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English Task

Task Unit 9

Lecture: H. Baharuddin K, SPd., M.Pd

Group 8:
1. Cahya (PO713201221010)
2. Nadya Latifah (PO713201221023)
3. Nur Azizah (PO713201221025)
4. Sulastri (PO713201221041)
5. Wilanda Dwimaras (PO713201221042)


Task :
1) Classify the data above into the subjective and objective data and explain its
a. Subjective data
b. Objective data

a. Subjective data
- Nausea , because the patient feels it and expresses it to the nurse
- Insomnia , because the patient experiences it and expresses it to the nurse
- Ache, because the patient feels it and expresses it to the nurse
- Dizziness , because the patient experiences it and expresses it to the nurse
- Haemetemesis, because the patient feels it and expresses it to the nurse
- Diarrhea, because the patient feels it and expresses it to the nurse
- anorexsia, because the patient feels it and complains about it to the nurse

b. Objective data
- Bruising (bruise), because the nurse sees directly (inspection)
- Rash, because the nurse sees directly (inspection)
- Swelling, because the nurse sees directly and (inspection & palpation)
- Irregular pulse or respiration, Only found out when the nurse did an examination
- Constipation (constipated),
- Cyanosis, because the nurse sees directly (inspection)
- Jaundice, because the nurse sees directly (inspection)
- Laceration, because the nurse sees directly (inspection)
- Abrasion, because the nurse sees directly (inspection)
- Shallow pulse or respiration, if the nurse performs a breathing examination
- Respiration, if the nurse performs a breathing examination (auscultation)
- Edema, because the nurse sees it directly and touches it (inspection & palpation)

2. Make dialogue by using the terminalogy

Wilanda & Azizah (patient's family) : Excuse me, Good evening nurse…
Nadya (nurse) : Good Evening
Wilanda : Yes nurse, My child complained of stomach hurts . He has defecated
Nadya : How many times has your child defecated?
Azizah : Hi has defecated a times nurse?
Nadya : Well, Can you take her to the examination room so we can examine her
Azizah : Okay Nurse

The room
Sulastri : Excuse me nurse
Cahya : Please sit down
Cahya : Does your stomach still hurt?
Sulastri : Yes, Still Nurse
Cahya: Ok, I’il give you medicine to reduce defecated, the rules is to drink it three
times a day
Sulastri: Alright sure, Thankyou nurse.

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