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國立臺灣大學學生停修課程申請表 NTU Course Withdrawal Application Form

112 學年第 2 學期 2nd Semester of the Academic year 2023/2024

注意事項 Information:
一、 申請人應上網登錄並列印申請表,送請任課教師同意(可以簽章或以郵件表示)。於申請期限截止之前,擇一方式繳交
:紙本送至所屬教務單位(研究生教務組),或將申請表、任課教師同意文件,合併成一個 PDF檔上傳至「 停修課程
網路申請系統 」。
Students shall go to the Withdrawal Application System, apply course withdrawal online, download and complete the form, obtain the
signatures of the classes’ instructors (the instructors can reply the email or sign on the form as approval), and submit the form to (the Division
of Graduate Academic Affairs), or combine the form and the approval of the instructors into one PDF file and upload the file to the
Withdrawal Application System” before deadline.
二、 申請期限:依本校行事曆規定於 2024 年 05 月 10 日(五) 17:00 截止。
Application Period: According to school calendar no later than 2024/05/10 ( Friday ) 17:00 .

申請人資料 Applicant Data R09851012

系所 食安所 學號
Department Student ID No

年級 4 姓名 吳宗憲
Year Name
聯絡電話 0988029570 申請日期 2024/05/07
Contact Phone Application Date
Curriculum Identity No. & Class 449 M1290
of the Withdrawn Course

停修課程流水號 41379
Serial No.

課程名稱 學分 任課教師 上課時間

Course Title Credit Course Instructor Course Schedule

臨床免疫學【Clinical Immunology】 2.00 繆希椿 五6,7

停修後本學期修習總數 碩博士班學生Graduate Student: 4 科 Courses

Total credits or courses
taken excluded * 停修後修習科目不得少於一個科目(含論文)。
withdrawn course(s). At least one course (including thesis/ dissertation) should be taken after the course withdrawal.
Course Instructor’s Signature

月(mm) 日(dd)
【保存期限:1 年】
停修申請表收執聯 Student Receipt for Withdrawn Course
申請期別: 112 學年第 2 學期 2nd Semester of the Academic year 2023/2024
學號 Student ID No.:R09851012
姓名 Name:吳宗憲
停修課程課號班次 Withdrawn Course Identity No. & Class:449 M1290
停修課程名稱 Withdrawn Course Title:臨床免疫學【Clinical Immunology】

教務單位收件人簽章 Signature (Staff only):

1. 請於繳交申請表之次日上網檢查選課結果,確認業已加入停修紀錄。
Please confirm the result on the school website on the next working day to make sure the
course has been successfully withdrawn.
2. 本聯請保存至查詢到成績到齊無誤為止,收件人未簽名或蓋章者無效。
Please keep this receipt until all grades have been confirmed. This form should be ratified
by the Office of Academic Affairs, NTU.
2024/5/7 上午10:25 臨床免疫學停修 - - National Taiwan University 郵件


34 第 1 個,
臨床免疫學停修 收件匣 ×
收件匣 34
已加星號 吳宗憲 5月3日 週五 上
繆教授好: 我是修習臨床免疫學的吳宗憲同學,因個人修課考量,想跟老師申請停修,請老師以email同意且回覆我,以利後續作業。 謝謝老師 宗憲 敬上
繆希椿 上午6:31 (3 小時前
草稿 10
寄給 我
更多 宗憲同學你好:


取得 iOS 版 Outlook

寄件者: 吳宗憲 <>

寄件日期: Thursday, May 2, 2024 11:16:59 AM
收件者: <>
主旨: 臨床免疫學停修


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