IntroANDPractice - Adverbial Clauses

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Grammar III

Introduction to Adverbial Clauses

1. Mark the adverbial words, phrases or clauses and answer:

a) Which meanings are they expressing?
reason – result – condition - time – purpose – manner - contrast
b) What kinds of structures follow the connectors?
c) How are commas used in each case?
d) Are they adverbs, abverbial phrases or clauses?

1. Despite the rain, they started the match.

2. Even though the activity seemed easy, it took me a long time to solve it.
3. I’ll finish the report as soon as I arrive home.
4. After the meeting, the secretary sent the minutes.
5. I will call you at 8 this evening.
6. The match was cancelled because of the weather conditions.
7. I went to bed early so that I could sleep well before the test.
8. Since it was raining heavily, they had to cancel the event.
9. If I need to pay a bill, I try to do it online.
10. It was such a beautiful day that everyone went out for a walk.
11. She sometimes behaves foolishly.
12. I feel sick so I’m going home now.
13. Andrew acts as if he was a teenager.
14. Although he can’t work out very often these days, he tries to keep fit.
15. They shared a file in order that everyone could follow the project.
16. You can’t borrow books unless you’re a member.


2. Correct the mistakes ONLY if necessary

1. In spite of he revised hard for his exams, he did not pass.
1. Despite his illness, he managed to finish his doctoral dissertation.
2. Even though her cold, she went to work.
3. He took a taxi in order not to be late.
4. I called the taxi early so that to get on time.
5. As it was really foggy, the plane did not take off.
6. It was raining such heavily that the plane did not take off.
7. He has so little free time that he only sees his friends once a month.
8. Since I lost my job, I’ve been looking for a new one.
9. This sounds as if it was a lie.
10. I will tell her about this as soon as I will meet her.
11. She looked as though she had been crying before.
12. Because of they resigned, the company hired new staff.
13. During they were abroad, they visited many countries.
14. She introduced herself as though an expert on the subject but she is just
a beginner.
15. They will send us the contract after they have signed it.
16. The secretary sent all the information by mail in order that avoid delays.
17. The meeting was such long that everybody left before it finished.
18. Despite he arrived late, they finished the project on time.
3. Rewrite the sentences keeping the same meanings
a- Jane didn’t wear gloves although she was cold. (despite)
b- They cleaned all day in order to impress their guests. (so that)
c- During my holiday, I visited several museums. (while)
d- The minute the gates were opened, the crowd rushed in. (as soon as)
e- Since there is no signature in the check, the bank cannot give you money
for it. (so)
f- When the war had finished, the soldiers were taken home. (until)
h- He is not a child anymore but he behaves like one. (as if)

4. Write sentences using:

- Before followed by 2 different structures
- Because / because of
- During / while
- Just as used twice to express Manner and Time
- Despite / although

5. Join these sentences using the given connectors

- It was snowing. The flight left on time (although / despite)
- I had a headache. I still went to the meeting. (even though / In spite of)
- There were difficulties in the negotiations. We won the contract. (even though /
- It was raining heavily and as a consequence we stayed home. (so…. that /
such… that)

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