Bishops Physics

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DATE: 10.01.2024 TIME: 2 tiOURS


--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Ans1-vers to this Paper must be written 011 the f)iJpers prov/dc:!d separatl!ly.
You w/11 not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time Is to be spent In reading the question fJt1per.
The time given at the head of this Paper Is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Section A Is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Sedlon B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given In brackets [}.

SECTION A (40 Marks)

(Attempt all questions from this Section)

Question 1 [15]

Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options.
(Do not copy the question, write the correct answer only)

(i) From the given figure, the moment of force about point P is:
(a) 1.25Nm
(b) 3.75Nm
ooi~ t-r
O~ m
(d) 2.S0Nm
25 N
~)" l
(ii) Energy conversion In burning of coal in thermoelectric station is:
(a) light energy to electric energy
(b) chemical energy to mechanical energy
(c) chemical energy to heat energy
jfifheat energy to electric energy
(iii) For a given angle of incidence and a prism, for two light rays A and B of different colours, it is
seen that II A > lie then:
(a) µA< µe
(b) VA> Ve
(c) µA= µe
_)JJ) AA < Ae
(iv) With respect to the given table, which substance will have the highest critical angle with
respect to air?
;,(a) Water Substance Refractive index
(b) Glass Water 1.33
(c) Turpentine Glass LS
(d) Diamond Turpentine 1.47
Diamond 2.41

(v) A wire of 54ohm resistance having 30cm length is tripled on itself. The value of the new
resistance is:
(a) 18 ohm
(b) 27 ohm
~ 6ohm
(d) 3 ohm
(vi) A container has a certain mass of ice at o c. It takes t1 seconds to melt completely at o c. It ls
0 0

then heated to ao0c in t2seconds. Which of the following statement is true?

-.II •

(specific heiJt cupaclty of wutcr=4.2Jg K 1, spccinc lt1lcnt heat or fu(,icm=JJGJy ' )
(il) t1 < l2 . ,
(-0) t I > ti I t' , L
' (c)t1 = t2
(d)t, ~ ti
(vii) An object Is placed lnfront of a diverging lens ilt a distance equal to the focal length of the lcn'.>.
Where wlll the Image of the object form?
(a) On the sume side of the object, at twice the focal length of the lens.
- ----c=b)Unlhe other side of the object, at lhe focal length of the lens.
• (c1 On the same side of the object, at the midpoint of the focal length of the lens.
(d) On the same side of the object, at the focal length of the lens.

(viii) When a beta particle Is emitted by an atom:

4a) Number of nucleons remain constant
(b) Number of the orbital electrons decreases by one
(c) Number of nucleons decreases by one
(d) Number of protons decreases by one while number of neutrons increases by one.

(ix) Assertion(A): On changing the direction of flow of current through a straight conductor, the
direction of a magnetic field around the conductor is reversed.
Reason (R): The direction of magnetic field around a conductor can be given in accordance with
left hand thumb rule.
...(a) both assertion and reason are true.
(b) both assertion and reason are false.
( c) assertion is false but reason is true.
(d) assertion is true reason is false.

(x) Magnification of a lens is +2.5:

(\(3) The lens is convex and u< f
(b) The lens is concave and u>f
(c) The lens is concave and u< f
(d) The lens is convex and u> f

(xi) Which of the following graph shows the correct variation in kinetic energy of an oscillating
pendulum during one complete oscillation from the mean position A to the extreme positions B
and C?

(!) ill.
C J.
(a) Graph (1)
(b) Graph (2)
- - (c) Graph (3)
.(0-) Graph (4)

(xii) Choose the correct option from the example of different class of levers:
*) A fishing rod-Class3
(b) A bottle opener-Class!
(c) A lemon squeezer-Class 3
(d) Fire tongs-Class2

(xiii) It is generally colder after a hail-storm than during or before the hailstorm, because
(a) Ice liberates heat energy
(b) Ice has low specific latent heat of fusion
·tE-) Ice absorbs heat energy
(d) Ice has high specific heat capacity

1 compa re the wavelength of the given tw o sound waves p and Q travelling with the •
speed In the given displa cem ent - time graphs.
(a) 1:2 ,I' p
( b) 1 :4
J~ 2:1
(d) 2:3 Or--- ;r-- ir~. \--~
2 ...........
4 ...................... ...

(xv) Thh~ d~a_gr: m alongside shows a magnetic needle kept

Just below the conductor AB
wd ic is ept In North South direction. In which direction
does the needle
efiect when the key is closed 1

(a).Jowards south - east
-{b) Towar ds north - west
(c) Towar ds north - east
(d)To wards south - west

Question 2 K
- - -·: ~ ----
( i) ~a)_Refractive index of mediu m a with respect to mediu
m bis given as b~a= 0.8. The ray is
incide nt at an oblique angle from medium a to medium
b. Will the ray bend toward s the
norma l or away from the normal?
(b) Name the material of prism required for obtaining spectr
um of radiation which has a
wavel ength 8000 Ato 107 A.
(c) Passengers sitting in a car are suddenly pushed to one
side during circula r t urns. Give
scient ific reason.
(ii) A unifor m metre rod 5 min length and weigh t 90 N is suspen
ded horizontally by two vertical
attached at 50 cm and 3.5 m respectively from one end
of the rod. Find the tension in
each wire.
(iii) The diagra m below shows two glass containers A and
B containing water. Three tuning forks
P,Q and R of frequencies 180Hz, 256Hz and 480Hz respec
tively are held one by one above the
contai ners A and B. It is observed that a loud sound is
heard from the tubes with two tuning
forks. If tuning fork Q resonates with container A then,
state with reason which tuning fork will
resonate with glass contai ner B? ___ ___ _ [2]

(iv) Give one advantage and one disadvantage of produ

cing electricity by nuclear fusion reaction
than a fission reaction.
(v) Two bodies A and B have masses in the ratio 5:1 and
their kinetic energies are in the ratio
125:9 . Find the ratio of their velocities.
(vi) Complete the follow ing fission reaction:
nsu 92 + _ --------➔ 14 1Bas6 + 92Kr_ + 'x' neutrons
What would be the value of 'x' in the above equation?

(vii) A 75% efficie nt block and tackle has three pulleys system
. Calculate:
(a) M.A (b) Effort required to lift a load of 1000 N

Question 3
( •) By using only two right angled l!>oscclc!l prl!lrn~, !>how llow a ray o( Ilg ht c.c:m be dev1tHed cit


(II) A fuse ls rated l SA, can It be used with an electrical appliance rated SKW, 200V~ Justify your
answer. [2]
(iii) The figure given below Is an electromag net. [2]
(a) Name lhe polanty at X and Y
(b) Suggest a way by which tl1e strength of the electromagnet referred to In the question, may tx
X y

(iv) Two metallic bl ocks A and B of different metals having their mass in the ratio 2:3 is given same
amount of heat. Their temperature rises by the same amount. Compare their specific heat
capacities. [ 2]
(v) Figure below shows a dual control switch circuit used to light a bulb. [2]

~----"- - - - - •

(a) Copy the diagram and complete the circuit so that the bulb is switched on.
(b) Mark the supply terminals A and B with L and N to indicate live neutral wires.

SECTION B (40 Marks)

. / (Attempt any four questions from this Section)

(i) A 1.5 m long pin is placed normal to the principal axis of a converging lens of focal length 0.12 m.
The distance of the pin from the lens is 0.15 m. Find the size and nature of the image. [3]

(ii) John claims to have obtained an image twice the size of the object with a concave lens. Is he
correct? Give a reason for your answer and draw a ray diagram to j ustify the answer. [3:

( iii) In the diagram given below, when a light ray P travelling from denser to rarer medium is inciden
at the interface such that it goes parallel to the interface as P'. [4
(a) Copy the diagram and complete it by drawing the path traced by the ray Q as Q'.
(b) Find the refractive index of denser medium with respect to the rarer medium.
(c) Define the phenomen on demonstrated by the incident ray if the angle of incidence is 60°.


•, dtornlc nucleus A is c~mposed of 36 protons and 136 neutrons.
- .t' \a) T'he nucleus of A emits an alpha particle and is transformed into nucleus B Wh t I
composition of nucleus B? • a s the

(b) The nucleus B emits a beta particle and is trans~

composition of nucleus 7 c armed Into nucleus C. What Is the
(c) How does the position of nucleus c change Ith
w respect to nucleus B In the periodic table?
(ii) Complete the ray diagram to show th
LA= 700 and AB= AC falling nor II e path of light through an Isosceles prism ABC with
(a) Find the an le th ma Yon the surface AB.
g rough which the Incident ray Is deviated? (crltlcal angle = 420) .

(Ii) A diver In water looks obliquely at an obJect Al:i in air.

(a) Does the object appear taller, shorter or of the same size to the diver?
(b) Sho~ the_path of two rays AC and AD starting from the tip of the object as it travels towards
the diver 111 water and hence obtain the image of the object.
(c) How does the position of the image depend on the colour of light? [4]

air A

~ Eye ofthe Diver
Question 6

(i) The diagram below shows an object at A which travel to various positions B, C, D and E.
With reference to the diagram, answer the following: [3]


(a) As the object moves from point A to point D across the surface, the sum of its
gravitational potential and kinetic energy will _ __ _ _ __ _
(b) The object will have a minimum gravitational potential energy at point _ _ __
( c) The object's kinetic energy at point C is less than its kinetic energy at point _ _ _

(ii) A vessel of mass 195g contains 200g of water at 40°C. How much ice at o0 c is needed to cool it
to s0 c? Take specific heat capacity of material of vessel = 0.4Jg-1K-1, Specific latent heat of
fusion of ice = 336Jg-1 , Specific heat capacity of water= 4.2Jg-1K-1 • [3]
(iii) In a track event a starter B fires the gun, the finishing judge A hears two gunshots. The first
g unshot is heard after~3 of a second and the second gunshot takes ~ 5
of a second to be heard by
A. If the speed of sound in air is 300ms- , calculate the distance between starter and the wall?

Person Person
B A [4]
0 0
fir 5
Question 7 u,I
ri sm wl1en the light suffers minimum deviation. "
- (i) (a) State the path of refracted ray ln~l~c Lhe P ullateral prism Is 250 at an angle of lnd dence 36[3
(b) ~~~::i~t~t~~~=~~ iff~~l~~~~c e~i~: ~g le of deviation
is produced?
A B C D and E.
t It hac.: got five stnngs , , '
(11) The flgL1re below sllows a part of a strlnged lnstrumcn · " ·

(a) Which string produces lowest frequency? d b one of t he

(b) Mention one way in w hich you can change the pitch of the sound produce Y
strings. [3]
(c) Stringed instruments are provided with a hollow sound box. Give reason.
·ty ratio 4 Clearly indicate
(iii) (a) Draw a neat labelled diagram of a block and t ackle system of veIoc1 · [ 41
t he points of application and direction of load and effort.
(b)What will be its velocity ratio if the weight of the movable block is dou.bled? . 1
(c) What change can be made in the movable pulley to increase the efficiency of this sy 5t em .

Q✓e's tion 8
(i) A power circuit uses a cable having three different wires. [31
(a) Which wire in the power circuit poses a potential danger if touched?
(b) Between which of the wires should the heating element of an electric geyser be connected?
(c) To which wire should the metallic case of the geyser be connected? 1> 11
(ii) (a) Copy and complete the following nuclear reaction by identifying X: [3]

X identified in (a) is allowed to pass through a 2mm thick aluminium block in which a mass of
lead is embedded. A shadow of the block is produced on a fluorescent screen placed beyond the
block. The shadow of aluminium is fainter than the shadow of lead. Explain.
(iii) Observe the following circuit diagram and answer the questions that follows: [ 4]

A ♦ ~~• B

(a) Find the equivalent resistance of the given circuit.

(b) Find the ammeter reading when the circuit is closed .
(c) Find the current flowi ng through R3= 3Q resistor.
\ _. J
_;ghts w1 Jnd W2 Is suspended from points P and Q respectively on c:i wheel Iv
.,nown In the figure. Toe wheel ls In equilibrium.
(a) Which weight Is heavier? Give rcJson.
P oted at o as
(b) Write a mathcmaticul relation bJsed on Prlnclple or Moments lhc:it cc:in be used to find Wi
if W2 = lSkgf.


·Wl W2
(II) A solid of mass 20g initially at 60°C Is heated. The graph shows variation in temperature with the
amount of heat energy supplied. Study the graph and answer the following questions. [3]
(a) What Is the state of matter indicated by the part BC of graph?
(b) What is the melting point of the solid?
( c) Calculate the specific latent heat of fusion of solid.


!: ......................·~~------~.
: .

.- 120
§ 80
1500 3000 4500 6000
Heat energy (Joules~

(ii) In the following diagram an arrow shows the motion of the coil towards the bar magnet. (4)



(a) State in which direction the current flows, A to B or B to A in the coil?

(b) Name the law used to come to the conclusion.
(c) What is the magnitude of the current when the coll is stationary? . . .
(d) If the number of turns in the coil is doubled, what happens to the induced current 1n the coll?

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