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By Nicole Ling


Dear Students of Unlimited Miracles,

Thank you for joining our programme. I warmly welcome you to this amazing journey of
learning how to create Miracles for your life.

Miracle Work will possibly be the most rewarding and meaningful thing you have ever
learned. When I first embarked on my healing journey, I never knew I could heal myself
completely. As I did more Miracle Healing for the sick and neglected, I began to heal the
childhood trauma that I was carrying throughout my life. Not only was I able to feel whole,
I started to develop immense love for myself. Clients who worked with me, began to heal
quickly from severe, chronic, or even life threatening conditions. I can only credit the
fantastic results to my Spiritual Guide, known as The Holy Spirit, or The Giver of Life.

As you begin this journey, you will discover more profound aspects of yourself - parts of
yourself you have never known or encountered. You can say Miracle Work is a journey
unto yourself. In Miracle Work, it is necessary to learn about yourself, the process of
healing, and the Principles of Miracles. In other words, you will need to reflect, meditate,
gain insights, and shift thoughts for you to arrive at a “Miracle State.”

The best definition of a Miracle is “A Miracle is a shift in perception”. While this definition
seems complex, a shift in perception merely means a change in mind. Hence, to move
mountains, you must first move yourself.

During this training, I will also introduce my Spiritual Guide, Teacher, and Mentor to you.
He is none other than the Miracle Work Himself, The Holy Spirit. Working with Spiritual
Guides is possibly the most joyful and rewarding experience in your life. Through your
Spiritual Guide, you will have access to information and knowledge unavailable anywhere

Having a Spiritual Guide is akin to living with a personal Guardian Angel who cares, loves,
and protects you unconditionally 24/7. I highly encourage you to know and work with your
Spiritual Guide and Guardian Angel(s).

In the 2-day Unlimited Miracles Training, you will gain access to my life work, the exact
blueprint that I had used for over 25 years to create Miracles for my students’ and clients’
health, wealth and relationships. Remember to sit back, relax, and enjoy this wondrous
journey of learning how you can create Miracles to live fully, magically, and authentically.

May your journey be filled with sunshine, rainbow, and laughter.

Nicole Ling

Your Personal & Spiritual Growth

What is Healing?

The process of making or becoming whole and healthy again.

Flows from someone who has more to someone who temporarily has less.

Healing flows from a higher state to a lower state.

Where are you now?

Where do you wish to go?

Exercise 1: 20 Principles of Miracles Manifestation

Miracle Principles are based on love, compassion, fairness and justice.

Manifesting Miracles involves focus and attention.

Miracles require a change in perception to produce results.

Miracles require you to make a choice.

Miracles require commitment.

Miracles require a personal relationship with God / Creator / Universe / Divine Spirit.

Humility, politeness and genuine desire for change is required to manifest Miracles.

In order for the Universe to help you, you should first help yourself, then others.

Gratitude is a magnet for Miracles.

Miracles are spontaneous. They take place instantly.

Miracles are naturally occurring. If they do not happen, something has gone wrong.

Miracles must not be wasted

Miracles cannot be used for frivolous affairs.

Miracles does not take a way your self-responsibilities.

Prayers are mediums for Miracles.

Rest, play and relaxation is part of Miracle Healing.

Miracle Manifestation requires you to enjoy and celebrate life.

Miracles are gifts from the Universe, not something you work for.

Miracles are given to joyful learners.

Miracles do not stop unless you do.

Exercise 2: What Is A Miracle?

A Miracle is a Divine Intervention that defies scientific laws or natural reasoning

It evokes awe and wonder because the outcome is beyond human creation

Miracles come from a space of Infinite Love

There is no limit to what Miracles can do

It is given to those who know how to ask

Miracles are spontaneous, hence the requester must respond spontaneously

God / Universe is the Inspiration behind Miracles

The outcome of Miracles are unplanned. They are given at the right timing.

Manipulation of Miracles should be avoided. It is an abuse of the Gifts given.

Miracles are guaranteed but healing is required.

Shift Your
Rest & Relax Receive Your

Exercise 3: Existence of the Universe / Creator / God / Holy
Divine Spirit

The Universe seeks to help you

The Universe will do everything to heal you

The Universe responds immediately.

Ask the Universe and you shall receive

The Universe will never stop giving you, unless you wish to stop the gifts

The Universe does not discriminate.

The Universe is beyond race, language, culture and space

The Universe is Compassionate, Loving and Kind

The Universe is Just and Fair

The Universe remembers and knows everything.

The Universe is specific. It answers exactly what you ask for.

Your question determines the outcome.

The Universe is infinite and connects to all

Exercise 4: Existence of Self

I am a Divine Creation

I am a Child of God

I am Innocent - Holy and Pure

I am of Royalty Heritage

I inherited the Kingdom of God

Healing is my Birthright

Paradise is my true and real Home

I seek to be united with Oneness, Creator and All Beings

Everyone is my Brother and Sister

I have the power to create my realty

Exercise 5: Preparing For Miracles

Where do Miracles come from?

What is my understanding and concept of God / Universe / Divine Spirit?

How are Miracles created?

How are Miracles performed? Who or what creates Miracles?

What happens during a Miracle Healing?

Who receives Miracles?

Are Miracles instantaneous?

Exercise 6: Principles of Miracle Work

What do you need before you can ask for Healing and Miracles?








Exercise 7: The Two Healing Commandments

Failure is not an

You’re are not here

to do the best.
You’re here to do
the impossible.

I accept these commandments at _________%

Exercise 8: 5-Step Miracle Process: What You Need For
Miracles To Work


Burning Desire


Receiving & Connecting

Celebrating The Miracles

Exercise 9: Understanding The Principles of Miracle
Treat Miracle Healing like how you are going for the most important interview


You are currently jobless and you do need a job badly. You have been applying for a
position for 6 months and finally you got a call from the HR Director of a large company.
You have heard that they pay well with a host of benefits. The HR director wants a phone or
Zoom interview before a face-to-face interview.

Awareness activity: Let’s do this exercise together.

Box 1 Box 2

Box 3 Box 4

Box 5 Box 6

Box 7 Box 8

Exercise 10: Miracle Killers: Attitudes That Cease The
Manifestations of Miracles



Exercise 11: Physical Healing

Awareness brings the mind into focus for Miracles to take place

Miracles seek to undo the past mistakes

Root causes play an integral role in Miracle Healing

For Miracles to happen, humility is required

Purification is essential for Miracle Healing

Miracles do not take away your self-responsibilities

Miracles require you to ask and seek for help

Miracles are given, not something you work for

Miracles are requested through sincere prayers

How you request and pray determines your outcome

Miracle Manifestation is a joyful process, a journey filled with gratitude and wonder.

The Flow-Chart for Physical Healing
State of Mind


Root Cause


Repentance / Ask For Forgiveness

Strength of Connection / Prayer

Willingness To Receive

The Connection

Being In The Moment (Focus)

Allowing The Miracles To Unfold, Flow & Multiply

The Result: The Joyful Receiver

Exercise 12: Emotional Healing

Everyone requires emotional healing.

We have all been hurt by the people close to us: parents, partners, family members, children,

friends or colleagues.

All emotional wounds can be healed.

Emotional Healing is a release from the past that binds you.

Forgiveness is the key ingredient for Emotional Healing.

Without Forgiveness, healing is not complete.

Unhealed wounds do not go away unless the root causes are addressed and cleared.

Unhealed wounds usually progressed to physical manifestations.

Unhealed wounds resurfaced in later years as sicknesses, growths and tumours.

Emotional Healing must be requested at the earliest stage.

Forgiveness is not complete by human strength. Divine power is required for true healing.

Trauma from children has an impact on developmental years and late stage life.

Trauma is stored is the body, particularly the muscles, nerves and cells.

Every illness has an emotional root cause.

Trauma and chronic stress create sickness and ill health.

It is your responsibility to seek treatment and healing of your emotional pains.

If you have an illness, look at the emotional causes of the conditions.

Healing starts when the emotional pains are released and forgiven.

The past cannot be changed, but the memories can be healed.

A new life is possible.

Miracles happen when you decide to stop suffering and heal yourself.

Flow-Chart For Emotional Healing
State of Mind

Presence or Absence of Self-Love


Self Responsibilities

Desire For Release

Seeking & Asking For Help

Receiving The Miracles

The Result: Emotional Freedom

Exercise 13: Manifesting Miracles

Manifesting Miracles involves focus and change of perception.

Miracles requires mental work to produce results.

Humility, politeness and genuine desire for change is required to manifest Miracles.

In order for the Universe to help you, you should help others. Have you been helpful?

Charitable works are highly encouraged.

Self-responsibilities are necessary for Miracles.

Constant prayers are required for Miracles.

Resting and relaxing is part of Miracle Manifestation.

Enjoying what Life (surrendering) has to offer is essential to Miracle Manifestation.

Staying connected to the Great Universe is part of the plan of Miracle Manifestation.

More rest, less labour is the way for Miracles.

The Universe wants to give, be a happy receiver.

Flow-Chart For Manifesting Miracles
(Getting What You Want)

State of Mind


Strong Desire

Requesting For A Miracle

Connection: Power of Prayer & Intent

Rest, Relax & Receive


Celebrate While The Universe Works On Your Miracles

The Results: Get What You Want

Exercise 14: Financial & Debt Healing

Wealth and money is part of the natural abundance found in Creation.

Nature holds the wealth of abundance.

The Universe is never lacking in abundance.

It is the function of the Universe to keep giving and providing.

The Universe wants to support you.

The richness of abundance is evident in the Creation of the Universe.

Financial Healing is part of Miracle Work.

Money is a form of energy that must be respected.

Like all resources, Money must be earned and exchanged.

Fair exchange of energy is part of Universal Laws.

To receive money, you must give money.

For Financial Healing to take place, you must heal your relationship with money.

Blessing others financially brings blessings to yourself

Stealing is prohibited for Financial Healing to take place.

Services must be valued and treated with respect.

Money must be treated with gratitude and thankfulness.

Flow-Chart For Financial Healing

State of Mind

Focus on What You Want / Choice

Burning Desire

Asking For Help & Miracles

Admittance & Repentance

Receiving Financial / Debt Forgiveness & Healing

Self Responsibilities

Keep Your Focus On Your Miracles & Source of Healing

The Result: The New Mind & Body

Exercise 15: Asking For Miracles & Intervention For
Difficult Situations
When life gives us unexpected situations, we learn to find ways to deal with them.

Blaming and judging others hinders our growth and reduces our chances of receiving

Sometimes when life seems overwhelming, asking for Miracles may be the only way out.

Do not hinder the Miracle Process by self-sabotaging yourself.

Blaming, judging and being unforgiving to others is a form of self-sabotage.

The Universe does not want you to suffer. Rest to receive your Gifts of Miracles.

Stress does not help you in escalating the process of Miracle.

Focusing on the time-line is a sign of stress and the inability to relax. This will slow down
or stop the flow of Miracles.

How you hold your thoughts determines the outcome of your Miracles.

If you wish to receive mercy, extend mercy to your Brothers and Sisters.

While you “wait” for your Miracle, the Universe is working over time to deliver your

Delivery of Miracles is in the Hands of the Universe. You do not control nor determine the
time frame.

Miracles can come at any time. Are you ready?

Flow-Chart For Challenging / Impossible Situations
State of Mind

Burning Desire

Resting In God & The Great Divine Spirit

Keep Your Focus On The Miracles

Celebrate Life

The Result: Witness The Miracles

Exercise 16: 5 Types Of People Who Will Receive Miracles

1. _________________

2. _________________

3. ________________

4. _______________________

5. ____________________

Exercise 17: 5 Types of People Who Will Not Receive Miracles

1 The Blamers

2 The Takers

3 The Rushers

4 The Ungrateful

5 The Exploiters

Exercise 18: Frequently Asked Questions:

Answers To Help You Stay On Track

I am not seeing any Miracles. What am I going to do?

Go back to the beginning of the course to understand the Principles of Miracles Work.

Go back to the beginning of the course and understand who You are.

Think about why others are receiving Miracles.

Think about what successful recipients did to receive Miracles.

Think about WHAT you can do to receive Miracles.

Try the process again… and again… and again…. The Universe is forgiving. You are

allowed to try again and again… as many times as you wish to try.

It has been so long. I don’t see any Miracles.

Check your perception.

Where are you focusing on?

Have you been stressing and worrying instead of being in the moment and celebrating?

Are you sure there are no Miracles in your life?

Are you blocking out Miracles?

What have you done that hinder the flow of Miracles?

My life is so terrible. I cannot take this anymore.

Check your creative power. What are you creating? How have you created this “horrible


Go back to the flow-chart. What are you missing or skipping?

Are you sure life is so horrible? What have you been doing?

Are you aware Miracles are constantly in an overflow?

What have you done that stop yourself from receiving Miracles?

How much money can Miracles give me?

As long as your mind rests on fear and greed, you will continue to struggle.

When are my Miracles coming?

Congratulations. You can be pretty sure they aren’t coming anytime soon.

Keep fixated on your Ego and you won’t be seeing any Miracles coming your way.

The more you ask this question, the further Miracles will move from you.

I am not getting the results I want? What do I do now?

Go back and study the course again. What is the number one Miracle Killer?
When Miracles do not happen, something is wrong, find out what went wrong and correct
the process.
If you are unable to do it yourself, be humble to seek professional help. You do not need to
struggle alone.

A Miracle Is A Shift In Perception.

Your Job Is To Rest, Relax and Receive.

It Is That Simple, Really.


Nicole Ling,
Your Miracle Coach


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