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2023 수능특강 영어 변형문제 4강

04 2023 수능특강 영어 변형문제 - 4강



G 빈칸 채우기

Often o_________, but just as important a stakeholder, is the c________ who plays a large role in the notion of the
privacy p_______. Consumer engagement levels in all manner of d______ experiences and communities have simply
e_______ – and that show little or no signs of s______. There is an a_________ among consumers, not only that their
personal data helps to drive the r___ experiences that these companies provide, but also that s______ this data is the
p____ you pay for these experiences, in whole or in part. Without a better understanding of the what, when, and why
of data collection and use, the consumer is often left feeling v_________ and c________. “I love this restaurant-finder app
on my phone, but what happens to my data if I press ’ok’ when asked if that app can use my current location?”
A____ with tools that can provide them o______, the consumer moves from p______ b________ to a_____ p__________.

개인정보 역설이라는 개념에서 큰 역할을 하는 소비자는 흔히 간과되지만 (다른 이해관계자) 못지않게 중요한 이해관계자이다. 모든 종류
의 디지털 경험과 공동체에서 소비자 참여 수준은 그야말로 폭발적으로 증가해 왔으며, 둔화할 기미가 거의 또는 전혀 보이지 않는다. 소
비자들 사이에서는 이러한 회사들이 제공하는 풍부한 경험을 추진하는 데 자신들의 개인정보가 도움이 된다는 것뿐만 아니라, 이 정보를
공유하는 것이 전체로든 부분으로든, 이러한 경험에 대해 치르는 대가이기도 하다는 인식이 있다. 정보 수집 및 이용의 내용과 시기, 이유
에 대해 더 잘 이해하지 못할 경우, 소비자는 흔히 상처를 입기 쉽고 혼란스러운 느낌을 갖게 된다. “내 전화기에 있는 이 식당 검색 앱
이 마음에 들지만, 그 앱이 내 현재 위치를 이용할 수 있느냐고 물을 때, ‘ok’를 누르면 내 정보는 어떻게 되는 걸까?” 자신에게 선택권을
줄 수 있는 도구로 무장하면서 소비자는 수동적 방관자에서 능동적 참여자로 바뀐다.

G 선택형

Often [ overlooked / overlooking ], but just as important a stakeholder, [ is / being ] the consumer who plays a
large role in the notion of the privacy paradox. Consumer engagement levels in all manner of digital experiences and
communities have simply exploded – and that show little or no signs of [ slowing / accelerating ]. There is an
awareness among consumers, not only that their personal data helps to drive the rich experiences [ what / that ]
these companies provide, but also that [ sharing / share ] this data is the price you pay for these experiences, in
whole or in part. Without a better understanding of the what, when, and why of data collection and use, the
consumer is often left feeling [ unsusceptible / vulnerable ] and [ conflicted / conflicting ]. “I love this
restaurant-finder app on my phone, but [ that / what ] happens to my data if I press ’ok’ when [ asked / asking ] if
that app can use my current location?” [ Armed / Arm / Arming ] with tools that can provide [ them / themselves ]
options, the consumer moves from [ passive / involved ] bystander to [ indifferent / active ] participant.

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2023 수능특강 영어 변형문제 4강

G 요지

Often overlooked, but just as important a stakeholder, is the consumer who plays a large role in the notion of the
privacy paradox.

(A) Armed with tools that can provide them options, the consumer moves from passive bystander to active

(B) Without a better understanding of the what, when, and why of data collection and use, the consumer is often left
feeling vulnerable and conflicted. “I love this restaurant-finder app on my phone, but what happens to my data if I
press ’ok’ when asked if that app can use my current location?”

(C) Consumer engagement levels in all manner of digital experiences and communities have simply exploded – and
that show little or no signs of slowing. There is an awareness among consumers, not only that their personal data
helps to drive the rich experiences that these companies provide, but also that sharing this data is the price you pay
for these experiences, in whole or in part.

1. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A)
④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

2. 윗글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

① various experiences companies provide to consumers
② development of consumer engagement in digital society
③ misuse of personal data of consumer in digital companies
④ uselessness of consumer alertness about sharing personal data
⑤ necessity of understanding of data collection and use among consumers

실전 문제
G 연습 1-6

1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법이 틀린 것을 고르시오.
Often overlooked, but just as important a stakeholder, ①is the consumer who plays a large role in the notion of the
privacy paradox. Consumer engagement levels in all manner of digital experiences and communities have simply
exploded – and that show little or no signs of slowing. There is an awareness among consumers, not only that their
personal data helps to drive the rich experiences ②that these companies provide, but also that sharing this data is
the price you pay for these experiences, in whole or in part. Without a better understanding of the what, when, and
why of data collection and use, the consumer is often left feeling vulnerable and ③conflicted. “I love this
restaurant-finder app on my phone, but what happens to my data if I press ’ok’ when ④asked if that app can use
my current location?” ⑤Arming with tools that can provide them options, the consumer moves from passive
bystander to active participant.

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2. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

Often overlooked, but just as important a stakeholder, is the consumer who plays a large role in the notion of the
privacy paradox. Consumer engagement levels in all manner of digital experiences and communities have simply
exploded – and that show little or no signs of slowing. There is an awareness among consumers, not only that their
personal data helps to drive the rich experiences that these companies provide, but also that sharing this data is the
price you pay for these experiences, in whole or in part. Without a better understanding of the what, when, and why
of data collection and use, the consumer is often left feeling vulnerable and conflicted. “I love this restaurant-finder
app on my phone, but what happens to my data if I press ’ok’ when asked if that app can use my current location?”
Armed with tools that can provide them options, the consumer ___________________________________________________.

① gets better use of company’s services

➁ gets more aware of payment for digital experiences
➂ moves from passive bystander to active participant
➃ moves from general customer to specialized position
➄ is more recommended near good-tasted restaurants

3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것을 고르시오.

Often overlooked, but just as important a stakeholder, is the consumer who plays a large role in the notion of the
privacy ①paradox. Consumer engagement levels in all manner of digital experiences and communities have simply ②
②exploded – and that show little or no signs of slowing. There is an awareness among consumers, not only that
their personal data helps to drive the rich experiences that these companies provide, but also that ③sharing this data
is the price you pay for these experiences, in whole or in part. Without a better understanding of the what, when,
and why of data collection and use, the consumer is often left feeling ④unsusceptible and conflicted. “I love this
restaurant-finder app on my phone, but what happens to my data if I press ’ok’ when asked if that app can use my
current location?” Armed with tools that can provide them ⑤options, the consumer moves from passive bystander to
active participant.

4. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 보기의 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

Without a better understanding of the what, when, and why of data collection and use, the consumer is often left
feeling vulnerable and conflicted.

Often overlooked, but just as important a stakeholder, is the consumer who plays a large role in the notion of the
privacy paradox. ( ① ) Consumer engagement levels in all manner of digital experiences and communities have simply
exploded – and that show little or no signs of slowing. ( ② ) There is an awareness among consumers, not only that
their personal data helps to drive the rich experiences that these companies provide, but also that sharing this data
is the price you pay for these experiences, in whole or in part. ( ③ ) “I love this restaurant-finder app on my phone,
but what happens to my data if I press ’ok’ when asked if that app can use my current location?” ( ④ ) Armed with
tools that can provide them options, the consumer moves from passive bystander to active participant. ( ⑤ )

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5. 보기에 주어진 단어들을 활용하여 알맞은 문장을 작성하시오. (단, 변형 불가능)

Often overlooked, but just as important a stakeholder, is the consumer who plays a large role in the notion of the
privacy paradox. Consumer engagement levels in all manner of digital experiences and communities have simply
exploded – and that show little or no signs of slowing. There is an awareness among consumers, not only that their
personal data helps to drive the rich experiences that these companies provide, but also that sharing this data is the
price you pay for these experiences, in whole or in part. Without a better understanding of the what, when, and why
of data collection and use, the consumer is often left feeling vulnerable and conflicted. “I love this restaurant-finder
app on my phone, but what happens to my data if I press ’ok’ when asked if that app can use my current location?”
자신에게 선택권을 줄 수 있는 도구로 무장하면서 소비자는 수동적 방관자에서 능동적 참여자로 바뀐다.

<보기> consumers / bystander / can / with / options / from / passive / participant / tools / moves / the / that /
provide / active / to

→ Armed .

6. 주어진 한글에 맞도록 다음 빈칸들을 채우시오.

Often overlooked, but just as important a stakeholder, is the consumer who plays a large role in the notion of the
privacy paradox. Consumer engagement levels in all manner of digital experiences and communities have simply
exploded – and that show little or no signs of slowing. 소비자들 사이에서는 이러한 회사들이 제공하는 풍부한 경험을
추진하는 데 자신들의 개인정보가 도움이 된다는 것뿐만 아니라, 이 정보를 공유하는 것이 전체로든 부분으로든, 이러한
경험에 대해 치르는 대가이기도 하다는 인식이 있다. Without a better understanding of the what, when, and why of
data collection and use, the consumer is often left feeling vulnerable and conflicted. “I love this restaurant-finder app
on my phone, but what happens to my data if I press ’ok’ when asked if that app can use my current location?”
Armed with tools that can provide them options, the consumer moves from passive bystander to active participant.

1. 빈칸에는 하나의 단어만을 작성할 것.
2. 빈칸에는 주어진 철자로 시작하는 단어만을 작성할 것.

There is an a________ among consumers, not only that their personal data h____ to d____ the r___ experiences that
these companies p______, but also that s______ this data is the p____ you p__ for these experiences, in w____ or in

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Practice 01


P1 빈칸 채우기

The process of research is often not entirely r______l. In the classical application of the ‘scientific method’, the researcher
is supposed to develop a h__________, then design a crucial experiment to test it. If the hypothesis w_________ this test a
g______________ is then argued for, and an advance in understanding has been made. But where did the hypothesis come
from in the first place? I have a colleague whose favourite question is ‘Why is this so?’, and I’ve seen this i_______
question s____ b________ research projects on quite a few occasions. Research is a m______ of i________ (hypothesis
generation, musing over the odd and surprising, finding lines of attack on difficult problems) and rational thinking
(design and execution of crucial experiments, analysis of results in terms of existing theory). Most of the books on
research methods and design of experiments ㅡ there are hundreds of them ㅡ are concerned with the rational part, and
fail to deal with the c_______ part, yet without the c_______ part no real research would be done, no new i_______ would
be gained, and no new theories would be f_________.

흔히 연구 과정은 전적으로 합리적이지는 않다. ‘과학적 방법’의 전형적인 적용에서, 연구자는 가설을 세우고, 그런 다음 그것을 검증하기 위한 결정적
실험을 설계해야 한다. 만약 그 가설이 이 검증을 잘 견디면 그 후 일반화에 대한 지지를 얻게 되고, 이해의 진전이 이루어진 것이다. 하지만 그 가설
은 애초에 어디서 나온 것인가? 나에게는 ‘이것은 왜 그렇지?’라는 질문을 가장 좋아하는 동료가 있으며, 나는 이러한 순수한 질문이 상당히 많은 경
우에 훌륭한 연구 프로젝트를 탄생시키는 것을 보아 왔다. 연구는 영감(가설 생성, 이상하고 놀라운 것에 대해 숙고하기, 난제에 대한 대처 방안 찾기)
과 합리적 사고(결정적 실험의 설계와 실행, 기존 이론의 관점에서의 결과 분석)의 혼합이다. 연구 방법과 실험 설계에 관한 대부분의 책은 ㅡ 그런
책이 수백 권 있지만 ㅡ 합리적인 부분과 관련이 있으며 창의적인 부분은 다루지 않지만, 창의적인 부분이 없다면 어떤 진정한 연구도 이루어지지 않
을 것이고, 어떤 새로운 통찰력도 얻지 못할 것이며, 어떤 새로운 이론도 정립되지 않을 것이다.

P1 요지

The process of research is often not entirely rational. In the classical application of the ‘scientific method’, the researcher
is supposed to develop a hypothesis, then design a crucial experiment to test it. If the hypothesis withstands this test a
generalization [ is / being ] then [ argues / argued ] for, and an advance in understanding has been made. But [
whether / where ] did the hypothesis come from in the first place? I have a colleague [ whose / that ] favourite
question is ‘Why is this so?’, and I’ve seen this innocent question spawn brilliant research projects on quite [ few / a few
] occasions. Research is a mixture of [ inspiration / conspiration ](hypothesis generation, musing over the odd and
surprising, finding lines of attack on difficult problems) and [ rational / irrational ] thinking (design and execution of
crucial experiments, analysis of results in terms of existing theory). Most of the books on research methods and design
of experiments ㅡ there are hundreds of them ㅡ [ are / is ] concerned with the rational part, and [ fail / fails ] to deal
with the creative part, yet [ with / without ] the creative part no real research would be done, no new insights would be
gained, and no new theories would be formulated.

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P1 선택형

The process of research is often not entirely rational.

(A) I have a colleague whose favourite question is ‘Why is this so?’, and I’ve seen this innocent question spawn brilliant
research projects on quite a few occasions. Research is a mixture of inspiration (hypothesis generation, musing over the
odd and surprising, finding lines of attack on difficult problems) and rational thinking (design and execution of crucial
experiments, analysis of results in terms of existing theory).

(B) Most of the books on research methods and design of experiments ㅡ there are hundreds of them ㅡ are concerned
with the rational part, and fail to deal with the creative part, yet without the creative part no real research would be
done, no new insights would be gained, and no new theories would be formulated.

(C) In the classical application of the ‘scientific method’, the researcher is supposed to develop a hypothesis, then design
a crucial experiment to test it. If the hypothesis withstands this test a generalization is then argued for, and an advance
in understanding has been made. But where did the hypothesis come from in the first place?

1. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A)
④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

2. 윗글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

① contribution of research about creativity to society
② necessity of well-designed research logic suited to hypothesis
③ fallacy of generalization caused by the absence of creativity
④ severe intolerance of books about rational research
⑤ mixture of inspiration and rational thinking as an essence of research

실전 문제
P1 연습 1-6

1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법이 틀린 것을 고르시오.
The process of research is often not ①entirely rational. In the classical application of the ‘scientific method’, the
researcher is supposed to develop a hypothesis, then design a crucial experiment to test ②it. If the hypothesis withstands
this test a generalization is then argued for, and an advance in understanding has been made. But where did the
hypothesis come from in the first place? I have a colleague ③whom favourite question is ‘Why is this so?’, and I’ve seen
_____________________________________ on quite a few occasions. Research is a mixture of inspiration (hypothesis generation,
musing over the odd and surprising, finding lines of attack on difficult problems) and rational thinking (design and
execution of crucial experiments, analysis of results in terms of existing theory). Most of the books on research methods
and design of experiments ㅡ there are hundreds of them ㅡ ④are concerned with the rational part, and ⑤fail to deal
with the creative part, yet without the creative part no real research would be done, no new insights would be gained,
and no new theories would be formulated.

2. 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 답을 고르시오.

① the research eventually goes off topic
② the logic of research is supplemented
③ this doubt break the credibility of the research
④ this innocent question spawn brilliant research projects
⑤ the result of the research greatly contribute to the society

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3. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어휘가 잘못된 것을 고르시오.

The process of research is often not entirely ①rational. In the classical application of the ‘scientific method’, the
researcher is supposed to develop a hypothesis, then design a crucial experiment to test it. If the hypothesis ②withstands
this test a generalization is then argued for, and an advance in understanding has been made. But where did the
hypothesis come from in the first place? I have a colleague whose favourite question is ‘Why is this so?’, and I’ve seen
this ③innocent question spawn brilliant research projects on quite ④few occasions. Research is a mixture of inspiration
(hypothesis generation, musing over the odd and surprising, finding lines of attack on difficult problems) and rational
thinking (design and execution of crucial experiments, analysis of results in terms of existing theory). Most of the books
on research methods and design of experiments ㅡ there are hundreds of them ㅡ are concerned with the rational part,
and ⑤fail to deal with the creative part, yet without the creative part no real research would be done, no new insights
would be gained, and no new theories would be formulated.

4. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

But where did the hypothesis come from in the first place?

The process of research is often not entirely rational. ( ① ) In the classical application of the ‘scientific method’, the
researcher is supposed to develop a hypothesis, then design a crucial experiment to test it. If the hypothesis withstands
this test a generalization is then argued for, and an advance in understanding has been made. ( ② ) I have a colleague
whose favourite question is ‘Why is this so?’, and I’ve seen this innocent question spawn brilliant research projects on
quite a few occasions. ( ③ ) Research is a mixture of inspiration (hypothesis generation, musing over the odd and
surprising, finding lines of attack on difficult problems) and rational thinking (design and execution of crucial experiments,
analysis of results in terms of existing theory). ( ④ ) Most of the books on research methods and design of experiments
ㅡ there are hundreds of them ㅡ are concerned with the rational part, and fail to deal with the creative part, yet
without the creative part no real research would be done, no new insights would be gained, and no new theories would
be formulated. ( ⑤ )

5. <보기>의 단어들을 활용하여 주어진 한글 뜻에 맞게 문장을 완성하시오. (단, 변형 불가능)

The process of research is often not entirely rational. In the classical application of the ‘scientific method’, the researcher
is supposed to develop a hypothesis, then design a crucial experiment to test it. If the hypothesis withstands this test a
generalization is then argued for, and an advance in understanding has been made. But where did the hypothesis come
from in the first place? I have a colleague whose favourite question is ‘Why is this so?’, and I’ve seen this innocent
question spawn brilliant research projects on quite a few occasions. Research is a mixture of inspiration (hypothesis
generation, musing over the odd and surprising, finding lines of attack on difficult problems) and rational thinking
(design and execution of crucial experiments, analysis of results in terms of existing theory). Most of the books on
research methods and design of experiments ㅡ there are hundreds of them ㅡ are concerned with the rational part, and
fail to deal with the creative part, yet 창의적인 부분이 없다면 어떤 진정한 연구도 이루어지지 않을 것이고, 어떤 새로운 통찰력
도 얻지 못할 것이며, 어떤 새로운 이론도 정립되지 않을 것이다.

<보기> and / no / research / no / no / without / theories / creative / would / new / part / insights / real / would
/ the / gained / would / be / new / be / be / done / formulated

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6. 밑줄 친 부분이 해석에 적합한 내용이 되도록 문장을 완성하시오.

The process of research is often not entirely rational. In the classical application of the ‘scientific method’, the researcher
is supposed to develop a hypothesis, then design a crucial experiment to test it. 만약 그 가설이 이 검증을 잘 견디면 그 후
일반화에 대한 지지를 얻게 되고, 이해의 진전이 이루어진 것이다. But where did the hypothesis come from in the first place?
I have a colleague whose favourite question is ‘Why is this so?’, and I’ve seen this innocent question spawn brilliant
research projects on quite a few occasions. Research is a mixture of inspiration (hypothesis generation, musing over the
odd and surprising, finding lines of attack on difficult problems) and rational thinking (design and execution of crucial
experiments, analysis of results in terms of existing theory). Most of the books on research methods and design of
experiments ㅡ there are hundreds of them ㅡ are concerned with the rational part, and fail to deal with the creative
part, yet without the creative part no real research would be done, no new insights would be gained, and no new
theories would be formulated.

If the h_________ w_________ this test a g_____________ is then a______ for, and an a_______ in u___________ has been made.

Practice 02


P2 빈칸 채우기

It is not only through our a______ that we can give life m_______ ㅡ i______ as we can answer life’s specific questions
r_________ ㅡ we can f______ the demands of e________ not only as active a_____ but also as loving human beings: in
our loving d_________ to the beautiful, the great, the good. Should I perhaps try to explain for you with some
h________ phrase how and why experiencing b______ can make life m________? I prefer to c______ myself to the
following thought experiment: imagine that you are sitting in a concert hall and listening to your favorite symphony,
and your favorite bars of the symphony resound in your ears, and you are so moved by the music that it sends
shiver down your spine; and now imagine that it would be p_______ for someone to ask you in this moment whether
your life has meaning. I believe you would agree with me if I d_______ that in this case you would only be able to
give one answer, and it would go something like: “It would have been w____ it to have lived for this moment alone!”

우리가 삶의 특정한 질문에 책임감 있게 대답할 수 있는 한 우리가 삶에 의미를 부여할 수 있는 것은 우리의 행동을 통해서 뿐만이 아니다. 우리는
능동적인 행위자로서뿐만 아니라 애정 어린 인간으로서 존재의 요구를 충족시킬 수 있는데, 그것은 아름다운 것, 위대한 것, 선한 것에 대한 우리의
애정 어린 전념을 통해서이다. 아름다움을 경험하는 것이 어떻게 그리고 왜 삶의 의미있게 만들 수 있는지를 여러분을 위해 혹시 진부한 말로 설명하
도록 애써야 하겠는가? 나는 차라리 다음과 같은 사고 실험에만 국한해 보겠다. 여러분이 콘서트홀에 앉아 여러분이 가장 좋아하는 교향곡을 듣고 있
고, 여러분이 가장 좋아하는 교향곡의 마디가 여러분의 귓가에 울려 퍼지며, 여러분이 그 음악에 너무 감동하여 여러분의 등골이 전율할 정도라고 상
상해 보라. 그리고 이제 아마도 누군가가 여러분에게 이 순간 여러분의 삶이 의미가 있는지를 묻는 것이 가능할 것이라고 상상해 보라. 만약 여러분
이 이 경우에 단지 한 가지 대답을 할 수 있고, 그 대답이 “오직 이 순간만을 위해 살아왔더라도 그럴 만한 가치가 있었을 거야!”와 같은 것일 것이
라고 내가 언명한다면, 여러분은 내게 동의할 것이라고 나는 믿는다.

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2023 수능특강 영어 변형문제 4강

P2 선택형

It is not only through our actions [ that / which ] we can give life meaning ㅡ insofar as we can answer life’s
specific questions responsibly ㅡ we can fulfill the demands of existence not only as active agents but also as loving
human beings: in our loving dedication to the beautiful, the great, the good. Should I perhaps try [ explaining / to
explain ] for you with some hackneyed phrase how and why [ experiencing / experience ] beauty can make life [
meaningfully / meaningful ]? I prefer to confine myself to the following thought experiment: imagine that you are
sitting in a concert hall and listening to your favorite symphony, and your favorite bars of the symphony [ resound /
to resound ] in your ears, and you are so [ moved / moving ] by the music that it sends shiver down your spine;
and now imagine that it would be possible for someone [ to ask / asking ] you in this moment [ that / whether ]
your life has meaning. I believe you would agree with me if I [ declared / declare ] that in this case you would only
be able to give one answer, and it would go something like: “It would have been worth it to have lived for this
moment alone!”

P2 요지

It is not only through our actions that we can give life meaning ㅡ insofar as we can answer life’s specific questions
responsibly ㅡ we can fulfill the demands of existence not only as active agents but also as loving human beings: in
our loving dedication to the beautiful, the great, the good.

(A) I believe you would agree with me if I declared that in this case you would only be able to give one answer,
and it would go something like: “It would have been worth it to have lived for this moment alone!”

(B) Should I perhaps try to explain for you with some hackneyed phrase how and why experiencing beauty can make
life meaningful?

(C) I prefer to confine myself to the following thought experiment: imagine that you are sitting in a concert hall and
listening to your favorite symphony, and your favorite bars of the symphony resound in your ears, and you are so
moved by the music that it sends shiver down your spine; and now imagine that it would be possible for someone
to ask you in this moment whether your life has meaning.

1. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A)
④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

2. 윗글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

① fulfilling the demand of existence with the beauty of life
② tendency of people to pursue inner beauty than appearances
③ importance of finding a meaning of life
④ how to give others a beautiful meaning of life
⑤ effect of symphony as musical theraphy

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실전 문제
P2 연습 1-6

1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법이 틀린 것을 고르시오.
It is not only through our actions ①that we can give life meaning ㅡ insofar as we can answer life’s specific
questions responsibly ㅡ we can fulfill the demands of existence not only as active agents but also as loving human
beings: in our ________________ to the beautiful, the great, the good. Should I perhaps try ②to explain for you with
some hackneyed phrase how and why experiencing beauty can make life ③meaningfully? I prefer to confine myself to
the following thought experiment: imagine that you are sitting in a concert hall and listening to your favorite
symphony, and your favorite bars of the symphony resound in your ears, and you are so moved by the music that it
sends shiver down your spine; and now imagine that it would be possible for someone to ask you in this moment
④whether your life has meaning. I believe you would agree with me if I ⑤declared that in this case you would only
be able to give one answer, and it would go something like: “It would have been worth it to have lived for this
moment alone!”

2. 윗글의 빈칸에 가장 적절한 답을 고르시오.

① expensive payment
② underlying talent
③ complete indifference
④ vulnerable weakness
⑤ loving dedication

3. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어휘가 잘못된 것을 고르시오.

It is not only through our actions that we can give life meaning ㅡ insofar as we can answer life’s specific questions
①responsibly ㅡ we can fulfill the demands of existence not only as active agents but also as loving human beings:
in our loving dedication to the beautiful, the great, the good. Should I perhaps try to explain for you with some
hackneyed phrase how and why experiencing beauty can make life ②meaningful? I prefer to confine myself to the
following thought experiment: imagine that you are sitting in a concert hall and listening to your favorite symphony,
and your favorite bars of the symphony resound in your ears, and you are so moved by the music that it sends
shiver down your spine; and now imagine that it would be ③impossible for someone to ask you in this moment
whether your life has meaning. I believe you would ④agree with me if I declared that in this case you would only
be able to give one answer, and it would go something like: “It would have been ⑤worth it to have lived for this
moment alone!”

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4. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

Should I perhaps try to explain for you with some hackneyed phrase how and why experiencing beauty can make life

It is not only through our actions that we can give life meaning ㅡ insofar as we can answer life’s specific questions
responsibly ㅡ we can fulfill the demands of existence not only as active agents but also as loving human beings: in
our loving dedication to the beautiful, the great, the good. ( ① ) I prefer to confine myself to the following thought
experiment: imagine that you are sitting in a concert hall and listening to your favorite symphony, and your favorite
bars of the symphony resound in your ears, and you are so moved by the music that it sends shiver down your
spine; and now imagine that it would be possible for someone to ask you in this moment whether your life has
meaning. ( ② ) I believe you would agree with me if I declared that in this case you would only be able to give
one answer, and it would go something like: “It would have been worth it to have lived for this moment alone!” ( ③

5. <조건> 에 따라 한글 뜻에 맞는 문장을 영작하시오.

It is not only through our actions that we can give life meaning ㅡ insofar as we can answer life’s specific questions
responsibly ㅡ 우리는 능동적인 행위자로서뿐만 아니라 애정 어린 인간으로서 존재의 요구를 충족시킬 수 있는데, 그것은 아름다운
것, 위대한 것, 선한 것에 대한 우리의 애정 어린 전념을 통해서이다. Should I perhaps try to explain for you with some
hackneyed phrase how and why experiencing beauty can make life meaningful? I prefer to confine myself to the
following thought experiment: imagine that you are sitting in a concert hall and listening to your favorite symphony,
and your favorite bars of the symphony resound in your ears, and you are so moved by the music that it sends
shiver down your spine; and now imagine that it would be possible for someone to ask you in this moment whether
your life has meaning. I believe you would agree with me if I declared that in this case you would only be able to
give one answer, and it would go something like: “It would have been worth it to have lived for this moment alone!”

<조건> not only – but also 구문을 사용할 것

6. <보기>의 조건에 따라 한글 뜻에 맞는 문장을 영작하시오.

It is not only through our actions that we can give life meaning ㅡ insofar as we can answer life’s specific questions
responsibly ㅡ we can fulfill the demands of existence not only as active agents but also as loving human beings: in
our loving dedication to the beautiful, the great, the good. Should I perhaps try to explain for you with some
hackneyed phrase how and why experiencing beauty can make life meaningful? I prefer to confine myself to the
following thought experiment: imagine that you are sitting in a concert hall and listening to your favorite symphony,
and your favorite bars of the symphony resound in your ears, and 여러분이 그 음악에 너무 감동하여 여러분의 등골이 전
율할 정도이다 ; and now imagine that it would be possible for someone to ask you in this moment whether your life
has meaning. I believe you would agree with me if I declared that in this case you would only be able to give one
answer, and it would go something like: “It would have been worth it to have lived for this moment alone!”

<조건> so – that 구문을 사용할 것

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Practice 03


P3 빈칸 채우기

We are w____ more for the struggle for s_______ on the savannah than we are for urban life. As a result, “Situations
are constantly e________ as good or bad, requiring escape or permitting approach.” In everyday life, this means that
our a_______ to l______ is naturally greater than our a_________ to g___ (by a factor of two). We have an i______
mechanism to give p________ to b__ news. Our brains are set up to d______ a p_______ in a fraction of a second, much
quicker than the part of the brain that a____________ one has been seen. That is why we can act before we even
“know” we are acting. “T_____ are p__________ above o__________,” Kahneman says. This n______ tendency means that we
“o_________” u______ events, such as being caught in a terrorist attack. It also leads to us o_____________ our chances of
winning the lottery.

우리는 도시 생활보다는 초원에서의 생존 투쟁에 맞게 타고났다. 그 결과, “상황은 끊임없이 좋거나 나쁘다고 평가되어 도피를 요구하거나 접근을 허
용한다.” 일상생활에서, 이것은 손실에 대한 우리의 혐오가 당연히 이득에 대한 우리의 끌림보다 (두 배) 더 크다는 것을 의미한다. 우리는 나쁜 소식
에 우선순위를 부여하는 내재된 기제를 가지고 있다. 우리의 뇌는 몇 분의 1초 만에 포식자를 ‘감지’하도록 설정되어 있는데, 포식자가 목격되었다는
것을 ‘인지’하는 뇌 부위보다 훨씬 더 빠르다. 그런 이유로 우리는 우리가 행동하고 있다는 것을 ‘알기’도 전에 행동할 수 있다. “기회에 앞서 위협에
특전이 주어진다”라고 Kahneman은 말한다. 이런 타고난 성향은 우리가 테러리스트 공격에 처하는 것 같은 일어날 것 같지 않은 사건들을 ‘지나치게
중시한다’는 것을 의미한다. 그것은 또한 우리가 우리 자신이 복권에 당첨될 가능성을 과대평가하게 만든다.

P3 선택형

We are [ wired / wiring ] more for the struggle for survival on the savannah than we [ do / are ] for urban life. As
a result, “Situations are constantly evaluated as good or bad, [ requiring / required ] escape or permitting approach.”
In everyday life, this means that our aversion to losses [ are / is ] naturally [ greater / weaker ] than our attraction
to gain (by a factor of two). We have an inbuilt mechanism to give priority to [ bad / good ] news. Our brains are
set up to detect a predator in a [ friction / fraction ] of a second, much quicker than the part of the brain [ where /
that ] acknowledges one has been seen. That is why we can act before we even “know” we are acting. “Threats are
privileged above opportunities,” Kahneman says. This natural tendency means that we “overweight” [ likely / unlikely ]
events, such as being caught in a terrorist attack. It also leads to us [ overestimate / to overestimate / overestimating
] our chances of winning the lottery.

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P3 요지

We are wired more for the struggle for survival on the savannah than we are for urban life.

(A) This natural tendency means that we “overweight” unlikely events, such as being caught in a terrorist attack. It
also leads to us overestimating our chances of winning the lottery.

(B) We have an inbuilt mechanism to give priority to bad news. Our brains are set up to detect a predator in a
fraction of a second, much quicker than the part of the brain that acknowledges one has been seen. That is why we
can act before we even “know” we are acting. “Threats are privileged above opportunities,” Kahneman says.

(C) As a result, “Situations are constantly evaluated as good or bad, requiring escape or permitting approach.” In
everyday life, this means that our aversion to losses is naturally greater than our attraction to gain (by a factor of

1. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A)
④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

2. 윗글의 주제 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

① pros and cons of admitting damage appropriately
② absurd imagination of being caught by terrorists
③ percentage calculation of winning or losing lottery
④ innate tendency of people to give priority to bad news
⑤ exstrinsic tendency of people to take reasonable action

실전 문제
P3 연습 1-6

1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법이 틀린 것을 고르시오.
We are wired more for the struggle for survival on the savannah than we ①are for urban life. As a result, “Situations
are constantly evaluated as good or bad, ②requiring escape or permitting approach.” In everyday life, this means that
our aversion to losses ③is naturally greater than our attraction to gain (by a factor of two). We have
_________________________________. Our brains are set up to detect a predator in a fraction of a second, much quicker
than the part of the brain ④where acknowledges one has been seen. That is why we can act before we even “know”
we are acting. “Threats are privileged above opportunities,” Kahneman says. This natural tendency means that we
“overweight” unlikely events, such as being caught in a terrorist attack. It also leads to us ⑤overestimating our
chances of winning the lottery.

2. 윗글의 빈칸에 가장 적절한 말을 고르시오.

① an inbuilt mechanism to give priority to bad news
② act according to our own interests
③ persuade others by emphasizing good aspects
④ distribute our allies and enemies correctly
⑤ a duty to critically view all bad new and good news

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3. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

We are wired more for the struggle for survival on the savannah than we are for urban life. As a result, “Situations
are constantly evaluated as good or bad, requiring escape or permitting approach.” In everyday life, this means that
our aversion to losses is naturally ①greater than our attraction to gain (by a factor of two). We have an ②inbuilt
mechanism to give priority to ③good news. Our brains are set up to detect a predator in a fraction of a second,
much ④quicker than the part of the brain that acknowledges one has been seen. That is why we can act before we
even “know” we are acting. “Threats are privileged above opportunities,” Kahneman says. This natural tendency means
that we “overweight” ⑤unlikely events, such as being caught in a terrorist attack. It also leads to us overestimating
our chances of winning the lottery.

4. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

This natural tendency means that we “overweight” unlikely events, such as being caught in a terrorist attack.

We are wired more for the struggle for survival on the savannah than we are for urban life. ( ① ) As a result,
“Situations are constantly evaluated as good or bad, requiring escape or permitting approach.” ( ② ) In everyday life,
this means that our aversion to losses is naturally greater than our attraction to gain (by a factor of two). ( ③ ) We
have an inbuilt mechanism to give priority to bad news. Our brains are set up to detect a predator in a fraction of a
second, much quicker than the part of the brain that acknowledges one has been seen. ( ④ ) That is why we can
act before we even “know” we are acting. “Threats are privileged above opportunities,” Kahneman says. ( ⑤ ) It also
leads to us overestimating our chances of winning the lottery.

5. <보기>의 단어들을 활용하여 주어진 한글 뜻에 맞게 문장을 완성하시오. (단, 변형 불가능)

We are wired more for the struggle for survival on the savannah than we are for urban life. As a result, “Situations
are constantly evaluated as good or bad, requiring escape or permitting approach.” In everyday life, this means that
our aversion to losses is naturally greater than our attraction to gain (by a factor of two). We have an inbuilt
mechanism to give priority to bad news. 우리의 뇌는 몇 분의 1초 만에 포식자를 ‘감지’하도록 설정되어 있는데, 포식자가 목격
되었다는 것을 ‘인지’하는 뇌 부위보다 훨씬 더 빠르다. That is why we can act before we even “know” we are acting.
“Threats are privileged above opportunities,” Kahneman says. This natural tendency means that we “overweight”
unlikely events, such as being caught in a terrorist attack. It also leads to us overestimating our chances of winning
the lottery.

<보기> predator / second / fraction / a / acknowledges / part / quicker / seen / brain / the / set / one / much /
our / of / to / brains / detect / up / are / than / of / a / the / that / a / in / been / has

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6. 주어진 한글 뜻에 맞게 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 작성할 것.

We are wired more for the struggle for survival on the savannah than we are for urban life. As a result, “Situations
are constantly evaluated as good or bad, requiring escape or permitting approach.” In everyday life, this means that
our aversion to losses is naturally greater than our attraction to gain (by a factor of two). We have an inbuilt
mechanism to give priority to bad news. Our brains are set up to detect a predator in a fraction of a second, much
quicker than the part of the brain that acknowledges one has been seen. That is why we can act before we even
“know” we are acting. “Threats are privileged above opportunities,” Kahneman says. 이런 타고난 성향은 우리가 테러리스
트 공격에 처하는 것 같은 일어날 것 같지 않은 사건들을 ‘지나치게 중시한다’는 것을 의미한다. It also leads to us
overestimating our chances of winning the lottery.

각 빈칸에는 주어진 철자로 시작하는 하나의 단어만을 작성할 것.

This n_______ t_______ means that we “o_________” u_______ events, such as being c_____ in a t________ attack.

Practice 04


P4 빈칸 채우기

A key assumption in consumer societies has been the idea that “money buys happiness.” Historically, there is a good
reason for this assumption ㅡ until the last few generations, a m_______ of people have lived close to s__________, so an
i_______ in income brought g______ increases in m_______ well-being (e.g., food, shelter, health care) and this has produced
more happiness. However, in a number of developed nations, levels of m_______ well-being have moved beyond
s__________ to u____________ a_________. Developed nations have had several generations of u___________ material p_________,
and a clear understanding is emerging: More money does bring more happiness when we are living on a very l__
income. However, as a global average, when per c_____ income reaches the range of $13,0000 per year, a_________ income
adds relatively little to our happiness, while other factors such as personal f______, meaningful work, and social t________
add much more. Often, a doubling or tripling of income in developed nations has not led to an increase in p________

소비 사회의 핵심 가정은 ‘돈으로 행복을 얻는다’는 생각이었다. 역사적으로, 이러한 가정에는 충분한 이유가 있다. 즉, 지난 몇 세대 전까지 대다수
사람이 최저 생계에 가깝게 살아왔기 때문에, 소득 증가는 물질적 복지(예를 들어, 음식, 주거, 의료)의 진정한 향상을 가져왔으며, 이는 더 많은 행복
을 낳았다. 그러나 많은 선진국에서 물질적 복지의 수준이 최저 생계를 넘어 전례 없는 풍요로 옮겨 갔다. 선진국은 여러 세대에 걸쳐 비할 데 없는
물질적 번영을 누려 왔고, 명확한 이해가 부상하고 있는데, 우리가 매우 낮은 수입으로 생활할 때는 더 많은 돈이 더 많은 행복을 가져온다는 것이다.
그러나 세계 평균으로서, 1인당 소득이 연간 13,000달러 범위에 이르면, 추가 소득이 우리의 행복을 상대적으로 거의 늘리지 않지만, 개인의 자유, 의
미 있는 일, 그리고 사회적 관용과 같은 다른 요소들이 훨씬 더 많이 보탬이 된다. 흔히 선진국에서는 소득이 두 배 또는 세 배로 증가해도 체감되는
행복의 증대를 가져오지는 않았다.

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2023 수능특강 영어 변형문제 4강

P4 선택형

A key assumption in consumer societies [ has / have ] been the idea that “money buys happiness.” Historically, there is
a good reason for this assumption ㅡ until the last few generations, a [ minority / majority ] of people [ has / have ]
lived [ close / closely ] to subsistence, so an increase in income brought genuine [ increases / decreases ] in material
well-being (e.g., food, shelter, health care) and this has produced more happiness. However, in a number of developed
nations, levels of material well-being [ has / have ] moved beyond subsistence to unprecedented abundance. Developed
nations have had several generations of unparalleled material [ prosperity / deficiency ], and a clear understanding is
emerging: More money does [ bring / to bring ] more happiness when we are living on a very [ high / low ] income.
However, as a global average, when per capita income reaches the range of $13,0000 per year, additional income adds
relatively [ a lot / little ] to our happiness, while other factors such as personal freedom, meaningful work, and social
tolerance [ add / adds ] much more. Often, a doubling or tripling of income in developed nations has not led to an [
decrease / increase ] in perceived well-being.

P4 요지

A key assumption in consumer societies has been the idea that “money buys happiness.”

(A) However, in a number of developed nations, levels of material well-being have moved beyond subsistence to
unprecedented abundance. Developed nations have had several generations of unparalleled material prosperity, and a
clear understanding is emerging: More money does bring more happiness when we are living on a very low income.

(B) Historically, there is a good reason for this assumption ㅡ until the last few generations, a majority of people have
lived close to subsistence, so an increase in income brought genuine increases in material well-being (e.g., food, shelter,
health care) and this has produced more happiness.

(C) However, as a global average, when per capita income reaches the range of $13,0000 per year, additional income
adds relatively little to our happiness, while other factors such as personal freedom, meaningful work, and social tolerance
add much more. Often, a doubling or tripling of income in developed nations has not led to an increase in perceived

1. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A)
④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

2. 윗글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

① assumptions and facts about the relationship between increased income and well-being
② assumptions and facts about average income in developed nation
③ how people in developed nation find happiness from little thing
④ how people in developed nation earn money
⑤ why people cannot buy happiness with money

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2023 수능특강 영어 변형문제 4강

실전 문제
P4 연습 1-6

1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법이 틀린 것을 고르시오.
A key assumption in consumer societies has been the idea ①that “money buys happiness.” Historically, there is a good
reason for this assumption ㅡ until the last few generations, a majority of people have lived close to subsistence, so an
increase in income brought genuine increases in material well-being (e.g., food, shelter, health care) and this has
produced more happiness. However, in ②a number of developed nations, levels of material well-being
_________________________________________________. Developed nations have had several generations of unparalleled material
prosperity, and a clear understanding is ③emerging: More money does ④to bring more happiness when we are living on
a very low income. However, as a global average, when per capita income reaches the range of $13,0000 per year,
additional income adds relatively little to our happiness, while other factors such as personal freedom, meaningful work,
and social tolerance ⑤add much more. Often, a doubling or tripling of income in developed nations has not led to an
increase in perceived well-being.

2. 윗글의 빈칸에 가장 적절한 답을 고르시오.

① have moved from undeserved wealth to moderate resources to make a living
② have moved beyond subsistence to unprecedented abundance
③ cause nation to take out insurance for protection of property
④ cause nation to enjoy livelihood prosperity regardless of wealth
⑤ contain nutritional well-being for health

3. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어휘가 잘못된 것을 고르시오.

A key assumption in consumer societies has been the idea that “money buys happiness.” Historically, there is a ①good
reason for this assumption ㅡ until the last few generations, a ②majority of people have lived close to subsistence, so an
increase in income brought genuine increases in material well-being (e.g., food, shelter, health care) and this has
produced more happiness. However, in a number of developed nations, levels of material well-being have moved beyond
subsistence to unprecedented abundance. Developed nations have had several generations of unparalleled material ③
prosperity, and a clear understanding is emerging: More money does bring more happiness when we are living on a very
④high income. However, as a global average, when per capita income reaches the range of $13,0000 per year, additional
income adds relatively ⑤little to our happiness, while other factors such as personal freedom, meaningful work, and
social tolerance add much more. Often, a doubling or tripling of income in developed nations has not led to an increase
in perceived well-being.

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4. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

However, in a number of developed nations, levels of material well-being have moved beyond subsistence to
unprecedented abundance.

A key assumption in consumer societies has been the idea that “money buys happiness.” ( ① ) Historically, there is a
good reason for this assumption ㅡ until the last few generations, a majority of people have lived close to subsistence,
so an increase in income brought genuine increases in material well-being (e.g., food, shelter, health care) and this has
produced more happiness. ( ② ) Developed nations have had several generations of unparalleled material prosperity, and
a clear understanding is emerging: More money does bring more happiness when we are living on a very low income. (
③ ) However, as a global average, when per capita income reaches the range of $13,0000 per year, additional income
adds relatively little to our happiness, while other factors such as personal freedom, meaningful work, and social tolerance
add much more. ( ④ ) Often, a doubling or tripling of income in developed nations has not led to an increase in
perceived well-being. ( ⑤ )

5. <보기>의 단어들을 활용하여 주어진 한글 뜻에 맞게 문장을 완성하시오. (단, 변형 불가능)

A key assumption in consumer societies has been the idea that “money buys happiness.” Historically, there is a good
reason for this assumption ㅡ until the last few generations, a majority of people have lived close to subsistence, so an
increase in income brought genuine increases in material well-being (e.g., food, shelter, health care) and this has
produced more happiness. However, in a number of developed nations, levels of material well-being have moved beyond
subsistence to unprecedented abundance. 선진국은 여러 세대에 걸쳐 비할 데 없는 물질적 번영을 누려 왔고, 명확한 이해가 부
상하고 있는데, 우리가 매우 낮은 수입으로 생활할 때는 더 많은 돈이 더 많은 행복을 가져온다는 것이다. However, as a global
average, when per capita income reaches the range of $13,0000 per year, additional income adds relatively little to our
happiness, while other factors such as personal freedom, meaningful work, and social tolerance add much more. Often, a
doubling or tripling of income in developed nations has not led to an increase in perceived well-being.

<보기> several / emerging / and / material / : / bring / when / very / a / are / clear / developed / of / have /
understanding / generations / unparalleled / nations / had / prosperity / more / a / is / does / happiness / we /
money / more / on / income / living / low

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6. 주어진 한글 표현에 맞게 빈칸을 완성하시오.

A key assumption in consumer societies has been the idea that “money buys happiness.” Historically, there is a good
reason for this assumption ㅡ until the last few generations, a majority of people have lived close to subsistence, so an
increase in income brought genuine increases in material well-being (e.g., food, shelter, health care) and this has
produced more happiness. 그러나 많은 선진국에서 물질적 복지의 수준이 최저 생계를 넘어 전례 없는 풍요로 옮겨 갔다.
Developed nations have had several generations of unparalleled material prosperity, and a clear understanding is
emerging: More money does bring more happiness when we are living on a very low income. However, as a global
average, when per capita income reaches the range of $13,0000 per year, additional income adds relatively little to our
happiness, while other factors such as personal freedom, meaningful work, and social tolerance add much more. Often, a
doubling or tripling of income in developed nations has not led to an increase in perceived well-being.

1. 각 빈칸에는 주어진 철자로 시작하는 하나의 단어만을 작성할 것
2. (A)에는 모두 같은 단어를 작성할 것

However, in a number of d________ nations, levels of m______ well-being have moved b______ s__________ to u____________

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2023 수능특강 영어 변형문제 4강


[빈칸 채우기] overlooked, consumer, paradox, digital, exploded, slowing, awareness, rich, sharing, price, vulnerable,
conflicted, Armed, options, passive, bystander, active, participant
[어법/어휘 선택형] overlooked, is, slowing, that, sharing, vulnerable, conflicted, what, asked, Armed, them, passive,
[순서/주제, 요지] 1. ④ (C)-(A)-(B) 2. ⑤
[실전 문제 연습 1] ⑤ Arming
[실전 문제 연습 2] ③ moves from passive bystander to active participant
[실전 문제 연습 3] ④ unsusceptible
[실전 문제 연습 4] ③
[실전 문제 연습 5] Armed with tools that can provide them options, the consumer moves from passive bystander to
active participant.
[실전 문제 연습 6] There is an awareness among consumers, not only that their personal data helps to drive the rich
experiences that these companies provide, but also that sharing this data is the price you pay for these
experiences, in whole or in part.

<Practice 01>
[빈칸 채우기] rational, hypothesis, withstands, generalization, innocent, spawn, brilliant, mixture, inspiration, creative,
creative, insights, formulated
[어법/어휘 선택형] is, argued, where, whose, a few, inspiration, rational, are, fail, without
[순서/주제, 요지] 1. ④ 2. ⑤
[실전 문제 연습 1] ③
[실전 문제 연습 2] ④
[실전 문제 연습 3] ④
[실전 문제 연습 4] ②
[실전 문제 연습 5] without the creative part no real research would be done, no new insights would be gained, and no
new theories would be formulated.
[실전 문제 연습 6] If the hypothesis withstands this test a generalization is then argued for, and an advance in
understanding has been made.

<Practice 02>
[빈칸 채우기] actions, meaning, insofar, responsibly, fulfill, existence, agents, dedication, hackneyed, beauty, meaningful,
confine, possible, declared, worth
[어법/어휘 선택형] that, to explain, experiencing, meaningful, resound, moved, to ask, whether, declared
[순서/주제, 요지] 1. ③ 2. ①
[실전 문제 연습 1] ③
[실전 문제 연습 2] ⑤
[실전 문제 연습 3] ③
[실전 문제 연습 4] ①
[실전 문제 연습 5] we can fulfill the demands of existence not only as active agents but also as loving human beings:
in our loving dedication to the beautiful, the great, the good.
[실전 문제 연습 6] you are so moved by the music that it sends shiver down your spine

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<Practice 03>
[빈칸 채우기] wired, survival, evaluated, aversion, losses, attraction, gain, inbuilt, priority, bad, detect, predator,
acknowledges, threats, privileged, opportunities, natural, overweight, unlikely, overestimating
[어법/어휘 선택형] wired, are, requiring, is, greater, bad, fraction, that, unlikely, overestimating
[순서/주제, 요지] 1. ⑤ 2. ④
[실전 문제 연습 1] ④
[실전 문제 연습 2] ①
[실전 문제 연습 3] ③
[실전 문제 연습 4] ⑤
[실전 문제 연습 5] Our brains are set up to detect a predator in a fraction of a second, much quicker than the part
of the brain that acknowledges one has been seen.
[실전 문제 연습 6] This natural tendency means that we “overweight” unlikely events, such as being caught in a
terrorist attack.

<Practice 04>
[빈칸 채우기] majority, subsistence, increase, genuine, material, material, subsistence, unprecedented, abundance,
unparalleled, prosperity, low, capita, additional, freedom, tolerance, perceived
[어법/어휘 선택형] has, majority, have, close, increases, have, prosperity, bring, low, little, add, increase
[순서/주제, 요지] 1. ② 2. ①
[실전 문제 연습 1] ④
[실전 문제 연습 2] ②
[실전 문제 연습 3] ④
[실전 문제 연습 4] ③
[실전 문제 연습 5] Developed nations have had several generations of unparalleled material prosperity, and a clear
understanding is emerging: More money does bring more happiness when we are living on a very low income.
[실전 문제 연습 6] However, in a number of developed nations, levels of material well-being have moved beyond
subsistence to unprecedented abundance.

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