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Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

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Coastal indices to assess sea-level rise impacts - A brief review of the

last decade
Carolina Rocha *, Carlos Antunes, Cristina Catita
Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, Instituto Dom Luiz, Lisboa, Portugal


Keywords: The present review intends to serve as the most comprehensive work of the current scientific and the most
Sea-level rise updated research on coastal vulnerability and risk assessment due to sea-level rise. The article describes the
Coastal hazards existing scientific knowledge on an important subject that must be in the present climate change agenda, giving
Coastal vulnerability index
examples of methods, methodologies and applications that have been made around the world that can be
Coastal risk index
considered for application according to the specifics of each geographical area. This research demonstrates, with
Climate change
37 studies of the last decade, that a wide range of concepts, methods, parameters and indices have been used in
this context, considering different types of time and space scales for the operation of coastal processes, cate­
gorizing them in different intervals and classifying each variable results in a large spectrum of vulnerability and
risk levels. In light of the research included in this study, Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) is the most popular
designation of the index (78%). It was discovered that the index designation provided by the authors is erroneous
in 31 studies. Only 7 of the 29 studies that were designated as CVI were genuinely CVI. Coastal forcing factors
were employed in 24 studies, however, only half (18 studies) included socioeconomic parameters and only 7
used economic damage parameters. This demonstrated that there is no magic or right formula for assessing
vulnerability and risk, as this is largely conditioned by the availability of data and the place it is applied.
However, the lack of harmonization in the nomenclature of the indices is worrying. This article also guides how
the different indices should be designated, considering what they represent, and what kind of parameters are
being used, taking into account the scale on which the study is being applied.

1. Introduction et al., 2022). While changes in relative mean sea level (RMSL) are also
influenced by the vertical velocity of the continental crust, due to tec­
Coastal zones are an important natural system and a focal point in tonic dynamics and to glacial isostatic adjustment, or to local vertical
many economies, hosting a wide range of social and economic activities phenomena such as sediment compaction or surface loading, as well as
(Nguyen et al., 2016). As a result, in these areas there is an increasingly local and regional changes of currents or even decadal to multidecadal
high demographic exposure, creating a higher damage risk from ocean oscillations (Pugh, 2004; Antunes, 2019). Other forcing compo­
sea-level rise (SLR) to many coastal infrastructures and facilities, as well nents that are directly linked to coastal risk, and that must inevitably be
as potential real estate economic depreciation. As a result, risk assess­ considered together with SLR, are the astronomical tide, the storm
ment of coastal zones due to SLR is critical in coastal flooding risk surge, the wave run-up, and the extreme weather events. These com­
assessment and adaptation measures planning (Rocha et al., 2020). ponents amplify the impacts on coastal erosion and coastal flooding
Prioritizing and adapting high-risk sectors are vital to reduce financial (Tsoukala et al., 2016). Many studies have been conducted at various
losses and constraints on future generations, who may not have time to spatiotemporal scales of current SLR variations as a result of tidal gauge
adopt necessary measures. observations and/or satellite altimetry (e.g., Fairbridge and Krebs, 1962;
Changes in global mean sea level (GMSL) are mainly caused by an Gornitz et al., 1982; Douglas, 1997; Leuliette et al., 2004; Church and
increase in the ocean water volume induced by warmer water with a White, 2006; Jevrejeva et al., 2006; Holgate, 2007; Nerem et al., 2010;
lower density, as well as an increase in ocean mass due to land ice Church et al., 2013; Kopp et al., 2014; Jevrejeva et al., 2014; Slangen
melting or a net reduction in terrestrial water reservoirs (Oppenheimer et al., 2017; Nauels et al., 2017; Sweet et al., 2017)

* Corresponding author. Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, Instituto Dom Luiz, Lisboa, Portugal.
E-mail addresses: (C. Rocha), (C. Antunes), (C. Catita).
Received 24 October 2022; Received in revised form 13 February 2023; Accepted 14 February 2023
Available online 12 March 2023
0964-5691/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
C. Rocha et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

Fig. 1. Observations of current-day global mean sea-level rise (1986–2005) and projections of RCP2.6 and RCP8.5. a) until 2100. Adapted from IPCC et al. (2019a);
b) up to 2300, with limited confidence in sea-level projections after 2100. Adapted from Oppenheimer et al. (2022).

The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC, 2018) and timing of future SLR, but IPCC (2014) projections from the Fifth
warned that SLR caused by climate change will continue to rise well Assessment Report (AR5) for 2100 estimate a range of 0.28–0.52 m and
beyond 2100 (high confidence). There is no doubt that this is a real 0.61–0.98 m under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) low
threat that will amplify the vulnerability of small islands and low-lying emission scenario 2.6 and high emission scenario 8.5, respectively, with
coastal areas, which will affect or will affect many human and ecological 85% of confidence.
systems. According to Box et al. (2022), one of the most significant Oppenheimer et al. (2022) in the most recent IPCC Special Report on
drivers of contemporary SLR is ice loss from the Greenland ice sheet. the Oceans and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROOC), analyzed
According to Church and White (2011) and Hay et al. (2015) for a more recent studies than the previous AR5 and included marine ice sheet
1 ◦ C increase in global temperature anomaly, the global mean sea level instability, which increased to 0.43 m (0.29 m–0.59 m) and 0.84 m
(GMSL) has increased about 20 cm since the late 19th century (globally (0.61 m–1.10 m) the RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 scenarios by 2100, respectively
and regionally). There are significant uncertainties regarding the rates (Fig. 1). This study also includes the 0.12 m from the marine ice sheet

Fig. 2. Options for risk reduction through adaptation. The figure is based on the conceptual framework of risk used in the IPCC 5th Assessment Report (AR5). Source:
IPCC et al. (2019a).

C. Rocha et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

instability, a much lower value than Box et al. (2022) which is a com­ Table 1
plementary approach that found the imbalance of Greenland ice with Definitions of concepts.
recent climate compromises at least by 27 cm SLR regardless of 21st-cen­ Concept Definition Reference
tury climate pathways.
Hazard Is the possible occurrence of a natural or ISDR (2009, p. 6),
The variability of GMSL projections across different studies, even human-induced physical event that can IPCC (2019b, p.
when using the same emission scenarios, often lead to disorientation in cause loss of life, injury, or other health- 688)
decision-making communities and the public in general (Garner et al., related issues, as well as damage and/or
2018; Horton et al., 2020). Sriver et al. (2018) propose a common loss of property, infrastructure,
livelihoods, service provision,
approach to managing this uncertainty that is based on defining deter­ ecosystems, and environmental
ministic scenarios of future SLR and selecting one or more scenarios, resources.
referred to as the ‘best-estimate’ and ‘worst-case’, as the basis for coastal Vulnerability Is the propensity or predisposition of the ISDR (2009, p. 6),
risk assessment methodologies for decision-makers to implement environment, people, or properties to a IPCC (2019b, p.
given danger, encompassing several 699)
adaptation measures when they become essential.
elements and concepts, such as
Considering the different SLR projections, it is clear that places, sensitivity or susceptibility to damage
livelihoods and ecosystems are at risk. IPCC et al. (2019a) estimated that and the lack of ability to adapt.
in 2050, one billion people will be living in the low-lying coastal zone, i. Exposure Is understood as the presence of people, ISDR (2009, p. 6),
e., live less than 10 m above today’s high tide. Nowadays, around 40% of livelihoods, species or ecosystems, IPCC (2019b, p.
environmental services and resources, 685)
the world’s population lives in the 100 km coastal strip (United Nations, infrastructure, or economic, social, or
2017). This percentage is increasing even more in the near future cultural goods in places and settings that
because people who live in inland areas are moving to the coasts in could be adversely affected.
search of better life conditions and opportunities (Small and Nicholls, Risk Is defined as the product of the ISDR (2009, p. 6),
probability of occurrence of a potential IPCC (2019b, p.
2003; Aerts et al., 2013; Neumann et al., 2015).
(unwanted) event, by the (unwanted) 696)
Despite exposure to harmful and changing circumstances, migration consequence associated with that event,
to these potentially vulnerable and dangerous places is inevitable, as thus resulting from the interaction of
they provide resources for human, social and economic growth (Lavell, hazard, vulnerability, and exposure.
2002; Cardona et al., 2012). The high exposure of coastal zones all over Risk The qualitative and/or quantitative IPCC (2019b, p.
assessment scientific estimation of risks. 696)
the world and its growth is very difficult to avoid, remaining only so­
Risk Based on measured or perceived risks, IPCC (2019b, p.
lutions such as territory smart planning, accompanied by the imple­ management plans, actions, strategies, or policies are 696)
mentation of mitigation and adaptation measures, however, they have a developed to limit the possibility and/or
very high cost of implementation. size of undesirable possible effects.
Impacts The consequences of risks on natural and IPCC (2019b, p.
Risk can be reduced through adaptation by addressing one or more of
human systems, that result from the 689)
the three risk factors: hazard, vulnerability and/or exposure (Fig. 2). interactions of climate-related hazards,
Reducing these factors can be accomplished over time through various exposure and vulnerability.
policies and actions until adaptation limitations are reached. According Adaptation Can occur in human and/or natural IPCC (2019b, p.
to Jevrejeva et al. (2018), the global annual costs of SLR impacts are systems. At first, the process of adjusting 678)
to current or expected climate effects
projected at US$27.0 trillion, which represents 2.7% of the current
aims to moderate harm or exploit
world gross domestic product (GDP), under the IPCC RCP8.5 extreme benefits and opportunities. In natural
scenario for 2100. However, if adaptation is committed these costs could systems, the adjustment process is made
drop to US$ 1.1 trillion per year, for the same scenario. to the actual climate and its effects,
where human intervention can facilitate
Over the past 30 years, scientists have begun to develop easy-to-
the process.
apply approaches incorporating SLR projections and other parameters Adaptation A set of adaption decisions that trade off IPCC (2019b, p.
to coastal risk assessment. In the scientific literature, several methods pathways short-term and long-term objectives and 693)
can be found (e.g., Index-based methods/Indicator-based approach, values. In order to find solutions that are
Decision Support Systems and methods based on dynamic computa­ relevant to individuals in the context of
their everyday lives and to prevent
tional models), for applying to different case studies and with different
potential maladaptations, these are
goals. However, it is unanimous that index-based methods are the most procedures of deliberate choice.
common, since they allow identifying and even prioritizing susceptible
regions or areas due to SLR impact, in a simple and no less effective way.
The problem that arises is that there is a wide variety of indices, and they into two important subchapters: i) description of indices developed for
are not always correctly named, since they are dependent on specific and coastal vulnerability and risk assessment and ii) summarizes and dis­
different parameters. cusses the literature review; Section 4 contains the articles conclusions
This article intends to summarize the most recent methodological and future directions, namely, a methodological proposal for the elab­
advances, with emphasis on the last decade, for the determination of oration of a multi-scale risk index.
indices of coastal risk assessment, stating and discussing them whenever
possible. It is also intended to provide a valid description of the key 2. Basics on concepts, definitions and methods for coastal risk
dimensions of heterogeneity within research on climate change assessment
vulnerability. That is, it guides how the different indices should be
designated, considering their scale and parameters used, which means This chapter presents the definitions of the most important concepts
that in some articles a new designation was given to their indices. It also that will be assumed throughout this review article.
proposes a guideline on how a multi-scale coastal risk index should be
developed, where it is clearly defined which parameters should be used. 2.1. Key concepts: from Hazard to adaptation
This review contributes to determine the gaps in knowledge on climate
change vulnerability of coastal areas and to identify the challenges that The assessment of coastal risk due to natural hazards induced by
need to be addressed in future research. climate change involves several concepts that must be clearly defined.
The manuscript is structured as follows: Section 2 describes the The concept of vulnerability/risk is defined differently in the various
characterization of different concepts and methods; Section 3 is divided scientific areas in which it is used (Brooks, 2003; Downing and

C. Rocha et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

Table 2 In the last three decades, several approaches have been developed to
Main differences between the three existing coastal risk assessment methods. assess the risk of the coastal zone due to sea-level rise. Among the most
Differentiating Index-based Decision Dynamic used, we can consider three major categories:
factors methods/Indicator Support Computational
based approach Systems Models (1) Index-based methods/Indicator-based approach: Based on the
Scales Spatial Resolution: Spatial Spatial Resolution: quantitative or qualitative assessment and the combination of
any spatial scale Resolution: local to national or several parameters. They express vulnerability through a set of
(depends on data regional global (depends on independent elements that characterize the coastal zone. The
availability). Temporal scale: the method).
Temporal scale: any any future Temporal scale: any
index can be done by aggregating a single value. The result is a
temporal scale. scenarios. temporal scale. combination of an index or specific indicators, usually expressed
Temporal scale: any by a mathematical formula that aggregates indices and/or in­
temporal scale dicators according to an appropriate set of weights.
Main drivers Coastal forcing: SLR, Coastal forcing: Coastal forcing: SLR
(2) Decision Support Systems (DSS): They can be considered an
of change tides, waves, erosion SLR, Storm (relative or not),
rates. Surge. erosion rates, tides, exploratory tool that allows for assessing the conditions of a
Physical: storm surge, system under a variety of scenarios and the consequences of
geomorphology, currents. different adaptation and mitigation measures. A DSS generally
elevation, coastal Physical: sea integrates several environmental models, also a database and
slope. defenses, sediment
Socioeconomic: patterns.
different assessment tools, connected to specific software.
population, Socioeconomic: (3) Methods based on dynamic computational models: They aim to
infrastructures, population growth, model the current and future conditions of geophysical, biolog­
cultural heritage, GDP growth. ical and/or socioeconomic processes. Given the complexity of the
property value.
models, these methods require appropriate software, as well as
Main data Data input depends Climatic data Climatic data and
input on key parameters and physical/ physical data. Some advanced scientific knowledge.
used to calculate the forcing methods require
Coastal Vulnerability parameters. field observations. Table 2 summarizes the main differences between the three existing
Index (CVI). coastal risk assessment methods.
Adaptation Not addressed by the It is possible to Depends on the
Coastal vulnerability assessments should adopt an integrated strat­
measures index. evaluate the method.
efficacy of egy taking into account environmental changes caused by climate
different change and other causes, socioeconomic advancements, and the in­
adaptation teractions between these elements (Ramieri et al., 2011). As such, and
measures due to
according to the summary in Table 2, it is clear why index-based
different SLR
scenarios. methods are the most common way of assessing coastal risk, since
Output Tables, maps, index Maps Depends on the these allow the use of any type of driver change (climatic and
method, but maps, non-climatic), unlike the others that have their limitations.
time-series These methods are extensively used and have some variations,
projections, and
including the coastal vulnerability index (e.g., Gornitz et al., 1991), the
graphical and
tables are usually multi-scale coastal vulnerability index (e.g. McLaughlin and Cooper,
outputs. 2010) and the composite vulnerability index (e.g., Szlafsztein and Sterr,
Software Does not require any Own open- Requires specific 2007). The Index-based methods make it possible to simplify parame­
specific software. source software. software.
ters, which are spatially represented by different data, being more easily
Examples CVI Index; DESYCO RACE; Delft3D;
methods Composite DIVA; SimCLIM
understood (McLaughlin and Cooper, 2010). The result is a combination
Vulnerability Index; of a specific index or indicators, usually expressed by a mathematical
Multi-scale CVI formula that aggregates indices and/or indicators according to an
appropriate set of weights.
Table 3 shows three approaches based on indices, a brief description
Patwardhan, 2004; Metzger et al., 2005; Hinkel and Klein, 2006; Füssel,
and some of their advantages and disadvantages.
2007; Ramieri et al., 2011; Mahapatra et al., 2013; Benassai et al., 2015;
Oloyede et al., 2021) and is directly related to other concepts, such as
2.2.2. The importance of spatial scale
danger, exposure, and adaptation.
The spatial scale for coastal risk assessment is a very important fac­
Since this article is specifically about the impact of SLR in coastal
tor, which authors should consider since the scale will determine the
areas, the definitions presented here are the ones that best fit this field of
spatial detail with which we assess coastal vulnerability and risk.
expertise (see Table 1).
Nguyen et al. (2016) state that “vulnerability is scale-dependent,
Hazards, vulnerability, and exposure may be susceptible to ambi­
across both space and time, as well as it is also spatially scale-depend­
guity, both in terms of magnitude and probability of occurrence. Each of
ent”, i.e., according to whether the research is conducted at the national,
these concepts may also change over time and space as a result of nat­
regional or local level.
ural, socioeconomic, and anthropogenic changes (i.e., with origin in
The different scales can be defined as global, national, regional or
human action).
local, and have some significant differences between them, as shown in
Fig. 3. Global coastal risk assessment allows for global policies. National-
2.2. Approaches and challenges scale studies are useful in determining high-priority areas for vulnera­
bility reduction or management and are intended to give a visual and
2.2.1. Existing methods spatial perspective to decision-makers and coastal managers
Existing methods for assessing coastal vulnerability and risk differ in (McLaughlin and Cooper, 2010; Nguyen et al., 2016; Furlan et al.,
complexity, the number of processes included and applications at 2021). Studies on a regional scale could be used to establish setback lines
various scales and outcomes. However, whatever methods are used, the or hazard zones to control planning (McLaughlin and Cooper, 2010).
results should be easily integrated by policymakers into the adaptation This geographical approach enables the identification of hotspots or
planning process (Mcleod et al., 2010). critical vulnerable regions that demand priority attention and more

C. Rocha et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

Table 3
Three approaches to the index-based method.
Approach Description Advantages (A)/Disadvantages (D) Reference

Coastal Can aggregate different parameters (hazard, physical (A) Can be applied to various scales and spatial Gornitz et al., 1994; Thieler and
Vulnerability and socioeconomic), depending on the intended resolutions. Useful and easy-to-understand maps. Hammar-Klose, 1999; Ramieri et al.,
Index (CVI) objective. Quantitative classification of the different Good applicability in GIS. It doesn’t need specific 2011; Koroglu et al., 2019; Noor and
parameters is usually made (e.g., 1 - very low to 5 - software or a hard computational effort. Abdul Maulud, 2022
extreme). (D) Does not provide specific elements for planning
Subsequently, the different parameters are integrated adaptation strategies.
into a single final index (with weighted aggregation or

Composite This index applies the same principles as the CVI, with (A)/(D) Same as CVI. Ramieri et al., 2011; Noor and Abdul
Vulnerability the difference that it combines a set of parameters in Maulud, 2022; Roukounis and
Index different categories. Each category forms an Tsihrintzis, 2022
(independent) index, where parameters are
aggregated according to an appropriate set of weights.
It thus makes it possible to assess the vulnerability of a
given location, according to different indices.

Multi-scale Coastal Different scales are defined: national, regional and (A) Same as CVI. McLaughlin and Cooper, 2010; Satta
Vulnerability local. Where an index is created for each one of them, (D) It is heavily dependent on the availability of data et al., 2017
Index which is complemented with three sub-indices that at each spatial scale. It does not provide specific
allow defining: coastal forcing, coastal characteristics elements for planning adaptation strategies.
(resilience and susceptibility) and socioeconomic
For each sub-index, depending on its scale, different
data are used, with different spatial resolutions, since
different scales tend to reflect different priorities and
the influence of a given variable can increase or
decrease depending on the scale used.

Fig. 3. Main differences between spatial resolution scales for coastal risk assessment.

local-scale evaluations to help on-the-spot decision-making. The local assessment of vulnerability or risk.
scale allows better identification of critical areas and infrastructure Therefore, the most common way of parametrization is to divide the
located in highly vulnerable zones, thus being able to better serve policy components of coastal vulnerability and risk into coastal forcing, coastal
and decision-making for comprehensive adaptation strategies. At higher characteristics, and socioeconomic parameters. This class division
resolution scales, coastal systems and the parameters to be used can and makes it possible to evaluate different aspects, which are interconnected
should be more detailed (Torresan et al., 2008). and can be evaluated independently (Klein and Nicholls, 1999).
The argument that there isn’t a universal index that can be used with The coastal forcing component represents the nature of coastal
all scales is supported by McLaughlin and Cooper (2010). This is processes i.e., indicators that cause susceptibility to extreme sea level
essentially since the real level of risk or vulnerability of a given scenarios (e.g., SLR projections, storm surge frequency, tidal range and
geographic location can be hidden when analyzed using smaller-scale significant wave height). SLR component evaluates the potential of
mapping, as differences in geographic resolution and the availability longer-lasting and more frequent coastal floods (Pendleton et al.,
and quality of some parameters, which are directly linked to the spatial 2010b). There are several approaches to this component: physical-based
resolution, can influence the results. models, probability based-models, machine learning models and artifi­
cial intelligence. However, physical-based models are deterministic
2.2.3. Data, parameters and visualization tools approaches to the hazard assessment (due to extreme events, erosion
Different components are considered and used in vulnerability and and SLR), and since risk and vulnerability are probability-based func­
risk assessments. This use is often related to the purpose of the study, its tions it requires a range of probabilities or variability that must be given
spatial resolution as well as the data availability. Therefore, it can be for all their parameters. New processes based on machine learning or
very tricky to select the appropriate coastal parameters for a specific artificial intelligence have not yet been used in the index assessment
purpose. Existing studies have indicated that the number of parameters approach, since they are quite complex, which is the opposite of the
used in CVI literature can vary drastically (McLaughlin and Cooper, objective of applying coastal indices.
2010). Regardless, the parameters must be measurable, accessible, Coastal characteristics consider the physical characteristics of a
transferable, easy to apply and not redundant (Birkmann, 2006). These coastal system and its inherent resistance or erodibility, i.e., it essen­
can also be quantitative or qualitative, depending on the context and the tially makes possible the probability assessment of coastal erosion

C. Rocha et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

(Pendleton et al., 2010a). According to VanZomeren and

2) Mean area flooded (%), mean flood depth (m), mean flood risk index.
3) Land projected to be below the tideline in 2100 depending on different
reached through combinations of sea level rise, tides, and storm surge.
Acevedo-Mackey (2019), parameters that result from coastal processes

projection type, year, pollution pathway or sea-level scenario, luck

2) A water level (in feet or meters) above the high tide line could be
that occur on longer time scales are normally used (e.g., geomorphology,
1) Land projected to be below annual flood level on different years.

6) Land projected to be below annual flood level, depending on the

warming scenarios (increasing temperature) affect sea level rise.

4) Mean distance from the coastline (m), mean erosion risk index.
7) Affordable housing at risk of flooding (only available for U.S.).
5) Threats from Antarctic or Greenland ice loss, in feet or meters.
geology, shoreline type, Shoreline displacement, elevation, slope,

4) Comparison with different temperatures: long-term sea level

orientation, distance to the coastline, river mouth, bathymetry, sea de­

1) Extreme sea level in 2100 for each coastal segment along

fenses). When Indices are applied, parameters such as sedimentation
and salinity are not usually used since they are applied at a local scale

5) Erosion risk index at each World Heritage site.

and require some hydrodynamic modeling. Thus, these parameters can

3) Flood risk index at each World Heritage site.

Mediterranean Low Elevation Coastal Zone.
and should be used when applying the Dynamic Computational Models
The socioeconomic component is very important in vulnerability
and sea-level projection source. assessment. This component reflects the distribution of the respective
damage impact of such climatic changes on society. The social and
economic variations of a coastal system occur more frequently and
Layers/Results available

rapidly than the other components. This component often contains so­
cial and economic parameters (e.g., population, cultural heritage, roads,
land use, infrastructures, ecological spots, tourism, economic activities,

economic value of site, GDP). Due to the difficulties in obtaining and

classifying this type of data, this component is sometimes omitted in the
The data to be used in the vulnerability/risk assessment must have
the best quality and the higher spatial resolution possible. Ideally, all
Spatial (S)/Temporal (T) Resolution

parameters, at whatever scale, should be based on local-level informa­

tion and not on the global-level. However, it is known that this is
(T) between 2030 and 2100

(T) between 2020 and 2100

implausible in most cases, although there is increasing access to better

quality, updated open data. It is important to mention that the same
(S) ~ 90 m SRTM DEM
(S) 30 m Coastal DEM

variable can be used in different scales studies, however, its influence

may be different.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been widely used for
data merging and manipulation, as well as for producing different maps
for visualization. This technology allows for identifying the spatial dis­
tribution of hazards and vulnerability (Yohe and Tol, 2002; O’Brien
et al., 2004; Brooks et al., 2005; Ebert et al., 2009). Furthermore, the
1) IPCC scenarios (RCP2.6,

research demonstrates GIS’s capacity to analyze vulnerability at multi­

ple scales through an available set of tools. This is a great advantageous
RCP4.5 and RCP8.5)

because the resolution and breadth of research can include data with
SLR Projections

1) AR6 (IPCC).

both small and large geographical extents (Cutter et al., 2003). GIS also
allows the development of visualization tools (e.g., NOAA Sea level Rise

Viewer, 2011; Antunes et al., 2017 on SNMPortugal web platform;

Climate Central’s Coastal Risk Screening Tool, 2021), which are intui­
tive and better understood by a common user. These tools explore
UNESCO World Heritage sites

coastal flooding scenarios over various periods, to alert and sensitize the
population to this issue as well as help community planners. They are a
Geographical extension

great starting point for more detailed studies in areas that have been
identified as the most critical and urgent for prevention.
Characterization of the Flooding studies mentioned in subchapter 3.1.

3. Coastal risk assessment: literature review


This review only analyses studies published in the last decade, that
sought to make a coastal assessment due to SLR scenarios. As a caveat, it

should be mentioned that depending on the objective of the study, and


due to the applied spatial scale and available data, there are different
strategies to approach the problem, as will be demonstrated throughout
Mediterranean UNESCO World

this chapter.
Due to the vast number of publications related to this topic, this
Climate Central’s Coastal

chapter mentions only a subset of the most relevant works in this field in
Climate Central (2021)

Reimann et al. (2018)

Risk Screening Tool

the last decade. The authors intend to show the studies first in order of
geographical scale (global, national, regional, local) and then in chro­
Heritage at risk

nological order, and the same is applied to the summaries made in

Tables 4–6.

3.1. Coastal vulnerability and risk assessment


Vulnerability or risk indices allow for identifying and even priori­

Table 4a


tizing susceptible regions or places to SLR, thus becoming a tool for

defining, monitoring and awareness-raising strategies (Nguyen et al.,

C. Rocha et al.
Table 4b
Characterization of the Physical studies mentioned in subchapter 3.1.
Study Scale Geographical Spatial (S)/ Parameters Formulas/Weight Output/Ranking of
extension Temporal (T) Index

Physical Coastal Vulnerability National China (S) 3 s Physical: AHP for parameters: strip along the
Index (CVI) (T) n/a 1) Sea Level Rise (mm/yr) – SLR; 2) Geomorphology (type) – G; 3) Coastal CVI = 31%*SLR + 9%*MTR + shoreline.
Yin et al. (2012) elevation (m) – CE; 4) Coastal slope (%) – CS; 5) Shoreline erosion (mm/yr) 10%*MWH + 11%*G + 19%*CE Very Low (1) to Very
– SE; 6) Land use (type) – LU; 7) Mean tide range (m) – MTR; 8) Mean wave + 3%*CS + 7%*SE + 10%*LU High (4)
height (m) – MWH
Coastal Vulnerability National Lithuania (S) 500 m grid Geologic: 1) square root of the product mean cells along the
Index (CVI) (T) n/a 1) Historical shoreline change rate (m/yr) – HSC; 2) Beach width (m) – BW; 2) AHP for parameters: coastline.
Bagdanavičiūtė et al. 3) Beach height (m) – BH; 4) Beach sediments – BS; 5) Underwater slope CVI = 27.7%*HSC + 5.2%*US + Very Low (1) to Very
(2015) (tan a) – US; 6) Sand bars (underwater slope) – SB 11.2%*BW + 4.6%*BH + 29.7% High (5)
Physical Process: *SB + 3.6%*BS + 17.9%*MSW
1) Mean significant wave height (m) – MSWH
Coastal Vulnerability National Spain (S) undefined Physical: square root of the product mean strip along the
Index (CVI) (T) 2100 1) Geomorphology (type); 2) Shoreline erosion/accretion (m/yr) 3) Slope shoreline.
Royo et al. (2016) (%); 4) Relative SLR (m); 5) Wave Climate (H2); 6) Mean tide range (m) Very Low (1) to Very
High (5)
Physical Vulnerability National Portugal (S) 20 m Coastal Forcing: AHP for parameters: spatialization of
Index (PVI) (T) 2050; 2100 1) Extreme Hazard Index (probabilistic flooding) – EFHI PVI = 34%*EFHI + 21%*HN + vulnerability.
Rocha et al. (2020) Physical: 15%*CT + 15%*DC + 8%*SG + Very Low (1) to Very
1) Hydrographic Network (distance and slope) – HN; 2) Distance to 4%*DG + 2%*LU High (5)
coastline (m) – DC; 3) Solid Geology (type) – SG; 4) Drift Geology (type) –
DG; 5) Land Use (type) – LU; 6) Coast type (type) – CT
Coastal Vulnerability Regional Syria (S) 10 m Physical: square root of the product mean strip along the
Index (CVI) (T) 2100 1) Geomorphology (type); 2) Coastal slope (%); 3) SLR change (mm/yr); shoreline.
Faour et al. (2013) 4) Shoreline erosion/accretion (m); 5) Mean tide (m); 6) Wave ranges (m) Very Low (1) to Very

High (5)
Coastal Vulnerability Regional Gulf of Mannar, India (S) 90 m Geological: square root of the product mean strip along the
Index (CVI) (T) n/a 1) Shoreline change rate (m/yr); 2) Beach width (m); 3) Regional elevation shoreline.
Parthasarathy and (m); 4) Slope (%); 5) Bathymetry (m); 6) Geomorphology (type) Low (1) to Very High
Natesan (2015) Physical: (4)
1) Sea-Level Change rate (mm/yr); 2) Mean tidal range (m); 3) Significant
wave height (m)
Coastal Vulnerability Regional Andhra Pradesh, India (S) 30 m Physical: square root of the product mean strip along the
Index (CVI) (T) n/a 1) Shoreline change (m); 2) Coastal slope (◦ ); 3) Elevation (m); 4) Mean Sea shoreline.
Basheer et al. (2016) level (m); 5) Mean tide range (m); 6) Mean wave height (m); Very Low (1) to Very
7) Geomorphology (type) High (5)
Coastal Vulnerability Regional Ganges, Bangladesh (S) 1 km grid cell Physical: square root of the product mean strip along the
Index (CVI) (T) n/a 1) Geomorphology (type); 2) coastal slope (◦ ); 3) shoreline change rate (m/ shoreline.
Islam et al. (2016) yr); 4) rate of sea level change (m); 5) mean tide range (m); Very Low (1) to Very

Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

6) bathymetry (m); 7) storm surge height (%) High (5)
Coastal Vulnerability Regional Southern Lebanese (S) 1 km Physical: square root of the product mean strip along the
Index (CVI) zone (T) n/a 1) Geomorphology (type); 2) Coastal Slope (%); 3) Relative rate of SLR shoreline.
Ghoussein et al. (2018) (mm/yr); 4) Erosion/Advancement (m/yr); 5) Average tidal range (m); Very Low (1) to Very
6) Average Wave height (m) High (5)
Integrated Coastal Regional Azores, Portugal (S) undefined Biophysical: ICVI = a + b + c + d + e + f strip along the
Vulnerability Index (T) n/a 1) Type of cliff (type); 2) Type of Beach (type) shoreline.
(ICVI) External forcing: Very Low (1) to Very
Ng et al. (2019) 1) Coastal defenses (%); 2) Exposure to swell/storm waves (%); 3) Outcrop High (5)
flooded (%)
1) Land use (type)
(continued on next page)
C. Rocha et al.
Table 4b (continued )
Study Scale Geographical Spatial (S)/ Parameters Formulas/Weight Output/Ranking of
extension Temporal (T) Index

Coastal Vulnerability Regional Bangladesh (S) 1 km Physical: square root of the product mean box of segmentation
Index (CVI) (T) n/a 1) Elevation (m); 2) Coastal Slope (%); 3) Geomorphology (type); 4) Storm along the shoreline.
Hoque et al. (2019) surge height (m); 5) Bathymetry (m); 6) Shoreline change rate (m/yr); Very Low (1) to Very
7) SLR (mm/yr); 8) Tide range (m) High (5)
Coastal Vulnerability Regional Andhra Pradesh, India (S) 500 m grid Physical: AHP for parameters: strip along the
Index (CVI) (T) n/a 1) Coastal Slope/contour (m) - CS; 2) Geomorphology (type) - G; CVI = 5.73%*SC + 10.15%*G + shoreline.
Baig et al. (2021) 3) Bathymetry (m) - B; 4) Shoreline change (m/yr) - SC; 5) Mean tidal range 16.47%*LU + 15.46%*MTR + Very Low to Very
(m) - MTR; 6) Land use/land cover (type) - LU 21.51%*CS + 30.68%*B High
Coastal Vulnerability Regional Bali Province, (S) 1 km grid Physical: square root of the product mean strip along the
Index (CVI) Indonesia (T) n/a 1) Geomorphology (type); 2) Shoreline change rate (m/yr); 3) Elevation shoreline.
Hastuti et al. (2022) (m); 4) SLR (mm/yr); 5) Tide range (m); 6) Significant wave height (m) Low to Very High
Coastal Vulnerability Regional Eastern Gulf of Finland (S) 5.5 km grid Geology: square root of the product mean strip along the
Index (CVI) coastal zone, the Baltic (T) n/a 1) Coastal geology (type) shoreline.
Kovaleva et al. (2022) Sea Geomorphology: Low, Medium, High
1) Coastal embayment (type); 2) Beach shape (type); 3) Underwater bars

(type); 4) Underwater slope (tan α)

1) Beach elements (type)
1) Susceptibility to storm activity (n◦ )
Coastal Vulnerability Regional Subang Regency, (S) undefined Physical: 1) square root of the product mean strip along the
Index (CVI) Indonesia (T) n/a 1) Coastal relief (m) - CR; 2) Geomorphology (type) - G; 3) Shoreline change 2) AHP for parameters: shoreline.
Handiani et al. (2022) (m/yr) - SC; 4) Tidal range (m) - TR; 5) Sea-level change (mm/yr) - SLR; 6) CVI = 39%*CR + 30%*G + 13% Very Low to Very
Wave height (m) - WH; 7) Land subsidence (mm/yr) - LS; 8) Land use (type) *SC + 3%*TR + 6%*SLR + 5% High
- LU *WH + 3%*LS + 2%*LU
Coastal Vulnerability Local Croatian Eastern (S) 5 m Physical: square root of the product mean, strip along the
Index (CVI) Adriatic Coast (T) n/a 1) Geologic fabric (type); 2) Coastal Slope (◦ ); 3) Beach width (m); emphasizing the geological shoreline.
Ružić et al. (2019) 4) Significant Wave height, Hs (m); 5) Land use (type) fabric’s importance Very Low (1) to Very
High (5)

Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

Coastal Vulnerability Local Ravenna province, (S) 1 km Physical: AHP for parameters: 36 segments
Index (CVI) Italy (T) n/a 1) Elevation (m) – E; 2) Dune coverage (%) – DC; 3) Shoreline covered by CVI = 39.1%*E + 24.5%*DC + approximate length
Sekovski et al. (2020) artificial protection structures (%) – SPS; 4) Recent shoreline change (m/yr) 16.7%*SPS + 21.5%*SC + 13.5% of 1 km.
– SC; 5) Land cover (type) – LC *LC Very Low (1) to Very
High (5)
C. Rocha et al.
Table 5
Characterization of the Socioeconomic studies mentioned in subchapter 3.1.
Study Scale Geographical Spatial (S)/ Parameters Formulas/Weight Output/Ranking of Index
extension Temporal (T)

Socioeconomic Index of Global East Africa (S) 1 km Index of Exposure: InVEST model cells along the coastline.
Vulnerability to (T) n/a 1) Relief (m); 2) Wave exposure; 3) Wind exposure; 4) Surge Low to Very High
Coastal Change potential;
(IVCC) 5) Natural habitats (class); 6) Shoreline change rate (m/yr)
Ballesteros and Esteves Social Vulnerability Index (SVI):
(2021) 1) Age (%); 2) Population growth (%) 3) Population density
(Inhab/km2); 4) Education (%); 5) Housing standards (%); 6)
Sanitation (%)
Coastal Risk (or National Lithuania (S) 500 m grid Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI): AHP for parameters: cells along the coastline.
Resilience) Index (T) n/a 1) Historical shoreline change rate (m/yr) – HSCR; 2) Beach CVI = 29.7%*SB + 27.7*HSCR + 17.9% Very Low (1) to Very High
(CRI) width (m) – BW; 3) Beach height (m) – BH; 4) Beach *MSWH + 11.2%*BW + 5.2%*US + 4.6% (5)
Bagdanavičiūtė et al. sediments – BS; 5) Underwater slope (tan a) – US; 6) Sand *BH + 3.6%*BS
(2018) bars (underwater slope) – SB; 7) Mean significant wave CEI = 33.5%*PD + 30.4%*BA + 13.1%*CH
height (m) – MSWH + 11.6%*TS + 11.4%*RF
Coastal Exposure Index (CEI): CRI = (CVI/CEI)/2
1) Population density (inhab/km2) – PD; 2) Built-up area
(km2) – BA;
3) Cultural heritage – CH; 4) Tourist spots (N◦ of photos) –
5) Recreational facilities – RF
Coastal Vulnerability Regional Between Porto de (S) undefined Physical Factors: Undefined. strip along the shoreline.
Martins et al. (2012) Mós and Falésia (T) n/a 1) Lithology (type); 2) Coastal systems (type); 3) Hydrology Very Low (1) to Very High
(type); (5)

4) Sediments supply (type)

Anthropic Factors:
1) Highway/Railway network; 2) Population density (Inhab/
3) Population growth 1991–2001 (%); 4) Urban Land Cover
Coastal Vulnerability Regional Puducherry coast, (S) 90 m Physical and Geological Vulnerability Index (PVI): AHP for parameters: strip along the shoreline.
Index (CVI) India (T) n/a 1) Coastal slope (◦ ) – CS; 2) Geomorphology (type) – G; 3) PVI = 38.25%*CS + 26.48%*G + 14.97*E + Very Low (1) to Very High
Murali et al. (2013) Elevation (m) – E; 4) Shoreline change (m/yr) – SC; 5) Sea 9.13%*SC + 5.53%*SLR +3.23*SWH (4)
level change (mm/yr) – SLR; +2.41%*TR
6) Significant wave height (m) – SWH; 7) Tidal range (m) – SVI = 65.89%*P + 21.72%*LU + 7.61%*RN
TR + 4.78%*CH
Social Vulnerability Index (SVI): CVI = (PVI+SVI)/2
1) Population (n◦ ) – P; 2) Land use/land cover (type) – LU; 3)

Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

Road network (distance) – RN; 4) Cultural heritage (tourist
areas) – CH.
Coastal Risk Index Regional Yangtze Delta, (S) 30 m grid Physical: AHP for parameters: strip along the shoreline.
(CRI) China cell 1) Coastal elevation (%) – X1; 2) Coastal slope (◦ ) – X2; 3) Physical = 18.2%*X1 + 18.2%*X2 + 26.4% Very Low (1) to Very High
Li et al. (2015) (T) n/a Average annual deposit volume (m3/yr) – X3; 4) Shoreline *X3 + 10.4%*X4 + 2.3%*X5 + 2.3%*X6 + (5)
change rates (m/yr) – X4; 5) Tidal range (m) – X5; 6) 1.6%*X7 + 11.9%*X8 + 3.5%*X9 + 5.1%
Significant wave height (m) – X6; 7) Relative SLR (mm/yr) – *X10
X7; 8) Intertidal width (m) – X8; 9) Intertidal vegetation type Socioeconomic = 75.1%*Y1 + 17.8%*Y2 +
(type) – X9; 10) Intertidal vegetation zone width (m) – X10 7.0%*Y3
Socioeconomic: CRI = (Physical + Socioeconomic)/2
1) Population density (Inhab/km2) – Y1; 2) Land Use type
(type) – Y2;
3) Ecological hotspots (type) – Y3
(continued on next page)
C. Rocha et al.
Table 5 (continued )
Study Scale Geographical Spatial (S)/ Parameters Formulas/Weight Output/Ranking of Index
extension Temporal (T)

Integrated Coastal Regional South Gujarat, (S) 10 m Physical Vulnerability Index (PVI): AHP for parameters: strip along the shoreline.
Vulnerability Index India (T) n/a 1) Coastal geomorphology (type) – CG; 2) Coastal slope (%) – PVI = 47.23%*CS + 33.67%*CG + 10.53% Very Low (1) to Very High
(ICVI) CS; *SCR + 4.81%*MSTR + 3.73%*SWH (5)
Mahapatra et al. 3) Shoreline change rate (m/yr) – SCR; 4) Significant wave SVI = 60.25%*PD + 24.75%*LU + 9.75%
(2015) height (m) – SWH; 5) Mean spring tide range (m) – MSTR *RN + 5.25%*S
Social Vulnerability Index (SVI): ICVI = (PVI+SVI)/2
1) Population density (Inhab/km2) – PD; 2) Land use/land
cover (type) – LU;
3) Road network (distance from) – RN; 4) Settlement (type) –
Coastal Vulnerability Regional Karnataka state, (S) undefined Physical: square root of the product mean strip along the shoreline.
Index (CVI) India (T) n/a 1) Coastal Slope (%); 2) Mean tide range (m); 3) Elevation Very Low (1) to Very High
Jana and Hegde (m); (5)
(2016) 4) Shoreline change rate (m/yr); 5) Mean significant wave
height (m)
1) Population (person per 200m2)
Integrated Coastal Regional Apulian region, (S) undefined Physical Vulnerability Index (PVI): AHP for parameters: Undefined weights. segments with 500 m.
Vulnerability Index Italy (T) n/a 1) Coastal Slope (%); 2) Coastal landforms/features (type); ICVI = (PVI+SVI)/2 Very Low (1) to Very High
(ICVI) 3) Significant wave height (m); 4) Shoreline change rate (m/ (4)
De Serio et al. (2018) yr); 5) Sea Level Rise (mm/yr); 6) Tidal range (m); 7) Coastal
Elevation (m)
Social Vulnerability Index (SVI):
1) Population (n◦ ); 2) Road networks (distance in km); 3)

Land use/land cover (type)

Integrated Coastal Regional Odisha, India (S) undefined Social Vulnerability Index (SVI): AHP for parameters: 5 km buffer along the
Vulnerability Index (T) n/a 1) Population (n◦ ); 2) Infrastructure (present/absent); 3) The method was applied to the weight of the coastline.
(ICVI) Heritage importance (n◦ ) parameters depending on the location, that Extreme (1), Strong (2),
Behera et al. (2019) Geotechnical Vulnerability Index (GVI): is, each parameter will have a different Intermediate (3),
1) Soil type; 2) shear strength; 3) group index; 4) Free swell weight depending on the city. Moderate (4), Low (5),
index Least (6)
Physical Vulnerability Index (PVI):
1) Shoreline change rate (m/yr); 2) Tidal range (m); 3)
Coastal elevation (m); 4) Proximity to sea (m); 5) Significant
wave height (m); 6) SLR (mm/yr)
Coastal Vulnerability Regional Sundarbans, (S) 500 m grid Physical: square root of the product mean cells along the coastline.
Index (CVI) India (T) n/a 1) Absolute SLR (mm/yr); 2) Elevation (m); 3) Historical Very Low to Very High
Bera and Maiti (2021) erosion/accretion (m/yr); Geomorphology (class); Tidal

Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

range (m)
1) Population density (Inhab/km2)
Coastal Inundation Local Volturno plain, (S) 1 m Physical: CSI = PRICE + URICE + ERICE + U10km spatialization within the
Risk (CIR) Italy (T) 2065, 2100 1) Future Topography (based on the assumption that the CIR = Physical*CSI entire flood area.
Aucelli et al. (2017) subsidence trend will be kept constant in the near future); 2) Low (1) to Very High (4)
SLR scenarios (RCP2.6/RCP8.5) RICE - Radius of Influence of Coastal Erosion
Coastal Socioeconomic Value Index (CSI): and Flooding
1) PRICE - Population living in RICE; 2) URICE - % of urban
areas in RICE; 3) ERICE - % of areas of high ecological value
in RICE; 4) U10km - Urban increase % in 10 km radius
(continued on next page)
C. Rocha et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

2016). This sub-chapter refers 37 studies published in the last decade

carried out solely and exclusively in coastal areas of the open ocean

buffer along the coastline.

Very Low (1) to Very High
Output/Ranking of Index
coast, not including specific studies in specific natural environments (e.
g., tropical coral reefs, mangroves, temperature salt marshes, coastal
lagoons and estuaries), which are also threatened by SLR.
The following authors consider only physical parameters in their
indices, at different scales (global, national, regional or local). Table 4
summarizes the physical indices.
Yin et al. (2012) developed a national assessment for the Chinese
coast, developing an index called Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI),

CRI = (Vulnerability + Exposure + Hazard)/

Sensitivity = 39%*CT + 27%*A + 22%*R +

Vulnerability = (Sensitivity + Resilience)/2

Exposure = 44.6%*P + 23.7%*LU + 19%
using eight physical parameters, separated into two groups: i) oceanic
parameters: SLR, mean tide range and mean wave height; ii) terrestrial
parameters: geomorphology, elevation, slope, shoreline erosion and
Hazard = 68%*EEF + 32%*SLR

land use. The authors segmented the coast into a strip, and each variable
Resilience = 56%*L + 44%*C

was ranging into 4 classes from 1 (very low) to 4 (very high). The final
index was calculated by integrating a weighted rank using the Analytic
AHP for parameters:

Hierarchy Process (AHP) method.

*HS + 10.7%*RO

Bagdanavičiūtė et al. (2015) create a CVI for the Lithuania coast in

the south-eastern Baltic Sea. The authors wanted to compare the results

of the index using two different methods for the selected parameters:
scenario i) all parameters contribute equally (square root of the product

mean) and; scenario ii) each variable may have a different contribution
(using AHP method). The CVI depends solely on ranging into 5 classes
1) Extreme events frequency (n◦ /yr) – EEF; 2) SLR rate (mm/
1) Population (inhab/km2) – P; 2) Land Use (type) – LU; 3)
Historical sites (Present/Absent) – HS; 4) Roads (Absent/

from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high) of seven parameters (historical

(Present/Absent) – R; 4) Posidonia Herbarium (Present/
1) Coast type (type) – CT; 2) Altitude (m) – A; 3) Rivers

shoreline change rate, beach width, beach height, beach sediments,

1) Laws (Present/Absent) – L; 2) Citizenship (people

underwater slope and significant wave height). Considering the results

from scenario i) and scenario ii), respectively, resulting CVI (spatialized
by cells along the coast with a resolution of 500 m) revealed that 21%
and 32% of the coast is very high to highly vulnerable, 24% or 22% is
moderately and 50% or 41% have low to very low vulnerability. As the
authors conclude, scenario ii) is more realistic, since it considers the
expert judgment to assign the weights to the different parameters,
therefore, vulnerability levels will be different from scenario i).
A different approach was used by Royo et al. (2016), who calculated
awareness %) – C

a CVI for the peninsular coastline of Spain, considering the worst-case

Absent) – PH

scenario of 1 m SLR projection in 2100. The authors choose six pa­



type) – RO


yr) – SLR

rameters (geomorphology, shoreline erosion/accretion, slope, wave


climate, mean tide gauge and SLR by 2100) and range into 5 classes (1 -
very low to 5 - very high).
Reimann et al. (2018) assess 49 Mediterranean UNESCO World
Heritage Sites (WHS) at risk of coastal flooding and erosion due to SLR,
Temporal (T)

(S) 25 m grid
Spatial (S)/


under four scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP8.5 and the high-end sce­
(T) n/a

nario) until 2100. The authors concluded that 37 sites are at risk for a
100-year flood and 42 for present coastal erosion, which stresses the
urgency of adaptation in those locations.
For the Azores Archipelago in Portugal, Ng et al. (2019), elaborated
Bou Ismail Bay,

an Integrated Coastal Vulnerability Index (ICVI), which employed six


representative parameters (type of cliff, type of beach, coastal defenses,



exposure to swell/storm waves, outcrop flooded and land-use). For each

of the 9 islands, segments were created according to their geo­
morphologic compartments. For each of them, the ICVI value was
calculated with the sum of, parameters and ranging into 5 classes (1 –

very low to 5 – very high).

For Krk Island, Croatian Eastern Adriatic Coast, Ružić et al. (2019),
applied a CVI for the local rocky coast, using five parameters (geological
Coastal Risk Index

fabric, coastal slope, beach width and significant wave height). Each
Chaib et al. (2020)

parameter was classified into 5 classes (1 – very low to 5 – very high),

and the CVI was computed with the square root of the parameter’s
product, emphasizing the geological fabric’s importance.

Rocha et al. (2020) elaborated the first national study of the Physical
Vulnerability Index (PVI) from the Atlantic Coast of Mainland Portugal,
Table 5 (continued )

coastal areas that were previously identified in Antunes et al. (2019) for
2050 and 2100 extreme flood scenarios, as having a probability of
flooding. The authors used six physical parameters (hydrographic
network, coast type, distance to coastline, solid geology, drift geology

and land use) and also used the AHP weight aggregation method. It is

Table 6

C. Rocha et al.
Characterization of the Economic studies mentioned in subchapter 3.1.
Study Scale Geographical Spatial (S)/ Parameters Formulas/Weight Output/
extension Temporal (T) Ranking of
Resolution Index

Economic Coastal Global African Continent (S) 250 m Exposure: square root of the product mean buffer along the
Vulnerability (T) n/a 1) Topography (m); 2) Slope (%); 3) Proximity to coast (m); coastline
Index (CVI) 4) Urban population (%); 5) Land cover (type); 6) Very Low (1) to
El-;Shahat et al. Accessibility (min); 7) Soil types (type); 8) Elements at risk Very High (5)
(2021) (ind.)
1) Vegetation percent (%); 2) Vegetation (type); 3) Natural
resources sensitivity (ind.); 4) Growth rate (%)
1) Human capital (ind.); 2) Financial capital (ind.); 3)
Institutional capital (ind.); 4) Infrastructure (ind.); 5)
Household technology (ind.)
Multi-dimensional National Italy (S) undefined Coastal Forcing Sub-Index (CFSI): CVI = (CFSI+ENSI+SOSI+ECSI)/4 strip along the
Coastal (T) 2050 1) Extreme sea level (m) shoreline.
Vulnerability Environmental Sub-Index (ENSI): Very Low to
Index (MDim-CVI) 1) Shoreline evolution trend (%); 2) Distance from Very High
Furlan et al. (2021) shoreline (m); 3) Coastal slope (%); 4) Elevation (m); 5)
Geological coastal types (%); 6) Land roughness (type); 7)
Conservation designation (type); 8) Coastal protection
structures (%)
Social Sub-Index (SOSI):
1) People younger than 5 years (n◦ ); 2) People older than 65
years (n◦ )
Economic Sub-Index (ECSI):
1) Land use patterns (type); 2) GDP per capita (US$)

Coastal Economic Regional Gulf of Mexico, USA (S) 30 m grid Physical (CVI): CVI: square root of the product mean. all parameters were strip along the
Vulnerability cell 1) Geomorphology (type); 2) Historical shoreline change combined using linear aggregation, which is defined as the shoreline.
Index (CEVI) (T) n/a rate (m/yr); sum of standardized parameters, resulting in a single CEVI Very Low (1) to
Thatcher et al. 3) Regional coastal slope (%); 4) Relative sea-level change value for each 1-km segment of shoreline. Very High (5)
(2013) (mm/yr);
5) Mean significant wave height (m); 6) Mean tidal range
Economic and Population Parameters:
1) Infrastructure building value ($); 2) Commercial
building value ($); 3) Residential building value ($); 4)
Population density; 5) Urban pixel density
Coastal Risk Index Regional Mediterranean (S) 30 m grid Coastal Hazard (CH) Sub-Index: CH = SLR=35%*SLR + 0.25%*SWR + 10%*DRO + 20% cells along the
(CRI) coastal zones cells 1) Population growth (%) – PGR; 2) Tourist arrivals (%) – *PGR + 10%*TOUR coastline.
Satta et al. (2017) (T) n/a TOUR; 3) Sea Level Rate (mm/yr) – SLR; 4) Storms (cm) – CV = 25%*LF + 25%*ELE = 25% + 15%*ROU + 10%*P65 Extremely Low

Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

SWR; 5) Droughts (mm) – DRO + 10%*EDU + 10%*GDP (1) to Extremely
Coastal Vulnerability (CV) Sub-Index: CE = 70%*LC + 30%*PDE High (5)
1) Landform (type) – LF; 2) Elevation (%) – ELE; 3) CRI = CH*CV*CE
Roughness (n) – ROU; 4) Education level (%) – EDU; 5)
Population over 65 (%) – P65; 6) Gross Domestic Product
per capita (US$) – GDP
Coastal Exposure (CE) Sub-Index:
1) Land Cover (type) – LC; 2) Population density (inhab/
km2) – PDE
Combined Coastal Local eleven UK sites (S) 50 m Physical Coastal Vulnerability Index (PCVI): PCVI = sum of parameters 11 coastal
Vulnerability (T) n/a 1) Beach width (m) 2) Dune Width (m); 3) Coastal Slope FCVI = sum of parameters hotspots of the
Index (CCVI) (%); 4) Distance of vegetation behind the back beach (m); CCVI = [(PVCI/n) + (FCVI/n)]/2 UK.
Kantamaneni et al. 5) Distance of built structures behind the back beach (m); Very Low (1) to
(2018) 6) Rocky outcrop (%); 7) Sea defenses (%) Very High (5)
(continued on next page)
C. Rocha et al.
Table 6 (continued )
Study Scale Geographical Spatial (S)/ Parameters Formulas/Weight Output/
extension Temporal (T) Ranking of
Resolution Index

Fiscal Coastal Vulnerability Index (FCVI)(millions):

1) Commercial properties; 2) Residential properties; 3)
Economic value of site; 4) Population; 5) Coastal Erosion;
6) Flood event impact
Coastal Local Xiamen, China (S) 30 m Coastal Characteristics: AHP for parameters: Undefined weights. strip along the
Vulnerability (T) n/a 1) Geomorphology (type); 2) Coastal elevation (m); 3) shoreline.
Index (CVI) Coastal slope (◦ ); Very Low (1) to
Zhu et al. (2018) 4) Coastal natural habitat (type); 5) Coastal buffer ability Very High (5)
Coastal Forcing:
1) Significant wave height (m); 2) Storms (n◦ )
Coastal Infrastructure:
1) Values of roads (n◦ ); 2) Values of buildings (n◦ ); 3)
Population activity
Disaster reduction:
1) Fiscal revenue (Billion yuan); 2) GDP (ten thousand
Coastal Territorial Local lhavo, Cova Gala and (S) undefined Morphological vulnerability (Mv): CTVI = Mv + Lv + Bv + PAv at the parish
Vulnerability São Pedro de Moel, (T) n/a 1) Morphology (type); 2) Slope (◦ ); 3) Natural protection level
Index (CTVI) Portugal elements (type); 4) Artificial protection infrastructures Very Low (<-1
Barros et al. (2022) (type); 5) Distance to coastline (m); 6) Consolidation of SD) to Very
geological materials (type) High (≥1 SD)
Land value vulnerability (Lv):

1) Land Use (type); 2) Tax property location (type);

Buildings vulnerability (Bv):
1) Construction material (type); 2) Hydrodynamics of R/C
3) Number of floors (type); 4) Existence of underground
floors (type);
5) Preservation conditions (type); 6) Occupation form
(type); 7) Daily visitors or Residents per unit (n◦ ); 8) Units
for use (n◦ ); 9) Floating occupation (type); 10) Sensitive or
vital element (type)
Public areas vulnerability (PAv):
1) Vital energy infrastructure; 2) Vital maritime and river
infrastructure (type); 3) Vital telecommunications
infrastructure (type); 4) Sensitive or vital element in

Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

education area (type); 5) Sensitive or vital element in the
environmental area (type); 6) Sensitive or vital element in
the administration area (type); 7) Urban furniture (type); 8)
Squares and communication routes (type); 9) Gardens and
leisure spaces (type); 10) Occupation form (type); 11)
Floating occupation (type); 12) Relevance of space for
mobility in the surrounding area (type); 13) Presence of
moving objects between the coastline and buildings (type);
14) Vehicles occupation form (type)
C. Rocha et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

Fig. 4. Representative diagram of the relationship between the concepts associated with the present investigation and different Indices that can be elaborated.

anticipated that there would be 903 and 1146 km2 classified as a to Coastal Change (IVCC) for East Africa, integrating indices of social
vulnerable area in 2050 and 2100, respectively. The major difference vulnerability and exposure to coastal risks, to identify “areas of priority
between this study and the ones mentioned above is the spatialization of concern”. The authors combined an Exposure Index (IE), using six pa­
the index, i.e., it classifies the areas spatially discretized that are esti­ rameters (relief, waves exposure, wind exposure, surge potential, nat­
mated to be flooded, allowing the representation of the spatial vari­ ural habitats and shoreline change rates) with a Social Vulnerability
ability of the flood in each geographic area, thus constituting an Index (SVI), using five parameters (age, population growth and density,
advantage over all the others approaches. education, housing standards and sanitation). They found that 22% of
Sekovski et al. (2020) proposed an easy-to-use CVI on 36 coastal East Africa coast and 3.5 million people are at higher levels of exposure
segments (with 1 km length) of the province of Ravenna in Italy, using to coastal hazards.
five physical parameters (elevation, dunes, artificial protection struc­ Bagdanavičiūtė et al. (2018) despite being a national study for
tures, shoreline change rates, and land cover). Each of them received a Lithuania, it studies a small area (about 45 km along a coastal section).
weight defined by the AHP method and vulnerability scores were then The authors create a Coastal Risk (or Resilience) Index (CRI) and added
normalized to a scale from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high). five exposure parameters (population density, built-up area, cultural
Climate Central’s Coastal Risk Screening Tool (2021) has a global heritage, tourist spots, recreational facilities) to the previously calcu­
coverage (i.e., worldwide coverage) and shows areas threatened by lated (physical) CVI. The AHP method was applied to calculate the pa­
sea-level rise and coastal flooding. The maps are based on the latest IPCC rameters weights and the GIS multi-criteria evaluation approach to
SLR projections and used a high-accuracy digital elevation model (DEM) calculate the CRI values. The result is given in intervals of 1 (very low) to
for coastal areas. The results derive from a deterministic approach 5 (very high), along with cells with 500 m.
(“bathtub approach”) and the viewer allows the evaluation of two Sociodemographic data such as population, communication routes,
different sets of results for flooding areas: i) for a specific SLR (e.g., SLR tourist areas and/or ecological areas are parameters that are heavily
of 0.5 m, 1.0 m, etc.) or; ii) for a SLR projection in each year according to used on a regional scale (e.g., Martins et al., 2012; Murali et al., 2013; Li
the different projections (e.g., 2030, 2050, etc.). et al., 2015; Mahapatra et al., 2015; Jana and Hegde, 2016; De Serio
Baig et al. (2021) applied a CVI along the Vishakhapatnam Coastal et al., 2018; Behera et al., 2019; Bera and Maiti, 2021), or a local scale
Tract, Andhra Pradesh, India, using six physical parameters (geo­ (e.g., Aucelli et al., 2017; Chaib et al., 2020).
morphology, tidal height, bathymetry, shoreline, slope and land use/­ On the other hand, some authors want to give economic input to
land cover), that were prepared using the multi-temporal datasets of their studies and insert some parameters that bring them closer to a
1991, 2001, 2011 and 2018. The authors compare the CVI results using more complete risk assessment. The following studies are good examples
two methods: the square root of the product of the parameters and the of this. Table 6 summarizes the economic indices.
AHP method. Thatcher et al. (2013) applies to the north of the Gulf of Mexico a
There are other studies that have used only physical parameters, Coastal Economic Vulnerability Index (CEVI), including physical factors
classifying them individually in an interval (e.g., from 1 - very low to 5 - (geomorphology, historical shoreline change rate, regional coastal
very high), and in which the final CVI was calculated by the square root slope, relative SLR, mean significant wave height and mean tidal range)
of the product mean, giving the same importance for each variable and economic factors (infrastructure building value, commercial build­
considered. These studies are done on a national scale (e.g., Hoque et al., ing value, residential building value, population density and urban pixel
2019) or a regional scale (e.g., Faour et al., 2013; Parthasarathy and density). All parameters were combined and standardized for each 1 km
Natesan, 2015; Basheer et al., 2016; Islam et al., 2016; Jana and Hegde, segment of the shoreline.
2016; Ghoussein et al., 2018; Hastuti et al., 2022; Kovaleva et al., 2022; For all Mediterranean coastal zones (21 countries), a Coastal Risk
Handiani et al., 2022) Index (CRI) was created by Satta et al. (2017), using thirteen parameters
The use of socioeconomic parameters is more easily applicable when divided into three sub-indices: i) Coastal Hazard Sub-Index (population
we increase the resolution scale of the indices, or when we decrease the growth, tourist arrivals, SLR, storms and droughts); ii) Coastal Vulner­
area to be studied. Since the larger the scale, the more accurate data ability Sub-Index (landform, elevation, roughness, education level,
must be. Table 5 summarizes the socioeconomic indices. population over 65 and gross domestic product per capita); and iii)
Ballesteros and Esteves (2021), developed an Index of Vulnerability Coastal Exposure Sub-Index (land cover and population density). Since it

C. Rocha et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

is such an extensive area, the data come mostly from global datasets (e. CRI should incorporate and must be a combination of four components
g., World Bank Open Data, Center for International Earth Science In­ (Benassai et al., 2015; Aucelli et al., 2017; Christie et al., 2018): i)
formation Network – CIESIN). Each parameter was rated on a scale of hazard i.e., coastal forcing; ii) the physical component; iii) the socio­
1–5 and weighted accordingly to scientific and technical reports. The economic component and; iv) the potential damage caused by coastal
CRI map is spatially represented in five risk levels (from extremely low flooding. As such, the framework in Fig. 4 crosses the concepts presented
to extremely high). in sub-chapter 2.1 and the explanation given above clarifies what type of
Kantamaneni et al. (2018) integrates for 11 UK sites, two different parameters should be considered in each index. Henceforth this frame­
indices into a Combined Coastal Vulnerability Index (CCVI), where its work will serve as the base for all analyses carried out on the 37 studies
calculation is given by the sum of parameters. The Physical Coastal presented in 3.1.
Vulnerability Index (PCVI) is composed of 7 parameters and the fiscal In the present review, the absence of a specific framework for the
Coastal Vulnerability Index (FCVI) used 6. The final CCVI is given by a selection of parameters was identified, especially regarding socioeco­
classification from 1 (extremely low) to 5 (extremely high). nomic and economic factors. In most of the case studies, parameters have
For the Xiamen coast, Zhu et al. (2018) created a CVI in which, in been chosen while taking the author’s goals and the data availability. In
addition to the commonly used parameters, they add the fiscal revenue 64.9%, which corresponds to 24 of the studies, coastal forcing parameters
and the GDP per capita into a group of parameters that the authors call were used, but less than half (18 studies) used socioeconomic parameters,
disaster reduction. When an area is threatened, the capacity and eco­ and only 7 used economic damage parameters. A constraint found in
nomic intervention is mostly reflected at the governmental level. The studies of vulnerability or risk assessment is the lack of harmonization of
authors also rated the parameters on a scale from 1 (very low) to 5 (very the name of the parameters used. For example, the hydrographic network
high) and applied the AHP method to create the index. However, they do is often found as hydrology or river, and yet, when we look at what the
not mention the weights given to each parameter. authors mean, they correspond exactly to the same. The same happens
El-Shahat et al. (2021) customize a CVI for the African coastal zone with the parameters of shoreline change and shoreline erosion, or of
to include seventeen parameters grouped into exposure (topography, coastal elevation and coastal relief, among others.
slope, proximity to coast, urban population, land cover, accessibility, Since it is the use of certain parameters that defines the type of the
soil types and elements at risk), sensitivity (vegetation percent, vege­ calculated index, it is important to harmonize both the name and the
tation type, natural resources sensitivity, growth rate) and resilience component they represent. It was found that in 31 studies (83.8%), the
(human capital, financial capital, institutional capital, infrastructure index designation given by the respective authors is not in agreement
and household technology). Each index was calculated as the square with that assumed here. Of the 29 studies that are assigned as CVI, only 7
root of the product mean. of them actually are. This is mainly because only physical parameters are
For the Italian coast, Furlan et al. (2021) have developed a used to calculate the index. As such, from the list, we have identified only
Multi-Dimensional Coastal Vulnerability Index (MDim-CVI). The com­ 13 PVI. Another fact is that the authors who do not use any coastal forcing
bined CVI has 4 sub-indices that contain different parameters: Coastal parameter name their indices as CVI, and this is incorrect. Examples like
Forcing Sub-Index (extreme sea level), Environmental Sub-Index Ng et al. (2019), Ružić et al. (2019), Sekovski et al. (2020), Baig et al.
(shoreline evolution trend, distance from shoreline, coastal slope (2021) and Kovaleva et al. (2022) are proof of that. If they only consider
elevation, geological coastal types, land roughness, conservation the physical component of the location where the study is performed,
designation, coastal protection structures), Social Sub-Index (people which corresponds to the physical susceptibility of the terrain, they
younger than 5 years, people older than 65 years) and Economic should call it PSI. There are 4 studies (Li et al., 2015; Satta et al., 2017;
Sub-Index (land use patterns, GDP per capita). The MDim-CVI calcula­ Bagdanavičiūtė et al., 2018; Chaib et al., 2020) in which the authors titled
tion derives from the integration of all the sub-indices under the refer­ their indices as CRI, but only the study of Satta et al. (2017) could claim
ence and future 2050 scenarios. such, as they use the full range of necessary parameters. On the other
In a local scale approach, Barros et al. (2022) have proposed a Coastal hand, the studies by Thatcher et al. (2013) and Furlan et al. (2021), are
Territorial Vulnerability Index (CTVI) for three areas of mainland CRI and the authors did not name it as they should.
Portugal (lhavo, Cova Gala and São Pedro de Moel). The CTVI is calcu­ Regarding the aggregation method of the various parameters,
lated through the sum of 4 components (morphological assessment, land weighting them is the most used (45.9%), either by the AHP method or by
value assessment, buildings assessment and public areas assessment) a kind of arbitrary weighing, this demonstrates the authors’ sensitivity in
which contains a total of 33 parameters. Weights were assigned to each assuming that not all the parameters have the same contribution to the
variable using the M-Macbeth multi-criteria analysis software. In the end, SLR vulnerability and/or risk. However, the method of calculating the
they elaborated vulnerability maps for each of the components and the index using the square root continues to be widely used (16 studies). This
CTVI in each of the study areas, on a scale from very low to very high. may be because the authors find it easier to do in this way and because the
multi-criteria analysis methods can be a little complicated to implement.
4. Discussion It was also observed that practically all the studies (34, i.e., 94.6%)
show the absence of previous areas classified as being flooded or not
When coastal risk indices are mentioned in the scientific bibliog­ flooded, and the methodology is applied equally to both cases, with the
raphy, several designations and definitions are considered, as this consequent risk of considering non-flooded areas as very vulnerable.
concept is not standardized. The most common designation is CVI (78%) Consequently, this influences how vulnerability or risk results are pre­
rather than others, considering the studies evaluated in this review. The sented. More than 85% of the exemplified studies used a constant strip
differences are dependent of the used parameters, and it is evident that along the coast, cells, segments or specific points in their assessment. If
the term is often misused. the coastal zone is segmented into sectors of equal lengths (e.g., 500 m)
Gornitz et al. (1994) and McLaughlin and Cooper (2010) warned that or cells or points, and for each one, the index is determined considering
the omission of demographic or economic factors in the vulnerability the specific parameters selected, the index is calculated only at that
and/or risk index can potentially limit the assessment of areas vulner­ location, ignoring its neighborhood. This representation has a major
able to SLR. Thereby, indices that consider only physical parameters do disadvantage, which is the inability to represent the spatial variability of
not effectively analyze coastal vulnerability, but instead, they analyze the index within each sector, which results in the lack of detailed spatial
coastal sensitivity (Shaw et al., 1998; Abuodha and Woodroffe, 2010), data compared to studies that correctly spatialize the indexes.
which refers to the susceptibility to allow dealing with vulnerability. Regarding the results of the produced cartography in the studies, the
To develop a CVI, coastal forcing, physical and socioeconomic pa­ authors tend to show only the cartography of the final index. Perhaps it
rameters must also be considered. On the other hand, the calculation of a would be interesting to have a demonstration of the intermediate

C. Rocha et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

Fig. 5. Indices proposal, in a multi-scale approach.

indices, if that is the case, since they may have different results from the Aerts et al., 2013; Hallegatte et al., 2013; Wei and Chatterjee, 2013;
calculated index. For example, in a CRI, supposedly all sub-indices can Bhattachan et al., 2018; Prahl et al., 2018; Warren-Myers et al., 2018;
be calculated, and a zone that has an extreme hazard classification may Ruiz-Ramírez et al., 2019; Abadie et al., 2020; Hummel et al., 2021); iv)
end up with a low-risk index if it does not have any valuable element infrastructure (e.g., Becker et al., 2012; Huizinga et al., 2017; Aerts
exposed to risk. et al., 2018; Union of Concerned Scientists, 2018; Baučić, 2020; Mers­
As assumed in Fig. 4, Appendix A has the classification of analyzed chroth et al., 2020; Fuerst and Warren-Myers, 2021).
studies, according to the used parameters, and, if necessary, each study
was assigned a new index designation. Appendix B summarizes for each of 5. Conclusions and future directions
them, what kind of parameters aggregation has been used, the cartography
and the outputs, which corresponds to the way the index is shown. This article was prepared with two objectives: first, to clearly define
The economic component is often left out in the coastal risk assess­ the concepts inherent to coastal risk assessment and second, to show and
ment when indices are applied, and the authors prefer to have this analyze a sample of studies from the last decade that sought to assess the
component incorporated independently. When it is incorporated into impacts of SLR scenarios in the best possible way. These two objectives
indices, authors have serious difficulties in spatializing it. This happens are strongly correlated since when analyzing the different indices, it is
because the data needed for these components are difficult to find, very noticeable that there are several designations for the same objective
volatile and do not have a great spatial resolution. One of the most used since the concepts are not standardized.
parameters is GDP, but this value, in addition to being a value of a global Considering that the existing methods to assess vulnerability and
or national scale, does not allow us to understand the monetary impact coastal risk differ in complexity, the number of processes included and
when using finer resolution scales, as the case of a regional or local scale. applications in various scales and outcomes, the absence of a specific
There is an effort to incorporate more regional and local parameters, structure for the selection of parameters is notorious.
such as the value of different types of buildings, the impact on tourism in It is recommended that coastal risk assessments include an integrated
terms of income and also the cost of the damaging impact of flood approach that considers the environmental changes, socioeconomic
events. The studies shown below, which are some examples of what has developments, and the interactions between these elements. It is
been done independently of the evaluation by indices, show that this important to define the purpose of the study. Although we know that
component is in fact quite important and ambitious. However, they are studies are often dependent on the existing or available data, issues such
good examples of how their calculation methodologies can be applied as: What is the purpose of the study? What data is available? What
and incorporated when calculating the coastal risk index in different spatial rigor is needed? What kind of validation will be done? What is
spatial scales: i) global (e.g., Hinkel et al., 2014; Jevrejeva et al., 2018; the possible spatial resolution? - must be answered before starting any
Schinko et al., 2020); ii) national (e.g., Peric and Grdic, 2015; Huizinga assessment, always keeping in mind that different scales reflect different
et al., 2017; Bevacqua et al., 2018; Abadie et al., 2020; Nakajima et al., priorities, and different results and data may contain different infor­
2020; Desmet et al., 2021; Hauer et al., 2021); iii) regional or local (e.g., mation when presented at different scales.

C. Rocha et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

5.1. How should the coastal risk index be prepared? A multi-scale ⁃ Roads and Railways are considered in the routes parameter. They are
proposal guideline vital communication lines and one of the main means of mobility for
the population, and transport distribution networks of goods and
Typically, indices are developed in sequential steps, the following services. Due to its high cost of construction, maintenance and
steps are common, regardless of the objective: first, the indicators must be repair, its partial destruction or damage in coastal areas that disable
selected (e.g. physical, socioeconomic, etc.), then all the normalization their use implies a high financial effort (McLaughlin and Cooper,
processes must be carried out (e.g. all final data need to have the same 2010). Thus, the routes can be classified based on the type and
interval range or need to be patronized), then a process of aggregation of importance of the existing roads and communication networks.
parameters is chosen (e.g. square root of the product mean, arithmetic or ⁃ The Land Use reflects the different morphological behaviors, in the
geometric averages, sum of standardized parameters, multicriteria case of a coastline covered with vegetation, paved or without any
method) and finally, the intended indices can be elaborated. type of coating. It is therefore considered that the greater the change
The indices at different spatial scales involve different degrees of level of the natural state of soil covering, the greater its
simplification and aggregation of both data and results. It is also susceptibility.
important to emphasize that, although the same parameter can be used ⁃ The Buildings, not included in the infrastructures, refer to the loca­
at different scales, its geographical representation, as well as its evalu­ tion of the private properties of each citizen and certain institutional
ation and classification, may change when the index is evaluated for services, private or public.
each different scale (e.g., population and infrastructure). ⁃ The Ecological Classification, aims to highlight the environmentally
The following physical parameters are therefore suggested: protected areas with a clearly defined geographic space, recognized,
dedicated and managed through legal processes or effective means,
⁃ The Hydrography refers to a combination of the slope of the terrain to achieve long-term preservation (Day et al., 2019).
(obtained from the digital terrain model (DTM)) with the distance to ⁃ The inclusion of a Cultural Heritage variable intends to demonstrate
the hydrographic network, since a river that is in a valley with a important archaeological, historical, and cultural monuments, not
considerable slope presents a low vulnerability, unlike a river that is only in economic but also in social and cultural terms.
in a low lying plain, where the slope is relatively small.
⁃ The Type of Coast varies according to the nature and type of its rocky The damage parameter can be extremely difficult to obtain with the
materials (e.g., beaches, hard rock, sandy cliffs, etc.). maximum accuracy, as it is associated with a cost or a market value that
⁃ Distance to the Coastline is an important factor in this analysis since is dynamic. and sometimes volatile. Taking this added difficulty into
susceptibility increases with proximity to the zone of sea interaction. account, the following parameters are proposed for the calculation of
Under normal conditions, a location close to the coastline is more damage:
subject to the energetic forces of the sea, thus, as this distance in­
creases, the vulnerability to erosion and coastal flooding decreases. ⁃ GDP represents the sum (in monetary values) of all goods and ser­
⁃ The Geomorphology makes it possible to assess the nature of the vices produced in a given region during a given period, thus quan­
rocks and sediments that make up the coastal region, and to make a tifying economic activity.
classification based on the behavior of these materials when sub­ ⁃ Tourism, as this is a fundamental economic activity, worldwide, for
jected to the forcing action of the sea, such as waves, tides and the generation of wealth and employment, and an activity mostly
currents (Coelho et al., 2006). related to coastal zones, due to the presence of beaches and marine
⁃ Erosion and accretion rates indicate the history of shoreline varia­ activities (sports, leisure, fishing, etc.).
tion, serving as a basis for their future projections in response to the ⁃ Tax Asset Value can be calculated based on the value of most urban
SLR (Gornitz et al., 1994). buildings (e.g., housing, commerce, industry, etc.).
⁃ The presence of Coastal Defenses and adhering structures make the
geographic area less susceptible to possible flooding, as they mitigate Fig. 5 shows a multi-scale indices proposal, taking into account the
local susceptibility. most used parameters in the scientific community of the coastal process.
⁃ Sanitation and Drainage Networks can increase local susceptibility if
they do not have protective mechanisms preventing underground Funding
hydraulic connectivity, i.e., more remote and low-lying areas may be
susceptible to flooding. This work was funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a
Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) – UIDB/
The socioeconomic parameters for the different scales: 50019/2022-IDL. Author Carolina Rocha was funded by the FCT I.P.
within the PhD fellowship 2020.04448.BD.
⁃ Population pressure is a crucial factor in coastal risk as people in
densely populated areas tend to act to protect their properties from Declaration of competing interest
erosion and flooding as they are reluctant to abandon their homes,
land and infrastructure built up over the years. Geographical areas The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
where few people live may not experience the same pressure on the interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
environment or may not have the same resources for their protection. the work reported in this paper.
However, the population can also be interpreted as a direct "erosion-
inducing" variable since the presence of large numbers of people near Data availability
the coast can produce harmful impacts on the coastal zone
(McLaughlin and Cooper, 2010). No data was used for the research described in the article.
⁃ Infrastructure is based on the location and density of properties with
active importance within society, whether is public or private (e.g., Acknowledgement
hospitals, public security infrastructure, schools, etc.) in which their
relocation and/or repair will have high costs. The authors appreciate the careful reading and comments by anon­
ymous reviewers for improving the quality of the manuscript.

C. Rocha et al. Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

Appendix A. Classification of studies, according to the parameters used

Study Index Parameters (new) Classification

Coastal Physical Socioeconomic Economic Index Match


Yin et al. (2012) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Bagdanavičiūtė et al. (2015) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Royo et al. (2016) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Rocha et al. (2020) Physical Vulnerability Index (PVI) X X Physical Vulnerability Index YES
Faour et al. (2013) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Parthasarathy and Natesan Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
(2015) (PVI)
Basheer et al. (2016) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Islam et al. (2016) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Ghoussein et al. (2018) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Ng et al. (2019) Integrated Coastal Vulnerability Index X Physical Susceptibility Index NO
Hoque et al. (2019) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Baig et al. (2021) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Hastuti et al. (2022) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Kovaleva et al. (2022) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Handiani et al. (2022) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Ružić et al. (2019) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Sekovski et al. (2020) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Ballesteros and Esteves Index of Vulnerability to Coastal Change X X Coastal Susceptibility Index NO
(2021) (CVI) (CSI)
Bagdanavičiūtė et al. (2018) Coastal Risk (or Resilience) Index (CRI) X X Coastal Susceptibility Index NO
Martins et al. (2012) Coastal Vulnerability (CVI) X X Coastal Susceptibility Index NO
Murali et al. (2013) Coastal Vulnerability (CVI) X X X Coastal Vulnerability Index YES
Li et al. (2015) Coastal Risk Index (CRI) X X X Coastal Vulnerability Index NO
Mahapatra et al. (2015) Integrated Coastal Vulnerability Index X X Coastal Susceptibility Index NO
Jana and Hegde (2016) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X X Coastal Susceptibility Index NO
De Serio et al. (2018) Integrated Coastal Vulnerability Index X X X Coastal Vulnerability Index YES
Behera et al. (2019) Integrated Coastal Vulnerability Index X X X Coastal Vulnerability Index YES
Bera and Maiti 2021 Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X X X Coastal Vulnerability Index YES
Aucelli et al. (2017) Coastal Inundation Risk (CHI) X X X Coastal Vulnerability Index NO
Chaib et al. (2020) Coastal Risk Index (CRI) X X X Coastal Vulnerability Index NO
El-;Shahat et al. (2021) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X X X Coastal Susceptibility Index NO
Furlan et al. (2021) Multi-dimensional Coastal Vulnerability X X X X Coastal Risk Index (CRI) NO
Index (CVI)
Thatcher et al. (2013) Coastal Economic Vulnerability Index X X X X Coastal Risk Index (CRI) NO
Satta et al. (2017) Coastal Risk Index (CRI) X X X X Coastal Risk Index (CRI) YES
Kantamaneni et al. (2018) Combined Coastal Vulnerability Index X X Coastal Exposure Index (CEI) NO
Zhu et al. (2018) Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) X X X Coastal Exposure Index (CEI) NO
Reimann et al. (2018) Flood Risk Index (CHI) X X Physical Vulnerability Index NO
Barros et al. (2022) Coastal Territorial Vulnerability Index X X X Coastal Exposure Index (CEI) NO

C. Rocha et al.
Appendix B. Properties of each index. In column Cartography: (Elaborate: X; Possible: P)

Study Index Aggregation Cartography Output

Square Sum Multiplication Mean AHP Weights CHI PSI SSI EDI PVI SVI CVI CSI CEI CRI Strip or Cells Point Spatialization Buffer administrative
root Segment units
Yin et al. (2012) CVI X P P X X
Bagdanavičiūtė CVI X X X X X
et al. (2015)
Royo et al. CVI X P P X X
Rocha et al. PVI X P P X X
Faour et al. CVI X P P X X
Parthasarathy CVI X P P X X
and Natesan
Basheer et al. CVI X P P X X
Islam et al. CVI X P P X X
Ghoussein et al. CVI X P P X X
Ng et al. (2019) CVI X X X
Hoque et al. CVI X P P X X
Baig et al. CVI X X X

Hastuti et al. CVI X P P X X
Kovaleva et al. CVI X X X
Handiani et al. CVI X X P P X X
Ružić et al. CVI X X X X
Sekovski et al. CVI X X X
Ballesteros and CVI X P P X X
Bagdanavičiūtė CRI X X X X X X

Ocean and Coastal Management 237 (2023) 106536

et al. (2018)
Martins et al. CVI P P X X
Murali et al. CVI X X P X X X P X
Li et al. (2015) CRI X X P X X X P X
Mahapatra et al. CVI X X X X X X
Jana and Hegde CVI X P P X X
De Serio et al. CVI X X P X X X P X
Behera et al. CVI X P P P X P X
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