AEA Prelims 1 Physics

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(AVI MUMBAI MERCHANTS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS’ ANCHORWALA EDUCATION ACADEMY FIRST PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT (2023-2024 GRADE: 10 MARKS: 80 SUBJECT: PHYSICS TIME: 2 hrs. NAME OF STUDENT: DATE:11/12/2023 Answers to this paper must be written on the ruled paper only. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. All working, including rough work, must be clearly shown and must be done on the same sheet as the rest of the answer. Omission of essential working will result in the loss of marks. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets { } SECTION A (40 MARKS) Attempt all questions from this section Question 1. (15) Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options 1. A, Band C are the three forces each of magnitude 4N acting in the plane of paper as shown in figure. The point O lies in the same plane. Which force has the least moment? AA B.B c.c D. none of these Dp none of the 2 kWhis unit of A power B force c. energy 4 adoor is an example of which IYP° of lever De Class | B Class Il ¢ Class Ill e a one medium to other medium if the 4. Alight ray does not bend at the poundary in passing from one angle of incidence Is 90° Ao B. 42° c. 48° 0. 90 incigal axis of 5 Aray of light after refraction through a lens emerges parallel to the prince he jens The incident ray either Passes through A. its optical center B. its first focus C. its second focus De eee ot rate first surtace ‘ 6 nthe spectrum of white light By @ Prism. the colour at the extreme end opposite to t base of a prism is. A. Blue B. Violet + C. Green D Red + Two sounds A and B are of the same amplitudes, same waveforms but of frequencies fand f/2 respectively, Then C Bisshnil, Ais grave A. B differ in quality from A B. Bis grave, Ais shrill D. Bis louder than A rr——“—rs—ss_CU 8 ll have more speci Cc AandB 8. Two wires A and B are mat fic resistance? is short and thick. Which wil BB D. none of these AM 9. In the transmission of power the voltage o power generated at the generating station is stepped up to B. 33kV © 132kV D. 220Kv ‘a circle, carries a current in an anticlockwise direction. A. 11kV 10. A wire, bent into What polarity does this face of the coil exhibit? A. North: B. South C. East D. West 11. Which of the radiation have highest ionizing power. A. gamma B. infra red C. alpha- D. beta 12. Compare the speeds of light of wavelength 400 nm and 800 nm in vacuum. At2 Bid Ct D214 2 @ Converging lens at a distance of 24 cm on the screen is 2 cm. The magnitcation + A.+2 B.+05 C.-05. D.-2 14. The least refractive index is of A. Glass B. Water C. Diamond: D. Ruby 15. The S.1. unit of heat capacity is A. Jkg? Buk. C.dkgtk? D. cal°c* Question 2, 'Y would you expect in the characteristics of a musical sound when we increase, (2) its frequency, ii, its amplitude. ©. Give two reasons as to why copper is preferred over other metals for making calorimeters. [2] © A radioactive nucleus undergoes a series of decays according to the sequence. (3) x—B, xm—%& x X3. If the mass number and atomic number of X3 are 172 number and atomic number of X? ¢. Draw a labeled diagram of a D.C motor. Also state the direction in which the motor will rotate [3] Question 3. a. A lady working in her kitchen received a shock from an electric hot plate. What could be [2] the reason for the shock? b. The V-I graph for a series combination and of a parallel combination of two resistors is as shown in the figure: v Ys (2) Which of the two, A or B, represents the parallel combination? Give a reason for your answer A w © The diagram below shows the displacement-time graph a for a vibrating body OlsPLaceMenT i. Name the type of vibrations produced by the vibrating body. ii, Give one example of a body producing such vibrations. iii. Why is the amplitude of the wave gradually a decreasing? d. The temperature of a lead piece of mass 400 g rises from 20°C to 50°C when 1560 J of heat (3) is supplied to it. Calculate. i, Heat capacity of lead piece, ii. Specific heat capacity of lead Question 4. a. Justify with reasons, whether the following nuclear reactions are allowed or not. (2] x “y4" - + G z Z+1 P A A 4 Gi) X— 2aX + He b. You are provided with three resistors of resistance 4.0 0, 4.0 O and 8.0 Q How would you [3] connect them to obtain the total effective resistance 3 Q? Draw diagram of the arrangement. SECTION B (40 MARKS) Attempt any four questions from this section Question 5. a. A ruler is placed on a pivot; three forces act on it, as shown [3] 20N 30cm 14N i Which force has no moment about the pivot? Explain your answer. ii Calculate the moments of the other two forces about the pivot. i Is the ruler turning? Explain. n, Draw a neat b. Sunlight ent fering through a narrow apertine falls on a pris ‘olor obtained to show the f formatior cl prism N of spectrum on a sctoen, Name the 6 ©. Three resist ae sistors are connected to a 6 V battery as shown IN the figure given below AN 120 80 aw] 20 8. fe} Calculate: i, the equivalent resistance of the ciroult.. ii total current in the circu. Question 6. is thick (2] a. Two fuse wires of the same lengths are rated 5A and 20A. Which of the two fuse wires I and why? b, How doe! ¢. The adjacent diagram shows a smal magnet is attracted or repelled, as the swi s the wave forms of loud note differ from a soft note? Draw diagram (2) 1 magnet placed near a solenoid. State whether the (3) tch is pressed. Give reason. Also state the polarity at end A and B. ms A B 4. The diagram below shows three ways I? wich the string of an instrument can vibrate (3) <> CKD CCC 0 “) «iid Which of the above diagrams shows the fundamental note? Which has the frequency 4 times that of the fundamental? c the ratio between the frequency of the first and second." Question 7. 8 Draw diagrams for showing the dual switch in. | off position ii, on position » Calculate the amount of work done in each case when a force of 1 kgf displaces a body by a distance of 10 cm, (9) in direction of force, (ii) normal to the force (iii) at an angle of 60° to the direction of force. (Take: g = 9.8 ms?) ¢. Draw a ray diagram for obtaining a real and magnified image Also calculate the power of the above lens of focal length 25 om Question 8. a. Name two electrical devices connected to the live wire. b. A piece of ice is heated at a constant rate. The variation of temperature with heat input is shown in the graph below: notch 100" Temp. or| / tee ae - i. What is represented by AB and BC? c. An electric bulb is marked 100 W, 250 V. What information does this convey. Also what would happen if 1 A of current passes through the bulb. d. Give the equation for the emission of alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Question 9 . below shows an object OA and image IB formed by a lens. lens ' jagram showing the formation of image using suitable rays. 6 (3) [4] (2) (2) 8) 8) (3) p, Draw a labeled diagram of a transformer used in a mobile charger 1 ¢ Complete and identity the type of reactions " Je + 7H ——* 2He + 1H + energy 1+ dn ——> s6Ba + Kr... (n+ energy Question 10. block placed ina [3] a. The diagram shows the path of a ray of light through a rectangular glass liquid of uniform density. i. Does the light speed up or slowdown in glass, Give reason for your answer? ji, What is the angular deviation of the emergent ray from the glass. block with respect to the incident ray? b. Draw a diagram of a block and tackle system with two pulleys in the upper block and V.R 3. [3] cA boy stands in from of a oliff on the other side of a river. He fires a gun and hears an echo [4] after 6 seconds. The boy then moves backward by 170 m and again res the gun He hears an echo after 7 seconds. Calculate (i) width of river, (ii) speed of sound

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