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Cat. No.

9720 July, 1995

TM625seríes Technical Manual

..ü( p[EASU§,
Table of contents
I Seuitrg nachine ins ta I Ia t ion

II Scheaatic diagrarn of the se*ing table ........ .................. I

2 I To install the nachioe head ......... .............4
3 ) To place thê v belt .......... .. ... .5
4 l To itrstall the belt cover 5
5 I To check for the rotatinS direction of the naúine pulley ......5
Tifling adjustÍnent 6

l Io adJust the ti,liDg of each eccentric for the loopers, feed dog, retainêrs...6
To adjnst the ti[ing of each eccentric for the loopers, feed dog, retaioers
(for high-lift rachines) ..... ..8
[2] 1o adjust the tiriDg of the front-to-back feed eccentric atrd thê position of
the aeedle drive craok ......10
I Adjus tÍü€nt /naintenance .............. II

ttl Adjustitrg the fêed dog .......... ................. II

I . !o adjust the feed dog left to right in the nêêdle pLatê slot§ . . . -- . . - . . ...-II
2 . To adjust the feed dot front to back in the needle plate slots...--........-tl
3 . To adjust the heiSht of the feed dog......-..- . . .. . - . . .. .. . . . . l2
Í21 Positioning the needles in the needle drops ........ ............14
I . To adjust the Beêdles left to right in the Âeedle drops (staodsrd)i..........1+
2. To adjtrst the treedles front to bact in the aeedle drops (standard) . . ... .. . . . . 15
3. To adjust the oeedles left to right itr the treedlê dropg
(equipped wirh rhe Ut) ............16
4. To adjust the needles front to back io the aeedle drops
(equipged with the IrT) ....16
Í 3 I Adjurtint the loopêrs ..17
I . To adjust the tiniog of the loopers ............ ..17
2 . fo adjust the clearaD.ce betseen the loopers and the needles .. l8
t4 I Adjustitrg the height of the needles ..........r. .. t9
t5 I Adjusti8g the rêtainers ..20
I . To adjust the retai[ers front to back ......... ..20
2 . To adjust the retainêrs left to riSht .......: . .21
6 1 Adjustiag the needle Suards ....... ..22
7 I Adjusting the looper thread talê-u ..23
II Adjustint the thread guides ....... . .24
9 I Adjusting the pressure of the presser foot .............25
0 I Adjusting the presser foot lift knee srritch .....26
ll AdjustiBg thê thread releaser .....27
2l Relationship betpeetr the nêasure plate and the feeding aEount . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 28
3] Àdjustiog the feeding amount limitation stopper .....29
I Sewing machine installation
ll I Schematic diaeram o[ the sewing table
Models Mounting methods
TM625 Table mounting ............ Figs.l, lA
TM62'B Raised mounting F igs.lB, lC
TM62'F Fully-submerged mounting .. P is. lD

[Table nrounting]

3Ã 206


7 . Hole@ is ready for
. Hole @ is ready for
at the PL devlce.
. Cut @and nut @ (ritted
\ in the hole) are ready
) \ ')
,,%,8 .
Íor the FR device.
Hole@ is ready for
the EFKA motor.
2!O tao O
2ll2 29(

I§IIJ§II Fri E]Effi 0


t. Fig. I A



. Hole @ is ready for
the needle positiooer.
. HoIe @ is ready for
the PL devlce.
. Cut @and nut @ (fitred
in the hole) are ready
for the FR device.
. Hole @ is ready for

r á

TJEI[[EHEHffi -rrl
I Raised mountingl

Fis. I B

- Hole @ is ready Íor
the needle positioner.
. Hole@of ó3t is ready
for the UT device.
Hole@ of / 20 is ready
28 30
for the PL device.
- Cut@and nut@(fitted
in the hole) are ieady for
the FR device.
ru,%m-{ Hõlê@ i§: Íêãd!-{oT
the EFKA motor. '

I lIÍiEil H HiI I

Fig. I C

o Note)
. Hole @ is ready for
t )- the needle positioner.
. Hote@of C2O is ready
for the PL device.
2l fo R . Cut @and nut @ (fitted
in the hole) are ready
Íor the FR device.

ru 230 t60 llO

. Hote@ is ready for
NATIoNAL motor.


( Fully-submerged mountinSl

- Fig.lD

-t- 4i

tn-I _(



iil=Elllt-i EiElEitr I o

. Hole @ is ready for
the needle positioner.
. Hole@ is ready for
the PL device.
. Hole @ is ready for
the EFKA motor.

t2l lo install the machiãe head

IÍrstall the machine head by referring to Figs 2, 2A and 2P,.

Secure the machine head firmly with no shake.

g (Table mountingl


To open the cover

@ J, @

(Fully-submerged mounting)

( Raised mouoting) g Fig.2B


ó ô
ó t


é I

! é
Install the machine head and then place
the V belt.
PositioÍr the machine motor so that the V
belt can be deÍlected approximately 3 cm
by presslng the mid point of the V belt gí\
(see Fis.l).

Always turn off the power first and
then perÍorm the above procedure.

Install the belt cover (@, O and @)
with screws (E. (D aod {0 by +eferrinS

to Fi8.4. ,

Make sure the belt cover does not touch --+€

the pulley and/or the V belt.

+ Belt cover @ is not needed for the

f ully-submerged installation.

Note: I

Alvays turn off the power first and

then perform the above procedure.

t)l lo check lor thepulley
rotating direction
ol the rnacltine
The macfiine pu[ey should rotate counter-
clockwise as seen from the end oÍ the
machine pulley.
If the machine rotates clockwise, turn off
the power first, remove connector (D, turn
connector @ in an angle of l8O' as §hown
belov and then plug in the motor.

I Timine adjustment
l'Io adiust the timing of each eccentric íor the loo >ers, feed doE, retainers
(l) Remove the needles and the presser foot.
(l Scuoua a, ô9ul4b: ( o (olcaa6t Fig. e
(2) Remove needle plate bracket (D together
with the needle olate.
2 Ecuouoplezoo s.tÀ"rJt ,/a P/ora /t a? "/ÁoDt
. -r ?4
(f) a 1t agui/.ct
Remove' cover (0.
(r) Rr M, ç/o a Íar/2
(4) Loosen screws (D, (D and tE (two screvs
eadr) so that eccenÍrics (D, (D and O

o,t\ ff?,*"'{Po?" ff|rft, . z 4c€

(t) "
Turn the pulley until the needle bar is

to lock the upper shaft. teS
luScíe o ptP^o b r,*, o ;p /lrto
oro 't ro uo t a tZ P , u Pt'tr?t Fis.7

() C)



(7) Insert 3mm pin tE into hole @. The relationship between pin (E and groove @
of eccentric @ varies according to a maximum feeding amount of each madrine.
Turn eccentric @ so that the relationship shown in the illustrations (as seen
from the arm cover) on the next page can be made.
The way to insert 3mm pin (& varies according to a maximum feeding amount.

ltu c-el
-> f* rc o/'1. ,lto r À'

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lo '' Éo-
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L'' t*ld ú
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ffi e \,'...,i \{? c9o

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n^tqí O l\^' ("'"
t J r,.*^-.rr,-' g*l*so áo /u
Iw ô
O For the machines which have a maximum feeding
amount of 6mm, tum eccentric @ so that pin (@

can fit tightly into groove @ (see Fie. A).

O For the machines vhich have a maximum feeding

amount of 4.rmm, rurn eccentric @ so that the 08mm
relationship between groove @ and pin tD is as
shown in Fig.B.

O Yhen you set the feedin8 amount at 2 - 3mm on

the machines which have a maximum f eeding
amount of 4.rmm, turn eccentric (D so that the
relationship between groove @ and pin (D is as
shown in Fis.C.

(E) With the eccentric at this position (4, B or C), tiShten one of screws @ of
eccentric @, which can be easily tightened.
(9) Turn eccentrics @ and @ so that Srooves @ and tD are positioned in the
direction oÍ arrow @ (at 12 o'clod< of lower shaÍt @).
(10) With eccentrics @ and @ locked, move eccentric @ to the left or right rc I

that the distance between center line @ of rod @ and center line @ of thread
take-up shaft (& is I 7mm.
On the macrunes oÍ a 4.Emm needle space, this distance should be 2 I mm.
(l l) Tishten each one o[ screws @' @ oÍ eccentrics @' @' which can be easily

( l2) Remove pin tB from hote @.

(t3) Remove pin @ from hole (&.

(t4) Check'for the moyement amount of retainer holder @ by turninS the machine
pulley by hand. Movement amount @ of the retainer holder of the standard
machines is 5.Ímm regardless oÍ the maximum feeding amount. On the machines of
a lr.Emm needle space, movement amount @ of the retainer holder should be
4.5mm. If @ is neither ,.rmm nor 4.rmm, repeat procedure @.

(lr) Tiehten the others of screws O, @, (D of eccentrics @, @, (D, which have

been left loosened.

lll'l'o adiust the timing ol each eccentric tor the loopers, tecd dog, retalners
hieh-li ít rnachines)

(l) Remove the needle aod the presser foot.

Fis. 6
(2) Remove needle brad<et (D together with
the needle plate.

(l) Remove cover @.

(4) Loosen screws @, (& and (E (two screws

each) so that eccentrics (D, @ and @
can be turned by hand.

(5) Turn the machine pulley until the needle

bar is at the bottom of its stroke.

(6) lnsert 5mm pin @ into hole (B in order

to lock the upper shaft.

<) () <)

I <)


( 2lrrrn)

(7) Insert 3mm pin lD into hole (&. The relatioÍlship between pin @ and Sroove @
of eccentric @ varies according to the maximum feeding amount of each machine.
Turn eccentric @ so that the relationship shown in the illustratioÍls (as seen
from the arm cover) on the next page can be made.
The way to insert 3mm pin (D varies according to the maximum feedinS amount'

O For the machines which have a maximum feeding
amount of 6mm, turn eccentric @ so that the
relationship between groove @ and pin (& is
as shown in Fig.D.

a wheo you set the feedina amount at 4.5 - lmm,

turn eccentrlc (D so that pin tD can fit
tishtly into groove @ (see Fie. E). a

(E) In this condition (see D or E), tiahten one of screws (E oÍ eccentric @' which
can be easily tightened.

(9) Turn eccentric (D so that groove @ is positioned in the direction of arrow

(at 12 o'clock of lower shaft (&).
(10) vith eccentrics. (E and tD locked, move eccentric (E to the left or right rc
that the distance between center üne@ of rod @ and center line @ õf thread
take-up shaft O is l7mm.
On the machines oÍ a 4.Emm needle space, this distance should be 2lmm.

(ll) Tighten each one of screws @' @ ot eccentrics (E' @' which can be easily

(12) Remove pin @ from hole @.

(13) Remove pin @ from hole @.

(14) Check for the movement amount of retainer holder @ by turning the machine
pulley by hand. Movement amomt @ of the retainer holder of the standard
machines is 5.5mm regardless of the maximum feeding amount. On the machines of
a 4.Emm needle space, movement amount @ of the retainer holder should be
4.5mm. lf neither 5.5mm nor 4.5mm is obtained, repeat procedure lE.

(15) lnsert 5mm pin @ into hole @ in order to lock the uppêr shaft isst before the
needle bar reaches the bottom of its stroke (when the needle bar is 0.9mm above
the bottom of its stroke).

(16) Turn eccentric (D so that groove @ is positioned in the direction of arrow

(at 12 o'clock of lower shaf t (&).

(17) Tighten the others of screws (0, (&, (O of ecceÍltrics @, @, (E, which have
been left loosened.

t2t 'to adiust the timin8 of the front-to-back fee eccentric and the position ot
lh( needle drive crank

(l) Turn measure plate @ while pressing stopper

(D and then set the feeding amount at 6mm. Fig.8
For the machines which have a maximum feeding
amount of 4.rmm, also set the maximum feeding
amount limitation stopper at 6mm. (see I I 3]
'To adiust the feeding amount limitation §
stopperí on page 29.) After this adiustment,
be sure to return the limitation stopper home.
(2) Remove oil pan @ from the bottom of the
machine head.
Fis.9 +
Tilr back the machine.

lp o

(3) LooseÍr two screws @. a

(4) Turn the machine prlley by hand until the

needle bar is at the bottom of its stroke. C
For hieh-lift machines, stop turning the Fig. to
mactrine pulley iust before the needle bar
reaches the bottóm of its stroke (when the
needle bar is 0.9mm above the bottom of
its stroke). <)
(r) Insert tmm pin (E into hole (D in order to
lock the upper shaft.
Note) CJ

For high-lift machines, insert 5mm pin @

into hole @. o
(6) Turn front-to-back feed eccentric @ so o
that groove (E is positioned at 6 o'clock
of the shaft (if the machine is laid down
as shown in Fig.l0, groove (D should be
turned straight toward yor.rr side.)
(7) In this condition, tiahten either one of
screws @ of front-to-back feed eccentric
(E) Loosen two screws (E.
(e) Tum crank @ so that center line a of
crank 1O is parallel with
of crank @. Then tiehten
(10) Remove pin @ Írom hole @ (for high-lift
machines, from hole @).
(ll) Tiehten the other screw @ of front-to-
back feed eccentric @, which has been
left loosened.
(12) Make sure that there is clearance of
approximately 0.rmm betY/een the of
pin (& and bed €0.
(ll) Replace oil pan @ to the bottom of the
machine bed.

I Ad iustment/maintenance
Perform [r] 'Adiustins the feed dog" to [6] "Adiustine the needle guardn in
2. lf you start from any number of the procedures except No.l' perform
the res thereafter in uence.

Fig. I I

The feed dog should be centered left to right

and frmt to back in the needle plate slots. _J
Then the feed dog moves in the needle plate
slots without touching any part of the needle
plate slots even when the machine pulley is
turned at the maximum feeding amount.

l.To adiust the fe€d dog left to right in the

needle plate slots

(l) Remove rear bed cover (D. Fis. l2

(2) Loosen screws @ and @ with a 5mm key
(3) Loosen two screw:i (D of left and right
collars @. !
(4) IÍstall needle plate bracket @ and §
needle plate @..
()) Move crank @ to the leÍt or right and
positioo the feed dog in the center of
the needle plate slots.
(6) With the feed dog in this position, move I
collars @ oo the left and right =

respectiyely to the leÍt and right ends Feed dog II fl

of crank (D and then tighten screws (E. ri ia ll

2.To adiust the feed Íront to back in the Fis. l3

needle plate slots

( l)
Turn mea.riure plate (D while pressing stopper
(D and then set the feedinS amount at 6mm.
Note) For the machine which has a maximum I
feeding amount of lr.rmm, also set the maxi-
mum feeding amount limitation stoPper at 6mÍn.
(see [13] "To adiust the Íeeding amount
limltation stoppeÍ" on page 29.)
After this adlustment, be sure to retum the Fie. I 4
limitatioô stopper home.
(2) Turn the pulley by hand until the needle bar
is at the bottom of its stroke.
(l) lnsert 5mm pin (D into hole @ in order to
lock the upper shaft.
Note) For high-liÍt machines, insert lmm Pin @
into hole (D in order to lock the upper shaft.

(4) Remove the needle plate bracket together
Fig. I5
with the needle plate.
(5) Insert 6mm pin (D into hole @ and move
tink (D so that the end of 6mm pin @ can
fit into ioint pin hole@ indicated by
the arrow.

(6) With a 6mm pin in this position' tiShten

screws @ and (o.

(7) Remove pins @ and @ respectively Írom

hole @ and @. Fis. l6

3. To adi usr the heigh t of the feed dog

Fig. I7

When the needle bar is at the bottom of its

stroke, the front teeth of the feed dog
should be l.3mm above the top surface of
the needle Plate.

(l) Remove the needle plate brackêt together

Fig. IE
with the needle plate.
(2) Turn the machine pulley by hand until the
needle bar is at the top of its stroke.
(3) Press lever @ to the leÍt and Iet the
looper unit come out down toward you vhile
holding it vith your thumb.
(4) Loosen screw @ and nut @. Then install
the needle plate brdd(et together with
the needle plate on the machine bed.
(Í)Turn me.r:iure plate @ while pressing
stopper @ and then set the feeding Fig. | 9
amount at 6mm.
Note) For the machines which have a maximum
feeding amount of 4.rmm, also set the
maximum feeding amor.rnt limitation stopper
at 6mm. (see I 13] 'To adiust the feeding I
amount limitation stopper' on .page 29.)
After this adiustment, be sure to return
the limitation stopper home.

- l2-
(6) Turn the machine pulley by hand until the
needle bar is at the bottom of its stroke.
(7) Insert 5mm pin @ into hole @ in order to
lock the upper shaft.
(8) Adiust the feed dog by moving feed dog
bracket (D up or down. The Íeed dog teeth \
should be 0.5mm above the top surface of
the needle plate.
Then slightly tighten screw @.

(9) The front teeth oÍ the feed dog should be

set l.rmm above the top surÍace of the
needle plate. To make this adiustment,
insert 2mm key wrench into hole @ on
the rear end of the needle plate and
then turn adisting screw @.

?is,2l Fie.2z

ll 1.3mm

x E

(10) With the feed dog at this position, remove Fig.23

the needle plate bracket together with the
needle plate. Tighten nut @ to secure
adjustine screw @ and then tightm screw
@ sec,urely.
(l l) Remove pin @ from hole @.

(12) Install the needle plate brac*et and needle

Then check for the height of the feed dog
(l.3mm in Fig.22) aeain.

l2l Positioning the necdles in the needle dro )s

l. To adiust the needles left to right in the needle drops (standard)

The needles should be centered left to right in the needle drops.

(l) Remove the needle plate bracket to8ether
with the needle plate. Before installina oK! NO!
new needles, cieck them careÍully to see Irj
that the scarfs are turnd to the left.
(2) Loqsen tvo screws @. I ;i

(3) Turn the machine pulley by hand to let

the needles go into needle drops @. Scarf +
(4) Distance @ between the right needle and Fis.25
the froÍrt end of the riaht slot should be
: equaHistaoce a between the left
needle and the front end of the left slot.
lf distances of two arrows are difÍerent' \
loosen screw @ and tum needle holder @
to adiust these distances.
w c

(J) To center the needles left to right in the

needle drops, move needle drive shaft @ in
the directions of the arrows as required.

(6) After the above adiustment, make sure needle

bar thread guide (0 does not touch groove O. Fie.26
If the thread guide to:ches the groove.
stiahtly loosen screw @ and adiust needle
bar thread guide (D by moving in the direc-
tioos of the arrows as required. tl
Note) To make this adjustment, do not change
the height of the needle bar thread guide.

(7) ln this c-ondition, tighteo two screws @.

FiE.2E Fig.27

- l1-
2. To adiust the needles front to back in the needle drops (standard)

Yhen the needle bar is at the bottom of its stroke,

the distance betveen the needles and the Íront ends Fie.29
of the needle drops should be 0.8mm. ,

(l)Turn measure plate @ while pressing stopper U

@ and then set the feedina amount at 6.0mm.
Note) For the machines which have a maximum
feeding amount of 4.rmm, also set the maúmum I
feeding amount limitation stopper at 6mm.
(see [l]l "To adiust the feeding amount
limitatioÍr stopper' on page 29.)
After this adiustment, be sure to retum the Fie.l0
ümitation stopper home.

(2) Insert a ,mm key wrench into hole @ and then

'-lGcn-scrêür (tr-ón thê n€dte drtve-crank -'----- I

(l) Tum the machine ptdley until the needle bar

is at the bottoÍn of its stroke.

(4) IÍsett 5mm pin (D into hole (O to lock the

upper shaft. c

(1) Move needle bar @ front or back (in the 6

directions of the arrows) as required and ,l
then set distance @ between the needles and ,\' Cê
the Íront ends oÍ the needle drops a: O.tmm.

(6) ln the Fie.3 t

above condition, make sure there is
no shake on needle drive shaÍt @ and then
tighten screw (D. (

(7) Remove pin @ Írom hole @.


Fie.)1 Fig.)Z

l. To adi ust the needles left to rieht in
the needle drops (equ iDoed with the uT)

The needles should be centered left to riSht in

the needle drops.
To make this adiustment, refer to the adiustment

4. To adiust the needles front to back in
the needle drops (equipped with the UT) @
When the needles are the closest to the Íronts
(when the needles are descending from the top of
their stroke and the needle points are approxi- @ I mm
mately z.rmm below the top surface of the needle
PIate)' between the needles and the
front ends of the drops should be 0.8mm.
(l) Turn meítsure plate @ wtrile pressing stopper ,
@ and then set the feeding amount at 4mm.
(2) lns€rt a lmm key wrendl into hole @ and then
loosen screw (4).on the needle drive crank. I

(3) Tum the machine pulley by hand until the

needles are the dosest to the fronts (the
needle points are approximately 2.3mm below
the top surface oÍ the needle plate when
the needles are descending from the top of
their stroke).
(lt) Distance@ between the needle and the Íront
ends of the needle drops shor:ld be 0.8mm.
To make this adiustmeot, move needle bar @
froot to back (in the directions of the
arrows) as required.

(5) tn the above condition, make sure there is

no shake on needle drive shaft @ and then
tighten screw (E.
Fie.39 Fis.3s l, F ie'1t


I3 | Ad,ust ins the loo ors

l. To aCiqst the timing of the loopers

Turn the machine pulley in the operating directiofl Fig.40

in order to bring the points of the loopers to the
center lines of the needles when the needle points
are ,mm above the bottom of their stroke.

(l) Return measure plate @ all the way in

the directioÍr of the arrow while pressing 5mm Needle bar at
the bottom of
stopper (D. (Set the maximum feeding amount its stroke
oo each model.)
Note) Vhen you urc the machines of a maximum Fis.4l
feeding amornt of 4.rmm with 3 - zmm, set
the feeding amount at ,mm.

(2) Remove the needle plate bracket together I

with the needle plate, feed dog, thread
guide @ and arm cover @.

(3) Tum the machine pulley by hand in the F ig.42

operating direction until the needle bar
is at the top of its stroke.

(4) Loosen screw (D.

(r) Twn the machine pulley by hand in the I

operatinS direction until the needle bar
is 5mm above the bottom of its stroke. Fig.43

(6) With the needle bar at this position,

turn loeper holder @ until the points
of the loopers reach the center lines
of the needles.
(7) Tighten tcrew (O.

- l7-
2. To ad) ust the clearance between the loopers and the needles

When the points of the loopers are on the center Fig.4.,

lines of the needles, the distance between the
points of the Ioopers and the needles should be
0 - 0.05mm.

(l) Return meisure plate @ all the way in

the direction of the arrow while pressing
stopper (D.
(Set the maximum feeding amo:nt on each Fis.4,

Vhen you ure the machines of a maximum §
feéafi8 aÍnount of 4.'mm wlth , :- fmm;'
set tÉe feeding amount at ,mm.
(2) Make sure the Éoints of the loopers are
accurately on the center lines of the
needles and then loosen screws @.

(3) Move looper holder @ to the left or right

and then let the points of the loopers
slightly touch the needles.

(4) Tighten screws @.

(t) Sliehtly loosen screws @.

(6) Adiust the looper holder so that the distances

betv'feén the points of the loopers and the

(7) u/ith the looper holder at this position,

tighten screws @.

lr, I Adiqstjns tlre hcieht ol t!1(t !§edles

Ifhen the loopers are advancing froÍn the extreme Fig.47

left eÍld of their travel and the points oÍ the loopers
have reactred the right ends of the needles (on the l-l,2mm
front), the distance between the points of the
loopers and the top of the needles' eyes should bç
|- l.2mm.

( l) Turn melrsure plate @ all the way in the
direction of the arrow while pressing stopper
O. (Set the maximum feeding amount oo each
machine) )

ar* of a maximum feeding
4.5mm with 3
- 2mm, set the feeding
(2) Remove arm cover @ and needle plate bracket (D. Fie.49

(3) Tum the machine pulley by hand until the points

of the advancing .loopers reach the right ends of
the needtes (on the front)@. o
(4) Loosen screw (D and move needle bar @ up or
down as required in order to set distance@
at | - l.2mm.
o l
Vhen making this adiustment, do not turn the
needle bar. l

(5) Tighten screw @.

(6) v ,\
Replace arm cover @ and needle plate bracket @.

After the above adiustment, the distance between
the top surface of the needle plate and the mately tely
needle points shorld be approximately I I mm.
On hish-lift machines, this distance should be 11mm l4mm
on high-lift machines

[)l Adiusting the retainers
l. To adjtst the retainers tront to back 9
The points of the retainers should be turned at 4)' l3,5mm
as seen from @. I t
There should be a distance of 13.)mm between retainer
holder @ and the points of the retainers.
When the needle bar is at the bottom of its stroke at
the maximum feeding amount, a distance of 2 - 3mm
shonld be obtained between the points of the retainers Seen from @ Fie.ll
and the center lines of the needles.
(l) Turn me.lsure plate (D all the way in the direc-
tion of the arrow while pressing stopper O.
(Set the maximum feeding amount on each model.)
When you use the machines of a maximum feeding
amount of 4.1mm with 1 - 2mm. set the feeding
. af,rount-at 3mÍ+ .- frs-54
(2) Remove the feed dog and the needle plate bracket .-§-
with the needle plate.
(3) Loosen screws (D.

(4) Set distance @ between retainer holder (D and

the points of the retainers at l3.rmm by moving
retainers @ front to back.
(5) Tum the points of the retainers at an angle
of 4J'., lVhen making this adiustment, be careful Fig.5,
not to change the front-to-back position of
retainers @.

(6) Wtth the retainers at this positionr tightên

screws (D.

(7') Loosen screw @.

(E) Turn the machine pulley until the needle bar

is at the bottoÍn of its stroke.
(9) Sret clearance between the points of the
retainer and the centers of the needles at
2 - lmm by moving retainer holder @ front
to back.
(10) Iyith thç points of the retainers and the
centers of the needles at this positionr
tighten screw @.

2. To aluust the retainers lef! to righ!

With the points of the retainers at any positioni

the points should not touch the loopers. Fie.5t

(l) Turn the machine pulley by hand until retainer

holder @ is at the extreme left end of its

(2) Then slightly turn the machine pulley until

loopers'eyes @ are aligned with the points \ r
of the retainers.
(3) Loosen two screws @. §

(a) Adiust retainer holder @ so that there is a

clearance of 0.5mm between the points of 'Fig.58
---êra'lnêi§@ãnd thrloopers;
(r) With the retainer holder at this position,
tlghten two screws @. mm

(6) Loosen screw @.

(7) Turn the machine pulley by hand until the

points of retainers @ are right above the
loopers on their back sides @.

(E) Adjust retainer holder @ up or down so that

there is a clearance of 0.1 - 0.rmm between
the points of the retainers and the back sides
of the loopers.

(r) Yith the retainer holder at this position, I

tighten screw @.
(t0) After adiusting the retainers front to back and
left to right, turn the machine pulley by hand 0,1- 0.5mm
to make sure carefully that there are the
required clearance between the retainers and
the loopers.

When the points of the loopers reach the center
Iines of the needles from the extreme rear end Fig'eo
of their travelr needle guards @ should slightly
touch the needles with the points of the needles 0,5-1mm
protrudina 0.5 - lmm from the undersides of the
needle guards @.

( l) Turn meiisure plate (D all the way in the

direction of the arrow w*rile presing ' Ftg.e t
stopper @.
(Set the maximum feeding amount oÍr each mm §

(2)-R-ernorc thejeed dog..and -t.he need I e..p.[ate

bracket with the needle Dlate.

(3) Loosen screws @.

F ie.ç2
(4) Turn the machine pulley by hand until the
points of the loopers reach the center lines
of the needles from the extreme rear end of
their travel.
(r) Adiust needle guards @ up and down so that
the points of the oeedles protrude approxi-
mately 0., - lmm from undersides of rhe
needle guards. Fie.e 3

(6) Turn needle guards @ clockwise or co{rnter-

clockwise as required so that the needle
guards slightly touch the needles. a\ 1
(There should be a clearance of 0 - 0.05mm
between needle guards @ and the needlesJ
However, the needles shorld not be deflected
by needle guards @. Ca
1 \
(7) Then tishten scre'vs (D. 1

M t Àr àrs dô e u í, ,-,-^ ft o ,'Lérr/L
ofiJt t"ve- 'r''-o 'po ** -"- rla S u p'
bi. rr* Jc
nlu {- tslt
L?./v,tt.-- -P'- ^l€" '-:rÇ^

f eJ' c).es
J. Gá"*' fio f, ^o
alrof@ S'lllt*ov
k o5ü Mz- É'--h='
7) )o- o l- o tf
c-+ f<
| / | Adiust inÊ thc loo er thread take-u )

Vhen looper thread take-up is at the top of its

stroke, adiust looper thread take-up (D so that Fig.64
there is a distance of 30mm between top surface
of looper thread take-up @ and top surface
of the base plate. (Fie.64) 30mm
The height of thread guide @ varies according
to each model.
O For the madrines that have a maximum feeding
amount of 4.rmm:
There shonld be a distance of 6mm between top
surface of thread guide @ and top surface
a of looper thread take-up O. (Fie.6r)
O Fôr the machines that have a maximum feeding
amount of 6mm:
The eyes of thread guide @ should be aliSned 6mm
with those of looper thread take-up (D. (Fts.66)
(l) Turn measure pla te @ all the way in the
tion df the arrow while pressinS stopper @.
(Set the rnaximum feeding amount on each
(2) Tum the machine pulley by hand until looper
thread take-up (D is at the top of its stroke.
(3) Loosen screws @. Move looper thread take-up Fie.e z
(D to obtain a di.stance of 30mm between top
surface@ and top surface@ of the base ptrate.
(lt) TiShten screws @.

(5) Locen screw @. Adiust the heiaht of thread

guide @ according to each model (see Fig.65
or 66).

(6) Tighten screv @.

Note) The height oÍ thread guide @ stated above is standard. This height varies
according to the stitch length and/or the fabric to be t§ed.
To change the fumishing amount of the looper thread, move thread guide O
in the direction of @ or o.
O To increase the amoünt, move in the direction of
I To decrease the amount, move in the diaection of I (r, Fig.6E


Set needle bar thread guide guard (D at the lowest Fis.69

When the needles are at the top of their stroke
(needle bar thread guide @ is at the top oÍ its
stroke), the needle threads must slightly touch
part @ of thread guide @, I

On thread guide @, distances@ must be equal.

(l) Loosen screws @.

(2) Lower needle bar thread guide guard (D in the § O

directioo of the arrow. Then ti8hten screw @
- --*ith-gsat@a*-+he-fo!ilest +osil.ion.-= -
Note) o
The size of the needle thread loops chante t
according to the position of needle bar thread
Euide guard (D.

O To increase the size of the loops, move the

needle bar thread guide guard in the direc-
tion of @ .
O To decrease the size of the loops, moYe the
needle bar thread Euide guard in the direc-
tion of Q .
Fie.7 t
(l) Loosen screws @.

(+) Tishten screws @ when the needle threads

slightly touch part @ of thread guide @ with
needle bar thread guide @ at the top of its

()) Loosen screws @.

(6) Secure thread auide @ with screws @ when

distances @ are equal. F ie.7 2

The position of each thread guide stated above
is standard. Change the position according to
the stitch length or the fabric to be used.

l9l Adiustins the )ressure of thc ,resser Ioot
The pressure of the presser foot should be as lieht Fie.7)
as possible, yet be sufficimt to feed the fabric
accurately and obtain the proper stitch formation.
(l) Tum the machine pulley by hand until the
needle bar is at the top of its stroke. ã-
(2) To decrease the pressure to
presser bar @, ao'
loosen pressure adiustins screw @ by turning
it in the direction of the arrow.
(3) Turn nut (D until rear surfage @ of nut @ F ie,.7 4
is atigned with end surface (p) õf screw (D.
(4) Loqsen two rcrews @ on the presser bar holder. I
(r) Adiust presser foot @ by turnin8 it dockwise
or cornterclockwise as required.
Side of the foot should be parallel I
with slot of the needle plate and the
.nee-dle arqBq@
of the presser foot.
(6) Press presser foot @ slightly onto the needle
plate so that the bottom surface of the presser
foot toJches tigtrtly the needle plate.
(7) Move presser foot holder @ so that there ls
a clearance of lmm between the underside oÍ
presser Íoot holder @ and the bottom of
presser bar guide (0.
Vhetr making the above aditrstment, do not move
presser bar @.
Fig.7 5
(E) After the above adiustment, tighten two screws
(9) Lower the presser foot. Then make sure that
the bottom surface. of the presser foot tishtly
touches the needle plate and feed slot @is I

aligned with side @ of the presser foot,

(10) With the presser Íoot at this position, loosen
screw @ and move collar @ until it tightly
tou<fies presser bar bush @.
Then tighten screw @. Fia.76

(ll) When the feed dog is raised by turning the

machine pulley by hand, presser bar O should r
not be raised with presser foot @ raised.
To make this adiustment, increase the presser 1ÍÍm 1

foot pressure by tuming presser foot pressure

adjusting screw @ clockwise slowly.
(12) Adiust presser foot pressure adlusting screw
(D so that the fabric can be fed accurately
even when the machine runs at the maximum
machine speed.

ll0l Adiusting the presscr lool lilt knee switch

\\/hen the presser foot lift knee switch is pressed

all the way to the right, the presser Íoot is lomm Fig.77
aboye the top surface of the needle plate.
ú Ll
(l) Fit presser foot lift knee switch @ to the
ioint and then Iower the presser foot onto
the needle plate.

(2) Loosen nut @ on stopper screw @ on the riaht.

Then loosen screw @ sliehtly. -H-M
(l) Tighten stopper screw @, but stop tighteninS
-Erors-the preserÍoot íarts- tiÍtiÍr8i
- iu3[
from 'the needle ptrate.

(4) Loosen screw @ by giving it about half a turn

and then tiahten nut @.
The above adiustment provides a little play Fig.7E
from rihen the tme€ switch is pressed to when
the presser foot is raised.

(5) Loosen nut @ on stopper screw @ on the left.

Then loosen screw (D slightly.


(6) Press presser foot lift knee switch @ to the

right until the presser foot is lOmm above the U
top surface oÍ the needle plate.
(7) Yith the presser foot at this position, tighten
stopper screw @ until it touches crank @.

(8) Release presser foot lift knee switch (D,

loosen,stopp€r screw @ by giving it about
half a turn and then tighten nut @.

The thread releaser gets activated while the
presser foot is raised with the presser foot
tift switch.

(l) Loosen'screw (D. 3

(2) Keep on pressing the presser foot lift knee

switch until the presser foot is raised appro-
ximately l0mm above the needle plate and
then maintain the presser foot at this positioÍ1.

(3) Tum collar @ in the direction of the arrow

until crank @ touches crank (E.
(4) Vith cranks O an?
thread releaser (E to the lowest position aod
then raise releaser (E approximately lmm up.

(r) trith releaser (D at this positioír. crank @

should fit tightly crank @ and there should
be no shake on shaft @.
Then tiahten screw @.

Fis.E I

c I

W 0


-27 -

The relationship between readings on feeding amount

adiusting measure plate (D indicated by indicator @
and the actual feeding amounts (stitch lengths) is
as shown in Fig.E2.

, Actual
I f t

-J I
,6 I






I trl AdiuslinR the leedinc .rtrlount liflritation sto er

FeedinS amount limitation stopper (D is pre-adiusted in the factory before shipment.

a On the machines which have a maximum feeding amount of 6mmr stopp€r @ is available
in 6 - 3mm.
a On the machines vhich have a maximum feeding amount of 4.rmmr stopper @ is
available in 4.5 - 2mm.

t. you use the machines which have a maximum Íeeding amount of 6mm with the feeding
amount of 4.5 - 3mm. re-adiust the machines by referring to the standard adjustment
speciÍications for the machines which a maximum feeding amount of 4.rmm.
Re-adiust the timina of the front-to-back feed eccentric (P.10)' feed dog (P.l l)'
needles in the needle drops (P.14), loopers (P.17), heiSht of the needles (P.19)'
retainers (P.20), and needle euards (P.22).
2. If you use the machines which have a maximum feeding amount of 4.5mm with the feed-
ing amount of I - 2mm, re-adiust the timing of the Íront-to-back feed eccentric
(, feed doe (P.ll), needles in the needle drops (P.14), loopers (P.17), heieht
of ttrc needtes (P.19), retainers (P.20), and needle guards (P.22).
I . To limit the maximum feeding amount
timing of the froÍtt-to-back feed eccentric'and 'the feed dogo. To move st opper (D,
locen two screws @.
O On the machines that have a maximum feeding amount of 6mm, set stopper (D at position
O G úe machines that have a maximum feeding amount of 4.rmm, set stopper @ at
position @.
Do not set stopper (D at more than the maximum feeding amount of eacfl model. Other*rise
the feed dog and/or the needle plate' etc. will be damaged.
2. To adiust the minimum Íeedine anprfi!
0) Loosen screw @ on lever (D.

(2) Tum measure plate O while pressing stopper @ and then set the minimum feeding
amount at (3mm for the machines of a maximum feeding amount of 6mm, 2mm for thq
machines of a maxirnum Íeeding amount of 4.rmm).
(r) Vith lever (D touching stopper pin (D, tighten screw (8. Then there should be no
shake oo shaft @. Fie.84

<, ----i1-)





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