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Forensic Medicine

Medical ethics
1. Duties of doctor
2. Professional secrecy
3. Privileged communication
4. Medical malpractice
5. Professional negligence v/s infamous conduct
6. Civil v/s criminal negligence
7. Penal erasure *
8. Doctrine of Res ipsa laquitur*
9. Morus actus intervenes
10. Contributory negligence
11. Vicarious liability
12. Consent
13. Euthanasia

Medical act
1. MTP Act
2. Mental healthcare act
3. Transplantation of human organ act

Legal procedure

1. Police inquest
2. Magistrate inquest
3. Police v/s magistrate inquest
4. Courts of law
5. Summons
6. Dying declaration
7. Testifying
8. Dying declaration v/s dying deposition
9. Perjury


1. Corpus delicti
2. Klinefelter syndrome
3. Turner syndrome
4. Male v/s female skull
5. Male v/s female mandible
6. Male v/s female Pelvis
7. Male v/s female Sacrum
8. Temporary v/s permanent teeth
9. Medico legal importance of teeth
10. Medico-legal importance of age
11. Dactylography
12. Human v/s animal hair
13. Medico-legal importance of Hair

Asphyxial deaths
1. Asphyxia
2. Hanging v/s strangulation
3. Hanging
4. Cafe coronary
5. Traumatic asphyxia
6. Drowning
7. Dry drowning
8. PM finding in case of drowning


1. Injury and classification

2. Abrasion
3. Bruise
4. Lacerated wound
5. Stab wound
6. Incised wound
7. Suicidal v/s Homicidal Cut Throat
8. Fabricated wound

Firearm injuries

1. Bullet
2. Cartridge
3. Smooth bore v/s rifled cartridge
4. Entry v/s exit wound

Regional injuries
1. Skull fractures
2. Drunkenness v/s concussion
3. Coup and counter coup injuries
5. Weiblash injury

Thermal injury
1. Heat stroke
2. Burns and classification
3. PM examination in case of burns
4. Fugilistic attitude
5. Fugilistic attitude v/s Rigor Mortis
6. Antemortem v/s Post-mortem burns
7. Lichtenberg flowers

Transportation injury
1. Primary impact injury
2. Secondary impact injury
3. Secondary injury

Medicolegal aspects of injury-

1. Homicide
2. Grievous hurt

Medicolegal autopsy
1. Medicolegal v/s pathological autopsy
2. Skin incisions
3. Evisceration methods
4. Preservation of viscera
5. Exhumation
Death and post-mortem changes
1. Brainstem death
2. Changes after death
3. Suspended animation
4. Algor mortis
5. Rigor mortis
6. PM staining
7. PM staining v/s Bruise
8. Estimation of time since death
9. Cadaveric spasm
10. Rigor mortis v/s Cadaveric spasm
11. Decomposition
12. Mummification
13. Adipocere formation

Sexual offences
1. Rape
2. Duties of doctor in case of an alleged survivor of Rape
3. Section 53 crpc
4. Incest
5. Adultery
6. Sodemy/ Bodemy
7. Bestrality**
8. Sadism
9. Sexual pervertions*
10. Gang rape

Infanticide and child abuse

1. Age of fetus
2. Viability of fetus
3. Cephal hematoma v/s caput succedaneum
4. Signs of live born
5. Signs of still born foetus
6. Signs of dead born foetus
7. Still v/s dead born foetus
8. Unrespired v/s Respired lung
9. Battered baby syndrome
10. Sudden infant death syndrome

Criminal abortion
1. Method of criminal abortion
2. Natural v/s criminal abortion

ED and Sterility
1. Artificial insemination

Virginity, pregnancy and delivery

1. Presumptive, probable , positive signs of pregnancy
2. True v/s false virgin
3. Phantom pregnancy
4. Signs of recent delivery

Forensic psychiatry
1. Delusion, hallucinations, illusion, impulse
2. Psychosis v/s neurosis
3. True v/s fligned insanity
4. Civil and criminal responsibility in MIP
5. Restrain of MIP

QUES. Medicolegal importance of bloog groups

1. Toxicology definition
2. Classification of poison
3. Duties of doctor in case of suspected poisoning
4. Ideal suicidal and homicidal poison
5. Antidote
6. Universal antidote
7. Chelating agents

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