltage

Match the following

Column-I Column-II
58. For square wave having peak value v0 (A) v 0  v rms  v av

59. For sinusoidal wave having peak value v0 (B) In a pure inductance

60.  (C) v av  v rms  v 0

Current leads the voltage by
61. Wattless current (D) In a pure capacitance


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1. The horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field at a place is 3  10  4 T and the dip is
tan1   . A metal rod of length 0.25 m placed in the north-south position is moved at a constant
speed of 10cm/s towards the east. Find the e.m.f. induced in the rod.

2. A wire forming one cycle of sine curve is moved in x-y plane with velocity
 
 Find the motional
V  V i  V j. There exist a magnetic field B  B k.
x y 0

emf develop across the ends PQ of wire.

3. A conducting circular loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.02 T, with its plane
perpendicular to the field . If the radius of the loop starts shrinking at a constant rate of 1.0 mm/s,
then find the emf induced in the loop, at the instant when the radius is 4 cm.

4. A rectangular loop with a sliding connector of length l = 1.0 m is situated in a uniform magnetic
field B = 2T perpendicular to the plane of loop. Resistance of connector is r  2 . Two
resistances of 6  and 3  are connected as shown in figure. Find the external force required to
keep the connector moving with a constant velocity v = 2m/s.

5. Two concentric and coplanar circular coils have radii a and b(>>a)as shown in
figure. Resistance of the inner coil is R. Current in the outer coil is increased from 0
to i , then find the total charge circulating the inner coil.

6. A horizontal wire is free to slide on the vertical rails of a conducting frame as

shown in figure. The wire has a mass m and length l and the resistance of the
circuit is R. If a uniform magnetic field B is directed perpendicular to the frame,
then find the terminal speed of the wire as it falls under the force of gravity.

7. A metal rod of resistance 20  is fixed along a diameter of a conducting ring of radius 0.1 m and
 . The ring rotates with an angular velocity
lies on x-y plane. There is a magnetic field B   50T  k.
  20rad / sec about its axis. An external resistance of 10  is connected across the centre of
the ring and rim. Find the current through external resistance.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


8. A triangular wire frame (each side = 2m) is placed in a region of time variant
magnetic field having dB / dt  3 T / s. The magnetic field is perpendicular to
the plane of the triangle. The base of the triangle AB has a resistance 1
while the other two sides have resistance 2  each. The magnitude of
potential difference between the points A and B will be

9. There exists a uniform cylindrically symmetric magnetic field directed along the axis of a cylinder
but varying with time as B = kt. If an electron is released from rest in this field at a distance of ‘r’
from the axis of cylinder, its acceleration, just after it is released would be (e and m are the
electronic charge and mass respectively)

10. A uniform but time varying magnetic field B  Kt  C;  0  t  C / K  , where K and C are constants
and t is time, is applied perpendicular to the plane of the circular loop of radius ‘a’ and resistance
R. Find the total charge that will pass around the loop.

11. A charged ring of mass m = 50 gm, charge 2 coulomb and radius R = 2m is placed on a smooth
horizontal surface. A magnetic field varying with time at a rate of (0.2 t) Tesla/sec is applied on to
the ring in a direction normal to the surface of ring. Find the angular speed attained in a time
t1  10 sec . Assume that the magnetic field is cylindrically symmetric and covering the entire

12. In the given current, find the ratio of i1 to i2 where i1 is the initial (at t = 0)
current and i2 is steady state  at t    current through the battery.

13. Find the dimension of the quantity , where symbols have usual meaining.

14. In the circuit shown, initially the switch is in position 1 for a long time. Then the switch is shifted to
position 2 for a long time. Find the total heat produced in R 2 .

15. In the circuit shown in figure switch S is closed at time t = 0. Find the charge which passes
through the battery in one time constant.

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16. Two coils, 1 & 2, have a mutual inductance = M and resistances R each. A current flows in coil 1,
which varies with time as: I1  kt 2 , where K is a constant and 't' is time. Find the total charge that
has flown through coil 2, between t = 0 and t = T.

17. In a L–R decay circuit, the initial current at t = 0 is I. Find the total charge that has flown through
the resistor till the energy in the inductor has reduced to one–fourth its initial value.

18. A capacitor C with a charge Q 0 is connected across an inductor through a switch S. If at t = 0,

the switch is closed, then find the instantaneous charge q on the upper plate of capacitor.

19. An inductor of inductance 2.0mH,is connected across a charged capacitor of capacitance 5.0 F,
and the resulting LC circuit is set oscillating at its natural frequency. Let Q denote the
instantaneous charge on the capacitor, and I the current in the circuit .It is found that the
maximum value of Q is 200 mC.
(a) when Q  100 C, what is the value of dI / dt ?
(b) when Q  200 C, what is the value of I?
(c) Find the maximum value of I.
(d) when I is equal to one half its maximum value, what is the value of Q

20. Find the value of an inductance which should be connected in series with a capacitor of 5 F, a
resistance of 10  and an ac source of 50 Hz so that the power factor of the circuit is unity.

21. In an L-R series A.C circuit the potential difference across an inductance and resistance joined in
series are respectively 12 V and 16V. Find the total potential difference across the circuit.

22. A 50W, 100V lamp is to be connected to an ac mains of 200V, 50Hz. What capacitance is
essential to be put in series with the lamp.


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



1. Two straight conducting rails form a right angle where their ends are joined.
A conducting bar contact with the rails starts at vertex at the time t = 0 &
moves symmetrically with a constant velocity of 5.2 m/s to the right as shown
in figure. A 0.35 T magnetic field points out of the page. Calculate:
(i) The flux through the triangle by the rails & bar at t = 3.0 s.
(ii) The emf around the triangle at that time.
(iii) In what manner does the emf around the triangle vary with time .

2. A wire is bent into 3 circular segments of radius r = 10 cm as shown in z

figure . Each segment is a quadrant of a circle, ab lying in the xy plane, c

bc lying in the yz plane & ca lying in the zx plane.

(i) if a magnetic field B points in the positive x direction, what is the r
r y
magnitude of the emf developed in the wire, when B increases at
the rate of 3 mT/s ? a
(ii) what is the direction of the current in the segment bc.

3. A long straight wire is arranged along the symmetry axis of a toroidal coil of
rectangular cross-section, whose dimensions are given in the figure. The
number of turns on the coil is N, and relative permeability of the surrounding
medium is unity. Find the amplitude of the emf induced in this coil, if the
current i  im cos t flows along the straight wire.

4. A uniform magnetic field B fills a cylindrical volumes of radius R. A metal
rod CD of length l is placed inside the cylinder along a chord of the circular
cross-section as shown in the figure. If the magnitude of magnetic field
increases in the direction of field at a constant rate dB/dt, find the magnitude
and direction of the EMF induced in the rod.

5. A variable magnetic field creates a constant emf E in a conductor ABCDA.

The resistances of portion ABC, CDA and AMC are R1,R2 and R3
respectively. What current will be shown by meter M? The magnetic field is
concentrated near the axis of the circular conductor.

6. In the circuit shown in the figure the switched S1 and S2 are closed at time t  0. After time
t   0,1 ln2 sec, switch S2 is opened. Find the current in the circuit at time t   0.2  ln 2sec.

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7. Find the values of i1 and i2

(i) immediately after the switch S is closed.
(ii) long time later, with S closed.
(iii) immediately after S is open.
(iv) long time after S is opened.

8. A rectangular frame ABCD made of a uniform metal wire has a straight

connection between E & F made of the same wire as shown in the figure.
AEFD is a square of side 1 m & EB = FC = 0.5 m. The entire circuit is placed
in a steadily increasing uniform magnetic field directed into the place of the
paper & normal to it . The rate of change of the magnetic field is 1 T/s, the
resistance per unit length of the wire is 1 / m. Find the current in segments AE, BE & EF.

9. Two parallel vertical metallic rails AB & CD are separated by 1 m. They are
connected at the two ends by resistance R1 & R2 as shown in the figure. A
horizontally metallic bar L of mass 0.2 kg slides without friction, vertically
down the rails under the action of gravity. There is a uniform horizontal
magnetic field of 0.6T perpendicular to the plane of the rails, it is observed
that when the terminal velocity is attained, the power dissipated in R1 & R2
are 0.76 W & 1.2 W respectively. Find the terminal velocity of bar L & value R1 & R2 .

10. A metal rod OA of mass m & length r is kept rotating with a constant angular
speed w in a vertical plane about a horizontal axis at the end O. The free
end A is arranged to slide without friction along a fixed conducting circular
ring in the same plane as that of rotation. A uniform & constant magnetic

induction B is applied perpendicular & into the plane of rotation as shown in
figure. An inductor L and an external resistance R are connected through a
switch S between the point O & a point C on the ring to form an electrical
circuit. Neglect the resistance of the ring and the rod. Initially, the switch is open.
(a) What is the induced emf across the terminals of the switch ?
(b) (i) Obtain an expression for the current as a function of time after switch S is closed.
(ii) Obtain the time dependence of the torque required to maintain the constant angular speed,
given that the rod OA was along the positive X-axis at t = 0.

11. A pair of parallel horizontal conducting rails of negligible resistance shorted at one
end is fixed on a table. The distance between the rails is L. A conducting massless
rod of resistance R can slide on the rails frictionlessly. The rod is tied to a massless
string which passes over a pulley fixed to the edge of the table. A mass m, tied to
the other end of the string hangs vertically. A constant magnetic field B exists
perpendicular to the table. If the system is released from rest, calculate:
(i) the terminal velocity achieved by the rod.
(ii) the acceleration of the mass at the instant when the velocity of the rod is half the terminal

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


12. In the LR circuit shown, what is the variation of the current I as a function of
time? The switch is closed at time t = 0 sec.

13. A current of 4 A flows in a coil when connected to a 12 V dc source. If the same coil is connected
to a 12V, 50 rad/s ac source a current of 2.4 A flows in the circuit. Determine the inductance of
the coil. Also find the power developed in the circuit if a 2500 F capacitor is connected in series
with the coil.

14. An LCR series circuit with 100  resistance is connected to an ac source of 200 V and angular
frequency 300 rad/s. When only the capacitance is removed, the current lags behind the voltage
by 60. When only the inductance is removed, the current leads the voltage by 60. Calculate
the current and the power dissipated in the LCR circuit.

15. A series LCR circuit containing a resistance of 120  has angular resonance frequency
4  105 rads 1. At resonance the voltages across resistance and inductance are 60 V and 40 V
respectively. Find the values of L and C. At what frequency the current in the circuit lags the
voltage by 45 ?

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1. A wire bent as a parabola y  ax 2 is located in a uniform magnetic field of
induction B, the vector B being perpendicular to the plane x, y. At the moment
t = 0 a connector starts sliding translation wise from the parabola apex with a
constant acceleration to figure. Find the emf of electromagnetic induction in
the loop thus formed as a function of y.

2. A rectangular loop with a sliding connector of length l is located in a uniform

magnetic field perpendicular to the loop plane (figure). The magnetic
induction is equal to B. The connector has an electric resistance R, the
sides AB and CD have resistances R1 and R2 respectively. Neglecting the
self-inductance of the loop, find the current flowing in the connector during its motion with a
constant velocity v.

3. A metal disc of radius a  25 cm rotates with a constant angular velocity   130 rad / s about
its axis. Find the potential difference between the centre and the rim of the disc if
(a) the external magnetic field is absent ;
(b) the external uniform magnetic field of induction B = 5.0 mT is directed perpendicular to the

4. A thin wire AC shaped as a semi-circle of diameter d = 20 cm rotates with a constant angular

velocity   100 rad / s in a uniform magnetic field of induction B = 5.0 mT, with   B. The
rotation axis passes through the end A of the wire and is perpendicular to the diameter AC. Find
the value of a line integral  Edr along the wire from point A to point C. Generalize the obtained


5. A wire loop enclosing a semi-circle of radius a is located on the boundary of a

uniform magnetic field of induction B figure. At the moment t = 0 the loop is set
into rotation with a constant angular acceleration  about an axis O
coinciding with a line of vector B on the boundary. Find the emf induced in the
loop as a function of time t. Draw the approximate plot of this function. The
arrow in the figure shows the emf direction taken to be positive.

6. A long straight wire carrying a current I and a   shaped conductor with

sliding connector are located are located in the same plane as shown in
figure. The connector of length l and resistance R slides to the right with a
constant velocity v. Find the current induced in the loop as a function of
separation r between the connector and the straight wire. The resistance of
the   shaped conductor and the self inductance of the loop are assumed to be negligible.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


7. A square frame with side a and a long straight wire carrying a current I are
located in the same plane as shown in figure. The frame translates to the
right with a constant velocity v. Find the emf induced in the frame as a
function of distance x.

8. A metal rod of mass m can rotate about a horizontal axis O, sliding along a
circular conductor of radius a (figure). The arrangement is located in a
uniform magnetic field of induction B directed perpendicular to the ring plane.
The axis and the ring are connected to an emf source to form a circuit of
resistance R. Neglecting the friction, circuit inductance, and ring resistance,
find the law according to which the source emf must vary to make the rod
rotate with a constant angular velocity .

9. A copper connector of mass m slides down two smooth copper bars, set
at an angle  to the horizontal, due to gravity (figure). At the top the bars
are interconnected through a resistance R. The separation between the
bars is equal to l. The system is located in a uniform magnetic field of
induction B, perpendicular to the plane in which the connector slides. The
resistances of the bars, the connector and the sliding contacts, as well as
the self-inductance of the loop, are assumed to be negligible. Find the steady-state velocity of the

10. The system differs from the one examined in the foregoing problem
(figure) by a capacitor of capacitance C replacing the resistance R. Find
the acceleration of the connector.

11. A wire shaped as a semi-circle of radius a rotates about an axis OO '

with an angular velocity  in a uniform magnetic field of induction B
(figure). The rotation axis is perpendicular to the field direction. The
total resistance of the circuit is equal to R. Neglecting the magnetic
field of the induced current, find the mean amount of thermal power
being generated in the loop during a rotation period.

12. A small coil is introduced between the poles of an electromagnet so that its axis coincides with
the magnetic field direction. The cross-sectional area of the coil is equal to S = 3.0 mm 2 , the
number of turns in N = 60. When the coil turns through 180 about its diameter, a ballistic
galvanometer connected to the coil indicates a charge q = 4.5  C flowing through it. Find the
magnetic induction magnitude between the poles provided the total resistance of the electric
circuit equals R = 40  .

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13. A long straight wire carries a current I 0 . At distances a and

b from it there are two other wires, parallel, to the former
one, which are interconnected by a resistance R (figure). A
connector slides without friction along the wires with a
constant velocity  . Assuming the resistance of the wires,
the connector, the sliding contacts, and the self-inductance
of the freme to be negligible, find:
(a) the magnitude and the direction of the current induced in the connector;
(b) the force required to maintain the connector’s velocity constant.

14. A conducting rod AB of mass m slides without friction over two long
conducting rails separated by a distance l (Figure). At the left end the
rails are interconnected by a resistance R. The system is located in a
uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the loop. At the
moment t = 0 the rod AB starts moving to the right with an initial velocity
0 . Neglecting the resistances of the rails and the rod AB, as well as the self-inductance, find:
(a) the distance covered by the rod until it comes to a standstill;
(b) the amount of heat generated in the resistance R during this process.

15. A connector AB can slide without friction along a II – shaped conductor

located in a horizontal plane (Figure). The connector has a length l, mass
m, and resistance R. The whole system is located in a uniform magnetic
field of induction B directed vertically. At the moment t = 0 a constant
horizontal force F starts acting on the connector shifting it translationwise to
the right. Find how the velocity of the connector varies with time t. The inductance of the loop and
the resistance of the II – shaped conductor are assumed to be negligible.

16. Figure, illustrates plane figures made of thin conductors which are located in a uniform magnetic
field directed away from a reader beyond the plane of the drawing. The magnetic induction starts
diminishing. Find how the currents induced in these loops are directed.

17. A plane loop shown in Figure is shaped as two squares with sides a = 20
cm and b = 10 cm and is introduced into a uniform magnetic field at right
angles to the loop’s plane. The magnetic induction varies with time as
B  B0 sin  t, where B0  10 mT and   100 s 1 . Find the amplitude
of the current induced in the loop if its resistance per unit length is equal
to   50m / m. The inductance of the loop is to be neglected.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


18. A plane spiral with a great number N of turns wound tightly to one another is located in a uniform
magnetic field perpendicular to the spiral’s plane. The outside radius of the spiral’s turns is equal
to a. The magnetic induction varies with time as B  B0  sin  t, where B0 and  are
constants. Find the amplitude of emf induced in the spiral.

19. A II-shaped conductor is located in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the
conductor and varying with time at the rate B  0.10 T/ s. A conducting connector starts moving

with an acceleration   10 cm / s 2 along the parallel bars of the conductor. The length of the
connector is equal to l  20 cm . Find the emf induced in the loop t = 2.0 s after the beginning of
the motion, if at the moment t = 0 the loop area and the magnetic induction are equal to zero. The
inductance of the loop is to be neglected.

20. In a long straight solenoid with cross-sectional radius a and number of turns per unit length n a

current varies with a constant velocity I A / s. Find the magnitude of the eddy current field
strength as a function of the distance r from the solenoid axis. Draw the approximate plot of this

21. A long straight solenoid of cross-sectional diameter d = 5 cm and with n = 20 turns per one cm of
its length has a round turn of copper wire of cross-sectional area S  1.0 mm 2 tightly put on its
winding. Find the current flowing in the turn if the current in the solenoid winding is increased with

a constant velocity I  100 A / s. The inductance of the turn is to be neglected.

22. A thin non-conducting ring of mass m carrying a charge q can freely rotate about its axis. At the
initial moment the ring was at rest and no magnetic field was present. Then a practically uniform
magnetic field was switched on, which was perpendicular to the plane of the ring and increased
with time according to a certain law B (t). Find the angular velocity  of the ring as a function of
the induction B (t).

23. A magnetic flux through a stationary loop with a resistance R varies during the time interval  as
  at  r  t  . Find the amount of heat generated in the loop during that time. The inductance
of the loop is to be neglected.

24. How many metres of a thin wire are required to manufacture a solenoid of length l 0  100 cm
and inductance L = 1.0 mH if the solenoid’s cross-sectional diameter is considerably less than its

25. Find the inductance of a solenoid of length l whose winding is made of copper wire of mass m.
The winding resistance is equal to R. The solenoid diameter is considerably less than its length.

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26. A closed circuit consists of a source of constant emf  and a choke coil of inductance L
connected in series. Te active resistance of the whole circuit is equal to R. At the moment t=0 the
choke coil inductance was decreased abruptly  times. Find the current in the circuit as a
function of time t.
Instruction. During a stepwise change of inductance the total magnetic flux (flux linkage) remains

27. Find the time dependence of the current flowing through the inductance L of the circuit shown in
figure after the switch Sw is shorted at the moment t = 0.

28. In the circuit shown in figure an emf  , a resistance R, and coil inductances L1 and L2 are
known. The internal resistance of the source and the coil resistances are negligible. Find the
steady-state currents in the coils after the switch Sw was shorted.

29. Calculate the mutual inductance of a long straight wire and a rectangular frame with sides a and
b. The frame and the wire lie in the same plane, with side b being closest to the wire, separated
by a distance l from it and oriented parallel to it.

30. Two thin concentric wires shaped as circles with radii a and b lie in the same plane. Allowing for a
≪ b, find :
(a) their mutual inductance ;
(b) the magnetic flux through the surface enclosed by the outside wire, when inside wire carries a
current I.

31. Find the approximate formula expressing the mutual inductance of two thin coaxial loops of the
same radius a if their centres are separated by a distance l, with I ≫ a.

32. There are two stationary loops with mutual inductance L12 . The current in one of the loops starts

to be varies as I1   t , where  is a constant, t is time. Find the time dependence I 2  t  of the

current in the other loop whose inductance is L2 and resistance R.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


33. A coil of inductance L = 2.0  H and resistance R = 1.0  is connected to a

source of constant emf   3.0V (figure). A resistance R0  2.0  is
connected in parallel with the coil. Find the amount of heat generated in the coil
after the switch Sw is disconnected. The internal resistance of the source is

34. In an oscillating circuit shown in figure the coil inductance is equal to L

= 2.5 mH and the capacitor have capacitances C1  2.0  F and

C 2  3.0  F . The capacitors were charged to a voltage V = 180 V,

and then the switch Sw was closed. Find :
(a) the natural oscillation frequency;
(b) The peak value of the current flowing through the coil.

35. An electric circuit shown in figure has a negligibly small active resistance. The left-hand capacitor
was charged to a voltage V0 and then at the moment t = 0 the switch Sw was closed. Find the
time dependence of the voltages in left and right capacitors.

36. An oscillating circuit consists of an inductance coil L and a capacitor with capacitance C. The
resistance of the coil and the lead wires is negligible. The coil is placed in a permanent magnetic
field so that the total flux passing through all the turns of the coil is equal to . At the moment t =
0 the magnetic field was switched off. Assuming the switching off time to be negligible compared
to the natural oscillation period of the circuit, find the circuit current as a function of time t.

37. It takes t0 hours for a direct current I 0 to charge a storage battery. How long will it take to
charge such a battery from the mains using a half-wave rectifier, if the effective current value is
also equal to I 0 ?

38. Find the effective value of current if its mean value is I 0 and its time dependence is :
(a) shown in figure
(b) I  sin  t .

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39. A circuit consisting of a capacitor and an active resistance R = 110  connected in series is fed
an alternating voltage with amplitude Vm  110V . In this case the amplitude of steady-state

current is equal to I m  0.50 A. Find the phase difference between the current and the voltage

40. A series circuit consisting of a capacitor with capacitance C  22  F and a coil with active
resistance R  20  and inductance L  0.35 H is connected to a source of alternating voltage

with amplitude Vm  180 V and frequency   314s 1 . Find :

(a) the current amplitude in the circuit;
(b) the phase difference between the current and the external voltage;
(c) the amplitudes of voltage across the capacitor and the coil.

41. A series circuit consisting of a capacitor with capacitance C, a resistance R, and coil with
inductance L and negligible active resistance is connected to an oscillator whose frequency can
be varied without changing the voltage amplitude. Find the frequency at which the voltage
amplitude is maximum
(a) across the capacitor.
(b) across the coil.

42. An alternating voltage with frequency   314s 1 and amplitude Vm  180V is fed to a series
circuit consisting of a capacitor and a coil with active resistance R  40  and inductance L =
0.36 H. At what value of the capcitor’s capacitance will the voltage amplitude across the coil be
maximum? What is this amplitude equal to? What is the corresponding voltage amplitude across
the conenser?

43. A solenoid with inductance L = 7 mH and active resistance R  44  is first connected to a

source of direct voltage V0 and then to a source of sinusoidal voltage with effective value

V  V0 . At what frequency of the oscillator will the power consumed by the solenoid be   5.0
times less than in the former case ?

44. A coil with inductive resistance X L  30  and impedance Z  50  is connected to the mains
with effective voltage value V  100V . Find the phase difference between the current and the
voltage, as well as the heat power generated in the coil.

45. A series circuit consisting of an inductance-free resistance R  0.16 k  and a coil with active
resistance is connected to the mains with effective voltage V  220V . Find the heat power
generated in the coil if the effective voltage across the resistance R and the coil are equal to
V1  80V and V2  180V respectively.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


46. Draw the approximate vector diagrams of currents in the circuits shown in figure. The voltage
applied across the points A and B is assumed to be sinusoidal; the parameters of each circuit are
so chosen that the total current I 0 lags in phase behind the external voltage by an angle .


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1. Two identical metallic square loops L1 and L2 are placed next to each other with their sides
parallel on a smooth horizontal table. Loop L1 is fixed and a current which increases as a
function of time is passed through it. Then loop L2 [KVPY 2014]
(A) Rotates about its center of mass
(B) Moves towards L1
(C) Remains stationary
(D) Moves away from L1

2. An ac voltmeter connected between points A and B in the circuit below reads 36 V. If it is

connected between A and C, the reading is 39 V. The reading when it is connected between B
and D is 25 V. What will the voltmeter read when it is connected between A and D? (Assume that
the voltmeter reads true rms voltage values and that the source generates a pure ac.)
[KVPY 2015]

(A) 481 V
(B) 31 V
(C) 61 V
(D) 3361 V

3. A metallic ring of radius a and resistance R is held fixed with its axis along a spatially uniform
magnetic field whose magnitude is B0 sin   t  . Neglect gravity. Then, [KVPY 2015]
(A) the current in the ring oscillates with a frequency of 2
(B) the Joule heating loss in the ring is proportional to a2
(C) the force per unit length on the ring will be proportional to B02
(D) the net force on the ring is non-zero

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


4. In the circuit shown below, all the inductors (assumed ideal) and resistors are identical. The
current through the resistance on the right is I after the key K has been switched on for a long
time. The currents through the three resistors (in order, from left to right) immediately after the
key is switched off are [KVPY 2015]

(A) 2I upwards, I downwards and I downwards

(B) 2I downwards, I downwards and I downwards
(C) I downwards, I downwards and I downwards
(D) 0, I downwards and I downwards

5. A conducting bar of mass m and length l moves on two frictionless parallel rails in the presence of
a constant uniform magnetic field of magnitude B directed into the page as shown in the figure.
The bar is given an initial velocity v0 towards the right at t  0. Then the [KVPY 2016]

(A) Induced current in the circuit is in the clockwise direction.

(B) Velocity of the bar decreases linearly with time.
(C) Distance the bar travels before it comes to a complete stop is proportional to R.
(D) Power generates across the resistance is proportional to l.

6. Consider the analogy between an oscillating spring-body system and an oscillating LCR circuit.
Then, the correspondence between the two systems that is NOT correct is [NSEP 2014]
(A) charge q corresponds to displacement x of the body
(B) inductance L corresponds to mass m of the body
(C) capacitance C corresponds to spring constant k
(D) magnetic energy corresponds to kinetic energy of the body

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7. A 50 Hz ac source is connected to a capacitor C in series with a resistance 1 k. The rms

voltages measured across then are 5 volt and 2 volt respectively. Assume the capacitor to be
ideal. The peak value of the source voltage and the capacitance are respectively. [NSEP 2014]
(A) 7 V, 1.27 F (B) 5.3 V, 2.3 F (C) 7.62 V, 1.27 F (D) 3 V, 2.3 F

8. Two copper coils A and B are wound over a plastic pipe. Coil A is connected to a sinusoidal
voltage source of frequency 50 Hz so that a current of 100 mA passes through it. The voltage
across coil B is 5 volt. Now if coil B is short circuited, there is a change of current of 2 mA in coil
A. Then, the mutual inductance between the two coils and the percentage change in the
impedance of coil A are respectively. [NSEP 2014]
(A) 160 mH, 2% (B) 16 mH, 0% (C) 1.6 mH, 2% (D) 0.16 mH, 0%

9. A coil is wound on an iron rod and connected to an ac source as shown in the figure. Two more
coils AB and CD are also wound on the same rod. If ends B and C are joined, a filament bulb
connected between ends A and D glows well. However, if B and D are joined and the bulb is
connected between A and C, it glows feebly. This shows that [NSEP 2014]

(A) coils AB and CD are in series in the first case while they are in parallel in the second case.
(B) in the second case the two coils are in phase addition and they have unequal number of
(C) in the second case the two coils are in phase opposition and they have equal number of
(D) in the second case the two coils are in phase opposition and they have unequal number of

10. A series LCR circuit is connected to an ac source of frequency f and a voltage V. At this
frequency, reactance of the capacitor is 350 ohm while the resistance of the circuit is 180 ohm.
Current in the circuit leads the voltage by 54o and power dissipated in the circuit is 140 watt.
Therefore, voltage V is [NSEP 2015]
(A) 250 volt (B) 260 volt (C) 270 volt (D) 280 volt

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



1. The flux linked with a coil at any instant 't' is given by   10t  50t  250. The induced emf at t =
3 sec. is [2006]
(A) –10 V (B) 10 V (C) 190 V (D) –190 V

2. In a series resonant LCR circuit, the voltage across R is 100Volts and R  1k  with C  2F.
The resonant frequency  is 200 rad/s. At resonance the voltage across L is - [2006]
(A) 40 V (B) 250 V (C) 4  103 V (D) 2.5  102 V

3. An inductor (L = 100mH), a resistor R  100   and a battery (E = 100V) are initially connected
in series as shown in the figure. After a long time the battery is disconnected after short circuiting
the points A and B. The current in the circuit 1ms after the short circuit is - [2006]

(A) eA (B) 0.1 A (C) 1A (D) 1/e A

4. In an a.c. circuit the voltage applied is E  E 0 sin  t. The resulting current in the circuit is
 
I  I 0 sin   t   . The power consumption in the circuit is given by [2007]
 2
E 0I0
(A) P (B) P = zero
(C) P (D) P  2 E0 I0

5. An ideal coil of 10H is connected in series with a resistance of 5  and a battery of 5 V. 2

seconds after the connection is made, the current flowing in amperes in the circuit is [2007]
(A) 1  e  (B) e

(C) e 1 (D) 1  e 

6. An inductor of inductance L = 400 mH and resistors of resistances R1 = 2Ω

and R2 = 2Ω are connected to a battery of emf 12V as shown in the figure.
The internal resistance of the battery is negligible. The switch S is closed at t
= 0. The potential drop across L as a function of time is [2009]
12 3 t
(A) 6e 5 t V (B) e V
(C)  
6 1  e  t / 0.2 V (D) 12e5t V

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7. In the circuit shown below, the key K is closed at t = 0. The current through the battery is [2010]
VR1R 2 V
(A) at t  0 and at t  
R R2 2 R2
1 2

V V R1  R 2 
(B) at t  0 and at t  
R2 R1R 2
V V R1R 2
(C) at t  0 and at t  
R2 R12  R 22

V R1  R 2  V
(D) at t  0 and at t  
R1R 2 R2

8. In an LCR circuit as shown below both switches are open initially. Now switch s1 is closed, s2
kept open.(q is charge on the capacitor and   RC is capacitive
time constant). Which of the following statement is correct? [2013]

(A) At t  ,q 
(B) t  2 , q  CV 1  e 2 

(C) t

,q  CV 1  e1 
(D) Work done by the battery is half of the energy dissipated in the resistor.

9. In the circuit shown here, the point ‘C’ is kept connected to point ‘A’ till the current flowing through
the circuit becomes constant. Afterward, suddenly, point ‘C’ is disconnected from point ‘A’ and
connected to point ‘B’ at time t = 0. Ratio of the voltage across resistance and the inductor at t =
L/R will be equal to : [2014]

1 e
(A) 1 (B)
(C) (D) 1
1 e

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


10. An inductor (L = 0.03 H) and a resistor  R  0.15k   are connected in series to a battery of 15V
EMF in a circuit shown. The key K1 has been kept closed for a long time. Then at t = 0, K1 is
opened and key K2 is closed simultaneously. At t = 1 ms, the current in the circuit will be:

e 5
 150  [2015]

(A) 67 mA
(B) 6.7 mA
(C) 0.67 mA
(D) 100 mA

11. An arc lamp requires a direct current of 10 A and 80 V to function. If it is connected to a 220 V
(rms), 50 Hz AC supply, the series inductor needed for it to work is close to : [2015]
(A) 0.08 H (B) 0.044 H
(C) 0.065 H (D) 80 H

12. In a coil of resistance 100 , a current is induced by changing the magnetic flux through it as
shown in the figure. The magnitude of change in flux through the coil is : [2017]

(A) 275 Wb (B) 200 Wb

(C) 225 Wb (D) 250 Wb


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1. Column I gives certain situations in which a straight metallic wire of resistance R is used and
Column II gives some resulting effects. Match the statements in Column I with the statements in
Column II and indicate your answer by darkening appropriate bubbles in the 4 × 4 matrix given in
the ORS. [2007]

(A) A charged capacitor is connected to (P) A constant current flows through the
the ends of the wire wire
(B) The wire is moved perpendicular to its (Q) Thermal energy is generated in the
length with a constant velocity in a wire
uniform magnetic field perpendicular to
the plane of motion
(C) The wire is placed in a constant (R) A constant potential difference
electric field that has a direction along develops between the ends of the
the length of the wire. wire
(D) A battery of constant emf is connected (S) Charges of constant magnitude
to the ends of the wire appear at the ends of the wire

A vertical iron rod has a coil of wire wound over it at the bottom end. An alternating current flows
in the coil. The rod goes through a conducting ring as shown in the figure. The ring can float at a
certain height above the coil. [2007]
In the above situation, a current is induced in the ring which interacts with the horizontal
component of the magnetic field to produce an average force in the upward direction.

(A) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for

(B) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


3. Two metallic rings A and B, identical in shape and size but having different resistivities  A and
B , are kept on top of two identical solenoids as shown in the figure. When current I is switched
on in both the solenoids in identical manner, the rings A and B jump to heights hA and hB ,
respectively, with hA  hB . The possible relation(s) between their resistivities and their masses
mA and mB is(are) [2009]

(A) A  B andmA  mB
(B) A  B andmA  mB
(C) A  B andmA  mB
(D) A  B andmA  mB

4. An AC voltage source of variable angular frequency  and fixed amplitude V0 is connected in

series with a capacitance C and an electric bulb of resistance R (inductance zero). When  is
increased [2010]
(A) the bulb glows dimmer
(B) the bulb glows brighter
(C) total impedance of the circuit is unchanged
(D) total impedance of the circuit increases

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5. You are given many resistances, capacitors and inductors. These are connected to a variable DC
voltage source (the first two circuits) or an AC voltage source of 50 Hz frequency (the next three
circuits) in different ways as shown in Column II. When a current I (steady state for DC or rms for
AC) flows through the circuit, the corresponding voltage V1 and V2 . (indicated in circuits) are
related as shown in Column I. Match the two [2010]

(A) I  0,V1 is proportional to I (P)

(B) I  0, V2  V1 (Q)

(C) V1  0,V2  V (R)

(D) I  0, V2 is proportional to I (S)


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


6. A long circular tube of length 10 m and radius 0.3 m carries a current I along its curved surface as
shown. A wire-loop of resistance 0.005 ohm and of radius 0.1 m is placed inside the tube with its
axis coinciding with the axis of the tube. The current varies as I  I0 cos 300 t  where I0 is

constant. If the magnetic moment of the loop is N0I0 sin  300 t  , then ‘N’ is [2011]

7. A series R-C circuit is connected to AC voltage source. Consider two cases; (A) when C is
without a dielectric medium and (B) when C is filled with dielectric of constant 4. The current IR
through the resistor and voltage VC across the capacitor are compared in the two cases. Which
of the following is/are true? [2011]
(A) I I
R R (B) I I


8. A series R-C combination is connected to an AC voltage of angular frequency   500 radian/s.

If the impedance of the R-C circuit is R 1.25, the time constant (in millisecond) of the circuit is
[2011] [4]

9. In the given circuit, the AC source has   100 rad/s, considering the inductor and capacitor to
be ideal, the correct choice (s) is(are) [2012]

(A) The current through the circuit, I is 0.3 A

(B) The current through the circuit, I is 0.3 2 A
(C) The voltage across 100  resistor  10 2 V
(D) The voltage across 50  resistor  10 V

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A thermal power plant produces electric power of 600 kW at 4000 V, which is to be transported to a place
20 km away from the power plant for consumers’ usage. It can be transported either directly with a cable
of large current carrying capacity or by using a combination of step-up and step-down transformers at the
two ends. The drawback of the direct transmission is the large energy dissipation. In the method using
transformers, the dissipation is much smaller. In this method, a step-up transformer is used at the plant
side so that the current is reduced to a smaller value. At the consumers’ end, a step-down transformer is
used to supply power to the consumers at the specified lower voltage. It is reasonable to assume that the
power cable is purely resistive and the transformers are ideal with the power factor unity. All the currents
and voltage mentioned are rms values. [2013]

10. If the direct transmission method with a cable of resistance 0.4  km1 is used, the power
dissipation (in %) during transmission is
(A) 20 (B) 30
(C) 40 (D) 50

11. In the method using the transformers, assume that the ratio of the number of turns in the primary
to that in the secondary in the step-up transformer is 1 : 10. If the power to the consumers has to
be supplied at 200 V, the ratio of the number of turns in the primary to that in the secondary in the
step-down transformer is
(A) 200 : 1 (B) 150 : 1
(C) 100 : 1 (D) 50 : 1

12. A conducting loop in the shape of a right angled isosceles triangle of height 10 cm is kept such
that the 90 vertex is very close to an infinitely long conducting wire (see the figure). The wire is
electrically insulated from the loop. The hypotenuse of the triangle is parallel to the wire. The
current in the triangular loop is in counterclockwise direction and increased at a constant rate of
10As1. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true? [2016]

 
(A) The magnitude of induced emf in the wire is  0  volt
 
(B) If the loop is rotated at a constant angular speed about the wire, an additional emf of
 0 
   induced in the wire
 
(C) The induced current in the wire is in opposite direction to the current along the hypotenuse
(D) There is a repulsive force between the wire and the loop

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


13. A rigid wire loop of square shape having side of length L and resistance R is moving along the x-
axis with a constant velocity v0 in the plane of the paper. At t = 0, the right edge of the loop
enters a region of length 3L where there is a uniform magnetic field B0 into the plane of the
paper, as shown in the figure. For sufficiently large v0 , the loop eventually crosses the region.
Let x be the location of the right edge of the loop. Let v(x), I(x) and F(x) represent the velocity of
the loop, current in the loop, and force on the loop, respectively, as a function of x. Counter-
clockwise current is taken as positive. [2016]

Which of the following schematic plot(s) is(are) correct? (Ignore gravity)

(A) (B)



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14. In the circuit shown, L  1 H , C  1 F and R  1 k . They are connected in series with an

a.c. source V  V0 sin  t as shown. Which of the following options is/are correct? [2017]

(A) At   0 the current flowing through the circuit becomes nearly zero
(B) At   106 rad . s 1 , the circuit behaves like a capacitor
(C) The frequency at which the current will be in phase with the voltage is independent of R
(D) The current will be in phase with the voltage if   10 4 rad . s 1


Answer Qs. 15, 16 & 17 by appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of
the following table.
A charged particle (electron or proton) is introduced at the origin  x  0, y  0, z  0  with a given initial
   
velocity v. A uniform electric field E and a uniform magnetic field B exist everywhere. The velocity v,
 
electric field E and magnetic field B are given in columns 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The quantities
E0 , B0 are positive in magnitude.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
 
(I) E 
Electron with v  2 0 x
E  E0 z (P)
B   B0 x
 E 
Electron with v  0 y
E  E0 y (Q)
B   B0 x
 
(III) Proton with v  0 (iii)
E   E0 x (R)
B   B0 y
 
Proton with v  2
E0 
E  E0 x (S)
B  B0 z

15. In which case will the particle move in a straight line with constant velocity? [2017]
(A) (IV) (i) (S) (B) (III) (ii) (R)
(C) (III) (iii) (P) (D) (II) (iii) (S)

16. In which case would the particle move in a straight line along the negative direction of y-axis (i.e.,

move along  y )? [2017]

(A) (III) (ii) (P) (B) (III) (ii) (R)
(C) (IV) (ii) (S) (D) (II) (iii) (Q)

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


17. In which case will the the particle describe a helical path with axis along the positive z direction?
(A) (III) (iii) (P) (B) (II) (ii) (R)
(C) (IV) (ii) (R) (D) (IV) (i) (S)

18. A source of constant voltage V is connected to a resistance R and two ideal inductors L1 and L2

through a switch S as shown. There is no mutual inductance between the two inductors. The
switch S is initially open. At t  0, the switch is closed and current begins to flow. Which of the
following options is/are correct? [2017]

(A) At t  0, the current through the resistance R is
V L1
(B) After a long time, the current through L2 will be
R L1  L2
V L2
(C) After a long time, the current through L1 will be
R L1  L2
(D) The ratio of the currents through L1 and L2 is fixed at all times  t  0 

19. The instaneous voltages at three terminals marked X, Y and Z are given by
VX  V0 sin t ,
 2 
VY  V0 sin  t   and
 3 
 4 
VZ  V0 sin  t  
 3 
At ideal voltmeter is configured to read rms value of the potential difference between its terminals.
It is connected between points X and Y and then between Y and Z. The reading(s) of the
voltmeter will be - [2017]
(A) VYZrms  V0
rms 3
(B) VXY  V0
(C) VXY  V0
(D) Independent of the choice of the two terminals

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Consider a simple RC circuit as shown in Figure 1.

Process 1 : In the circuit the switch S is closed at t = 0 and the capacitor is fully charged to voltage V0

(i.e., charging continues for time T >> RC). In the process some dissipation  E D  occurs across the

resistance R. The amount of energy finally stored in the fully charged capacitor is EC .

Process 2 : In a different process the voltage is first set to and maintained for a charging time T
>>RC. Then the voltage is raised to without discharging the capacitor and again maintained for a
time T >> RC. The process repeated one more time by raising the voltage to V0 and the capacitor is

charged to the same final voltage V0 as in Process 1.

These two processes are depicted in Figure 2.

20. In Process 2, total energy dissipated across the resistance ED is: [2017]

1  1
(A) ED  3  CV02  (B) ED  CV02
2  2
11 
(C) ED  3CV02 (D) ED   CV02 
3 2 

21. In Process 1, the energy stored in the capacitor EC and heat dissipated across resistance ED
are related by: [2017]
(A) EC  ED (B) EC  2 ED
(C) EC  ED (D) EC  ED ln 2


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!




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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Q.1 10 V Q.2 VyB0 Q.3 5.0 V
0ia 
Q.4 2N Q.5
mgR 1
Q.6 Q.7 A Q.8 0.4 V
B2l2 3
Q.9 directed along tangent to the circle of radius r, whose centre lies on the axis of
Q.10 C  a2 R Q.11 200 rad/sec Q.12 0.8
Q.13 I–1 Q.14
Q.15 Q.16 kMT2/(R) Q.17 LI 2R
eR 2
 1 
Q.18 q = Q0sin  t  
 LC 2
Q.19 (a)104A/s (b) 0 (c) 2A (d) 100 3 C Q.20  2H
Q.21 20 V Q.22 C = 9.2 F
Q.1 (i) 85.22 Tm2 ; (ii) 56.8 V; (iii) linearly Q.2 (i) 2.4 × 105 V (ii) from c to b
0 h  im N b l dB l2
Q.3 ln Q.4 R2 
2 a 2 dt 4
E R1
Q.5 Q.6 67/32 A
R1R 2  R2R3  R3R1
Q.7 (i) i1 = i2 = 10/3 A, (ii) i1 = 50/11 A ; i2 = 30/11 A,
(iii) i1 = 0, i2 = 20/11 A, (iv) i1 = i2 = 0
7 3 1
Q.8 IEA= A ; IBE= A ; IFE = A
22 11 22
Q.9 V = 1 ms1, R1 = 0.47 , R2 = 0.30 
1 B  r 2 1  e Rt /L 
Q.10 (a) E = Br2 (b) (i) I = ,
2 2R
mgr  B2 r 4
(ii)  = cos t + (1  eRt/L)
2 4R
mgR g V  RtL
Q.11 (i) Vterminal = 2 2 ; (ii) Q.12  e
B Z 2 R
Q.13 0.08 H,17.28 W Q.14 2A, 400W
Q.15 0.2 mH, F, 8 × 105 rad/s

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



Ans.1. t  By

Ans.2. I  Bvl /  R  R  , where R  R1 R2 /  R1  R2 

Ans.3. (a)    1
2  2 a 2 m / e  3.0nV ; (b)    1 2  Ba 2  20mV .

Ans.4.  Edr   1
2  Bd 2  10 mV .

Ans.5. 1  1 2  1 Ba t , where n = 1, 2, …… is the number of the half-revolution that the loop performs at
the given moment t. The plot 1  t  is shown in figure where tn  2 n /  .

Ans.6. I ind   / r , where   1 2 0 lvI /  R.

0 2 Ia2v
Ans.7. 1  .
4 x  x  a 

Ans.8. 1  1
2  a B 3 3
 2mg sin t  / aB.

mgR sin 
Ans.9. v
B 2l 2

g sin 
Ans.10.  .
1  l 2 B 2C / m
Ans.11.  P  1 2 a 2 B  / R.

Ans.12. B  1
2 qR / NS  0.5T

Iv b v I b
Ans.13. (a) I  0 0 ln ; (b) F   0 0 ln  .
2 R a R  2 a

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Ans.14. (a) s  v0 mR / l 2 B 2 , (b) Q  1

2 mv02 .

F B 2l 2
Ans.15. v
1  e  t  , where 1 

Ans.16. (a) In the round conductor the current flows clockwise, there is no current in the connector;

(b) in the outside conductor, clockwise;

(c) in both round conductors, clockwise; no current in the connector,

(d) in the left-hand side of the figure eight, clockwise.

Ans.17. I  1
4  B0  a  b  /   0.5 A

Ans.18.  im  1
3  a 2 N  B0 .

Ans.19.  i  3
2  lBt 2  12 mV .

 2 0 n Ir for ra
Ans.20. E   
 1 2  n Ia 2 for ra
 0

Ans.21. I  1
4  0 nSd I /   2mA, where  is the resistivity of copper.

Ans.22.  B t  .

Ans.23. Q  1
3 a 2 2 / R.

Ans.24. l  4 l0 L /  0  0.10 km.

0 mR
Ans.25. L  , where  and  0 are the resistivity and the density of copper.
4 l  0

Ans.26. I 1    1 e  t R / L  .

Ans.27. I
1  e tR /2 L  .

 L2  L1
Ans.28. I1  , I2  .
R  L1  L2  R  L1  L2 

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


0  hN b
Ans.29. L12  ln .
2 a

Ans.30. (a) L12  1

2  0 a 2 / b; (b)  21  1
2  0 a 2 I / b.

Ans.31. L12  1
2  0 a 4 / l 3 .

 L12
Ans.32. I2 
1  e  tR / L2  .

L 2
Ans.33. Q   3J.
2 R 2 1  R0 / R 

Ans.34. (a) T  2 L  C1  C2   0.7 ms; (b) I m  V  C1  C2  / L  8 A.

Ans.35. V  1
2 1  cos t V0 , where the plis sign refers to the left-hand capacitor, and the minus sign to the
right-hand one;   2 / LC .

Ans.36. I
cos t / LC .  
Ans.37. t  1
2  t0 .

2 
Ans.38. (a) I  I 0  1.15 I 0 ; (b) I  I 0  1.11I 0 .
3 8

0 2va
Ans.39. The current lags behind the voltage by phase angle  .

Ans.40. (a) I m  Vm / R 2    L  1 / C   4.5 A;

 L  1/ C
(b) tan   ,   60 the current is ahead of the voltage);

(c) Vc  I m / C  0.65 kV , VL  I m R 2   2 L2  0.50 kV .

Ans.41. (a)   02  2 2 ; (b)   02 / 02  2 2 , where 02  1 / LC ,   R / 2 L .

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1 2
Ans.42. (a) For C 2
 28 F ; VL  Vm 1    L / R   0.54 kV ; VC  Vm L / R  0.51kV .

Ans.43. (a) v   1  2kHz.
2 L

Ans.44. The current lags behind the voltage by the phase angle   arccos 1   X L / Z   37,
P X 2  X L2  0.16 kW .

Ans.45. P2  1
2 V 2
 V12  V22  / R  30W .



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12


1 2 3 4
A – (q),B – (r) & (s), C – (r) & (s), D – (p,q,r) A BC B
5 6 7 8 9 10
(A)→(r, s, t), (B)→(q, r, s, t), (C)→(p, q), (D)→(q, r, s, t)
6 BC 4 AC B

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!

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