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Transcript of a video titled “Taylor Swift’s Deepest Fear”

Ellen : Let's talk about your fear of sea urchins.

Taylor : Urgh (groans). Don't even- sea urchins.
Ellen : Now come on.
Taylor : I can't with-
Ellen : You're actually serious about this?
Taylor : I'm physically affected-
Ellen : Do you know what a sea urchin is? Do you know what they are?
Taylor : If you knew what sea urchins were, you would be terrified of them.
Ellen : Well listen, they're just these- they're in the- they're on rocks, and they're spiny-
looking. There. And the poor things are just minding their own business.
Taylor : No they're not. They're not. That's the thing. They're like, they're like a grenade.
They're like- they're, they're sitting there waiting to completely injure you to the point
where- Okay, so you step- you can't see a sea urchin if you're- okay, like, if you're in the
Caribbean you're like, "This water is so beautiful. It's amazing." And you're walking. It's
clear water. You can't see a sear urchin's right there, and then you step on one. And then it
has barbs and it goes into whatever it touches and they you have to go to the emergency
room, and it has to be surgically removed. You could lose your foot. You could lose your
hand. You could lose your hand trying to get it off of your foot. So I don't like sea urchins

Ellen : Listen, let me, let me tell you something sea urchins. "They can puncture and
injure you and cause swelling and redness."
Taylor : Does that sound like stuff that you want?
Ellen : That, but- but that's not what you just- you just described losing your hand and
your foot.
Taylor : You could lose your hand and your foot from swelling and redness. It's a living
thing that would be stuck in you like a knife.
Ellen : It's not, it's not living, and it's the spine, and, and a lot of people- it's not gonna
happen to you, number one.
Taylor : Yeah, 'cause I don't want to go near clear water.
Ellen : Yeah. Just murky water? Okay, let's, let's talk about another irrational fear of
yours. You, you're scared of getting arrested.
Taylor : I'm, I'm scared of getting framed. So...
Ellen : Okay, now you've gone one step beyond. Uh, who would frame you, and for
Taylor : Oh, so many people would frame me. And um, and, and they could frame you
for any, any crime that you could go to jail for. And I- you know, look at me. I wouldn't
survive in jail. And, and I, I think it comes from the fact that, like, I could open up my
phone- I could look at my phone and, and see any headline written about me at any time,
and it could be, like, the most ridiculously untrue thing. And so I think the dream and the
nightmare of being framed comes from- like, I could- I could do nothing wrong. I could sit
in my house with the cats all day, and somehow, there could be an article about, like, me
buying a house I've never, in a place I've never been or dating a guy I've never met.
Ellen : Right.
Taylor : So it's like, you know- but then you take it a step further.
Ellen : Oh.
Taylor : In the nightmare world, it's being framed for murder.
Ellen : Yep. I, I don't think that's a step. That's a leap. That's a, that's- but anyway, I
think you're fine, and I think you would even have fans in prison, and they would take care
of you, and they would all love you.
Taylor : Thank you.
Ellen : And you would be their queen. So rest assured.
Taylor : Thanks. That's nice.

Analysis Using SPEAKING by Hymes


In this video, there are 2 persons, Ellen and Taylor Swift in the “Ellen Show”. A talkshow that
talking about many things relate to the guest stars. It is hosted by Ellen herself and Taylor as a
guest star there.


It is a conversation between Ellen, (the presenter) and Taylor Swift at Ellen Show. They talked
about Taylor’s deepest fear about sea urchin and being framed. They talked about those two
things because they are Taylor’s deepest fear. They do a semi-formal conversation in a talk show
with several audiences in the studio.

At the conversation , Ellen asked Taylor about her biggest fear, and she explain about why she
do really taking serious this animal because she said that we can get injured by stepping at one,
and we can get injured because of getting it off from your foot. Taylor also said that she is afraid
of being Framed or being prisoned because she thinks that she wouldn’t survived there.

E=ENDS (goals)

Ellen said to Taylor about sea urchins that it is a not-living thing that can caused a redness and
swelling. Different from what Taylor’s fear, that we can lose our hand and foot if we step on it.
When Taylor said that she is afraid that she wouldn’t survived in a jail, Ellen said that there may
be some fans of Taylor that will taking care of her.

Ellen : Let's talk about your fear of sea urchins.

Taylor : Urgh (groans). Don't even- sea urchins.
Ellen : Now come on.
Taylor : I can't with-
Ellen : You're actually serious about this?
Taylor : I'm physically affected-
Ellen : Do you know what a sea urchin is? Do you know what they are?

Taylor : If you knew what sea urchins were, you would be terrified of them.
Ellen : Well listen, they're just these- they're in the- they're on rocks, and they're spiny-
looking. There. And the poor things are just minding their own business.
Taylor : No they're not. They're not. That's the thing. They're like, they're like a grenade.
They're like- they're, they're sitting there waiting to completely injure you to the point where-
Okay, so you step- you can't see a sea urchin if you're- okay, like, if you're in the Caribbean
you're like, "This water is so beautiful. It's amazing." And you're walking. It's clear water. You
can't see a sear urchin's right there, and then you step on one. And then it has barbs and it goes
into whatever it touches and they you have to go to the emergency room, and it has to be
surgically removed. You could lose your foot. You could lose your hand. You could lose your
hand trying to get it off of your foot. So I don't like sea urchins

In this conversation, Ellen want to talk about sea urchins that is Taylor’s deepest fear.
She used “Let’s Talk about sea urchins” and seeing the respond of Taylor that feel disgusted
about it, she asked once more “Do you know what a sea urchin is? Do you know what they are?”
and then Taylor explains about it.


Ellen : Let's talk about your fear of sea urchins.

Taylor : Urgh (groans). Don't even- sea urchins.

Those conversation explains about how Taylor has a deepest fear of sea urchins with her
denial of talking about sea urchins.

Taylor : In the nightmare world, it's being framed for murder.

Ellen : Yep. I, I don't think that's a step. That's a leap. That's a, that's- but anyway, I think you're
fine, and I think you would even have fans in prison, and they would take care of you, and they
would all love you.
Taylor : Thank you.
Ellen : And you would be their queen. So rest assured.
Taylor : Thanks. That's nice.
In the other conversation, Ellen trying to close their conversation about sea urchins with
solution of Taylor’s deepest fear, that is by saying sentences like “And you would be their queen.
So rest assured.”

It is a a semi-formal conversation because it is taken place in a TV studio, with a sit-down

position and they using sometimes a formal


Taylor : No they're not. They're not. That's the thing. They're like, they're like a grenade.
They're like- they're, they're sitting there waiting to completely injure you to the point where-
Okay, so you step- you can't see a sea urchin if you're- okay, like, if you're in the Caribbean
you're like, "This water is so beautiful. It's amazing." And you're walking. It's clear water. You
can't see a sear urchin's right there, and then you step on one. And then it has barbs and it goes
into whatever it touches and they you have to go to the emergency room, and it has to be
surgically removed. You could lose your foot. You could lose your hand. You could lose your
hand trying to get it off of your foot. So I don't like sea urchins

Taylor use the sentence you could lose your foot, hand, to emphasizing the fact on how
very dangerous the sea urchins in her perspective.


Taylor : In the nightmare world, it's being framed for murder.

Ellen : Yep. I, I don't think that's a step. That's a leap. That's a, that's- but anyway, I think
you're fine, and I think you would even have fans in prison, and they would take care of you, and
they would all love you.
Taylor : Thank you.
Ellen : And you would be their queen. So rest assured.
Taylor : Thanks. That's nice.

In this context, Taylor said her frightened of being framed by saying “In the nightmare world, it's
being framed for murder.”

Then Ellen said “Yep. I, I don't think that's a step. That's a leap. That's a, that's- but anyway, I
think you're fine, and I think you would even have fans in prison, and they would take care of
you, and they would all love you.”

It is to make Taylor being calm from her deepest fear, so that Taylor response by saying “”
Thank you”

Taylor : Oh, so many people would frame me. And um, and, and they could frame you for any,
any crime that you could go to jail for. And I- you know, look at me. I wouldn't survive in jail.
And, and I, I think it comes from the fact that, like, I could open up my phone- I could look at
my phone and, and see any headline written about me at any time, and it could be, like, the most
ridiculously untrue thing. And so I think the dream and the nightmare of being framed comes
from- like, I could- I could do nothing wrong. I could sit in my house with the cats all day, and
somehow, there could be an article about, like, me buying a house I've never, in a place I've
never been or dating a guy I've never met.

In this conversation, Taylor explained why she is afraid about being prisoned or being

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