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As a result of the earthquake caused casualties, injured, many residents who lost family members, the head
of the family as the backbone of the family so that it greatly influenced the continuation of life.
Psychologically many residents become traumatized and overtaken their souls even cause memory pain and
desire to end their lives / suicide. This earthquake caused a psychiatric trauma for the people who live around
the earthquake area. The taste of panic, tense, and fear still covered the psychiatric community living around
the earthquake area. Many residents have heard a loud voice and feel the vibration run out of the house / tent
to a spacious place, and this lasts long. The community has not been able to forget the feeling of the
earthquake. The earthquake also causes property losses including homes and furniture in it.

The earthquake raises changes in a person's life, the victims who are injured can result in a lifelong body
defect, because of the collapse of the building and not being quickly helped. Many earthquake victims lost
livelihoods because the foundation of work were damaged. To get food and food was very difficult because
the wheel of the economy was paralyzed. Another problem faced by the survivors of the earthquake was the
occurrence of an increase in infectious diseases such as coughing and fever. This disease, many attacked the
children of the survivors and elderly earthquakes. The increase in the spread of infectious diseases is due to
the condition of refugee camps that are very minimal and in the wild. Disasters causes environmental
damage and losses due to changing environmental carrying capacity.

In the economic field due to the earthquake that will affect economic growth. The affected economy includes
agriculture, industry (small and medium) tourism and trade. The majority of the people in the affected areas
of the disaster cannot meet their lives because of the damage to agricultural infrastructure (irrigation
buildings), it affects agricultural production, as is the matter of fisheries infrastructure (fish auctioning
places, fish beats and so on). In the small and medium industrial sectors the amount of losses can reach more
than 50% of the total number of industries that exist such as the leather, pottery, tile, silver, small industrial
industries of food and others. The trade sector which also suffers losses is traditional markets and shops.
Losses arise as a result of the implementation of production and trade activities of SMEs and cooperatives.

School buildings suffered ( past tense) roof damage, walls and damage to the pillars of the buffer. Office
buildings, government buildings, market buildings and shops as well as public facilities such as health
centers, hospitals and means of worship that are damaged Inappropriate wooden connection, the lack of


Crack structure

The beam has a vertical or diagonal pattern, besides there is also a hair crack pattern. Remain of concrete
beams can be categorized into cracking structures consisting of flexible cracks that have vertical / upright
patterns usually caused by loads that exceed the ability of beams and sliding cracks that have a diagonal /
sloping pattern that occurs after the flexible crack that has a vertical pattern.
Shear crack.

Cracked with a diagonal / sloping pattern in the column is usually called a sliding crack, which is connected
by the style in the horizontal / flat direction. Slide cracks like this are quite dangerous if they are not
immediately handled, because they can cause a collapse collapse and cannot afford the building.

Bending crack

Cracked with a horizontal / flat pattern is usually called a flexible crack, caused by excessive pressure in the
column. Like cracking sliding, the bending crack needs to be handled carefully.

Concrete blankets peeled off

Concrete blankets in peeled columns, can be carried out by the low quality / quality of the concrete used, so
the concrete strength of reduced pressure and concrete blankets is easily broken. Control of the stages of
development is very necessary to prevent a decrease in concrete quality.

Crooked reinforcement

Damage to the column where the main iron reinforcement looks crooked. In plain view, the column is a little
crooked. This is due to lack of number and or lack of binding iron size (sengkang).

Cracked wall / floor

Cracks on the wall are caused by a lack of quality concrete basement walls. The quality of the concrete is
expressed with K unit (for example: K-125, K-175, K-250 etc.). For houses built in bulk of these difficult
damage is commonly found.Remains on the floor due to uplift styles that exceed the capacity of the
basement floor. There is a soil movement under the basement floor, so that it occurs on the wall and
basement floor. This can also cause a tear of the waterstop (groundwater retaining rubber).
Earthquake damage in non-building buildings

Earthquakes resulted in infrastructure called "Lifeline", such as roads, railways, electricity, drinking water,
gas and telecommunications into totally paralyzed. As a result of the earthquake also damaged several public
facilities, cultural heritage, health services disrupted.

Damage to the transportation infrastructure sector, especially roads and bridges, presents as broken roads and
cracks on both the left and right sides due to collapsing taluds. This damage can also include decreased road
surface elevation and damage to the road body itself. Bridges, on the other hand, can exhibit damage to
expansion joints, misalignment (free or off and release), and even shifts in the bridge structure.


For land transportation of some infrastructure of trolidas also suffered damage, including road rails shifting,
collapses, road bridges Rail Ambles, Station Buildings, Mess, Guesthouse / Guest House, Offices, Depoto
Lok and Train, as well as installation of synthelis (signals, Telkom and electricity) which are commonly used
to regulate railroad traffic also damage.
Air transportation

The airport's infrastructure is damaged, including runway, electricity network, domestic waiting room,
domestic arrival terminal, check-in area, lobby terminal.

Clean water, sanitation and waste water

As a result of the PDAM pipe earthquake, it is leaked or broken. Damage occurs in clean water installations.
The residents' wells experience liquidaction so that they experience turbidity, it is also reported to have the
basis of the well rise so that the water dries, there is also a collapsed well. The earthquake area disrupted the
needs of the MCK facility. Damage occurs in irrigation infrastructure and losses occur in unable to produce
their agricultural activities and damage to agricultural equipment.

Electricity and telecommunications

Damage to the main energy sector is due to the number of PLN electricity networks that are broken, Travo
houses and networks in office buildings. The telecommunications sector is the damage to the telephone
1. Thesis

The recent earthquake has caused many casualties, property loss and damage to public, social, economic and
infrastructure facilities in our society. This condition is of course a concern for all of us, because it has had a
very broad impact on the lives of our brothers and sisters affected by the disaster. The main consequence of
an earthquake is the destruction of buildings due to ground shaking. Casualties usually occur due to being hit
by building debris, landslides and fires, so that many victims are separated from their families and separated
among the rubble of buildings. This condition makes our visibility and future movements very disturbed and
is enough to reduce our enthusiasm to survive in this very difficult situation.

2. Argument

The places we live, the roads we travel, the systems that keep us connected – these engineered structures
form the foundation of our daily lives. But as this text reveals, these structures are vulnerable. From hairline
cracks to earthquake-induced devastation, the potential consequences of neglecting our built environment are

This isn't a trivial matter. Cracks in walls and floors can signal hidden structural weaknesses. Poor
construction with substandard materials can lead to concrete peeling and misaligned reinforcements,
jeopardizing a building's stability. Left unattended, these issues can snowball into catastrophic failures,
putting lives at risk and disrupting essential services.

The impact extends far beyond individual structures. Earthquakes, for example, can cripple entire networks –
our transportation arteries, clean water supplies, and communication lifelines. Broken roads, collapsed
bridges, and severed railway lines can paralyze a society. The economic and social costs of such failures are

By prioritizing earthquake-resistant construction practices, we can significantly reduce the risk of:

1.Losing loved ones: Buildings designed to withstand earthquakes are more likely to remain standing,
protecting residents from injuries and death.

2. Economic hardship: Functional infrastructure – roads, bridges, and communication networks – are vital for
emergency response and rebuilding efforts. Earthquake-resistant construction ensures these lifelines remain
operational, minimizing economic losses.

3. Community disarray: Damaged buildings and severed lifelines disrupt entire communities. Earthquake-
resistant construction promotes a faster recovery and a quicker return to normalcy.
Let's take action together to build a safer tomorrow:

1. Demand strong building codes: Advocate for local authorities to enforce and update building codes to
reflect the latest earthquake engineering standards. Stronger codes save lives.

2. Educate the next generation: Integrate earthquake preparedness and construction practices into school
curriculums. Knowledge empowers future generations to build safer communities.

3. Support responsible builders: Choose contractors who are committed to using earthquake-resistant
materials and techniques. Your choices impact the safety of your community.

4. Invest in your own safety: As homeowners and business owners, prioritize safety during construction and
renovations. A small investment now can prevent a larger one later.


Earthquakes are a natural phenomenon, but their impact doesn't have to be catastrophic. We must take
action! And working together, Let this be a wake-up call. By prioritizing regular inspections, using high-
quality materials, and adhering to strict building codes, we can safeguard our engineered structures.
Homeowners, builders, and authorities all have a crucial role to play. Together, we can ensure the safety and
stability of our built environment, preventing disasters and protecting the well-being of our communities.
And then Let's make earthquake-resistant construction a non-negotiable standard, a commitment to the safety
of ourselves and generations to come. This earthquake can be a wake-up call, a catalyst for a future where
our communities are safe and resilient.
As a result of the earthquake ( present Parciple), caused casualties, injured ( past participle phrase) many
residents who lost family members ( past participle) the head of the family as the backbone ( present
tenses) of the family so that it greatly influenced ( past tense) the continuation of life. Psychologically many
residents become traumatized ( past tense) and overtaken their souls even cause memory pain and desire to
end their lives / suicide. This earthquake caused ( past tense) a psychiatric trauma for the people who live
around the earthquake area. The taste of panic, tense, and fear still covered ( present perfect tense) the
psychiatric community living ( past participle) around the earthquake area. Many residents have heard a
loud voice and felt ( past tense) the vibration run out of the house / tent to a spacious place lasted the long
time( past tense) . The community has not been able to ( present perfect tense) forget the feeling of the
earthquake. The earthquake also caused ( past tense) property losses including homes and furniture in it.

The earthquake raises changes in a person's life (present tense), the victims who are injured(past participle)
may suffer ( present tense) in a lifelong body defect, because of the collapse of the building and delays in
receiving aid (present participle phrase) .Many earthquake victims lost livelihoods because the foundation
of work were damaged (past passive tense). To get food and food become very difficult because the wheel
of the economy was paralyzed ( past tenses) .Another problem faced ( past participle) by the survivors of
the earthquake was( past tense) a surge in ( past tense) infectious diseases such as coughing and fever. This
disease, many attacked the children of the survivors and elderly earthquakes. The increase in the spread of
infectious diseases is due to the condition of refugee camps that consequence of the earthquake (present
tense). Disasters causes environmental damage and losses due to( preposition)changing environmental
carrying capacity ( present continues tense)

In the economic field due to ( preposition) the earthquake that will affect(relative clause) economic growth
( present tense). The affected economy, (noun phrase with a past participle). includes ( present tense)
agriculture, industry (small and medium) tourism and trade.( noun) The majority of the people in the
affected (past participle) areas of the disaster cannot meet their lives because of the damage( prepossitional
phrase) to agricultural infrastructure (irrigation buildings), it affects ( present tense) agricultural
production, as is the matter of fisheries infrastructure (fish auctioning places, fish beats and so on). In the
small and medium industrial sectors the amount of losses can reach more than 50% of the total number of
industries that exist such as the leather, pottery, tile, silver, small industrial industries of food and others
( present tense). The trade sector which also suffers losses is traditional markets and shops. Losses arise as a
result of the implementation of production and trade activities ( present participle phrase) of SMEs and

School buildings suffered ( past tense) roof damage, walls and damage to the pillars of the buffer. Office
buildings, government buildings, market buildings and shops as well as (konjungtion ) public facilities such
as health centers, hospitals and means of worship that are damaged Inappropriate wooden connection, the
lack of foundation.

Crack structure

The beam has a vertical or diagonal pattern, besides there is also a hair crack pattern .(simple present)
Remain( present simple) of concrete beams can be categorized( present perfect continues) into cracking
structures consisting of flexible cracks that having (present continues participle) vertical / upright patterns
usually caused by loads that exceed the ability of beams and sliding cracks that have a diagonal / sloping
pattern that occurs ( present tense) after the flexible crack that has a vertical pattern.

Shear crack.

Cracked (Verb past participle) with a diagonal / sloping pattern in the column is usually called a sliding
crack, which is connected by the style in the horizontal / flat direction. Slide cracks like this are quite
dangerous if they are not immediately handled ( past tense) because they can cause a collapse and cannot
afford the building.( past tense)

Bending crack

Cracked ( past participle) with a horizontal / flat pattern is usually called a flexible crack, caused by
excessive pressure in the column. Like cracking sliding, the bending crack needs to be handled carefully.
( present continues)

Concrete blankets peeled off ( past pasive voice)

Concrete blankets in peeled columns ( present participle), can be carried out by( present passive voice)
the low quality / quality of the concrete used, so the concrete strength of reduced pressure and concrete
blankets is easily broken( present indicative voice) . Control of the stages of development is very necessary
( present indicative voice) to prevent a decrease in concrete quality.

Cracked wall / floor

Cracks on the wall are caused by ( passive voice) a lack of quality concrete basement walls. The quality of
the concrete is expressed with K unit (for example: K-125, K-175, K-250 etc.). For houses built in bulk
( participle phrase) of these difficult damage is commonly found( present tense) .Remains on the floor
( present tense) due to uplift styles that exceed the capacity of the basement floor. There is a soil movement
under the basement floor, so that it occurs ( present tense) on the wall and basement floor. This can also
cause a tear of the waterstop (groundwater retaining rubber).

(past tense ) earthquakes have resulted in infrastructure called "Lifeline," such as roads, railways, electricity,
drinking water, gas and telecommunications, becoming totally paralyzed. As a result of the earthquake,
several public facilities and cultural heritage sites were also damaged, and health services were disrupted.
Damage to the transportation infrastructure sector, especially roads and bridges, presents as broken roads
and cracks on both the left and right sides due to( preposition) collapsing taluds. (present continues) This
damage can ( modal verb) also include ( present simple) decreased (past participle) road surface elevation
and damage to the road body itself. Bridges, on the other hand, can exhibit ( modal verb) damage to
expansion joints( present simple), misalignment (free or off and release),( adjective) and even shifts in the
bridge structure.


For land transportation of some infrastructure of trolidas also suffered ( simple past) damage, including road
rails shifting, collapses,( present participle) road bridges Rail Ambles, Station Buildings, Mess, Guesthouse
/ Guest House, Offices, Depoto Lok and Train, as well as installation of synthelis (signals, Telkom and
electricity) which are commonly used( past participle) to regulate railroad traffic also damage.

Clean water, sanitation and waste water (descriptive statement)

As a result of the PDAM pipe earthquake, it is leaked or broken.( Present perfect tense) Damage occurs
( present tense) in clean water installations. The residents' wells experience( present tense) liquidaction so
that they experience turbidity, it is also reported to have the basis of the well rise so that the water dries, there
is also a collapsed well. The earthquake area disrupted the needs of the MCK facility. Damage occurs in
irrigation infrastructure and losses occur in unable to produce their agricultural activities and damage to
agricultural equipment.

Electricity and telecommunications

Damage to the main energy sector is due to the number of PLN electricity networks that are broken ( past
participle), Travo houses and networks in office buildings The damage in the telecommunications sector
involves the telephone network.( present tense)


Arranged By:


PASCA RIAWATI ZAI ( 2305022018)

Supporting Lecturer:




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