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Love is Patient
and Kind

Home Katherine Kehler Collection

Love is Patient and Kind

“Love never gives up.

Love cares for others
more than for self” (I
Corinthians 13:1).
This story reminds me of how often we
make judgements about situations or
people without knowing the facts. How
wrong we can be.

A bus stopped and one of the passengers

noticed a father with several children getting
on. The children were very unruly. They
wouldn’t sit still and kept changing seats and
fighting — all the annoying things that
children do when they are out of control.

The father had sat down beside a man who

became quite annoyed, thinking, “Why
doesn’t he control his children?” Finally, he
could take it no longer. He turned to the
father and blurted, “Your children are out of
control. Why don’t you do something?”

“Yes,”, the father replied, “I suppose you are

right. But you see, we have just come from
the hospital. Their mother died this
morning. They don’t know how to handle it
and neither do I.” Wow! Talk about blowing

So often our judgements are based on

outward appearances. We base them on
hearsay or our limited experience. God
looks at people’s hearts. Isaiah 11:3 has this
to say about Christ, “He will not judge by the
way things look. He will not judge by what
people say.”

The more we allow Christ to take control of

our lives, the less likely we will be to make
quick judgements about people or believe
rumors. As we ask Him to put His love in our
hearts, we will become more like Him.

Lord Jesus, Your love is perfect.

Thank You for being so patient
and kind with us. When You
judge and discipline us, it is
because You know all the facts
and it is for our good. Love
always rules everything You do.
We, on the other hand, are so
often harsh and self-righteous
when analyzing the actions of
others. Today, we confess our
critical and unkind attitudes to
You and ask Your Spirit to
enable us to be patient and
kind. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler

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The Spirit–Filled Life

1 Corinthians 13 – The Way of Love

Love Your Neighbour

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