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Good afternoon. I’ve got to change my lifestyle! I’m so unfit!

Good afternoon. Can I help you? You ought to do some sport.

A cheeseburger with chocolate sauce, no onions, please. I just don’t have the energy, though.

I'm sorry, would you mind repeating your order, sir? In that case, you'd better go on a diet.

No, of course. A cheeseburger with chocolate sauce and no onions. Oh, I eat well – fruit, fish, all that. But I sleep very badly.

Right, sir. Would you like anything else with that? You shouldn't work late at night, or drink coffee.

No, thank you ... well, yes. Just a coffee, please. But I’ve got so much work, I can’t relax.

Fine. Can I ask what a cheeseburger with chocolate tastes like? Well, you might like yoga, or Tai chi. Try it.

I have no idea. It’s for my wife – she’s pregnant. Tai chi? Where do they do that?

Oh, of course! I should have guessed! I'm not sure, but you can ask at the sports centre, can't you?

Oh, and do you have any ketchup?

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