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Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100809

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The occurrence of natural organic matter in South African water treatment
Pfano Tshindane, Phumlile P. Mamba, Lerato Moss, Umhle U. Swana, Welldone Moyo,
Machawe M. Motsa, Nhamo Chaukura, Bhekie B. Mamba, Thabo T.I. Nkambule

Nanotechnology and Water Sustainability (NanoWS) Research Unit, University of South Africa, College of Science Engineering and Technology (CSET), UNISA Science
Campus, 1710 Roodepoort, Johannesburg, South Africa


Keywords: Water supplied to customers must be safe and fit for purpose. It is thus important that the water from water
Dissolved organic carbon treatment plants (WTPs) meets World Health Organization standards or local standards such as the South African
Natural organic matter National Standard, before distribution. This study focuses on the treatment of natural organic matter (NOM) in
Water treatment plants South African WTPs. The problems associated with NOM include: (1) it affects the organoleptic properties of
water; (2) increases coagulant demand; (3) reacts with chlorine to form disinfection by-products and (4) causes
membrane fouling. The aim of the study was to characterise the NOM composition of various water sources.
Specifically, the objectives were: (1) to assess the character of NOM in selected regions of South Africa; and (2) to
evaluate the NOM removal efficiencies of the selected WTPs. To achieve these, various characterisation tech-
niques were used to determine parameters such as dissolved organic carbon, ultraviolet absorbance, specific
ultraviolet absorbance, and dissolved organic matter, using fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectro-
scopy. The character of NOM evolved throughout the treatment process as a result of coagulation, sedimentation
and filtration processes. As indicated by SUVA, a decrease in the hydrophobic fraction of NOM from raw to final
water was observed, except for plant C2 in Region C where a drastic increase in SUVA from 1.26–31.95 L/mg.m
was observed, indicating an increase in the hydrophobic compounds in water. All WTPs were shown to have
different removal efficiencies because of the character of NOM in the raw water and the coagulation conditions

1. Introduction [7,8]. Based on the polarity, NOM is divided into hydrophobic (humic),
hydrophilic (non-humic), and transphilic (intermediate polarity) frac-
Safe drinking water is a major concern in developing and water- tions [9,10]. The hydrophobic fraction consists of humic substances
scarce countries such as South Africa. Rapid population growth, ex- (HS), which in turn are made up of humic acids (HA), fulvic acids (FA),
tensive industrialisation, and agricultural activities have resulted in the and humin [6]. These substances contribute to the yellow-brownish
pollution of water sources (Nkambule et al., 2012). These activities colour of water, impacting the water quality [11]. The hydrophilic
contribute a wide range of organic and inorganic pollutants in water fraction consists of non-humic substances such as proteins, carbohy-
sources through surface runoff, point source waste discharges, and drates, and polysaccharides [12], while the transphilic fraction is
other diffuse (non-point) sources [1]. Natural organic matter (NOM) is composed of mainly of carboxylic acids [13].
a complex combination of organic compounds formed from the decay of The presence of NOM in raw water causes numerous problems in
plant and animal matter in water sources and soil [2], and is one of the water treatment processes, such as high coagulant dosage, production
major problematic pollutants found in drinking water sources [3–5]. of disinfection-by products (DBPs), unpleasant taste, odour and yellow-
These organic compounds originate from autochthonous sources brownish colour, membrane fouling and the promotion of bacterial re-
which are created within the water body, and allochthonous sources growth in the distribution system since NOM serves as a source of food
which are derived from outside the water body [6]. The composition of for heterotrophic organisms [14–16]; Nkambule et al., 2012). These
NOM in water sources depends on the geographic and climatic condi- problems indicate the need to remove NOM from drinking water sup-
tions and its character changes throughout the water treatment process plies.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T.T.I. Nkambule).

2214-7144/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Received 4 October 2018; Received in revised form 13 March 2019; Accepted 21 March 2019
P. Tshindane, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100809

To date, only a few studies on the characterisation and quantifica- plants A1, A2, and A3 were sampled, from Region B, plants B1, B2, B3,
tion of NOM at water treatment plants (WTPs) in South Africa have and B4 were selected, and from Region C, plants C1 and C2 were
reported NOM occurrence at individual WTPs [7,17,9]; Marais et al., chosen. The treatment processes used in each of the plants are provided
2018; [5]). These studies assessed the composition of NOM in water in Table S1.
using various parameters such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC),
which gives the quantity of NOM in water, and ultra-violet absorbance 2.2. Sampling and sample analyses
analysis (UVA), which identifies the different chromophores of NOM.
For instance, UV at 254 nm indicates aromaticity, and UV at 272 nm is a Sampling at all nine water treatment plants was performed in tri-
good indicator of DBP formation potential. Specific ultraviolet absor- plicate. Samples were collected at each of the treatment steps using 1 L
bance (SUVA) gives an indication of the amount of humic substances vs. amber glass bottles and stored in a cooler bag. The turbidity, con-
non-humic substances in NOM [18] in terms of hydrophobic (SUVA ductivity, and pH were measured onsite using a turbidity meter
> 4), hydrophilic (SUVA < 2), and transphilic (2 < SUVA < 4) (Thermo Scientific Orion AQUAfast® AQ3010), a conductivity meter
fractions. Fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (FEEM) spectroscopy (XS Instruments, Carpi, MO, Italy), and a pH meter (XS Instruments,
provides information on the structural composition of NOM based on Carpi MO, Italy), respectively. These parameters were measured to
excitation and emission wavelengths of the fluorophores within NOM. obtain the physical properties of the water [19]. Dissolved organic
Most WTPs in South Africa use the conventional treatment process, carbon analyses were performed using a Torch Total Organic Carbon
with coagulation-flocculation as the major NOM removal processes, and Analyzer (Teledyne Tekmar, Mason, Ohio, USA) after filtering the
chlorination as the disinfection process [4]. It is therefore important to samples through a 0.45 μm filter. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is the
track the nature of NOM at each treatment step to assess the NOM re- fraction of total organic carbon that passes through the 0.45 μm filter
moval efficiency of treatment processes given the diverse types of water [20].
sources in South Africa [4]. This will assist in WTP optimisation, which Ultraviolet-visible absorbance analyses were performed using a
will lead to enhanced NOM removal. Due to the diverse nature of South fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (FEEM) spectrometer
African fresh water sources, the character of NOM varies and thus it (Aqualog®, HORIBA Scientific, New Jersey, USA). All samples were
cannot be effectively removed with only one treatment regime. Thus, analysed over a full wavelength spectrum (200–800 nm) to effectively
this work sought to develop an understanding of the NOM character in study the NOM character. Particular attention was given to the fol-
water treatment plants in a bid to improve NOM removal through lowing wavelengths, which are representative of particular NOM frac-
process optimisation. The aim was to characterise the NOM composi- tions: 214 nm indicates the presence of nitrates and nitrites; 254 nm
tion of various water sources, and the objectives were: (1) to assess the indicates the presence of humic substances and aromatics; 272 nm is the
nature, composition and character of NOM in selected regions of South best predictor of the formation of trihalomethanes (THM) [9,15]. Fur-
Africa, and (2) to evaluate the NOM removal efficiency of selected thermore, it is possible to classify and distinguish humic substances of
water treatment plants. The work focused on the individual NOM various origins using FEEM data (Chen et al., 2003).
fractions in three South African provinces and their removal by dif- The ratio between UV absorbance at 254 nm and DOC is called the
ferent water treatment plants. The study is part of a series of assess- specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA) (Equation [1]), and is an in-
ments conducted on the same plants over all four seasons, and is re- dication of the quantity of humic substances in comparison with non-
presentative of the behaviour of NOM in South African water treatment humic substances in NOM [18].
SUVA = × 100
DOC (1)
2. Methodology
3. Results and discussion
2.1. Sampling sites
3.1. Physicochemical characteristics of water
The WTPs selected for this study are located in three regions across
South Africa and are represented by codes (Fig. 1). From Region A,
Except for plant B1 with final water turbidity of 1.4 NTU, the final
water of all WTPs was found to have a turbidity of < 1 NTU (Fig. 2). A
slight increase in turbidity was observed after the filtration stage for
plants B1 and B2, with values ranging from 0 to 1.4 and 0 to 0.96 NTU,
respectively. This could be due to the breakthrough of the retained
solutes on the Schmutzdecke (“dirt cover”) and the filter bed [21,22].
The Schmutzdecke is a biological layer that builds up on the surface of
the slow sand filter, and facilitates the effective purification in the
treatment of drinking water (Dehwah and Missimer, 2007). All the
WTPs studied use coagulation-flocculation for the removal of turbidity
and color. An increase in turbidity from 0 to 0.2 NTU was observed at
plant C1 following the addition of a coagulant. At plant B2, the increase
in turbidity from 0.6 to 2.7 NTU after sedimentation could be due to the
accumulation of scum on the tanks and floc carryover. A drastic in-
crease in turbidity from 0.3 to 2.7 NTU for the other plants was ob-
served after sedimentation, indicating poor control of the coagulation
process. Turbidity is an indication of the presence of suspended and
colloidal particles in water (Oladoja et al., 2017). Turbidity describes
the amount of light scattered by particles in the water and it can be used
as an indicator of the performance of the coagulation process. The
South African National Standard [23] specifies that the turbidity of the
final water must be less than 1 NTU.
Fig. 1. The location of the selected water treatment plants in South Africa. The pH of water is another critical parameter that greatly influences

P. Tshindane, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100809

Fig. 2. The physicochemical properties of water at different treatment steps for water treatment plants in Regions A, B, and C.

P. Tshindane, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100809

Fig. 3. The DOC concentrations in raw water for water treatment plants in Regions A, B, and C.

the quality of produced water, especially during coagulation. The re- found to be below the limits set by [23], which is ≤10 mg/L. Dissolved
moval of NOM during coagulation is largely influenced by pH [5]. The organic carbon analysis alone does not provide adequate information
final pH of water for the plants ranged from 7.3–9.3, which is within the on the transformation of NOM throughout the treatment process [24].
[23] specification of pH 5–9.7. The pH for A3 was stable due to no However, coagulation and flocculation processes are responsible for the
addition of lime, and there were no major changes in pH for plants A1, reduction of DOC at WTPs [25].
A2 and A3 (Fig. 3). The slight increase in pH for the coastal plants (B3, Despite the largely similar treatment processes in most WTPs (Table
B4, C1, and C2) was due to the addition of hydrated lime, which made S1), DOC removal efficiencies were found to be different at all WTPs.
the water alkaline. However, the pH decreased after chlorination due to These differences can be attributed to the different coagulants and
the formation of hypochlorous ions, which reduced the pH of the water dosages used during coagulation. Plants in Region C, which use alu-
to acceptable levels. minium-based salt polymer as a coagulant, have the highest DOC re-
Another parameter that affects the quality of water is electrical moval efficiency (46.3 and 61.8% for plants C1 and C2, respectively).
conductivity, which describes the load of charged species in water [19]. Since the treatment processes used by these WTPs are essentially si-
These are a result of dissolved salts and inorganic materials such as milar to those of other WTPs, the high removal efficiency is likely to be
alkalis, chlorides, sulphides and carbonate compounds present in the due to either the NOM character in that region, or the coagulant type
water. Raw water conductivity values of > 10 mS/cm, which correlate and dosage used, or a combination of these. The aim of further in-
to fresh water, were observed at plants A2 and A3. However, there was vestigations should be to elucidate the impact of various coagulants on
a significant increase in conductivity for the feed streams from Regions DOC removal. Laboratory-scale experiments involving jar testing to
B and C, which illustrates the varied types of raw water as influenced by optimise pH and coagulant dosage would be a good starting point. The
the geographic locations which subsequently affect the properties of character of NOM is influenced by the surrounding geology and human
NOM in the water. The electrical conductivity of all the plants in- activities [4,26]. Interestingly, there was an increase in DOC content
vestigated varied for each plant due to different types and dosage of throughout the treatment process for plants A1, A2, and B4. This could
coagulants used (Table S1), with the lowest being recorded in plant A1 be due to clogged sand filters or biological degradation occurring on the
with a conductivity value approaching 0 mS/m, and the highest con- edges of the sedimentation tanks as shown by flakes of decomposing
ductivity recorded in plant B2 (129 mS/m). Overall, compliance in matter that are washed off into the water [27].
terms of the aesthetic limits (2015 Blue Drop Limits) of less than
170 mS/m set by the South African National Standard (SANS) for 3.3. Ultraviolet absorbance
Drinking Water [23] was observed for all the plants.
Ultraviolet absorbance (UVA) was measured at a wavelength range
3.2. Dissolved organic carbon of 200–600 nm. As mentioned before, absorbance at 214 nm represents
nitrites and nitrates while 254 nm represents the aromaticity of NOM,
The concentration of DOC in raw water was found to be different for and absorbance at 272 nm signifies the potential of DBP formation [6].
each treatment plant (Fig. 3) due to the different geographic location of A decrease in the absorbance at 254 nm was observed from raw
each plant. For example, plant A1 (DOC = 0.74 mg/L) obtains its raw water to final water for all the WTPs (Fig. 4). This result shows that the
water from a dam located on the slopes of mountains, consequently the aromatic content of the water decreases throughout the treatment
plant does not apply sedimentation as a treatment step. It is noteworthy processes. The highest UV254 absorbance (0.47 cm−1) was observed at
that the DOC concentration of the final treated water from all WTPs was plant C2 indicating that the raw water is rich in aromatic compounds.

P. Tshindane, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100809

Fig. 4. Ultraviolet absorbance data for plants in Regions A, B, and C.

The UV214 for raw water of all investigated WTPs is high, indicating the respectively. This indicates that the nature of the NOM found in the
presence of high levels of nitrates and nitrites. Furthermore, all WTPs water treated changed to transphilic along the treatment trains. This is
showed high potential for DBP formation as indicated by the high UV272 consistent with previous studies that reported transphilic NOM in final
absorbances. water at a WTP in South Africa [20]. The SUVA values for plants A1 and
From these results, the highest percent removal of NOM was ob- B3 were found to increase after coagulation, suggesting the transfor-
served at plants C1 and C2 with removal efficiencies of 64.3 and 89.4%, mation of NOM into hydrophobic fractions. This result is unexpected
respectively. Low NOM removal efficiencies were observed for the because hydrophobic NOM is more amenable to removal by coagula-
other WTPs. The difference in removal efficiency is attributable to tion [20]. Plants A1 and B3 use Polymer U3800 and Zeta Floc 553,
different types of water sources and coagulants used in the treatment respectively, as coagulants; however, it seems that these coagulants are
processes. ineffective in removing NOM. The overall trend observed throughout
the plants is that the SUVA values decreased after the raw water was
treated using these different water treatment processes. It should be
3.4. Specific ultraviolet absorbance
noted that NOM is not routinely monitored in WTPs in SA, and, as such,
WTPs do not prioritise its removal. In fact, because its impact is an
Specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA) gives an indication of the
emerging area of study, and due to its propensity to form disinfection
hydrophobicity, transphilic and hydrophilicity of the NOM in the water
by-products (DBPs), NOM and DBPs have been classified as emerging
[10,28]. A low SUVA value (< 2 L/mg.m) indicates the presence of
pollutants [29,30]. However, as demonstrated in Table 1, DOC is pre-
mainly hydrophilic fractions of NOM, while a high SUVA value (> 4 L/
sent even in treated water, albeit at low concentrations (0.79–2.09 mg/
mg.m) indicates the presence of mainly hydrophobic fractions of NOM,
L). It is currently not known what DOC concentrations would offset the
and SUVA values of between 2 and 4 L/mg.m indicate the presence of
formation of DBPs, thus these concentrations should also be monitored.
the transphilic fractions of NOM [5,27].
The SUVA values for raw water in all the plants investigated were
greater than 4 L/mg.m, implying that the raw water consists mainly of 3.5. Fluorescence emission excitation matrices
hydrophobic NOM (Table 1). From the results, SUVA values for the final
water treated at plants B4, B2, and A2 were 2.92, 3.06, and 3.19, Fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (FEEM) spectroscopy

P. Tshindane, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100809

Table 1
Chemical properties of water at different treatment stages of the WTPs.
WTP ID DOC (mg/L) UV254 (cm−1) SUVA (L/mg.m)

Raw Coagulation Final Raw Coagulation Final Raw Coagulation Final

A1 0.74 0.65 0.79 0.06 0.63 0.06 7.94 9.70 7.04

A2 1.86 1.93 2.09 0.10 0.09 0.07 5.43 4.95 3.19
A3 1.73 1.59 1.56 0.18 0.10 0.07 10.52 6.52 4.40
B1 2.06 1.03 0.16 0.09 7.93 4.81
B2 1.73 1.97 1.96 0.14 0.10 0.06 8.29 5.03 3.06
B3 1.26 1.08 1.16 0.19 0.17 0.12 14.64 15.34 10.03
B4 1.35 0.99 1.82 0.18 0.06 0.05 13.39 5.89 2.92
C1 2.78 1.45 1.44 0.25 0.12 0.06 9.33 8.26 4.17
C2 2.83 1.95 1.47 0.05 0.11 0.47 1.26 5.82 31.95

Table 2 The FEEM results showed peaks in three regions, namely A, C, and T
Commonly referenced peak and region locations of excitation-emission ma- (Fig. 5) [31]. The spectra demonstrated that the most dominant NOM
trices obtained for aquatic humic substances and dissolved organic matter category is humic-like with excitation wavelengths of between 260 and
([31]). 360 nm and emission wavelengths of between 400 and 460 nm for all
Peak Excitation Emission maximum Description of the plants investigated. However, different excitation/emission wave-
label maximum (nm) (nm) fluorophores lengths were recorded for plant B3, which indicated the presence of
both tryptophan-like and humic-like compounds in raw water ab-
B 275 305 Tyrosine-like, protein
stracted from the river [6,32]. Narrow peaks were observed in the final
T 275 340 Tryptophan-like, water for plants C1, B3, A3 and A2, indicating that the treatment pro-
protein like cess effectively removed HA from the water. Broad peaks were observed
A 260 400-460 Humic-like in the final water of plants C2, B2, B1, A1 and B4, indicating that the
M 290-310 370-410 Marine humic-like
treatment process is ineffective for the complete removal of HA in the
C 320-360 420-460 Humic-like
D 390 509 Soil fulvic acid water [33]. Overall, there is a clear trend that the intensity of the peaks
E 455 521 Soil fulvic acid declines as the water moves through the treatment process, suggesting
N 280 370 Plankton derived that the NOM content was reduced.
As predicted by Equation 1, an increase in DOC and a decrease in
UVA resulted in a decrease in SUVA. However, for plants A3, C1, B3,
provides information on the structural composition of NOM based on and B1 the trend was found to be inconsistent. Further research would
the excitation and emission wavelength of the fluorophores (Table 2), be required to investigate this discrepancy. From FEEM spectra, there is
and the absorption wavelengths, together with the assigned com- a monotonic waning of the peaks, indicating a progressive decline in
pounds, are derived from current guidelines based on previous studies NOM along the treatment train. The same general trend is shown for
[31]. DOC.

Fig. 5. Fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectra for water samples collected in (a) C1, (b) C2, (c) B2, (d) B3, (e) B1, (f) B4, (g) A3, (h) A1, and (i) A2 WTPs.

P. Tshindane, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100809

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Acknowledgements [23] SANS 241-1, South African National Standard: Drinking Water (SANS 241-1:2015),
Edition 2, Part 1: Microbiological, Physical, Aesthetic and Chemical Determinands,
SABS Standards Division, Groenkloof, Pretoria, South Africa, 2015 ISBN 978-0-626-
This work was funded by the Nanotechnology and Water
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was done; their collaboration is highly appreciated.
[25] E.N. Hidayah, Y. Chou, H. Yeh, Characterization and removal of natural organic
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[26] T.I. Nkambule, R.W. Krause, B.B. Mamba, J. Haarhoff, Removal of natural organic
matter from water using ion-exchange resins and cyclodextrin polyurethanes, Phys.
Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the Chem. Earth Parts A/B/C 34 (2009) 812–818.
online version, at doi: [27] B.B. Mamba, R.W. Krause, T.J. Malefetse, S.P. Sithole, T.I. Nkambule, Humic acid as
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overview of the methods used in the characterisation of natural organic matter

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