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Distributed Systems

1. What is Distributed Systems? Explain its features along with its motivation for
constructing? [7M,CO1,Understand]
2. Explain briefly the following examples of distributed systems.
a. The Internet
b. Intranets
c. Mobile Networks [14M, CO1,Understand]
3. Analyze different Challenges of Distributed System [7M, CO1, Analyze]
4. What are different system models of distributed systems? [7M,CO1,Understand]
5. Describe the security model of Distributed Systems? [7M,CO1,Understand]
6. Explain the necessity of resource sharing with a real time example. [7M, CO1, Apply]
7. What are the software services provided by distributed systems? Explain about its
software layers. [7M, CO1, Understand]
8. Describe the design requirements for distributed systems? [7M, CO1,Understand]
9. Discuss briefly key challenges that one needs to address in the design and development
of distributed applications? [7M,CO1,Understand]
10. Discuss in brief about World Wide Web? [7M, CO1,Understand]
11. Describe the failure model of Distributed systems with examples? [7M,CO1,Understand]
12. What are the difficulties and threats that must be resolved in order to develop reliable
and secure distributed systems? [7M,CO1,Understand]
13. Why would you design a system as distributed system? List some advantages of
Distributed Systems? [7M,CO1,Understand]
14. What is the architectural model of distributed systems?[7M,CO1,Understand]
15. What is the fundamental model of distributed systems?[7M,CO1,Understand]
16. Describe and illustrate the client-server architecture of one or more major internet
applications (for example: web, email or netnews) [7M,CO1,Understand]
17. Explain about peer-to-peer architecture?[7M,CO1,Understand]

1. What is meant by inter process communication? How inter process communication is
used in distributed systems? [14 M, CO2, Understand]
2. What is meant by group communication? Explain different types of groups? [7M, CO2,
3. Explain external data representation and marshalling concepts in detail. [7M, CO2,
4. What is Object serialization? How does Java serialize objects? ?[7M, CO2, Understand]
5. Discuss in detail about CORBA’s common data representation?[7M, CO2, Understand]
6. Define the semantics for and design a protocol for a group form of request-reply
interaction, for example using IP Multicast? [7M, CO2, Understand]
7. Explain the Client-Server Communication?[7M, CO2, Understand]
8. Draw the structure of UDP datagram and Write about various structures available in
JAVA API for UDP Transmission with program? [14M, CO2, Apply]
9. Explain IP Multicast and write JAVA API to IP Multicast with program? [14M, CO2, Apply]
10. List and explain the various socket primitives used in TCP stream communication. Write
JAVA API for TCP communication with program? [14M, CO2, Apply]
11. Explain Ports and Sockets [10,11][14M, CO2, Understand]
12. Explain TCP Stream Communication? [7M, CO2, Understand]
13. Is it conceivably useful for a port to have several receivers? [7M, CO2, Analyze]
14. Distinguish between TCP and stream UDP?[14M, CO2, Understand]
15. Describe the various issues relating to datagram?[7M, CO2, Understand]

1. Difference between RMI & RPC? [7M, CO3, Understand]
2. Explain the features of distributed object model [7M, CO3, Understand]
3. Write a RMI program that demonstrates the invocation of remote object services. For
example when a client sends a message "hello", the server responds with "Hi, You There". [7M,
CO3, Apply]
4. What is the importance of distributed garbage collection? Explain the Distributed
garbage collector algorithm.[7M, CO3, Understand]
5. Explain about different programming models.[7 M, CO3, Understand]
6. Explain RMI Invocation Semantics? How to implement transparency in it. [7M, CO3,
7. With case study explain the concept of event and notification. [14M, CO3, Analyze]
8. What is meant by light weight remote procedure call? [7M, CO3, Understand]
9. Discuss about various remote procedure calls? [7M, CO3, Understand]
10. How could an interrupt be communicated to a user-level server? [7M, CO3, Analyze]
11. What is middleware? List the various layers present in it. [12][7M, CO3, Understand]
12. Explain the design issues of RPC? [13][7M, CO3, Understand]
13. Explain with a neat sketch communication between objects? [7M, CO3, Understand]
14. What do you mean by code migration? To what extent does java RMI reply on code
migration. [7M, CO3, Understand]
15. Illustrate the various participants in distributed event notification. [7M, CO3, Apply]
16. Create distributed objects for client and server and explain the establishment of
communication between them using java. [7M, CO3, Apply]
17. Explain the features of distributed object model [7M, CO3, Understand]
18. Explain design issues and implementation of RMI? [7M, CO3, Understand]

1. Distinguish between IP and Overlay routing for peer to peer application?
2. What are the non functional requirements of peer to peer middleware? [7M, CO4,
3. Difference between middleware and Operating System Support? [7M, CO4, Understand]
4. Discuss the napster and it's legacy with respect to distributed file systems.[7M, CO4,
5. Explain architecture of server threads. [7M, CO4, Understand]
6. Discuss how a new process can be created in Distributed System with example? [7M,
CO4, Understand]
7. Explain with a neat sketch Distributed File System architecture? [7M, CO4, Understand]
8. Explain Operating System Address space of threads in distributed systems? [7M, CO4,
9. What is the need for protection? Explain various protection mechanisms supported by
operating systems.[7M, CO4, Understand]
10. What are Routing Overlays? How they are used in Distributed file system? [7M, CO4,
11. Explain general architecture of operating system for distributed system. [7M, CO4,
12. What are the requirements for the design of distributed file system.[7M, CO4,
13. What is an Execution environment? Explain in detail about the process execution
environment[7M, CO4, Understand]
14. Explain architecture for multi threaded servers. [7M, CO4, Understand]
15. Compare the worker pool multi-threading architecture with the thread-per-request
architecture. [7M, CO4, Understand]
16. What are the design issues of distributed operating system[7M, CO4, Understand]
17. Discuss the benefits of peer to peer system? [7M, CO4, Understand]
18. Differentiate between the process and the thread in distributed environment? [7M, CO4,
19. Discuss peer to peer architecture model for construction of distributed systems? [7M,
CO4, Understand]
20. What thread operations are the most significant in cost? [7M, CO4, Understand]

1. Explain distributed deadlocks? How to prevent deadlocks in distributed systems? [7M,
CO5, Understand]
2. Explain about coordination and agreement in group communication [7M, CO5,
3. Explain bully algorithm and summarize how it is different from election algorithm? [7M,
CO5, Understand]
4. Differentiate between client server algorithm and ring based algorithm? [7M, CO5,
5. Explain design issues for file caching and replication? [7M, CO5, Understand]
6. Explain Maekawa’s algorithm? [7M, CO5, Understand]
7. Explain the features required for election algorithm? [7M, CO5, Understand]
8. Explain concurrency control? How it is important in distributed systems? [7M, CO5,
9. Explain how mutual exclusion is handled in distributed systems? [7M, CO5, Understand]
10. How to implement multicast synchronization? Write algorithm using logical clocks and
explain? [7M, CO5, Understand]
11. What is replication? Differentiate passive and active replication? [7M, CO5, Understand]
12. What is transaction? Briefly explain about flat and nested distributed transactions? [7M,
CO5, Understand]
13. How are transactions recovered in distributed systems? What are tasks of recovery
manager? [7M, CO5, Understand]
14. Write a program for Multicast peer joins a group and sends and receives datagram's.
[7M, CO5, Understand]
15. Discuss in detail about deadlock and locking schemes in distributed concurrency control.
[14M, CO5, Understand]
16. Explain Failure Assumption and Failure Detectors? [7M, CO5, Understand]
17. Describe phantom deadlock with an example [7M, CO5, Understand]
18. Explain about locking in strict two-phase locking. [7M, CO5, Understand]

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