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F AU PAIR ‘Au Pair Program Enrollment Terms and Conditions The following terms and conditions apply betwoen you (referred to 8 “you” or “Au Pair”) and International Cre Ltd, « Swiss corporation located at Selnaustrasse 30, 8001, Zurich, Switzerond (referred to a8 "us" or “we” related tothe a pair program conducted in the United States by a separate corporation, Cutural Care nc, # US, State Department designated sponsor ofthe au psi progrem. The su pair program thet you ae applying to as an au paitis sponsored by Cultural Care, Ine. (the "Cukural Care Au Pair Program’) By apphng to the Cutural Care Au Pair program, you agree t the folowing terms and conditions that wll apply from the time of your aplication untl your aval inthe United States, excent where express stated otherwise. We have the ‘exclusive right to determine you suitebilty for acceptance t the program. You acknowledge the intrrtional Care Ltd ‘Provides services uni your departure to the US. and tht all support services during your program participation inthe US, willbe provided by Cultura Cae, Inc (refered toas the “Sponsor. You futher acknowledge thet you willbe required to «enter into an agreement with the Sponsor prior to departure tothe U.S. inthe event your application is accepted and upon ‘Your decision to match wth a participating hosting fariy. US. State Department's Governing Regulations ‘The US. State Department oversees and regulates the au pair program in the United States as an international cultural and ‘educational exchange experience through a comprehensive set of federal regulations (the Regulations"). The US. State Department designates certain organizations to sponsor au pair programs and requires those organizations to oversee ‘compliance with the Reguletions by both au par and host family particpents. Cultural Care, Inc. located in Cambridge, ‘Massachusetts is the designated sponsor for the Cultural Care Au Pair program, ‘As a result, you will be required to comply witha ofthe Regulations and any Sponsor rule implementing the Regulations ding your ital program term and any extension terms, A summary ofthe Regulations and Sponsor program rules, slong with a full copy ofthe Regulations, is attached as Anpendi A, U.S. State Depertment Program Eligibility Requirements “The Regulations gover the eliibilty requirements for participating inthe au pai program, which are summarized in Appendix A. Only au pair candidates who meet lof these eligibility requizements willbe qualified for participation inthe Cultural Care Au Par program, By applying to the program, you represent that you meet all ofthese US, State Department program eligibility requirements Visa information “he US. State Department requires lau pair participants to enter and stayin the U.S. on 8 temporary J+ cura exchange vise, Au pairs may only remain inthe US. onthe visa while an active participant onthe rogram. At the end of your program term(), unless you have changed you visa status, you wil ned to return te yout home country. Dring the time in ‘the program, duet the imitation and conitons ofthe J+ exchange vis, you are not permitted ta engage in unauthorized ereloyment ‘Application, Screening Interview, Or Registration Fees International Care Ltd may charge au pair candidates non-refundable epplicaton, screening interview, and/or registration ‘ees upon enrolment, asset out on our website atthe time of application. These fees are non-refundable atthe time of payment regardless of whether you choose not to continue your application, you do not satisly one or more ofthe Regulation’s participation requirements, or you are determined to be eligible but do not participate in the program for any ‘other reason (eg, you do not find a host farly match). International Selneurtresse 30 8001 Zurich, Switzerland ute Powered by CamScanner GO exe AU PAIR rps ica ALPos Popeye reitad pays rpm Fea en rts raaraona crt Roe ae ut hed Pou Fea ene depend oe cur You esd wrhetealnogunFetote eld vt tomad ne pce eden co woe St ou Sntmetoncte ached tt chun hast toy The Peon ae wo we fering Salcnoetndeatheate ots evan te Coes Poona etd Phy lon), Pomrs tne tou oy tid dts ten ct be onacon heey nacarnce wb chad Says eth on ics gf Pais re wd eon nob srcted wh or ern cron (atar Dnnie) Fleet ced tbc vn eam tard crower on opin pan Program Contents ‘A candidate vio successfully meets the Regulation’s eligibility requirements and whom is sccepted by the company, pays the Program Fee, and obtains a J-t visa will receive the folowing es part of their program participation at no additional cost: ‘+ Transportation to and from their host family placement location; ‘Inclusion in travel insurance group poficy that meets or exceeds the specific coverage types and limits specified in the Regulations (see Travel Insurance Coverage section for more information); ‘+ Pre-departure services provided by Intemational Cae Ltd; ‘+ Program support while in the U.S. provided by Cukural Care Ine ‘+ _ Room, board, and « weekty stipend from your chosen host family consistent with the Regulation's requirement. Pre-Program Cancellation And Program Fee Refund Policy ‘All cancellations of your enrollment prior to departure and prior to program participation must be done in writing and provided to International Care Ltd, ‘The Program Fee is non-refundable upon issuance ofthe invoice to you unless you have chosen to purchase the Voluntary Cancellation Protection plan. For au pairs who have chosen to enrllin the Voluntary Cancellation Protection plan the au por wll receive a ful refund of the Program Fee inthe event they need to cancel ther participation in the Cultural Care Au Pair program prior to departure tothe US. due to one ofthe folowing events that precludes participation in the progrem duting the scheduled program term: (a serious illness preventing travel (i) the au pai’ chosen hos farily withdraws from the program; i) a jb offer in ‘heir ome country; or (v) admittance to» college or university. To quality, the au pair must have psd the fe forthe Voluntary Cancellation Protection in full and present valid documentation of the canceling event. The fee paid for the Voluntary Cancellation Protection is non-refundable. Once sn su pair departs tothe US. to begin the program, the Voluntary Cancellation Protection plan no longer applies end the Program Fee becomes fully non-efundeble. The Voluntary Cancelition Protection plan isnot insurance and is offered as a cancelation waiver benefit by International Cace Ltd, (On-Program Cancellation And Program Fee Refund Policy ‘A cancelation of your program participation once inthe United States must be dane in writing and provided to your program sponser, Cultural Care Inc. No refund of your Program Fee willbe available, end any purchased Voluntary Cancelistion Protection plan will n longer apply Other Fees, Costs, And Expenses You ae solely responsible fr the following costs (where applicable) and any eupplementary costs or fees that may be Charged by third parties with respect to your program participation. Examples inchide but are not limited to: Intemational Care Ltd Selneusraee 30 8001 Zurich, Switzerland Powered by CamScanner AU PAIR = International drive's license: + Health exemintion; = Application forthe Jt cultural exchange vise: = Travel expenses to and from your home tothe designsted sirport for your international fights; + Travel expenses to and from your home to any ffices or events offered by International Care Ltd inthe screening {and preperation process prior to departure tothe US; = Travel expenses from the US. to your home country in the event of sny early program termination or cancellation; + Course fees exceeding the USD 500 educational slowance paid by the host family, = Criminal background checkin your home country; + Airbne baggage fees. ‘There may be edditional charges inthe event you request special travel rrangements or provide late or inaccurate information sfter rave arengements have been booked. ‘Travel Arrangements International Care Lid retains the right to determine and modify as necessary the aitine companies used, fight routes, and departure times related to your program participation. We wil do our bast to accommodate epecial travel requests or arrangements, but there is no guarantee those requests will or canbe fulfiled and there may be additional associated costs or fees. Host Family Placements And Responsibilities ‘You ate solely responsible for choosing the host family with whom you decide to spend your program year and a placement ‘requires mutual agreement by you and your desired host family, called “matching.” All potential host famies ae reviewed bby the Sponsor for compliance with the requirements ofthe Regulations prior to your aval. Neither we nor Sponcor has ‘any role in your decision or the decision of the host family to agree on 2 program year placement. ‘Au pairs should expect to complete thei full rogram year with thir chosen host family and to make an effort to ‘communicate and work with their host femily should 8 concern arse. However, fan ereconclable issue arises, you may request of Sponsor to transition to anew host family. Sponsor wlluse its best efforts to make additional host femifes avaiable to you in those circumstances, but there is no guarantee that any host families wil be available or that you wil find ‘a host family that meets your requirements. During your program yesr, you wil not be providing any services to Intemational Care Ltd orto Sponsor, and neither Internstionsl Core Ltd nor the Sponsor willbe your employer or joint employer. You wil, however, provide childcare related ‘services exclusively to your chosen host family. As 8 result, the Regulations impose certsin cligations on your chosen host ‘amily related to your placement, which you should review in the summary of the Regulations at Annendix A, These include: ‘@ providing you a suitable privete bedroom and board (Le, meals) during your program term; i) providing you 8 weekly ‘stipend amount thet is atleast a or above an amount determined by the U.S. State Department; i imitations on how many hours of childcare you can provide per day and per week; end (\) limitations on whet services e host femily can ask you to Perform while onthe program. With respect to the wey stipend paid by your host family, the Regulations set out a minimum amount per week that your ‘host family must pay you during the program term. Your hos family willbe solely responsible for paying you atleast that amount. The Regulations permit you to discuss with your host family and agree on arate amount that exceeds that ‘minimum weekly required amount, provided any additional amounts are notin exchange for your exceeding the Regulation's ‘hours imitations or for performing tasks beyond those related tothe care ofthe host family’s children. You acknowledge that neither inteational Care Ltd nor Sponsor is responsible for making any payments to you of for reimbursing you in the ‘event your hos farily doesnot provide you atleast the minimum required stipend. In that case orin the event of any Intermatonel Cae id ‘Selnaustaste 30 2001 Zurich, Switzerland Powered by CamScanner AU PAIR Violation ofthe Regulations by yourself or your host family, ou agree to immediately contact your Local Childcare ‘Consultant or directly contact your Sponsor. ‘Your chosen host family may have developed ther own house rules applicable to your stay during your program term. You should discuss any such rules ctectly with your potential host family during the matching process and prior to your ‘matching decision. Nether Intemational Care Ltd nor Sponsor has any roe inthe development or enforcement ofa specific hos fai’ house rules or inthe supervision ofthe childcare services you provide to your host family, except that you should natty your Local Childcare Consultant or Sponsor immediately in the event of any house rule that you believe Violates the Regulations. ‘Au Pair Applicant Representations ‘You represent and warrant that all information provided to us related to your application for enrollment in and during all ‘screening interviews for the au pair program is fully accurate and truthful. In the event is determined that you provided Inaccurate information or filed to disclose information relevant to the determination as to your eligibility for the au pi ‘program, your aplication tothe program will be withdrawn, you wllnot be reimbursed for any costs you may have incurred, and no refund of your Program Fee willbe available. f you have started your program term then it may be ended, ‘You willbe responsible forall cost related to your early retum to your home country, and no refund of your Program Fee will be available. ‘You sls represent and agree to provide to Intemational Care Ltd during the application process snd to your host family prior tothe finalization ofthe match any relevant health or medical infermation that could affect your ebilty to provide childcare services tothe host family or otherwise successfully participate in the au pair program for the full program ter. ‘You further represent and acknowledge that your relationship with uss that of an individual exchange applicant of porticipantin the US. State Depertment’s au pair exchange program. You are not an agent, representative, employee, partner, o joint verturer of Intomstonel Care Ltd or Sporsor, nr shal you be deemed as such through your voluntary decision to paticipstein the US. State Department’ au pair program. Travel Insurance Coverage ‘The Regulatione require that all u pair participants have travel-related insurance in effect that meets or exceeds epecified coverage types and amounts, wich are summarized in Anpendic A, and that au pairs be informed that they may be subject tothe US. Affordable Care Act. International Care Lxd has negotiated travel insurance group policies wth the insurance providers Erika Insurance Ltd, and (Chubb Ineurance (Switzecane) Ltd and or other insurance providers, under which International Care Ltd is the policyholder. ‘Au pairs participating inthe Cultural Care Au Pair program are automatically included as beneficiaries under one of ‘mentioned group policies and wil, therefore, be provided insurance coverage and benefits that meet and/or exceed the US. State Department’ regulatory requirements Intemational Care Ltd encourages you to review the full policy terms, conditions, and coverage limits, copies of which are ‘available st www and will ego be provided to you upon acceptance into the Cultural Care Au Pair ‘program. These insurance benefits are provided to you at no editions cost and shall remain in effect throughout the standard au par program term as wells any authorized extension terms. ‘Au pairs who enroll the Cultural Care Au Par program are fre to waive their participation inthis insurance group policy However, 2u pairs who do not wish to be beneficiaries under this policy are obliged to obtain altematve insurance Coverages with equal or grester scope as those required by the U.S. State Department inthe Regulations through a policy or policies that meet the criteria inthe Regulations. Au pare so choosing must provide us with a copy ofthe insurance policy International Core Ld Selnaustrasse 30 ‘8001 Zurich, Switzeand Powered by CamScanner QD exp AU PAIR ‘or policies in English to verity thet tor they satisfy the requirements ofthe Regulations. This must be provided no later than. 7 days prior to travel tothe US. to alow proper review to ensure coverages are satistod Please note that u pairs may be eligible at little to no cast based on thai personal circumstances to abtain medical insurance benefits coverage or obtain supplementary medical insurance coverage once residing inthe United States through state-run exchange programs operated pursuant to the US, federal aw called the Affordable Care Act. Additional information i avalsble ot hitns//vvwow healthcare aov/alossary/atfordable-care-act/. Neither Intemational Care Ltd nor ‘Sponsor has any role in investigating or asiting in the enrollment into any such plan, Personal Information And Data You acknowledge and agree that any personal data or your data subject rights will be handled asset forth inthe following privacy pobcy at cutualcarech/datenschutzecklaerung, for example, that your name, photographs, likeness, and all information provided during your epplicaton process wil be shared with potential host families and Sponsor in order to facilitate your placement with a host family Force Majeure Provision ‘You agree that we willnot be liable to you forthe need to cancel, modify, or postpone a program term asa result of events ‘that are beyond cur reasonable control. These matters include such “acs of God! or force majeure events as actual or treats of epidemics or pandemics, or other public health sues or emergencies; vere weather events or natural disasters such as but nt imited to hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, fies, loods, voleani activity, or landslides; war (whether dectared or undectared) terrorist actives; instability n a destination location incidents of violence, rot, sabotage, iil commotion, or nationalization; strikes or labor disputes or lockouts; government orders, sanctions, actual or potential ‘uarantines, or other restrictions affecting travel, to, or around a location; disruption to transportation; cherical radioactive contamination; or any other reacon that makes it actualy or potentially impossible or illegal fr us to perform services related to the au pair program. Release OF Lisbilty And Covenant Not To Sue ‘As a condition of enrollment in the Cultural Cae Au Pair program, Au Pair agrees, individually and on behalf of Au Pair's personal representatives, executors, heirs, and fem, to release, hold harmless, and covenant nat to éue International Care Ltd and Cultural Care, nc, elong with its and their directors, managers, employees, representatives, shareholders, partners, ‘agents, assigns, parents, subsiiaries, successors, and affiliates, and any asseciated independent contractor, inchiding my Local Childcare Consuitants) (collectively the “Released Parties") trom and against any and all claims or causes of action, injury, damage, cost, losses, or other abilities related to my participation inthe Cultural Care Au Pair program, regardless ‘of iow euch claim, injury, damage, cost, loss, or Eabilties may rise and regardless of whether it ein whole orn part caused by the negligence, malfeasance or nonfeasance, or misconduct of any one ox more of the Released Parties. Au Pai ‘expressly agrees that this provision (Releate of Liability and Covenant Not to Sue) shall survive the termination or expiration lof these terms and conditions Governing Law, Forum Selection, And Individual Arbitration Agreement ‘Au Pair agroes that this agreement shal bo governed by the substantive laws of Switzerland without regard te contcts of law principles. ‘Any dispute, controversy r claim arising out of, o in relation to, this contract, including the vliiy, invalidity, breach, oF ‘termination thereat or my participation inthe Cultural Care Au Pair program shall be resolved exchsvely by binding individual artivation in accordance with the Swiss Rules of Intemational Abitration ofthe Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution in force onthe date on which the Notice of Arbitration ie subrntted in accordance with these Rules. The seat of the arbitration shall be Zurich unless the parties agree otherwise. | explicitly waive my right to ring any action against International Care Ltd except as set forth herein, and in addition waive any right to bring any dispute against International Intermatonel Core td Selneurtrasee 30 2001 Zurich, Switzerland Powered by CamScanner QB, cr AU PAIR Core Ltd on behalf of a putative class orto jin in any collective or cass action. The erbital proceedings shell be conducted in English | expressly agree that the proviions ofthis Governing Law, Forum Selection, and Individual Arbitration Agreement chal survive the termination or expicaton ofthis agreement. ‘Changes In The Terms And Conditions International Care Ltd reserves the right to make any additions, amendments or alterations to these Terms and Conditions in furtherance of our commitment to continuous improvement. You will eceive notice in the event of any changes and your Continuation with the application procest or participation inthe program thereafter willbe deemed acceptance of those changes. | have read, fully understand, and accent all ofthe Terms & Conditions. AuPeirname: Yaron Lorena Oskepclo Lopee serve Masspld Date:_Ocloher Sth, 2023 Appendix A United States Department of State ‘Au Pair Exchange Program Regulations ‘The au par program isa US. Department of State regulated cultural and educational exchange program. Allpaticipants ere ‘subject to a comprehensive cet of federal regulations (the “Regulations that are published n the U.S. Code of Federal Regulation t 22. CFR. Part 62. The fll text canbe found here https://www ects gov/currenttle-22/chapter= \Veulochapter-G/part-62. The Regulations cet forth your rights and obigatons when participating in any federal au pair ‘program, including the Cultural Care Au Pair program. In addition, your sconsor, Cultural Care, ne, has program rule that lmplement these Regulations. By enroling and participating in the Cultural Care Au Pair program, you agree to review and agree to comply with al ofthe Regulations and implementing program rules, The following ea summary of important aspects ofthe Regulations and ‘program rues long with a full copy ofthe Regulations for you to review. ‘+ _Efgitilty for the Program. The Regulations require au pars to meet al ofthe following conditions to be eligible for ‘the au pair program: © Between the ages of 18 and 26; Internationa! Care Ltd ‘Sehaurtaste 30 2001 2wch, Switzerland Powered by CamScanner © Be secondery school (or equivalent) greduste; © Beprofcientin spoken English: © Be copable of fully participating in the program as evidenced by the satisfactory completion of a medical report; and © Have successfully pessed a background investigation, which includes verification of school, three personal non-fat references criminal background check or its recognized equivalent, and a psychometric test. + Local Chiidcare Consultant Meetings. The Regulations requte that each sponsor have a local representative within ‘ one hour's drive of your placement. Those independent representatives forthe Culturel Care Au Pair program are caled Local Childcare Consultants (LOCs"). The Regulations alo require thet you: © Have monthly personal contact with your LCC throughout your program term(s), which Cultural Cere Au Pir program LCCs may offer through in person monthly events; Have contect with your LCC within 48-hours of your arval at your host fer’s home; and © Have an in-person meeting with your LCC and host family within two weeks of your arial at your host family’s hore, '= Educational Requirements. The Regulations require thst you: ‘© Pursue not ess than six semester hours of academic credit o its equivalent during program year and any ‘extension tors (requirements for extension terms are prorated for si and nine month extensions). (© Receive up to $500 from your hos farily each program year (including any extensions) to help pay for "your coursework and your host femily must help facitate your enraliment and attendance at your chosen accredited US. post-secondary instution. + On Duty Hours, Tass, and Time Oif. The Regulations limit and condition the chidcare services you provide to ‘your chosen host famiy inthe following ways ‘© Nomore than 46 hours of childeare cervces per week: ‘© Nomore than 10 hours of childcare services per day; © You and your host farily must have a signed writen agreement that detis your obfgetions to provide. child care prior te your departure for the US, which references the daly and weekly mits on childcare hours you can provide under the Regulations; © You must receive at least ene and one-half days off per weekin addition to one complete weekend off ‘each months © You must receive two weeks of paid vacation from your host family each program year; © You may not be placed with a hos farly who has a child aged less than three months unless @ host parent or other responsible adult willbe present inthe home; ‘© You may not be placed with a host family who ede child under the a 200 hours of documented infant child experience; ‘© You may not be placed witha host family who has a special needs child (as identified by the host fami) Unless you have specifically identified your prior experiance, slo training inthe case of special needs children nd your host family has reviewed and acknowledged in writing that identified prior experience, stil, oF training. ‘of two, unless you have at least ‘+ Host Family Stiend. The Regulations require that your chosen host family: © Provide you a weekly stipend for each week of your program term(s of at least $195.75 per week The Regulations sllow you and your host family to discuss and agree to a weekly amount that exceeds this Regulatory minimum, provided that any additional amounts not be in exchange for you provided more childcare than the Regulation’s daly or weekly limits or for performing tasks unrelated to the care of the host frill’ children, International Ca Selneurtase 30 £8001 Zurich, Switzerland Led Powered by CamScanner AU PAIR ‘+ Program Training, The Regulations require thst you receive the following child development and child efety instruction prior to your placement with your chosen host family ‘© Not ess than eight hours of child safety instruction, no less than 4 hours of which must be infant-related; ‘Not es than twenty-four hours of child development instruction, no less than 4 hours of which must be devoted to specific traning for children under the age of two. ‘© Insurance. The Regulations require that al au por participants have st least the following insurance coverages in ‘effect during their program participation: 10 Medical coverage of at least USD 100,000 per accident or illness, with nor more than 2 $500 per ‘ecient or illness deductible; 1© Coverage for up to USD 60,000 of expenses related to 2 medical evacuation to your heme country; nd © Coverage for up to USD 25,000 forthe repatiation of remains. ‘The Regulations alo require that any policy that au pairs purchase in order to meet these requirements satisty @ ‘number of conditions more specifically set forth n the Regulations. Intemational Care Lad Selnaustasso 30 ‘8001 Zurich, Switzerland Powered by CamScanner

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