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: RT ote Und QM instructions QA 12 IB-A01 le | Plant commissioning cman Le 1of4 Contents Page 1 Cover page: Title, code, contents, checking and approval of first edition and revision sos 1 User instructions: 1 Scope. ‘Aimipurpose 3 Definitions... 4 Responsibilities. 5 Procedure 5.1 General 5.2 Pre-commissioning. 5.3 Transfer of responsibilities to the commissioning manager 54 Commissioning management. 5.5 Commissioning, 5.6 — QM/HES supervision .... 5.7 Documentation to be produced during the commissioning phase. 5.7.1 As-built documents 5.7.2. Minutes, protocol sheets. 5.8 Feedback report... 5.9 Hand-over of the piant to the customer 5.10 Operational feedback report Notes and remarks Documentation Updating procedure Document distribution Bebbbb b&w bbw KwENNNNNN Reference documents: ‘Annex AO1: Typical commissioning organisational chart talid Jr dajis Way ver bel arpaed lyyprunnn WHS Or Arte ¢ age vOut OHA Rev 0 ; Document foun RL preparation t IC. Kreumann _brionas ddoce (Neumann 04, 26601, pexonen | Date; Prepared Daler Checked Dale: Anproved comme 2005 Unio cmon [ OM lement Section ee eae Commissioning Commissioning ° GHD code QA 12 IB-A01 TAN (ar GMAT Page: 20f4 QM instructions Plant commissiot 1 Scope These QM instructions (QAW) apply to all Unde divisions and departments involved in plant commissioning and shal take effect on the date of approval 2 Aim/purpose These QM instructions define the standardised procedures for al plant commissioning activities in compliance with the requirements, beginning withthe preparations in the engineering office, the preparations on the site, the actual commissioning and ending with the plant hand-over tothe customer. “They also define the tasks of the commissioning manager and his team 3 Definitions ABL Head of department BSL Site manager 1BL_ Commissioning manager IBN Commissioning MC_— Mechanical completion RFC Ready for commissioning Sifa Safety engineer FMS Fehler, Mangel, Schaden (non-conformities, deficiencies, damages) VT Process engineering department Pre-commissioning After the functional and leak tests, neutral media, such as water, air and nitrogen, are filed in to check and document the plant reliability performance. Commissioning The plant is operated using the specified feedstock and supplies the specified product. The operating data must be documented Performance testrun The performance test run is carried out by Unde (in the presence of the customer) under the contractual conditions to prove the piant’s functionality and to deliver the specified product. Transfer of hazards and responsibilities in accordance with the Berufsgenossenschatt (‘Employer's Liability Insurance Association) regulations. 4 Responsibilities The responsibiities and tasks of the commissioning manager are described in section of {echnical instructions 08 AR-AOS “Tasks of the project team. The commissioning manager, preferably the process lead engineer (LE-VT), is normally appointed by the technical division responsible he division transfers the tasks to the commissioning manager who represents the company on the site and is responsible for the contractual commissioning and performance test run of the plant to ensure plant hand-over to the customer. The commissioning manager is assisted by the safety engineer, the QMIHES representative and staff members responsible for various plant units, offsites, rotating and static equipment and staff members of the various technical disciplines, such as electrical and instrumentation engineering as well as fitters and laboratory personnel, if required. He may also be assisted by staff groups, such as a commercial administration manager, a progress control and cost engineer, a claims manager, a manager for dealing with non-conformities, deficiencies and damage (FMS manager) and a secretary. In the case of large-scale plants, commissioning managers responsible for specific plant sections are named. atyplemt commissioning organisational chart is, shown in Annex AO1 Whe Currant Safco 5 Procedure 5A General Plant commissioning is the last stage in plant construction and is preceded by mechanical completion which is documented by an MC acceptance certificate. Thus the verification is achieved, a confirmation providing objective evidence in the form of @ checklist that the results of the individual components. meet the specified requirements Ohi clemer =o T [commissioning [commissioning | 52 53 54 55 56 57 jez 8.72 - - GNA code QM instructions QA 12 IB-A01 Plant commissioning LSet on o ocessful plant commissioning the plant is handed over to the customer depending on the contractual provisions. Pre-commissioning Pre-commissioning includes all activities which can be carried out using auxiliaries but no feedstock. As the construction site has already been set up as part of the construction activities, the corresponding provisions - including amendments if required — also apply to the pre-commissioning and commissioning procedure. Transfer of responsibilities to the commissioning manager ‘The transitional phase from plant construction to commissioning is characterised by the fact that the construction activities drawing to a close, the pre-commissioning activities and the commissioning itself can be implemented simultaneously, Some technical instructions have been drawn up which cover the responsibilities and methods during the transitional phase from plant construction to commissioning, ‘These responsibilities must be assumed and the methods applied for properly transferring the entrepreneurial duties from the site manager to the commissioning manager, especially paying attention, to the transfer of responsibilities in accordance with the Berufsgenossenschaft ("Employer's Liability Insurance Association) regulations. Any commissioning activities in an existing plant are subject to plant ‘operator's approval. Commissioning management The commissioning management is made up of the commissioning managers responsible for specific plant sections #Fea¥} and the staff groups mentioned in section 4 Commissioning Plant commissioning starts with the filing of feedstock into the process equipment and the functional test using the specified product. Plant commissioning serves 10 prove that the individual contractual performances have been audited and that an operable and reliable plant has been built which supplies the specified final and intermediate products. Thus the validation is achieved, a confirmation providing objective evidence that the requirements for a specified application or a specific intended use are fulfilled. The plant supplies a saleable product. For the most part, the plant is commissioned with the assistance of the future operating personnel assigned by the customer, the operating personnel undergoing efficent training. In exceptional cases Unde's commissioning team (or some team members only) remain on the site for a defined period of time to ensure continuous plant management QMIHES supervision The QM/HES supervision ensures the Implementation of the integrated quality managementhealth, environment and safety system in the commissioning activities. In this way Unde can meet the requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 and of SCC (safety certificate for contractors) ‘The efficient implementation of the QM/HES system is ensured by site audits in accordance with the audit plan. However. during the commissioning phase economic considerations must not take precedence over the requirements to be met for health, environment and safety. Documentation to be produced during the commissioning phase As-built documents (On the basis of the requirements specified in the QMHA the documents that are already in the as-bu lt slatus after commissioning are to be integrated into the P&l diagram series, operating andior analys s. manuals, Beginning with the construction phase, master copies are to be kept which are available in the site emeemenissicaing manager's office. Said master copies are reviewed, making clear entries in red dated and inttialled by the person responsible). Normally the R&l master copies are handed over by the site manager to the commissioning manager as part of the transfer of responsibilities, After commissioning the master copies are handed over to the technical divisions responsible which nust ensure that the documents are integrated into the final documentation as stipulated in the contract. Minutes, protocol sheets During the commissioning phase the commissioning manager is responsible for drawing up and filirg ne specific records. After hand-over of the plant to the customer al least one copy of the said records 2005 soe Gt 3 serent Commissioning Commissioning 58 5.9 5.10 ‘OND cade QA 12 IB-A01 TAN Ter OMFIAT Page! 40f4 QM instructions Plant commissioning ‘must be integrated into the final documentation. The applicable Product Liability Act must especially be taken ino account in the case of the operating manual. Feedback report ‘The feedback report is drawn up as an independent report and integrated into the final contract report It furnishes data about the customer, the plant location and the practices with local authorities. It should be systematically evaluated by the process engineering depariment to prevent repeated errors when {ulfiling similar tasks and to ensure continuous quality improvement of the contractual plant. The head cf the process engineering department must ensure adequate communication with the employees. Hand-over of the plant to the customer After the successful performance test run the plant will be handed over to the customer, which is cocumented by jointly signed minutes. At the same time, the plant hazards and responsibilities are transferred to the customer and the guarantee period commences, Operational feedback report The feedback of information must be integrated/documented by reviewing and updating the operating ‘and analysis manuals and the feedback report Notes and remarks The following instructions shall also apply: QAW QA 09 VT-F38. Handling hazardous substances AAW 0B AR-A0S Tasks of the project team. AAW 09 VT-AO1 $43 Standard engineering procedures “Process engineerin workflow step: Planning of commissioning FAW 09VT-F38 Operating manual All instructions of QM element 11 "Construction" and of QM element 12 “Commissioning” FAW 12 1B-FO5 Transfer of responsibiliies from site to commissioning manager FAW 13LB-FO8 Commissioning support Documentation (QM instructions shall be documented. This shall include in particular the persons responsible for compiling, checking and approving the documents. These QM instructions shall become an integral part of the QMHU. Any obsolete version or revision shall be stored electronically by CC-QM. Any differences between document versions can thus be identified and shown accordingly Updating procedure Should these instructions require amendment, he proposed changes shall be submitted to the Corporate GM manager via the divisional QM representatives. Instructions QA 01 ZZ-A02 shall apply Document distribution ‘These instructions shall be made available on the Intranet by CC-OM, ‘ht eioment Commissio Seaton rs ac Commissioning o | on <= ay & is] J ES Fs eB n=] | enue 0} 304 ‘ueesasoy :ouery 0123) ques ‘N yeys fr | sysjeioadg s0puen, Ble, XZ sosyy “A ou "H" 2e1S xb wineg ‘q weqa ‘nN wiesepung *y uuewualyors "3 Bulpasey} g ayerzueld “HIG se6upley °C awnyag “s Aydiow *p Jepeiyosnz ‘d) a eee asa “1 oeneg “J uewiiog *5 | uopejuewinsu 9sseo | JOulag “| JOy190N IG ! leoujoa| | neo seBeuew eory ean seBeuey ray €HN JaBeuew eay we)shs-OW d0/vO cu JONSON 10 /8uI29 "1 :Andag uuewddr ‘Gig seBeuew Buluolssiwiwos Twn Ipluseu-iv ‘H seBeuew Buluoisspmiu0g oss uonesiuebic Buluoissiwwog - TWN

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