The Hansen Group

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Why do you think that Hansen Construction has increased its investment in
learning and development activities despite the tough economic climate?
Because their employees will be more skilled and knowledgeable to handle thetasks
set out, and this promotes more sustainable growth of the company. They understand
the critical importance of skilled employees to their success, considering them the
lifeblood of their organization. Investing in training serves as a means to both retain
and cultivate these invaluable individuals. Despite the challenging economic
conditions, prioritizing learning and development among Hansen employees ensures
uniformity in knowledge and skills necessary for task completion, thereby fostering
heightened productivity. Moreover, it fosters a culture of innovation, which is
imperative in today's business landscape where creativity is paramount for sustained
growth. This emphasis on innovation not only generates novel pathways to success
but also fortifies the organization by minimizing any weak links, given that
construction relies heavily on cohesive teamwork rather than individual performance.
Furthermore, as Hansen diversifies into new ventures beyond civil engineering, there
arises a need for employees equipped with a broader spectrum of skills. Training
initiatives play a pivotal role in bridging these skill gaps and ensuring the
organization's adaptability and competitiveness in a dynamic market environment.

2. What are the likely benefits associated with the introduction of an

individualised performance management system, and an associated
competency framework, to inform learning and development at Hansen?
Shifting to an individualized performance management system with a competency
framework offers several advantages for Hansen:
 Targeted Training: Identifying individual strengths and weaknesses allows for
personalized training plans, ensuring employees receive the most relevant
development opportunities.
 Improved Performance: By focusing on specific competencies needed for
success, employees can work towards clear goals, likely leading to overall
performance improvement.
 Increased Motivation: A system that recognizes individual contributions can
motivate employees and foster a culture of continuous learning.
 Better Workforce Planning: Understanding employee skillsets allows Hansen
to plan for future needs and identify potential talent gaps proactively.
By implementing these changes, Hansen Construction positions itself for a more
skilled and adaptable workforce, better equipped to navigate the evolving construction

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