Class11 - CH 5

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1) Introduction
2) Keywords
3) Identifiers
4) Datatypes
5) Operators
6) Comments
7) Expression
8) Input – Output
9) Type conversion
10) Debugging

Introduction - Basics -
What is Python ?
Python is a programming language
- Developed by Guido van Rossum in 1997
- Used to develop Games, Websites, Apps, etc.
- Simple and Portable
- Free and Open source
- Case Sensitive KEYWORDS – Reserved Words in Python
- High level language
IDENTIFIERS – Name given to a Variable
- Uses interpreter
Variable – used to store data
Python modes ? A = 5435, Russian = 6000

- Interactive Naming Rules :-

- Script 1. Can start either with alphabet or underscore
2. Can’t use special symbols
print(“ ”) is used to show output 3. Keywords can’t be used

© Youth Af
Datatypes - Operators -
1. Numeric – ❑ Arithmetic : + - * / ** // %
❑ Int : 45, 69, 0, -1, -50 ❑ Comparison : > < <= >= == !=
❑ Float : 5.24, 2.356, 0.541 ❑ Logical : and or not
❑ Complex : 5 +4j, 36+2j ❑ Assignment : = += -= *= /= //= %=
❑ Boolean : 0, 1 ❑ Identity : is isnot
❑ Membership : in notin
2. Sequence –
❑ String : ‘Lana’, “Daniels”
❑ Tuple :
❑ List :
Comments -
3. Sets – No duplicate items
Comments are lines of code which are ignored

4. None – unknown / missing value by python.

5. Dictionary – Key value Pairs Comments start with #

Used For explanation of our code.

© Youth Af

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