BIOL2060 Biostatistical Problem Solving Workflow

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Biostatistical Problem Solving Workflow

1. What are the variables and their type?

band colour: categorical with 2 categories(yellow/orange)

2. What test should you use?

categorical data with 2 categories, binoial test

3. What is the prediction (what are you being asked to

the two band colours are equally frequent

4. Hypothesis Testing
i. State the Hypotheses
H0: propotion orange=proportion yellow,p0=0.5
HA: proportion orange not equal to proportion yellow, p0not=0.5
two sided, set a=0.05

ii. Calculate/Determine the test statistic

test statistic for the binomial test=the observed number pf successes

iii. Calculate the P-value

Po = 0.5 therefore null expectation is 10 yellow
Our estimate is p = 15/20 = 0.75 → need probability of observing
result as or more extreme: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 or 20 yellow
Binomial formula: Pr {X successes} =(n!/x!(n-x)! px(1-p)^(n-x)
•n= 20, p = 0.5 = 1-p, Xfrom 15 to 20

Pr[15 yellow] = 20!/{15!5!} .5^15 5^5 = 0.0148

• Pr[16 yellow] = 201/{16!41} .5^16 5^4 = 0.0046
• Pr[17 yellow] = 20!/{17!31} .5^17 5^3= 0.0011
• Pr[18 yellow] = 20!/{18!2!} .5^18.5^2= 0.0002
• Pr[19 yellow] = 20!/{19!1!} .5^19.5^1= 0.00002
• Pr[20 yellow] = 20!/<2010!} .5^205^0= 0.000001
sum = 0.02069
Multiplying the sum by two we find P = 0.041
Since P-value < 0.05 we reject Ho
iv. Draw the appropriate conclusion
* As a result, there is proof that the population's frequencies of
orange and yellow bees differ (the data indicates that there are
more yellow).

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