Grade 10 Portfolio Details 24-25

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Grade - 10 Portfolio (24-25)

Subject : English
Write two stories about famous personalities who were motivated by their
parents/teachers/role models. ( Ex. Swami Vivekananda by Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa,
Sachin Tendulkar by Ramakant Achrekar, etc.)

Subject : Hindi

१) समास के भेदों के नाम लऱखकर प्रत्येक के ५ – ५ उदाहरण दीजिए |

२) ऩदबंधो के भेदों के नाम लऱखकर प्रत्येक के ५ – ५ उदाहरण लऱखखए|

Subject : Sanskrit
Write 10 sentences on each topic given below.
१) वऺ
ृ ारोऩणस्य महत्त्वम ्
२) छात्रिीवने अनश
ु ासनस्य महत्त्वम ्
३) प्रदष
ू णस्य कारणानन, तस्य ननराकरणाय उऩाया:
४) भारतीय – उत्सवानां वैलशष्टयम ्
५) छात्रिीवने क्रीडाया: महत्त्वम ्
६) ववऻानस्य सदऩ
ु योग:
७) ग्रन्थाऱयस्य महत्त्वम ्
८) महानगरे षु उद्यानानां महत्त्वम ्

Subject : Math

1. Importance of Mathematics
2. Interest and progress in the subject.
3. Lab manual Book - Activity 10 : Basic Proportionality Theorem.
4. Triangles :
- Congruent Triangles and Similar Triangles.
- Criteria for similarity of Triangles.
5. Lab manual Book – Ch.2 Polynomials, Page no.63 – Assignments ( write questions with solution)

Subject : Science
 Science Activity and Assignment :
1. Importance of Science
2. Interest and progress in the subject.
3. Describe an activity to explain electrolysis of water.
4. Describe an activity to explain reaction of acids with metal.
5. Describe an activity to explain reaction of Iron with Steam.
6. Explain various indicator(natural and sysnthetic, pH Scale and universal indicator ) with their colour
7. With help of match sticks or twigs explain the convergence and divergence of mirror and lens.
8. In tabular form draw and describe the electrical components of electric circuit along with their uses.
9. With a Punnet chart explain the law of inheritance using the gene characteristic of pea plants
10. With a help of an activity explain budding, and differentiate it from Regeneration.

Subject : Social Science

History - Write an essay on the Formation of the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain.'

Locate and label the following places on the map of India.

Ch. 3 Nationalism in India

I. Congress sessions:

II. 3 Satyagraha movements:

ill workers
III. Jallianwala Bagh
IV. Dandi March

Geography -
Water Resources
Locating and Labelling:

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