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EASYSTART Activity worksheet Teacher Support Programme

The Leopard and the Lighthouse Photocopiable

Pages 1–7 Pages 8–15
While reading While reading
1 Match A and B 4 Match the names of the characters in the box
with the sentences.
a The lighthouse on 1 in the lighthouse. Tanza Jamal Mohammed Saied Ahmed
Sindi is … a ……… is the Head Man of Sindi.
b The flowers on 2 very hungry. b ……… tries to shoot the leopard.
Sindi are … c ……… doesn’t like Ahmed.
c The children play 3 on the mainland. d ……… is big and strong and talks a lot.
… e ……… and ……… laugh at the young man
d Sindi lies … 4 old and tall. with the special dart.
e The leopard is … 5 beautiful. f ……… takes the leopard to an animal park.
f The monkeys and 6 five hundred 5 Who says these words?
elephants are … metres from the a ‘The leopard is very hungry and can kill our
mainland. children.’ ………
2 Which is the right answer, 1, 2 or 3? b ‘Let the men of Sindi have a competition.’
a Where are the people buying vegetables and ………
fruit? … c ‘I can kill him with my knife.’ ………
1 On the beach. d ‘What’s your name?’ ………
2 In the shops. e ‘Is the leopard dead?’ ………
3 At the market. f ‘My dart doesn’t kill animals.’ ………
b What do the children do when they see the 6 Write about Tanza and Saied. Fill in the blanks.
leopard? … Tanza ……… the daughter of the Head Man of
1 They cry. Sindi. She ……… very beautiful and many men
2 They throw stones. on Sindi ……… in love with her. Ahmed ………
3 They run away. to marry her, but he ……… old and Tanza
c What do the men do when they see the doesn’t ……… him.
leopard? … Tanza ……… Saied. He ……… nice eyes and a
1 They cry. kind face. Tanza and Saied ……… married and
2 They throw stones. they ……… three children. Saied ……… them
3 They run away. the story of the leopard and the lighthouse.
d What do the people do when the leopard
7 Put the letters in the right place to make a
runs to the top of the lighthouse? …
1 They shoot the leopard.
The men of Sindi have a ………METIPOOCITN.
2 They go into the lighthouse.
The man who kills the ……… REDPOLA can
3 They wait outside the lighthouse.
marry Tanza. ……… HETER men try to win.
3 You want to know about the story. Write the Tanza doesn’t like Ahmed or Jamal, but she
questions. ……… SLEIK Saied. In the end, Saied wins and
a Question: ……………………………………? takes the leopard to the ……… LAINAM Park.
Answer: They are buying meat, vegetables and
After reading
8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions
b Question: ……………………………………?
about the story.
Answer: The leopard is in the lighthouse.
a Did you like the story? Why (not)?
c Question: ……………………………………?
b Which character in the story did you not like?
Answer: The leopard stays in the lighthouse
for three days and three nights. © Pearson Education Limited 2016 The Leopard and the Lighthouse - Activity worksheet   1 of 1
EASYSTART Progress test Teacher Support Programme

The Leopard and the Lighthouse Photocopiable

1 Eight things are wrong. Find them and make them 4 Look at the picture on page 13. Are the sentences
right. right (✓) or wrong (✗)?
The story is about a leopard and a lighthouse in West a c The leopard is still in the lighthouse.
Africa, on an island called Sindi. There is a big village b c Ahmed is holding a gun.
and a lighthouse on the island. One day a leopard c c Tanza is looking at Mohammed.
swims from the mainland to the island. The leopard is d c There are four men in the picture.
looking for the lighthouse. The people of the island e c Ahmed and Jamal are laughing.
see the leopard and they follow him. f c Tanza is very angry.
After two days and nights the leopard is still in the g c We can see the door of the lighthouse.
lighthouse. The people want to catch the leopard, but
5 Find the picture. Read the sentences and write the
they don’t know how to do it. The Head Man of Sindi
page number.
has a beautiful daughter called Tanza and he says,
a c The leopard is coming out of the sea.
‘The man who kills the leopard can marry my sister.’
b c Jamal is tying his goat to the stairs.
In the end, a kind old man called Saied shoots the
c c The leopard is sleeping.
leopard with a special dart. The leopard isn’t dead, he
d c The leopard is walking up some stairs.
is only sleeping. Saied takes the leopard to a zoo in
e c Ahmed is trying to shoot the leopard.
f c Saied is putting a dart into his gun.
Five years later, Saied and Tanza are married and they
g c Tanza and Saied are in the animal park.
have four children. They go to Nairobi to visit the
h c The children are playing near the lighthouse.
animal park. The children see the leopard and Saied
i c The leopard is running from the angry men.
tells them the story of how he caught the leopard in
j c The people are asking Mohammed how they
the lighthouse.
can catch the leopard.
2 Write the numbers, 1–8 to make the right story.
6 Put the words from the box in the right place in
a c Jamal uses his goat to try to catch the leopard.
the sentences. Sometimes there is more than one
b c The leopard swims from the mainland to the
correct answer.
c c Saied shoots the leopard with a special dart. tall strong old hungry angry
d c The leopard runs up the stairs of the beautiful happy quiet
lighthouse. a There are ……… beaches on the island of Sindi.
e c Ahmed tries to shoot the leopard. b Ahmed is rich, but he is also ……… and Tanza
f c The leopard runs into the marketplace. doesn’t like him.
g c The leopard walks along the road to the village. c When the leopard comes to the village, the people
h c The men throw stones at the leopard. are very ……… .
3 Look at the words in italics. Who or what are they? d Jamal is ……… and he wants to kill the leopard
a Sindi is an island. It has beautiful beaches with white with his knife.
sand. e The leopard goes to marketplace because he is
…………………………………………………… ……… .
b A stone hits the leopard and he runs out of the f The lighthouse is a ……… building.
market. g Tanza and Saied have three children and they are
…………………………………………………… very ……… .
c The people are following the leopard. They are h Saied is a very ……… young man.
very angry. i Saied doesn’t want to kill the leopard because he
…………………………………………………… thinks it is ……… .
d Ahmed is old and Tanza doesn’t like him.
e Tanza looks at Saied, and he smiles at her.
…………………………………………………… © Pearson Education Limited 2016 The Leopard and the Lighthouse - Progress test   1 of 1

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