Life in A Desert

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Topic: Life in a Desert

Long Type Questions

Q1) 1. Lying in the rain-shadow of the Great Himalayan Range,

Ladakh virtually receives no rainfall.

2. The annual rainfall is as low as 10 cm. Westerly disturbances and

the bitter cold winds from Central Asia bring snowfall to the region
which feeds the glaciers in the mountains.

3. The winds entering through the passes bring heavy snowfall during
winter. For all these reasons, the climate here is extreme with summer
temperatures varying between 30 degree celsuis during the day and -
3 degree celsuis at night while winter temperatures remain below
freezing point.

Q2) 1.The economy in Ladakh is based on agriculture, animal rearing

and tourism.

2. Desert conditions have forced the farmers to develop unique

irrigation systems using water melted from the glaciers.

3. During winter, the people engage themselves in weaving which is

mostly done on primitive looms.

4.Handicrafts also occupy an important place in traditional Ladakhi

society in the form of knitting, weaving, woodcarving, metal work and
making embroidered tangkas or silk.

Q3) 1. Due to lack of vegetation and bitter cold, Ladakh has limited
fauna. During the short summer season, hare, marmots, barasingha
and lizards are visible.
2.The animal most suited to the climate and terrain is yak with its thick
shaggy coat besides, mountain goats, sheep, Tibetan wild ass .

3.Yak, besides being a beast of burden, also provides milk, wool and
hair while goats and sheep provide milk, meat and hide.

4.In the Sahara region, animals found are herds of camels, sheep and
goats which provide milk, meat, hide which is used to make tents,
belts, water bags and hair which is used for making carpets, mats,
blankets, etc.

5.The camel or the ship of the desert is the best adapted animal and
also used for transport.

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