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1) The following is true about the Eustachian tube EXCEPT:

A. It ends 1 cm behind the posterior end of the inferior turbinate.
B. The upper 1/3 is bony while the lower 2/3 is fibrocartilagenous.
C. It is normally opened at rest.

2) The most common type of nasal polypi is:

A. Allergic.
B. Infective.
C. Secondary to malignancy in the nose.

3) F.B of nose is represented by:

A. Bilateral nasal obstruction.
B. Unilateral nasal discharge.
C. Bilateral nasal epistaxis.
D. Unilateral nasal obstruction.

4) The most common site of origin of allergic nasal polpi is:

A. Maxillary sinus.
B. Ethmoidal sinus.
C. Frontal sinus.
D. Sphenoid sinus.

5) The commonest complication of sinusitis is:

A. Meningitis.
B. Orbital.
C. Extradural abscess.
D. Brain abscess

6) Non symptomatic deviated nasal septum needs:

A. Septoplasty.
B. No treatment.
C. Sub-mucperichondrial resection.
D. Cauterization.

7) Watery discharge from the ear occurs in all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Cerebro-spinal otorrhoea.
B. Parotid fistula.
C. Acute otitis media.
D. Endolymphatic sac surgery.

8) The causative agent of vincent's angina:

A. Borrelia vincenti.
B. Candida albicans.
C. Epstein-Barr virus.
D. Streptococci.

9) The swelling in acute retropharyngeal abcess is:

A. In the middle line.
B. Lateral to the middle line.
C. Appears from outside the neck.
D. None of the above.

10) Ludwig's angina is:

A. Cellulitis of the pyriform fossa.
B. Cellulitis in the parapharyngeal space.
C. Cellulitis in the retropharyngeal space.
D. Cellulitis of the floor of the mouth.

11) The cause of secondary hemorrhage after tonsillectomy :

A. Secondary infection.
B. Rising blood pressure with slipping of ligature.
C. Injury of the pharyngeal muscles and mucosa.
D. None of the above.

12) Contraindication of tonsillectomy includes all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Hemophilia.
B. Acute attack.
C. One attack of quinsy 2 months ago.
D. Active rheumatic arthritis.
acute attack is contraindicated of tonsillectom ‫ بس احنب منعتبر ال‬: ‫في المىقع مجبوبيه هيك‬
13) Pain in acute sinusitis is referred to the ear through:
A. The 5th nerve.
B. The 9th nerve.
C. The 10th nerve.
D. 2nd and 3rd cervical nerve.

14) Fever in lateral sinus thrombosis is:

A. Intermittent.
B. Remittent.
C. Low grade.
D. High grade.

15) Singer's nodules:

A. Localized epithelial hyperkeratosis on the free edge of the vocal cord.
B. Premalignant nodules.
C. Chronic infectious granuloma.
D. Allergic nodules.

16) The test of hearing in infants is:

A. Rinne test.
B. Weber test.
C. Pure tone audiometry.
D. ABR "Auditory Brain stem Response".

17) Which of the below muscles is not an intrinsic muscle of the larynx?
A. Interarytenoid
B. Thyrohyoid....
C. Lateral cricoarytenoid
D. Thyroarytenoid.

18) The draining ostia for the anterior sinuses (frontal, maxillary, anterior ethmoids)
and the draining ostia for the posterior sinuses (posterior ethmoids, sphenoid) are
separated from one another by:
A. Uncinate process
B. ethmoid bulla
C. inferior turbinate
D. middle turbinate ......
E. superior turbinate
19) The facial nerve is the nerve of which branchial arch:
A. first
B. second .....
C. third
D. fourth
E. sixth

20) Tympanic membrane is normal in all except:

A. Ménière's disease.
B. Otosclerosis.
C. Eustachian tube blockage.....
D. Presbycusis.

21) Nerves which supply the pinna include all except :

A. Greater auricular.
B. Auriculotemporal.
C. Glossopharyngeal.
D. Lesser occipital.

22) An adult presents with acute pain in the ear and blood-filled vesicles on the
tympanic membrane and deep of the meatus, the diagnosis is:
A. Malignant otitis externa.
B. Myringitis bullosa.
C. Herpes zoster oticus.
D. Otomycosis.

23) Ototoxic drug where sensorineural hearing loss can be reserved by stopping
the drugs is:
A. Gentamicin.
B. Furosemide.
C. Amikacine.
D. Neomycin.
24) Local anaesthetic which also produces vasoconstrictor effect on nasal mucosa is :

A. Lignocaine.
C. Prilocaine.
D. Cocaine.
25) All these are associated with acute mastoiditis except: normal tympanic membrane

26) A case of facial palsy with moderate disability and disfigurement, which grade of house
bekrman: grade 3

27) All these are supraglottic structure except: vocal cord

28) All true about persistent enlarged lymph nodes except: they are tender and fixed

29) All these are anterior neck triangle except: supraclavicular

30) All these are feature of Ramzy haunt syndrome except: vertigo

31) All true about salivary glands except: submandibular gland duct called Bartholine duct

32) All these used to treate goiter except: cryotherapy

33) All these are causes of CHL except: otitis externa

34) All are true Regarding salivary gland tumor except: warthins tumor is the most common
tumor of salivary gland
35) Regarding sialoadenitis, options: mumps cause majority of salivary gland inflammation,
submandibular is most commonly affected, sojrin syndrome cause salivary and lacrimal
dryness, lymphoma proliferate from lymphoid tissues
‫ غالبا ً بأثر على‬mumps ‫ هو احنا منعرف انه‬except ‫على حسب الذكتور انه السؤال كان بذو الخطأ بذون ما يكتب‬
‫ بس دكتور معتز حاطث في الساليذات‬submandibular ‫مش‬parotid
Acute sialadentitis may affect the submandibular gland (commonly)or the parotid gland
‫صراحة السؤال كله خطأ‬

36) Which statement is true : Menieries disease vertigo last minutes to hours

) ‫ أسئلة فيهم اكتر مه اجببة خطأ وأكتر مه اجببة صح ( كبن فيهم خلل‬3 ‫كبن في‬

‫ببلتىفيق ادعىلنب‬

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