Down The Memory Lane

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“You can take the student out of ISB, but not the ISB out of the
student”. and that even seems up my sentiments today.
It all began on a bright April in the year 2006. About 700 “millennium
babies”-4 years old in their pinafores and uniforms came along with
their parents to what would be their window to the world for next 12
years in their lives. They were welcomed into the ISB family with the
sweetest smiles and the most loving of hearts. And, from then on,
there has been no looking back. Together we, the batch of 2025
created 14 years’ worth memories, filled with a lot of laughter tears
friendship love and knowledge.
Let me just say I have not seen a group of people as hardworking and
dedicated as our teachers. They have become more of friends rather
than just teachers, and they have given wings to our dreams. If we
were able to achieve any word of award in these 12 years it is only
because of our teachers and parents who undoubtedly have helped
us to be the better versions of ourselves.

Our 14 years in ISB has been a roller coaster ride on its own. Many left
us, and a whole lot of new friends came into our small world of fun.
Reliving those Tarang days, sports days, times in the canteen Techno
fests, mega fairs and farewells. An unforgettable experience the clash
of ideas ,the confusion and last minute preparations and finally, all
our efforts unified into what was undoubtedly one of the best days of
our lives.
We at ISB have not lived inside a bubble we were given opportunities
to interact and compete among ourselves and the students of other
schools .There have been days when things did not work out, it
showed us what life is ,full of ups and downs. The corridors, the desks
and the walls will continue to echo the good and bad times that we
have had here. ISB has enabled us to know each other better and
grow into this big one family will never stop to grow.
ISB has just not just made us quizzers, debaters, athlete, artists,
dancers, singers and above all it has made us confident, ambitious
youngsters, and ready to face the world.

Speaking about friends and classmates, we see the boys charivy one
another in the corridors and the school ground during the recess and
returned to classrooms drenched in sweat. the never ending calss
hours where the back benchers open their packet of chips and
biscuits which reaches the front benches after parring through many
hands. The most awaited PT periods, no matter how much sunny or
windy it is. Now that I am out of here, all I want is to get back in,
We learnt, we played, we won, we lost, we laughed, we cried, we
loved, we hated, we fought, we thought … the ISBians ….
Gone are the days of stressful, 1st term 2nd term and annual exams.
And the most enjoyed and celebrated holidays after them. Then the
1st day of school meeting our peers again after 2 months. Next year,
when we get on with chasing our dreams, ISB will not only remain in
the forms and papers but will be in our hearts forever.
To conclude I recall what Dr. Sears said of children “children want to
laugh, to be challenged, to be entertained and delighted ISB has
given us all that much more ….

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