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Name: Wan Adelia Adella

NIM: 2233121023

Class: DIK'A 23

Subject: Contextual Written Language Skills

Lecturer: Fahri Haswani, S.Pd., M.Hum

ESSAY 1: Preventing World War III: Lessons from History and Contemporary Diplomacy

I. Introduction

- Briefly introduce the looming threat of a third world war in global affairs.

- Highlight the importance of learning from history and utilizing modern diplomatic
strategies to prevent such a catastrophe.

II. Lessons from History: The Importance of Diplomacy and Fair Peace Settlements

- Discuss the lead-up to World Wars I and II, emphasizing the role of ineffective
communication and alliances.
- Analyze the Treaty of Versailles and its contribution to the onset of World War II due to
its harsh measures against Germany.
- Emphasize the necessity of flexible diplomacy and fair peace settlements to prevent
resentment and future conflicts.

III. Contemporary Diplomacy: Evolution and Strategies

- Explore the post-World War II era and the creation of international institutions like the
UN, IMF, and World Bank.
- Discuss the importance of multilateralism and organizations like the UN, NATO, and the
EU in mediating disputes and coordinating responses.
- Highlight the rise of preventive diplomacy, including early warning mechanisms and
mediation efforts.
- Recognize the significance of non-state actors and informal diplomacy in complementing
traditional state-to-state diplomacy.
- Address the challenges posed by technological advancements, particularly cyber warfare
and misinformation campaigns.

IV. Conclusion

- Summarize the multifaceted approach required to prevent World War III, combining
historical insights with contemporary diplomatic strategies.
- Reinforce the importance of effective diplomacy for maintaining global peace.
- Stress the commitment to peace and diplomacy as imperative for humanity's survival in
an interconnected world.

Essay 2: Boycott Israel: A Grassroots Movement for Palestinian Freedom

I. Introduction

- Introduce the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement as a

significant advocate for Palestinian rights globally.

- Explain the focus of BDS on economic leverage and its goals of encouraging
boycotts, divestment, and sanctions against Israel until it respects international
law and Palestinian rights.

- Highlight the grassroots nature of the movement and its origins as a response to
Israeli occupation, illegal settlements, and discrimination against Palestinians.

II. Non-violent Resistance: Principles and Strategies of BDS

- Discuss the core principle of non-violence in the BDS movement and its parallels to the anti-
apartheid movement in South Africa.
- Outline the strategies employed by BDS, including boycotting Israeli products, divesting
from entities profiting from the occupation, and advocating for sanctions against Israel.
III. Controversies and Responses

- Address opposition to BDS, including claims of unfair targeting and attempts to delegitimize
- Counter arguments by supporters of BDS, emphasizing its focus on challenging Israeli policies
and its history of effective non-violent protest.
IV. Impact and Challenges

- Describe the growing traction of BDS worldwide, fueled by grassroots activism and
support from civil society and governments.
- Highlight notable successes of BDS, such as multinational companies exiting Israeli
settlements and academic and cultural boycotts of Israel.
- Discuss the challenges and opposition faced by the BDS movement, including
accusations of anti-Semitism and legal/political suppression efforts.

V. Conclusion

- Summarize the significance of the BDS movement in advocating for Palestinian

freedom, justice, and equality.
- Reiterate the commitment of BDS activists to non-violent means and their
determination to overcome obstacles in the pursuit of Palestinian rights.

ESSAY 3: The Socio-Political Ramifications of Moving Indonesia's Capital to Kalimantan

I. Introduction

- Introduce Indonesia's decision to move its capital from Jakarta to Kalimantan and the
significance of this decision.

- Highlight the purpose of the essay: to analyze the socio-political effects of the capital
relocation project on Indonesian society and governance.

II. Economic Impacts

- Discuss the reasons behind the decision to relocate the capital, including Jakarta's
congestion, land subsidence, and susceptibility to natural disasters.
- Explore the expected economic benefits of moving the capital to Kalimantan, such as
increased investment and infrastructure development.
- Address potential challenges related to economic inequalities and the need for fair
resource distribution.

III. Environmental Concerns

- Highlight the environmental challenges posed by relocating the capital to Kalimantan,

such as deforestation and habitat destruction.

- Emphasize the importance of implementing rigorous environmental protections to

mitigate these challenges.

IV. Cultural and Social Considerations

- Discuss the impact of the capital relocation on Indonesia's diverse cultural landscape,
particularly in Kalimantan.
- Stress the importance of preserving indigenous cultures and promoting cultural diversity
through inclusive policies.
- Address the need for social cohesion and integration in Kalimantan to ensure the
success of the capital relocation.

V. Political Implications

- Analyze how the capital relocation will alter Indonesia's political landscape,
including decentralization efforts and concerns about governance efficiency.
- Discuss the need for substantial infrastructure development in Kalimantan to
support the incoming population and businesses.

VI. Conclusion

- Summarize the challenges and opportunities presented by relocating Indonesia's

capital to Kalimantan.
- Emphasize the importance of thorough planning, inclusive policies, and proactive
strategies in ensuring the success of the capital relocation project.
- Conclude by highlighting the significance of this decision in Indonesia's history
and its potential to lead to a brighter future for the nation.

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